Awesome List Updates on Mar 22 - Mar 28, 2021
57 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Humane Tech
- Databunker
- Databunker is a network-based, self-hosted, GDPR compliant, secure storage for personal data.
2. Awesome Esolangs
- FreakC (⭐129) - Full-blown programming language with NSFW contents and memes.
- JellyScript - Brainfuck-based with delicious jelly.
3. Discount for Student Dev
Software Packs
- Azure for Students [FREE / DISCOUNT] - Subscriptions provide access to Azure services. Azure for Students gives you $100 credit for 12 months. It includes access to more than 25 free services, including compute, network, storage, and databases. Any charges incurred during this period are deducted from the credit.
4. Awesome Programming for Kids
Lower Elementary
- Hopscotch - Hopscotch is a code block editor like Scratch, but in an iOS app. Can program code to react to tipping and shaking the device.
- Evo from Ozobot - Evo is a tiny robot that can move, light up, and make sounds. Also it detects what color it is driving on. It can follow commands based on the color of the line it is following. Or, it can be programmed using a code block editor like Scratch. Hold the robot up to a flashing dot on the screen, and the website will load the program onto the robot with light flashes.
Upper Elementary
- - TinkerCAD is a free, 3D CAD modeling software program for children. Users can also manipulate the shapes using code blocks like Scratch.
- Code Combat - Code a hero to compete heroic tasks using Javascript or Python. The hero gets new weapons or skills whenever the user learns a new method.
5. Awesome Static Website Services
E-Commerce / Provided by the Host
- Snipcart - Include a few lines of code for a full online shop.
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming
- MediaCMS - MediaCMS is a modern, fully featured open source video and media CMS, written in Python/Django/React, featuring a REST API. (Source Code (⭐3.2k))
7. Awesome Vite
Templates / Svelte
- svelte-vite-ssr (⭐59) - Svelte with SSR support.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders
- vite-plugin-radar (⭐144) - All in one analytics loader (with 7+ providers supported).
8. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Cloud platform security / Kubernetes
- kube-forensics (⭐212) - Allows a cluster administrator to dump the current state of a running pod and all its containers so that security professionals can perform off-line forensic analysis.
Communications security (COMSEC) / Service meshes
- GlobaLeaks - Free, open source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.
- SecureDrop - Open source whistleblower submission system that media organizations and NGOs can install to securely accept documents from anonymous sources.
Operating System distributions / Firewall appliances or distributions
- Qubes OS - Desktop environment built atop the Xen hypervisor project that runs each end-user program in its own virtual machine intended to provide strict security controls to constrain the reach of any successful malware exploit.
9. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers
- SigPloit (⭐97) - Signaling security testing framework dedicated to telecom security for researching vulnerabilites in the signaling protocols used in mobile (cellular phone) operators.
10. Awesome Jamstack
Tutorials / Articles / Automation
11. Awesome K6
- k6-reporter (⭐396) - Tool for converting k6 output to HTML reports.
12. Awesome Cakephp
- Cake/ElasticSearch plugin (⭐85) - Alternative ORM using Elasticsearch as its backend.
- Recaptcha plugin (⭐21) - Simple, lightweight Google Recaptcha v2.
- TwigView plugin (⭐14) - A plugin to use the Twig Templating Language for views.
13. Awesome Typescript
Standalone apps / Playground
- 🐙 App Outlet (⭐391) - An universal linux app store for AppImages/Flatpaks/Snaps written in TypeScript + Angular
14. Awesome Devenv
Workflow / Extensions
- just - A task runner for conveniently saving and running project-specific commands. Similar to make, but much nicer
15. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Computing for the Quantum Curious - Freely available quantum computing textbook aimed at high school students, undergraduate students and the general public.
16. Awesome Xamarin
- SimpleLocalize ★19 (⭐40) - Open source tool for managing i18n keys in Xmarin projects.
- Apizr ★4 (⭐109) - Refit based web api client, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority, etc...).
- IridescentView (⭐19) - A custom Xamarin.Android ImageView with iridescence effect.
- Planet Xamarin - An aggregator of content from Xamarin Community members. Why subscribe individually when you can subscribe to one convenient RSS feed? If RSS isn't your thing, follow the Twitter or Facebook accounts which are automatically updated with the latest content from the community.
17. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- Golem Network is an accessible, reliable, open access and censorship-resistant protocol, democratizing access to digital resources and connecting users through a flexible, open-source platform. With Golem Network users can connect with ease and pay each other for sharing their unused resources.
18. Awesome Preact
Contents / Libraries
- Unistore (⭐2.9k) - 350b / 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React.
19. Awesome Audiovisual
Lighting / Lighting Software
- ONYX - Modern lighting control system with alot of features.
20. Awesome Datascience
Data Science Competitions / Book Deals (Affiliated)
21. Awesome Nextjs
22. Awesome Embedded Rust
Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials
- Ferrous Systems' Knurling Sessions are hands-on embedded projects that explore specific concepts using generally available hardware, building full systems and components using microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators.
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- Knurling Tools are developed by Ferrous Systems to ease the development process for building, debugging, and testing embedded Rust systems. These tools include:
- defmt (⭐941): a highly efficient logging framework that targets resource-constrained devices, like microcontrollers.
- flip-link (⭐312), a linker wrapper that provides stack overflow protection without an MMU by flipping the standard memory layout of ARM Cortex-M programs
- app-template (⭐331), a
powered project template for quickly setting up new projects using the Knurling Tools. - defmt-test (⭐9), an embedded test harness that lets you write and run unit tests as if you were using the built-in
attribute, but will run on an embedded target
HAL implementation crates / STMicroelectronics
-- HAL implementation for STM32 devices across multiple families, with a focus on newer ones like L4, L5, and H7.
Old books, blogs, and training materials / WIP
- Internet of Streams A video series by @jamesmunns building a bare metal IoT Sensor Node Platform from (nearly) scratch in Rust
23. Awesome Python Data Science
Visualization / Interactive plots
- pyecharts (⭐15k) - Migrated from Echarts (⭐62k), a charting and visualization library, to Python's interactive visual drawing library.
24. Awesome Nlg
Papers and Articles
25. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Education
- Mathematics (⭐123) - Generate MCQ PDF / Question PDF : With Answer and Quiz J-J-GAJJAR.
Contents / Finance
- Be Thrifty Today (⭐154) - A simple and secure money manager that keeps you financially vigilant by Amruth Pillai
Contents / Media
- Flutter Music (⭐153) - A Flutter music player to play songs by o-ifeanyi
Contents / Social Network
- Fwitter (⭐4k) - Fully functional Twitter clone built in flutter framework using Firebase realtime database and storage by Sonu Sharma
- GroupChatApp (⭐263) - Group chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and create groups or join already existing groups and start conversing with each other by Ahmed Gulab Khan
Contents / Shopping
- LaCoro Q-commerce app (⭐60) - An open source quick commerce app in flutter by LaCoro
Contents / Tools
- Flutter Browser App (⭐491) - A Full-Featured Mobile Browser App by Lorenzo Pichilli
26. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- CS50’s Intro to Artificial Intelligence - This course explores the concepts and algorithms at the foundation of modern artificial intelligence
- Deep Learning - An Introductory course to Deep Learning using TensorFlow.
Books / Commerical Tools
- How Machine Learning Works - Mostafa Samir. Early access book that introduces machine learning from both practical and theoretical aspects in a non-threatening way.
Programming / Commerical Tools
Free Content / Commerical Tools
- Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology - The current volume is an effort to bridge that range of exploration, from nucleotide to abstract concept, in contemporary AI/MB research.
- Encyclopedia: Computational intelligence - Scholarpedia is a peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia written and maintained by scholarly experts from around the world.
Learning / Commerical Tools
- Deep Learning - Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville put together this currently free (and draft version) book on deep learning. The book is kept up-to-date and covers a wide range of topics in depth (up to and including sequence-to-sequence learning).
- Deep - Aggregation site for DL resources
Journals / Commerical Tools
27. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Chat
- just (⭐21k) - Modern
-like command runner.
Development / Docker
- lstags (⭐329) - Synchronize images across registries.
- dockly (⭐3.8k) - Interactively manage containers.
- lazydocker (⭐37k) - Simple docker/docker-compose interface.
- docker-pushrm (⭐139) - Push a readme to container registries.
Data Manipulation / Internet Speedtest
- visidata (⭐7.9k) - Spreadsheet multitool for data discovery and arrangement.
28. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue3-signature (⭐102) - A electronic signature component for Vue 3
- vue-signature (⭐207) - A electronic signature component for Vue2.x
29. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-world-clock (⭐32) Show multiple timezones using Olson tz database.
- tmux-copytk (⭐60) - Multi utility rapid copy toolkit.
30. Awesome Seml
Model Training
31. Awesome Scifi
The Murderbot Diaries (2017-) by Martha Wells [4.3] / That Hideous Strength (1945) by C. S. Lewis [3.9]
- All Systems Red [4.2]
- Artificial Condition [4.3]
- Rogue Protocol [4.4]
- Exit Strategy [4.4]
32. Awesome Bigdata
Internet of things and sensor data
- Ably - Pub/sub messaging platform for IoT
33. Awesome Gnome
Documentations / Skeumorphic Icons
- GTK Documentation - Official GTK documentation.
34. Awesome Python Typing
Stub packages
- lxml-stubs (⭐45) - Stubs for lxml.
35. Awesome Purescript
UI Libraries
- purescript-hedwig (⭐128) - Hedwig is a fast, type safe, declarative PureScript library for building web applications.
- purescript-flame (⭐259) - Flame is a fast & simple framework for building web applications in PureScript inspired by purescript-hedwig and Elm
URL Routers
- purescript-routing-duplex (⭐79) - Simple bidirectional parser/printers for your routing data types.
36. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Backprop (⭐243) - Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models.
37. Awesome Xai
Papers / Interpretable Models
- Decision List - Like a decision tree with no branches.
- Decision Trees - The tree provides an interpretation.
- Explainable Boosting Machine - Method that predicts based on learned vector graphs of features.
- k-Nearest Neighbors - The prototypical clustering method.
- Linear Regression - Easily plottable and understandable regression.
- Logistic Regression - Easily plottable and understandable classification.
- Naive Bayes - Good classification, poor estimation using conditional probabilities.
- RuleFit - Sparse linear model as decision rules including feature interactions.
Videos / Critiques
- Debate: Interpretability is necessary for ML - A debate on whether interpretability is necessary for ML with Rich Caruana and Patrice Simard for and Kilian Weinberger and Yann LeCun against.
38. Awesome Deno
Modules / CLI utils
- chart (⭐65) - Console ASCII line charts with no dependencies.
39. Awesome Ruby
- Runbook (⭐736) - A framework and Ruby DSL for progressive system automation.
Game Development and Graphics
- Mittsu (⭐528) - Mittsu makes 3D graphics easier by providing an abstraction over OpenGL, and is based heavily off of THREE.js.
- mini_i18n (⭐95) - Minimalistic, flexible and fast Internationalization library. It supports localization, interpolations, pluralization, fallbacks, nested keys and more.
Machine Learning
- TensorFlow (⭐383) - The end-to-end machine learning platform for Ruby.
- Torch.rb (⭐764) - Deep learning for Ruby, powered by LibTorch.
40. Awesome Fastapi
Developer Tools / Other Tools
- FastAPI Code Generator (⭐1.1k) - Create a FastAPI app from an OpenAPI file, enabling schema-driven development.
Courses / Other Tools
- Modern APIs with FastAPI and Python - A course designed to get you creating new APIs running in the cloud with FastAPI quickly.
41. Awesome Broadcasting
- AMWA NMOS Testing Tool - Automated test suites for the AMWA NMOS family of specifications, as used in the JT-NM Tested programme
42. Awesome Flutter
UI / Calendar
- Time Planner (⭐230) - A beautiful, easy to use and customizable time planner for flutter mobile, desktop and web by Mohammad Jamalianpour
Rendering / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Graphx (⭐508) - Making drawings and animations extremely simple, inspired by Flash, by Roi Peker.
Game / Open source games
- Ghost Rigger (⭐245) - Ghost Rigger is a cyberpunk inspired puzzle game by Iain Smith and Julio Ernesto Rodríguez Cabañas.
43. Awesome Remote Job
Articles & Posts
Tools / Others
- Miro (fka Realtime Board) - Distributed permanent virtual whiteboard.
44. Awesome Nix
Resources / Learning
- - An opinionated guide for developers about getting things done using the Nix ecosystem.
- Tour of Nix - An online interactive tutorial on Nix language constructs.
Installation Media / Discovery
- nixos-generators (⭐2k) - Take a NixOS config and build multiple different images types including VirtualBox VMs, Azure images, and installation ISOs.
Channel History / Discovery
- Channel History - Get historical git commits for Nix channels.
- Nix Infra Status - Get the age and current git commit of each Nix channel.
Deployment Tools / Discovery
- krops - A lightweight toolkit to deploy NixOS systems, remotely or locally.
- KuberNix (⭐772) - Single-dependency Kubernetes clusters via Nix packages.
- NixOps (⭐1.9k) - The official Nix deployment tool, compatible with AWS, Hetzner, and more.
- terraform-nixos (⭐350) - A set of Terraform modules designed to deploy NixOS.
Command-Line Tools / Discovery
- nix-index (⭐925) - Quickly locate Nix packages with specific files.
- nix-prefetch (⭐130) - A universal tool for updating source checksums.
Development / Discovery
- Arion (⭐729) - Run
with help from Nix/NixOS.
- cached-nix-shell (⭐218) - A
replacement that uses caching to open subsequent shells quickly.
- Cachix - Hosted binary cache service; free for open-source projects.
- gitignore.nix (⭐251) - The most feature-complete and easy-to-use
- niv (⭐1.7k) - Easy dependency management for Nix projects with package pinning.
- nix-direnv (⭐2.1k) - A fast loader and flake-compliant configuration for the direnv environment auto-loader.
- nixpkgs-review (⭐454) - The best tool to verify that a pull-request in Nixpkgs is building properly.
Programming Languages / Haskell
- cabal2nix (⭐366) - Converts a Cabal file into a Nix build expression.
- haskell.nix (⭐574) - Alternative Haskell Infrastructure for Nixpkgs.
Programming Languages / PureScript
- Easy PureScript Nix (⭐198) - A project to easily use PureScript and other tools with Nix.
Programming Languages / Python
- poetry2nix (⭐913) - Build Python packages directly from Poetry's
. No conversion step needed.
Programming Languages / Ruby
- Bundix (⭐169) - Generates a Nix expression for your Bundler-managed application.
Programming Languages / Rust
- naersk (⭐784) - Build Rust packages directly from
. No conversion step needed.
- rust-nix-templater (⭐49) - Generates Nix build and development files for Rust projects.
NixOS Modules / Zig
- musnix (⭐651) - Do real-time audio work in NixOS.
- Simple Nixos Mailserver - A complete mailserver, managed with NixOS modules.
- nix-bitcoin (⭐545) - Modules and packages for Bitcoin nodes with higher-layer protocols with an emphasis on security.
Overlays / Webinterface
- awesome-nix-hpc (⭐80) - High Performance Computing package sets.
- NUR - Nix User Repositories. The mother of all overlays, allowing access to user repositories and installing packages via attributes.
Community / Webinterface
- Discourse - The best place to get help and discuss Nix-related topics.
45. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Arcade
- Air Hockey Classic - Android, iOS - Play the classic 'Air Hockey' arcade game now on your mobile device! By Ignace Maes
App Releases / Sports
- Pool Ball Classic - Android, iOS - Play 8 Ball Pool like you know and love on your mobile device featuring 3D graphics, realistic physics, and a challenging AI mode. By Ignace Maes
46. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Citizen Science Data Show Temperature-Driven Declines in Riverine Sentinel Invertebrates Timothy J. Maguire, Scott O. C. Mundle. (2020)
47. Awesome Digitalocean
Community OSS projects
- ghost-digitalocean (⭐21) - A DigitalOcean Storage adapter for Ghost.
48. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / PostgreSQL
- gtfs-via-postgres (⭐95) – Yet another tool to process GTFS using PostgreSQL.
49. Awesome Ios Books
Machine Learning
50. Free for Dev
Code Quality
- CodeBeat — Automated Code Review Platform available for many languages. Free forever for public repositories with Slack and e-mail integration.
CI and CD
- Mergify — workflow automation and merge queue for GitHub — Free for public GitHub repositories
- - Add visual testing to any web app, static site, style guide, or component library. Unlimited team members, Demo app, and unlimited projects, 5,000 snapshots/month.
- Vaadin — Build scalable UIs in Java or TypeScript, and use the integrated tooling, components, and design system to iterate faster, design better, and simplify the development process. Unlimited Projects with five years of free maintenance.
- Zoho — Started as an e-mail provider but now provides a suite of services, some of which have free plans. List of services having free plans :
- Email Free for 5 users. 5GB/user & 25 MB attachment limit, one domain.
- Zoho Assist — Zoho Assist's forever free plan includes one concurrent remote support license and Access to 5 unattended computer licenses for unlimited duration available for both professional and personnel use.
- Sprints Free for 5 users,5 Projects & 500MB storage.
- Docs — Free for 5 users with 1 GB upload limit & 5GB storage. Zoho Office Suite (Writer, Sheets & Show) comes bundled.
- Projects — Free for 3 users, 2 projects & 10 MB attachment limit. The same plan applies to Bugtracker.
- Connect — Team Collaboration free for 25 users with three groups, three custom apps, 3 Boards, 3 Manuals, and 10 Integrations along with channels, events & forums.
- Meeting — Meetings with upto 3 meeting participants & 10 Webinar attendees.
- Vault — Password Management is accessible for Individuals.
- Showtime — Yet another Meeting software for training for a remote session of up to 5 attendees.
- Notebook — A free alternative to Evernote.
- Wiki — Free for three users with 50 MB storage, unlimited pages, zip backups, RSS & Atom feed, access controls & customizable CSS.
- Subscriptions — Recurring Billing management free for 20 customers/subscriptions & 1 user with all the payment hosting done by Zoho. The last 40 subscription metrics are stored
- Checkout — Product Billing management with 3 pages & up to 50 payments.
- Desk — Customer Support management with three agents, private knowledge base, and email tickets. Integrates with Assist for one remote technician & 5 unattended computers.
- Cliq — Team chat software with 100 GB storage, unlimited users, 100 users per channel & SSO.
- Campaigns - Email Marketing
- Forms - Form Creator
- Sign - Paperless Signatures
- Surveys - Online Surveys
- Bookings - Appointment Scheduling
Managed Data Services
- StackBy — One tool that combines spreadsheets' flexibility, databases' power, and built-in integrations with your favorite business apps. The free plan includes unlimited users, ten stacks, and a 2GB attachment per stack.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Zube — Project management with free plan for 4 Projects & 4 users. GitHub integration is available.
Storage and Media Processing
- Pinata IPFS — Pinata is the simplest way to upload and manage files on IPFS. Our friendly user interface and IPFS API make Pinata the easiest IPFS pinning service for platforms, creators, and collectors. 1 GB storage free, along with access to API.
Design and UI
- Icons8 — Icons, illustrations, photos, music, and design tools. Free Plan offers Limited formats in lower resolution. Link to Icons8 when you use our assets.
- Rive — Create and ship beautiful animations to any platform. Free forever for Individuals. The service is an editor that also hosts all the graphics on their servers. They also provide runtimes for many platforms to run representations made using Rive.
IDE and Code Editing
- Code::Blocks — Free Fortran & C/C++ IDE. Open Source and runs on Windows,macOS & Linux.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Clicky — Website Analytics Platform. Free Plan for one website with 3000 views analytics.
- Blynk — A SaaS with API to control, build & evaluate IoT devices. Free Developer Plan with 5 devices, Free Cloud & data storage. Mobile Apps are also available.
- Elementor — WordPress website builder. Free plan available with 40+ Basic Widgets.
51. Awesome Sitecore
- Dictionary Flush Partial Cache (⭐1) - Flashes Partial HTML Cache on changes to Sitecore Dictionary items.
- SendMail for Experience Forms (⭐0) - Brings a new Send E-mail Action for Sitecore 9 Forms, enabling the submission of e-mails using MainUtil.SendMail method, which will use an SMTP server to submit e-mails in HTML or Plain Text.
- Forms Cloud Upload (⭐1) - Use Azure Storage Queue and Azure Storage Blob to store Sitecore 9.3+ Forms uploads Encrypted, with a key from Azure Key Fault - this can be handy for the compliance once users upload sensitive data.
- Admin Scripts for Development and Deploying (⭐6) - The additional features for
folder: AddAdminUser, AddEditorUser, ResetAdminPassword, FillDbWithExtranetUser, InstallUpdatePackage, InstallZipPackage, ParameterDrivenPublish and IsPublishTaskRunning.
- UpdatePackageInstaller (⭐5) - Installs update packages in Sitecore from the command line.
- Sitecore Package Deployer (⭐36) - Uses a Sitecore Job to automatically deploy update packages from a file system folder on the Sitecore server.
52. Awesome Cl
- doplus (⭐8) – another extensible iteration library, similar to :for.
53. Awesome Newsletters
General Section / Svelte
- Docto Tech Life. A weekly newsletter featuring the latest Rails + Javascript + software engineering content.
54. Awesome Elixir
Framework Components
- phoenix_linguist (⭐18) - A project that integrates Phoenix with Linguist, providing a plug and view helpers. It looks abandoned: its last commit was on 2015 and its CI runs Elixir 1.0.3.
Translations and Internationalizations
- linguist (⭐179) - Elixir Internationalization library.
55. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- HStreamDB (⭐721) [Haskell] - The streaming database built for IoT data storage and real-time processing.
- Kuiper (⭐1.5k) [Golang] - An edge lightweight IoT data analytics/streaming software implemented by Golang, and it can be run at all kinds of resource-constrained edge devices.
56. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- NanoMQ (⭐1.2k) - A lightweight and Blazing-fast MQTT Broker for IoT Edge platform.
57. Public Apis
API: Non-Working Days
Description: Simple REST API for checking working, non-working or short days for Russia, CIS, USA and other
Auth: No
API: Abstract Screenshot
Description: Take programmatic screenshots of web pages from any website
Description: Public API for javascript, css and font libraries on PageCDN
Documents & Productivity
API: Zube
Description: Full stack project management
CORS: Unknown
Description: Validate VAT numbers and calculate VAT rates
Games & Comics
API: Jokes One
Description: Joke of the day and large category of jokes accessible via REST API
Description: Geolocate website visitors from their IPs
API: Airtel IP
Description: IP Geolocation API. Collecting data from multiple sources
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Unlimited free IP Address API with useful information
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Machine Learning
Description: Used for the primary ways for filtering the stopping, stemming words from the text data
Auth: No
API: Abstract Phone Validation
Description: Validate phone numbers globally
Description: Validate international phone numbers
Sports & Fitness
API: Sport List & Data
Description: List of and resources related to sports
Auth: No
API: openSenseMap
Description: Data from Personal Weather Stations called senseBoxes
Auth: No
- Prev: Mar 29 - Apr 04, 2021
- Next: Mar 15 - Mar 21, 2021