Awesome List Updates on Dec 04, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Health
- WHO Data - The World Health Organization's (WHO) health data collections featuring international datasets on health indicators and related data.
2. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
3. Awesome Geojson
- OpenStreetMap
- osmtogeojson (⭐709): convert OpenStreetMap data to GeoJSON
- osm2geojson (⭐12): converts OSM XML to GeoJSON
- osm2geojson (⭐102): (Python) converts OSM XML and Overpass XML/JSON to GeoJSON
- minjur (⭐59): converts OpenStreetMap data to GeoJSON faster than anything else
- geojsontoosm (⭐22): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML
- geojson2osm (⭐6): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML
- osm-and-geojson (⭐90): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML and OSM XML to GeoJSON
- geojson2osm-es6 (⭐1): convert GeoJSON to OSM XML
- query-overpass (⭐157) CLI to make Overpass query and transform result to GeoJSON. Based on osmtogeojson (⭐709)
4. Awesome Programming for Kids
- Code-a-pillar - A walking and singing catapiller toy that can be programmed by connecting a series of segments that give instructions.
Upper Elementary
- Sphereo - A spherical robot that can be programmed with a block-programming language in a companion app.
5. ALL About RSS
FreshRSS / Outline Processor Markup Language
6. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- andersevenrud/nordic.nvim (⭐175) - A nord-esque colorscheme.
Utility / Diagnostics
- stevearc/dressing.nvim (⭐2k) - Improve the built-in
interfaces with telescope, fzf, etc.
7. Awesome Dotnet
Application Frameworks
- Signals (⭐61) - Signals is a .NET5 based framework which focuses on increasing the quality and productivity within development teams by providing them with tools, aspects and processes.
- FlatSharp (⭐519) - Fast, idiomatic FlatBuffers implementation. Use .fbs files or attributes.
8. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- Datree — Open Source CLI tool to prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations by ensuring that manifests and Helm charts follow best practices as well as your organization’s policies
Storage and Media Processing
- imgen - Free unlimited social cover image generation API, no watermark
9. Public Apis
Science & Math
API: Noctua
Description: REST API used to access NoctuaSky features
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Create and edit videos programmatically: watermarks,resizing,slideshows,voice-over,text animations
- Prev: Dec 05, 2021
- Next: Dec 03, 2021