Awesome List Updates on Nov 10, 2021
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Haven (⭐681) - Host a private blog on your Rasperry Pi intead of using Facebook.
2. Awesome Javascript
Notifications / Runner
- notifire (⭐36k) - Open-source notification infrastructure for products.
Misc / Other
- SurveyJS (⭐4.3k) - SurveyJS is a JavaScript Survey and Form Library.
3. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra History
- IDG: 10 Years of Apache Cassandra - Retrospective discussing the first 10 years of Cassandra's history.
Cassandra Distributions / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Open Source Cassandra
- IBM Cloud Databases for DataStax - IBM Cloud Managed Service for DataStax Enterprise.
4. Free for Dev
- Codepng - Create excellent snapshots from your source code to share on social media.
5. Awesome Jamstack
No-Code Platforms
- Storipress - All-in-one publishing + blogging platform with integrated site builder and workflow management.
6. Awesome D
Dependency Injection / Language Processing
- Poodinis (⭐70) - A dependency injection framework for D with support for autowiring.
7. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- SideNotes - Quick notes on the screen side with Markdown support.
Utilities / File Organization Tools
- BetterZip - Archive tool supports ZIP, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TXZ (new), 7-ZIP, RAR.
- Prev: Nov 11, 2021
- Next: Nov 09, 2021