Awesome List Updates on Nov 29, 2021
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Newsletters
Awesome news / Svelte
- Weekly Robotics. A weekly newsletter with news, projects and research related to robotics.
2. Awesome Spark
Packages / Notebooks and IDEs
- Polynote
- Polynote: an IDE-inspired polyglot notebook. It supports mixing multiple languages in one notebook, and sharing data between them seamlessly. It encourages reproducible notebooks with its immutable data model. Originating from Netflix.
Packages / Machine Learning Extension
- Microsoft ML for Apache Spark (⭐5.1k)
- A distributed ml library with support for LightGBM, Vowpal Wabbit, OpenCV, Deep Learning, Cognitive Services, and Model Deployment.
Packages / Natural Language Processing
- spark-nlp (⭐3.9k)
- Natural language processing library built on top of Apache Spark ML.
Resources / Papers
- Structured Streaming: A Declarative API for Real-Time Applications in Apache Spark - Structured Streaming is a new high-level streaming API, it is a declarative API based on automatically incrementalizing a static relational query.
3. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra from Relational / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Real-Time Replication from MySQL to Cassandra - Demonstration of migrating data from MySQL to Cassandra.
- Cassandra Tutorial for Beginners - Lesson plan for users just starting out with Cassandra.
Integrating with Cassandra / .NET and Cassandra
- Cassandra API with .NET - Quickstart guide on how to use .NET and the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API to build a profile app.
- DataStax C# Driver Documentation - Documentation on the C# Driver for Cassandra from DataStax.
- CQL data types to C# types - Documentation on CQL data types to C# types.
- Connect to Cassandra with C# - Instaclustr article on how to connect to Cassandra with C#.
- Access Amazon Keyspaces with a Cassandra .NET Core Driver - Article shows how to connect to Amazon Keyspaces by using a .NET Core client driver.
- Cassandra ADO.NET Driver - Cassandra ADO.NET Data Provider enables user to easily connect to Cassandra data from .NET applications.
- Cassandra Pagination with ASP.NET Core C# - Article covering how to create infinite scroll pagination with Cassandra and ASP.NET Core C#.
Miscellaneous / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra vs MongoDB - Article comparing the two popular NoSQL databases.
Communities / Custom Time Series
- Stack Overflow: Astra DataStax - ASP.NET Core - Answered question regarding connecting DataStax Astra and an ASP.NET Core API published to Microsoft Azure.
Videos / Custom Time Series
- Working with .NET and Cassandra/DataStax Enterprise - Getting a C# .NET core application started to work against a Cassandra or DSE database.
4. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Board
- Omnichess - Web, Android, iOS - Create and play your own Chess variants! 2-8 players. Online/AI. Square/Hexagonal tiled boards. By Chirag Patel
5. Awesome Bash
Shell Script Development
- bashly (⭐2.1k) - Bash command line framework and CLI generator.
6. Awesome Circuitpython
- CircuitPython Essentials - Learning the essential functions of CircuitPython.
7. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- CertiGraph (⭐18) - Library for reasoning about directed graphs and their embedding in separation logic.
8. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- moia-dev/lambda-kotlin-request-router (⭐20) - A REST request routing layer for AWS lambda handlers written in Kotlin
9. Awesome Ddd
Video Collections
- GlobalAppTesting TechTalks - A vimeo channel focused on DDD and CQRS.
- GlobalAppTesting engineering - GlobalAppTesting's engineering blog with materials on practical DDD and CQRS.
10. Awesome WebExtensions
tag on Stack Overflow - Relevant questions.
11. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- imbalanced-ensemble (⭐340) - Python toolbox for quick implementation, modification, evaluation, and visualization of ensemble learning algorithms for class-imbalanced data. Supports out-of-the-box multi-class imbalanced (long-tailed) classification.
12. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue3-otp-input (⭐119) - A fully customizable, OTP (one-time-password) input component built with Vue 3.x and Vue Composition API.
13. Awesome Javascript
Testing Frameworks / Runner
- Playwright (⭐65k) - Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
14. Awesome Umbraco
Backoffice extensions
- Page Not Found Manager - Manage your sites 404 page(s) from Umbraco.
Starter Kits / Deployment
- Clean Starter Kit - Clean and simple website to get started with
15. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Password Management
- Strongbox - Secure Password Management for iOS and MacOS. Open Source. Compatible with KeePass and Password Safe.
16. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Harvard / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Elizabeth Spelke - Department of Psychology, Harvard, Harvard Laboratory for Developmental Studies - Harvard.
- Prev: Nov 30, 2021
- Next: Nov 28, 2021