Awesome List Updates on Oct 03, 2021

11 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Bash / Non-X86

PHP / PicoLisp

2. Awesome Fastapi

Utils / Other Tools

3. Awesome Decentralized


4. Awesome Rails

Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources

5. Awesome Board Games


Axis & Allies

Played on a board depicting a Spring 1942 political map of Earth divided by territories, players take the role of one or more of the five major belligerents of World War II: the Axis powers of Germany and Japan; and the Allied powers of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Turn rotates among these belligerents, who control armies of playing pieces with which they attempt to capture enemy territories, with results determined by dice rolls.

Axis & Allies image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 5 12 180m



In this classic word game, players use their seven drawn letter-tiles to form words on the gameboard. Each word laid out earns points based on the commonality of the letters used, with certain board spaces giving bonuses. But a word can only be played if it uses at least one already-played tile or adds to an already-played word. This leads to slightly tactical play, as potential words are rejected because they would give an opponent too much access to the better bonus spaces.

Scrabble image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 4 10+ 90m

6. Awesome Neovim

Snippet / Diagnostics

7. Free for Dev


8. Awesome Rust

Applications / Text editors

9. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Planning Coding Resources / Learning to Code

10. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases

11. Public Apis

Art & Design


Currency Exchange



Food & Drink

Games & Comics





Open Data


Test Data

