Awesome List Updates on Dec 13, 2021
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Containerization
- ros2-docker - Connecting ROS 2 nodes running in Docker containers over the internet.
Packages / Networking
- Husarnet VPN (⭐241) - A P2P, secure network layer dedicated for ROS & ROS 2.
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Husarnet - Open Source, P2P, low-latency VPN dedicated for robots.
2. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- terraform-credentials-vault (⭐5) - A Terraform "credentials helper" plugin that allows providing credentials for Terraform-native services (private module registries, Terraform Cloud, etc) via environment variables.
- terrastate (⭐76) - Visual Studio Code extension to monitor/deploy/destroy Terraform resources in your workspace
- tfvaultenv (⭐47) - tfvaultenv reads secrets from HashiCorp Vault and outputs environment variables for various Terraform providers with those secrets.
3. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / WARC I/O Libraries
- FastWARC (⭐95) - A high-performance WARC parsing library (Python).
4. Awesome Design Systems
Develop isolated components
- Backlight - Collaborative platform to build Design Systems on the code side. Empower your front-end with an all-in-one solution to manage components. Quick start, speed-up collaboration.
5. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- OSDN - is a free-of-charge service for open-source software developers, offering SVN/Git/Mercurial/Bazaar/CVS repositories.
6. Awesome Plotters
Software / G-code
- node-gcode (⭐34) - Node.js G-code interpreter and simulator.
- svg2gcode (⭐55) - Node.js command line utility for converting SVG to G-code.
- svg2gcode (⭐94) - Python utility for fast SVG to G-code conversion.
- jscut - A web-based utility for converting SVG to G-code.
- gcodeplot (⭐174) - Python utility to convert SVG and HPGL to G-code for a 3-axis CNC machine.
7. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- vue-use-paginator (⭐18) - Vue 3 use-hook to reactively paginate data and arrange paginator buttons. Completely renderless.
8. Discount for Student Dev
Visual Analytics
- AnyChart [FREE] - A flexible JavaScript library for creating interactive charts, maps, and dashboards for visual analytics. Provides students with a free license for use in their education or other non-commercial projects.
9. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers / React
- CraftQL (⭐109) - A CLI tool to visualize GraphQL schemas and to output a graph data structure as a graphviz .dot format.
10. Awesome Preact
Contents / Boilerplates
- Electron TypeScript Preact Boilerplate (⭐5) - Electron starter project with TypeScript and Preact support, powered by esbuild.
11. Tools
Code Playgrounds
12. Awesome Dataviz
JavaScript tools / Charting libraries
- GraphicsJS - Lightweight JS graphics library with intuitive API, based on SVG/VML.
13. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
14. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Image processing
- rust-cv/cv (⭐879) - Implement computer vision algorithms, abstractions, and systems.
is supported where possible.
15. Awesome Fastapi
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Events (⭐458) - Asynchronous event dispatching/handling library for FastAPI and Starlette.
- Prev: Dec 14, 2021
- Next: Dec 12, 2021