Awesome List Updates on Mar 15 - Mar 21, 2021
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- Optimal Transport Tools (⭐213) - Toolbox that bundles utilities to solve optimal transport problems.
2. Awesome Seed Rs
Projects Using Seed
3. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Natural Language Processing
- DL Translate (⭐467) - A deep learning-based translation library between 50 languages, built with
4. Awesome Decentralized
- Cactus Comments: Federated comment system for the open web built on Matrix.
5. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Elm in Action — In-depth book for Elm beginners, from Manning Publications.
Learning Guides / Learning Videos
- Elm videos - Egghead's Elm video training, many of which are free.
Podcasts / Individual Podcast episodes
- The Changelog 218 - Elm with Evan Czaplicki and Richard Feldman
- The Changelog 191 - Elm and Functional Programming with Richard Feldman.
6. Awesome Datascience
Deep Learning Packages / PyTorch Ecosystem
7. Awesome Fastapi
Courses / Other Tools
- Full Web Apps with FastAPI Course - You'll learn to build full web apps with FastAPI, equivalent to what you can do with Flask or Django.
8. Awesome Godot
Projects / Godot 3
- Arrow (⭐958) - A tool to design game narratives with nodes.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- GodotOnReady (⭐125) - A C# (Mono) alternative to the GDScript-only
keyword, without reflection.
9. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- KICS (⭐2.2k) - Scans IaC projects for security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and infrastructure misconfiguration. Currently working with Terraform projects, Kubernetes manifests, Dockerfiles, AWS CloudFormation Templates, and Ansible playbooks.
10. Progressive Enhancement Resources
Support Tables
- Accessibility Support - Compare accessibility support of HTML elements and ARIA roles across browsers & assistive technologies.
11. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Computing UK - Free Qiskit tutorials and code repository.
- Quantum Inspire Knowledge Base - Easy to read knowledge base, rich of basic Quantum Computing concepts.
Development Tools
- Quantum Inspire - Platform to run quantum algorithms on simulators or quantum hardware - by QuTech.
- Learn Quantum Computation using Qiskit - An open-source textbook covering quantum algorithms and showing how to run them on real hardware using Qiskit. Also covers prerequisites.
- Meet the meQuanics - Interviews with key quantum computing figures, aimed at the lay person.
12. Mind Expanding Books
Nature / Miscellaneous
Name: The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
Author: David Wallace-Wells
Goodreads Rating: 4.06
Year Published: 2019
13. Awesome R Learning Resources
Books / Uncategorized
- Mastering Shiny - This is the online version of Mastering Shiny, a book currently under early development and intended for a late 2020 release. This book complements the Shiny online documentation and is intended to help app authors develop a deeper understanding of Shiny. Author: Hadley Wickham. Mastering Shiny Exercise solutions
- Practical Data Science with R - The intent of this book is to present data science from a pragmatic, practice-oriented viewpoint. The book concentrates on the process of data science, from the planning stages of a project, through the data collection and exploration, to the modeling, and finally to deployment and the sharing of results. Authors: Nina Zumel and John Mount.
14. Awesome Quant
Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- willowtree (⭐241) - Robust and flexible Python implementation of the willow tree lattice for derivatives pricing.
- financial-engineering (⭐377) - Applications of Monte Carlo methods to financial engineering projects, in Python.
- optlib (⭐667) - A library for financial options pricing written in Python.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- FinanceHub (⭐696) - Resources for Quantitative Finance
- Python_Option_Pricing (⭐692) - An library to price financial options written in Python. Includes: Black Scholes, Black 76, Implied Volatility, American, European, Asian, Spread Options.
15. Tips
Delete local branches that has been squash and merged in the remote.
git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print <!-- @doxie.inject start -->}' | xargs git branch -D
16. Awesome Scientific Computing
Community / Mesh tools
- Discord: Numerical Software - Discord messaging server on numerical software.
17. Awesome Seml
Deployment and Operation
18. Public Apis
API: scrapestack
Description: Real-time, Scalable Proxy & Web Scraping REST API
CORS: Unknown
API: serpstack
Description: Real-Time & Accurate Google Search Results API
Games & Comics
API: RuneScape
Description: RuneScape and OSRS RPGs information
Auth: No
API: positionstack
Description: Forward & Reverse Batch Geocoding REST API
CORS: Unknown
Text Analysis
API: Sentiment Analysis
Description: Multilingual sentiment analysis of texts from different sources
19. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Commands
- django-liquidb (⭐26) - Django application to simplify migration management and changes in states of db scheme.
20. Awesome Arch
AUR Helpers / Pacman wrappers
- Paru (⭐6.1k) (Rust) - AUR helper with all needed modern wrapper features, created by a former developer of yay.
21. Awesome Javascript
Security / Runner
- sanitize-html (⭐3.9k) - sanitize-html provides a simple HTML sanitizer with a clear API.
API / Runner
- React Query (⭐44k) - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React.
22. Awesome React Native
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Artsy (⭐3.1k) - The mobile app for Discover fine Art. The Art world in your Pocket.
23. Awesome Nextjs
- superplate (⭐2.9k) - superplate creates Next.js app in seconds with TypeScript, styled-components, SWR, Storybook, and 35+ plugin.
24. Awesome Xai
Papers / Landmarks
- Explanation in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Social Sciences - This paper provides an introduction to the social science research into explanations. The author provides 4 major findings: (1) explanations are constrastive, (2) explanations are selected, (3) probabilities probably don't matter, (4) explanations are social. These fit into the general theme that explanations are -contextual-.
- Sanity Checks for Saliency Maps - An important read for anyone using saliency maps. This paper proposes two experiments to determine whether saliency maps are useful: (1) model parameter randomization test compares maps from trained and untrained models, (2) data randomization test compares maps from models trained on the original dataset and models trained on the same dataset with randomized labels. They find that "some widely deployed saliency methods are independent of both the data the model was trained on, and the model parameters".
Papers / Surveys
- Explainable Deep Learning: A Field Guide for the Uninitiated - An in-depth description of XAI focused on technqiues for deep learning.
Papers / Evaluations
- Quantifying Explainability of Saliency Methods in Deep Neural Networks - An analysis of how different heatmap-based saliency methods perform based on experimentation with a generated dataset.
Papers / XAI Methods
- Ada-SISE - Adaptive semantice inpute sampling for explanation.
- ALE - Accumulated local effects plot.
- ALIME - Autoencoder Based Approach for Local Interpretability.
- Anchors - High-Precision Model-Agnostic Explanations.
- Auditing - Auditing black-box models.
- BayLIME - Bayesian local interpretable model-agnostic explanations.
- Break Down - Break down plots for additive attributions.
- CAM - Class activation mapping.
- CDT - Confident interpretation of Bayesian decision tree ensembles.
- CICE - Centered ICE plot.
- CMM - Combined multiple models metalearner.
- Conj Rules - Using sampling and queries to extract rules from trained neural networks.
- CP - Contribution propogation.
- DecText - Extracting decision trees from trained neural networks.
- DeepLIFT - Deep label-specific feature learning for image annotation.
- DTD - Deep Taylor decomposition.
- ExplainD - Explanations of evidence in additive classifiers.
- FIRM - Feature importance ranking measure.
- Fong, et. al. - Meaninful perturbations model.
- G-REX - Rule extraction using genetic algorithms.
- Gibbons, et. al. - Explain random forest using decision tree.
- GoldenEye - Exploring classifiers by randomization.
- GPD - Gaussian process decisions.
- GPDT - Genetic program to evolve decision trees.
- GradCAM - Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping.
- GradCAM++ - Generalized gradient-based visual explanations.
- Hara, et. al. - Making tree ensembles interpretable.
- ICE - Individual conditional expectation plots.
- IG - Integrated gradients.
- inTrees - Interpreting tree ensembles with inTrees.
- IOFP - Iterative orthoganol feature projection.
- IP - Information plane visualization.
- KL-LIME - Kullback-Leibler Projections based LIME.
- Krishnan, et. al. - Extracting decision trees from trained neural networks.
- Lei, et. al. - Rationalizing neural predictions with generator and encoder.
- LIME - Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations.
- LOCO - Leave-one covariate out.
- LORE - Local rule-based explanations.
- Lou, et. al. - Accurate intelligibile models with pairwise interactions.
- LRP - Layer-wise relevance propogation.
- MCR - Model class reliance.
- MES - Model explanation system.
- MFI - Feature importance measure for non-linear algorithms.
- NID - Neural interpretation diagram.
- OptiLIME - Optimized LIME.
- PALM - Partition aware local model.
- PDA - Prediction Difference Analysis: Visualize deep neural network decisions.
- PDP - Partial dependence plots.
- POIMs - Positional oligomer importance matrices for understanding SVM signal detectors.
- ProfWeight - Transfer information from deep network to simpler model.
- Prospector - Interactive partial dependence diagnostics.
- QII - Quantitative input influence.
- REFNE - Extracting symbolic rules from trained neural network ensembles.
- RETAIN - Reverse time attention model.
- RISE - Randomized input sampling for explanation.
- RxREN - Reverse engineering neural networks for rule extraction.
- SHAP - A unified approach to interpretting model predictions.
- SIDU - Similarity, difference, and uniqueness input perturbation.
- Simonynan, et. al - Visualizing CNN classes.
- Singh, et. al - Programs as black-box explanations.
- STA - Interpreting models via Single Tree Approximation.
- Strumbelj, et. al. - Explanation of individual classifications using game theory.
- SVM+P - Rule extraction from support vector machines.
- TCAV - Testing with concept activation vectors.
- Tolomei, et. al. - Interpretable predictions of tree-ensembles via actionable feature tweaking.
- Tree Metrics - Making sense of a forest of trees.
- TreeSHAP - Consistent feature attribute for tree ensembles.
- TreeView - Feature-space partitioning.
- TREPAN - Extracting tree-structured representations of trained networks.
- TSP - Tree space prototypes.
- VBP - Visual back-propagation.
- VEC - Variable effect characteristic curve.
- VIN - Variable interaction network.
- X-TREPAN - Adapted etraction of comprehensible decision tree in ANNs.
- Xu, et. al. - Show, attend, tell attention model.
Papers / Critiques
- Attention is not Explanation - Authors perform a series of NLP experiments which argue attention does not provide meaningful explanations. They also demosntrate that different attentions can generate similar model outputs.
- Attention is not --not-- Explanation - This is a rebutal to the above paper. Authors argue that multiple explanations can be valid and that the and that attention can produce a valid explanation, if not -the- valid explanation.
- Do Not Trust Additive Explanations - Authors argue that addditive explanations (e.g. LIME, SHAP, Break Down) fail to take feature ineractions into account and are thus unreliable.
- Please Stop Permuting Features An Explanation and Alternatives - Authors demonstrate why permuting features is misleading, especially where there is strong feature dependence. They offer several previously described alternatives.
- Stop Explaining Black Box Machine Learning Models for High States Decisions and Use Interpretable Models Instead - Authors present a number of issues with explainable ML and challenges to interpretable ML: (1) constructing optimal logical models, (2) constructing optimal sparse scoring systems, (3) defining interpretability and creating methods for specific methods. They also offer an argument for why interpretable models might exist in many different domains.
- The (Un)reliability of Saliency Methods - Authors demonstrate how saliency methods vary attribution when adding a constant shift to the input data. They argue that methods should fulfill input invariance, that a saliency method mirror the sensistivity of the model with respect to transformations of the input.
Follow / Critiques
- The Institute for Ethical AI & Machine Learning - A UK-based research center that performs research into ethical AI/ML, which frequently involves XAI.
- Tim Miller - One of the preeminent researchers in XAI.
25. Awesome Rails
Articles / Other external resources
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- asakusaSatellite (⭐101) - A realtime chat application for developers (using Rails 6.0). - 🌍
- catarse (⭐1.6k) - A crowdfunding platform for creative projects (using Rails 4.2). - 🌍
- commudle (⭐247) - A community management app (using Rails 5.2).
- kanban (⭐644) - A Trello clone (using Rails 4.2).
- opensourcefriday (⭐1.2k) - A project contribution tracking app (using Rails 6.0). - 🌍
- peatio (⭐3.6k) - A crypto currency exchange app (using Rails 4.0).
- reservations (⭐139) - An inventory management app (using Rails 6.0). - 🌍
- rletters - A frontend for database of journal articles for researchers (using Rails 6.0).
- sanataro (⭐52) - An account tracker (using Rails 4.2).
Gems / Other external resources
- actioncable (⭐57k) - A gem to integrate websocket with a Rails app 🔴 - Action Cable Overview
- actionmailbox (⭐57k) - A gem to handle incoming emails within a Rails app 🔴 - Action Mailbox Basics
- actionmailer (⭐57k) - A gem to compose, deliver & test emails within a Rails app 🔴 - Action Mailer Basics
- actionpack (⭐57k) - A gem to manage requests & responses within a Rails app 🔴
- actiontext (⭐57k) - A gem to integrate rich text editor into a Rails app 🔴 - Action Text Overview
- actionview (⭐57k) - A gem to handle view templates within a Rails app 🔴 - Action View Overview
- activejob (⭐57k) - A gem to handle background jobs within a Rails app 🔴 - Active Job Basics
- activemodel (⭐57k) - A gem to define a set of interfaces to use in model classes within a Rails app 🔴 - Active Model Basics
- activerecord (⭐57k) - A gem to connect model classes with relational databases within a Rails app 🔴 - Active Record Basics
- activestorage (⭐57k) - A gem to handle file uploads to cloud storage providers within a Rails app 🔴 - Active Storage Overview
- activesupport (⭐57k) - A gem to provide some extensions to support a Rails app 🔴 - Active Support Core Extensions
- railties (⭐57k) - A gem to handle gems & engines used in a Rails app to work together 🔴
26. Awesome Spark
Packages / Monitoring
- Data Mechanics Delight (⭐342)
- Cross-platform monitoring tool (Spark UI / Spark History Server replacement).
27. Awesome Playwright
- axe-playwright (⭐201) - Inofficial integration of Axe with Playwright.
28. Awesome Free Software
Resources / Documentaries
29. Vertx Awesome
Database Clients
- Relational Databases
- Reactive SQL Client (⭐893)
- High performance reactive SQL client.
- JDBC (⭐126)
- Asynchronous interface around a JDBC datasource.
- MySQL / PostgreSQL (⭐117)
- Asynchronous Client for MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- PostgreSQL (⭐74) - Reactive PostgreSQL Client.
- database (⭐42) - Client for Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, HyperSQL, etc. designed for security, correctness, and ease of use.
- jOOQ (⭐385) - Doing typesafe, asynchronous SQL and generate code using jOOQ.
- jOOQx (⭐27) - Leverages the power of typesafe SQL from
and uses the reactive and non-blocking SQL driver from Vert.x. - Exposed Vert.x SQL Client (⭐5) - Kotlin's Exposed (⭐8.4k) on top of Vert.x Reactive SQL Client (⭐893).
- Reactive SQL Client (⭐893)
30. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / News and Magazine
- NewsApp (⭐245) - Live News Using API with Many API filterrs by J-J-GAJJAR.
- InNews (⭐19) - Live News in eight different categories by Akash Lilhare.
31. Awesome Algorithms
- redblobgames - interactive visual explanations of math and algorithms, using motivating examples from computer games.
32. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Discord - Voice and text chat.
33. Awesome Flutter
UI / Bottom bars
- Google Nav Bar (⭐757) - A modern google style nav bar for flutter by Sooxt98
34. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨🧬 Theme Variants (⭐195) - Adds theme variants based on media queries and/or CSS selectors.
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 🧩 Tailwind Cards (⭐587) - Growing collection of text/image cards.
35. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- IIS2MDC - I2C - ST's High accuracy, ultra-low-power, 3-axis digital output magnetometer -
- ISM330DHCX - I2C - ST's IMU with 3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, ML core and more -
36. Awesome Transit
GTFS Analysis Tools / Rust
- ESRI ArcGIS Public Transit Tools (GTFS) (⭐175) - Tools for working with public transit data in ArcGIS
37. Awesome Jmeter
Getting Started
38. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Building a VueJS chat app with realtime storage of messages in Airtable by Srushtika Neelakantam (December 2020)
39. Awesome Elixir
Date and Time
- calendarific (⭐4) - Calendarific is a wrapper for the holiday API Calendarific.
Text and Numbers
- minigen (⭐18) - Random data generators for the Erlang ecosystem.
40. Awesome Blazor
- eShopOnBlazor (⭐516) -
Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor.
- BlazorCRUD (⭐396) -
Sample line of business application that illustrates key features of Blazor. Demo.
- Unofficial eShopOnContainers (⭐4) -
Unofficial Blazor WebAssembly client for eShopOnContainers (⭐25k).
41. Awesome Cpp
- json-struct (⭐432) - High performance, single header JSON parser parsing to and from C++ structs. [MIT]
42. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Sandboxes
- Dangerzone - Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF.
43. Awesome Typescript
Types / Playground
- type-o-rama (⭐244) - JS type systems interoperability
Runtime / Playground
- Agent Framework (⭐120) Create interceptor for your class and method using decorators
Web/ReactJS / Playground
- 🐙 facebook/create-react-app Create React apps using typescript with no build configuration
- 🐙 Microsoft/TypeScript-React-Starter (⭐11k) A starter template for TypeScript and React with a detailed README describing how to use the two together; based on
- 📜 typescript-cheatsheets/react-typescript-cheatsheet (⭐46k) Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
- 🐙 jsxtyper (⭐38) Generates TypeScript interfaces from .jsx files
- 🐙 React Server Example TSX (⭐278) Boilerplate for isomorphic web app with React server-side rendering in TypeScript
- 🐙 React & Redux in TypeScript - Static Typing Guide (⭐13k) The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" using TypeScript
- 🐙 Typescript Monorepo CRA Example (⭐27) - A minimalistic CRA + typescript monorepo.
- 🐙 Typescript Monorepo Next Example (⭐43) - A minimalistic next.js + typescript monorepo.
- 🌠 Crisp React (⭐187) Boilerplate with React client and Express backend. Offers performance and extended functionality. Helps to avoid frequent React-Express pitfalls.
- 📖 React by Example Code-oriented React tutorial for programmers
Back-end API / Playground
- 🐙 design-first - A REST Api templating engine for Typescript
Standalone apps / Chrome Extensions
🆓 Free Courses / Chrome Extensions
- Evolving JavaScript with TypeScript a detailed introduction to TypeScript
44. Awesome Ios Books
Machine Learning
🇷🇺 Russian books
45. Awesome Gbdev
Assemblers / Misc
- RGBDS (⭐1.4k) - Assembler and linker package. Documentation.
Tools / Graphics utilities
- Superfamiconv (⭐157) - Flexible and composable tile graphics converter supporting Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Mega Drive and PC Engine formats.
Retrieving images / Syntax highlighting packages
- Arduino Gameboy Printer Emulator (⭐321) - Emulate a gameboy printer via the gameboy link cable.
- ESP8266 Game Boy Printer (⭐48) - A device that emulates the Gameboy Printer and lets you retrieve images using WiFi powered by an ESP8266.
- WiFi GBP Emulator (⭐67) - A GameBoy printer emulator which provides the received data over a WiFi connection.
- Game Boy WiFi Printer - D1 Mini Shield (⭐22) - Game Boy Printer interface shield for D1 mini/mini Pro ESP8266 boards.
- Game Boy Printer Sniffer (⭐9) - Sniff packet communications between a Game Boy and the Printer.
Changing the camera's behavior / Syntax highlighting packages
- Game Boy Camera to Canon Lens mount - based on the above.
- game-boy-camera-frame-replacer (⭐37) - Manipulate the ROM of a camera to include custom frames
Post processing / Syntax highlighting packages
- Game Boy Printer Paper Simulation (⭐75) - Generate as-if-printed images of digital printed images.
- Game Boy Printer Web (⭐57) - Gallery app for to the Game Boy camera: import pictures from exports or cartridge dumps and choose color palettes.
46. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- APKLeaks (⭐5.1k) - Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
47. Awesome D
Official Website
- - Official website for D.
- - Official Wiki for D.
- - Offical Library/Module Registry for D.
- - Official forum. Many interesting discussions occurring on a daily basis.
- Language Specification - D programming language specification.
- Walter Bright - Father of D. Walter Bright is the creator and first implementer of the D programming language and has implemented compilers for several other languages.
- DConf - the premier event where D luminaries exchange knowledge, insight, and inspiration on everything related to the D language and its ecosystem.
- Symmetry Investments - Symmetry Investments LP is an investment management company with approximately US$4.7 billion in assets under management as of 31 December 2018. Main sponsor of the Symmetry Autumn of Code. Have sponsored the development of excel-d, dpp (⭐230), autowrap (⭐80), mir-algorithm (⭐173), and various other projects.
- TDPL - The D Programming Language by Andrei Alexandrescu.
- Programming in D - A very detailed book about programming in D by Ali Çehreli covering many areas of the language. Has a free online version and is suitable for beginners.
- D Cookbook - A recipe-packed reference guide filled with practical tasks that are concisely explained to develop and broaden the user's abilities with the D programming language. by Adam D. Ruppe. Here is an interesting review of the book.
- Learning D - This book is intended for those with some background in a C-family language who want to learn how to apply their knowledge and experience to D. (...) This book will help you get up to speed with the language and avoid common pitfalls that arise when translating C-family experience to D.
- D Web Development - Whether you are new to the world of D, or already have developed applications in D, or if you want to leverage the power of D for web development, then this book is ideal for you.
- Pragmatic D tutorial - This is a pragmatic introduction to the D Programming Language. by Andreas Zwinkau.
- Component programming in D - An article written by Walter Bright that details how D's functional support leads to a flexible and beautiful component programming style.
- Component programming with ranges - A detailed blog post about how to do component programming in a idiomatic D way with ranges, with a full working example.
- Creating a simple JSON serialiser in D - D metaprogramming tutorial series
Tutorials / Bare metal / kernel development
- D Bare bones - kernel hello world in D (using GDC compiler)
- D barebone with ldc2 - another kernel hello world in D (using LDC compiler)
- XOmB bare bones - an exokernel operating system written in D. Main page, github (⭐340).
- Bare Metal ARM Cortex-M GDC Cross Compiler - building a bare metal ARM Cortex-M (arm-none-eabi) GDC cross compiler for a Linux host.
Blogs / Bare metal / kernel development
- This week in D - A weekly overview of activity in the D community and brief advice columns to help you get the most out of the D Programming Language.
- D Idioms - A great blog for many useful idioms with D programming.
- GTK-D coding - Simple examples of how to use GtkD to build GUI applications.
- Tasty D - A blog about learning the D programming language and various D language trivia.
Articles / Bare metal / kernel development
- Purity in D - An article that explains the design principles behind D's purity feature.
- D is for Data Science - A great post about how D is suitable for data science, particularly, replacing the role of python scripts for fast prototyping.
Package Management / Bare metal / kernel development
- - Official D library repository. Backed by dub.
Build Tools / Bare metal / kernel development
- scons-d - Scons has built-in support for building D projects, thanks to Russel Winder.
- button - A universal build system to build your software at the push of a button.
- wild (⭐6) - Wild build system, used to build the PowerNex (⭐491) kernel
IDEs & Editors / Bare metal / kernel development
- IntelliJ D Language - Support for the D programming language within IntelliJ IDEA.
- Dexed - IDE for the D programming language, its compilers, tools and libraries.
- ide-d - Atom extension for D using serve-d
- DCD (⭐349) - Independent auto-complete program for the D programming language. Could be used with editors like vim, emacs, sublime text, textadept, and zeus. See editors support (⭐349).
- serve-d (⭐200) - Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for D. Adds modern IDE features to any editor with LSP support (VSCode, Atom, Vim/Neovim and others)
Lexers, Parsers, Parser Generators / Bare metal / kernel development
- libdparse (⭐115) - A D language lexer and parser, (possibly) future standard D parser/lexer.
Containers / Bare metal / kernel development
- EMSI containers (⭐110) - Containers that do not use the GC
Web Frameworks / Bare metal / kernel development
- vibe.d - Asynchronous I/O Web Framework that doesn’t get in your way, written in D.
- Apache Thrift - A lightweight, language-independent, featureful RPC framework. Thrift provides clean abstractions for data transport, data serialization, code generation, and application level processing. Dub package
Data serialization / JSON
- - JSON functions in Vibe.d. Currently the best implementation I used.
- std.json - D's standard library JSON module. Needs refinement.
- (⭐25) - Phobos candidate for JSON serialization (based on Vibed)
- asdf (⭐20) - Cache oriented string based JSON representation for fast read & writes and serialisation.
Data serialization / XML
- arsd dom.d (⭐531) - an xml/html DOM based on what Javascript provides in browsers
Database clients / XML
- vibe.d (⭐1.1k) - Vibe.d has internal support for Redis and MongoDB, which are very stable. Soon, the database drivers will be separated into independent projects.
Command Line / XML
- d-colorize - A port of the ruby library colorize (⭐1.2k). It add some methods to set color, background color and text effect on console easier using ANSI escape sequences.
- commandr (⭐41) - A modern, powerful commmand line argument parser.
GUI Libs / XML
- Sciter-Dport (⭐33) - D bindings for the Sciter - crossplatform HTML/CSS/script desktop UI toolkit.
- PowerNex (⭐491) - A kernel written in D
- Trinix (⭐107) - Hybrid operating system for x64 PC written in D
Game Bindings / XML
- BindBC libraries -
bindings using bindbc-loader (⭐25):- OpenGL - bindbc-opengl (⭐35)
- GLFW 3 - bindbc-glfw (⭐38)
- SDL 2 - bindbc-sdl (⭐86)
- SDL2_gfx - bindbc-sdlgfx (⭐1)
- SFML 2 - bindbc-sfml (⭐11)
- Imgui - immediate UI - bindbc-imgui (⭐15)
- Nuklear - immediate UI - bindbc-nuklear (⭐42)
- raylib3 - bindbc-raylib3 (⭐14)
- bgfx - bindbc-bgfx (⭐21)
- WebGPU - bindbc-wgpu (⭐25)
- Zstandard - compression - bindbc-zstandard (⭐2)
- nanomsg-next-gen - bindbc-nng (⭐1)
- OpenAL - audio engine - bindbc-openal (⭐7)
- SoLoud - audio engine - bindbc-soloud (⭐7)
- KiWi - widget library - bindbc-kiwi (⭐4)
- NanoVG - vector drawing engine - bindbc-nanovg (⭐3)
- Blend2D - 2D Vector Graphics Powered by a JIT Compiler - bindbc-blend2d (⭐4)
- Lua - bindbc-lua (⭐17)
- JoyShockLibrary - bindbc-jsl (⭐2)
- Newton Dynamics - physics engine - bindbc-newton (⭐8)
- FreeImage - bindbc-freeimage (⭐7)
- Assimp5 - bindbc-assimp
- Freetype - bindbc-freetype (⭐15)
- Harfbuzz - text shaping engine - bindbc-harfbuzz (⭐1)
Game Frameworks / XML
- Dash (⭐422) - A free and open 3D game engine written in D. see
Games / XML
- Backgammony (⭐41) - A Backgammon GUI for Linux built with Gtk.
Internationalization / XML
- bindbc-icu (⭐2) - bindbc bindings for the unicode ICU library.
Image Processing / XML
- opencvd (⭐23) - Unofficial OpenCV binding for D
Machine Learning / XML
- bindbc-onnxruntime (⭐10) - bindbc bindings to Microsoft's cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
Scientific / Language Processing
- bindbc-mecab (⭐1) - bindbc MeCab binding (Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer for Japanese)
Logging / Language Processing
- dlogg (⭐14) - Logging for concurrent applications and daemons with lazy and delayed logging, logrotate support.
Configuration / Language Processing
- D:YAML (⭐118) - YAML parser and emitter for the D programming language.
Blog Engine / Language Processing
- mood (⭐43) - simple vibe.d based blog engine
48. Awesome Sitecore
- Container Asset Image Creator Module (⭐9) - A script to handle the auto-creation of a Docker Asset Image for a given Sitecore module.
Content Search
- Docker SolrCloud for Sitecore 10 (⭐3) - Creates a SolrCloud container that can be used with a Sitecore 10 instance under Docker. The files have been adjusted from the Solr container files in the Sitecore Docker examples repo. The default "solr" service Sitecore provides can be replaced using these files.
- Sitecore SolrProxy (⭐3) - Tool for easy access to the Solr admin console if you have access only to Sitecore CM.
Extending Content Editor
- Sitecore-TinyMCERTE (⭐2) - A Sitecore Control that uses the Tiny MCE Editor in place of the default one.
- JSS with Vue.js - A starting template for JSS using Vue.js framework.
- SIF scripts to install Publishing Service (⭐3) - Powershell scripts that both use the Sitecore Install Framework (SIF) to auto-install the Publishing Service & auto-install the Publishing Module on top of the ContentManagement instance or StandAlone instance.
49. Awesome Analytics
Privacy focused analytics
- Piwik PRO - A privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics with built-in consent management. Hosted in EU, in your private cloud or on-premises.
50. Awesome Cl
Developer utilities / Third-party APIs
- printv (⭐68) - A batteries-included tracing and debug-logging macro. Apache2.
51. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Community
Contents / DemoScene
Contents / Tools
- Depict - Converts image into a dithered image using PICO-8 colors and reduces it to a maximum size of 128 x 128.
- picoCAD - A PICO-8 program to build and texture lowpoly 3D models.
52. Awesome Gdpr
Security (art. 32)
- OWASP Top 10 - Top 10 Web Application Security Risks.
- OWASP Cheat Sheet Series - Concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA, art. 35)
53. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- - Auto-generate images and PDF documents with a simple API or automation tools like Zapier & Airtable. No CSS/HTML is required. The free plan comes with 50 images/month and three templates.
CI and CD
- LayerCI — CI for full stack projects. One full stack preview environment with 5GB memory & 3 CPUs.
Crash and Exception Handling
- - JavaScript error tracking with screenshots and click trails. Free for open-source projects.
- - Form to Email service, free plan allows unlimited forms, 250 submissions per month, support by Customer assistance team.
- - Form backend platform for designers and developers, 1 form, 50 submissions, Single file upload, 100MB file storage.
- Pageclip - The free plan allows one site, one form, and 1,000 monthly submissions.
- - Powerful and easy form backend for your website, forever free plan allows 50 submissions per month, 250MB file storage, Zapier integration, CSV/JSON export, custom redirect, custom response page, Telegram & Slack bot, single email notifications.
- BMC Developer Program — The BMC Developer Program provides documentation and resources to build and deploy digital innovations for your enterprise. Access to a comprehensive, personal sandbox that includes the platform, SDK, and a library of components that can be used to build and tailor apps.
- Salesforce Developer Program — Build apps Lightning fast with drag-and-drop tools. Customize your data model with clicks. Go further with Apex code. Integrate with anything using powerful APIs. Stay protected with enterprise-grade security. Customize UI with clicks or any leading-edge web framework. Free Developer Program gives access to the full Lightning Platform.
- ServiceNow Developer Program — Rapidly build, test, and deploy applications that make work better for your organization. Free Instance & access to early previews.
Screenshot APIs
- — Web Shrinker provides website screenshots and domain intelligence API services. Free 100 requests/month.
- Prev: Mar 22 - Mar 28, 2021
- Next: Mar 08 - Mar 14, 2021