Awesome List Updates on Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2021

56 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Ruby

API Builder and Discovery


2. Awesome Veganism


3. Awesome Algorithms

Github Libraries / Randomized Algorithms

4. ALL About RSS

Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language

Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language

😎 Services that support RSS / Outline Processor Markup Language

RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language

🔱 Workflow Automation / 酷Q Plugin

specifically from (a certain platform) / ProductHunt

specifically from (a certain platform) / YouTube

specifically from (a certain platform) / Spotify

Feed item filtering / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Obtain translated RSS feed / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

Multi-subject / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Tutorials when knowing how to run code / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Aggregators of Podcasts / Podcast Navigation / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Discussion Forums / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

5. Awesome Indie

Case Studies / Others

6. Awesome Java

Game Development / Text-Based User Interfaces

7. Awesome Talks

Software Development

8. Awesome React Native


9. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Frameworks and Stacks

Network and Middleware / Real-Time Kernel

10. Awesome Web Animation


11. Awesome Design Principles

Principles within bigger Design Systems

12. Awesome Meteor


13. Awesome Mastodon



14. Awesome Esp


15. Awesome Translations

Tools / Libraries and tools for developers

Tools / Other tools

16. Webcomponents the Right Way

Custom Elements



17. Awesome Earth


YouTube Channels

18. Awesome Math

Mathematical Physics / Stochastic processes

19. Awesome Perl

Cryptography / DSP

Form Frameworks / NoSQL Databases

Type checking / Coverage

20. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / File Transfer - Web-based File Managers

Software / Personal Dashboards

21. Awesome Lowcode

Visual programming

22. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases

23. Awesome Tailwindcss


24. Awesome Yew


25. Awesome List

Back-End Development


Content Management Systems



26. Awesome Vite

Official Resources

React / Loaders

Solid / Integrations

Rollup Plugins / Included in Vite

Rollup Plugins / Compatible with Vite

Open Source / Community

27. Awesome Deno

Docs / Online Playgrounds

Modules / Static site generator

Modules / Utils

Showcases / XML

28. Public Apis

Games & Comics

29. Awesome Cl

Web Development

Others / Third-party APIs

Matrix libraries / Third-party APIs

Utils / Third-party APIs

30. Awesome Jupyter

JupyterLab Extensions

31. Awesome Open Source Supporters

Code Quality

32. Awesome Clojure

Dependency injection

Date and Time


33. Awesome Cdk

Blog Posts & Talks / Multi-accounts setup

34. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Roles / Engineering Managers

Product Management / Standups

Politics / Equity

35. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / France

Archives and primary sources / Global

Archives and primary sources / North America

36. Free for Dev

IDE and Code Editing

37. Awesome Neuroscience

Programming / JavaScript

Resources / Newsletters

38. Awesome Micropython

Communications / MDNS

39. Awesome Jax

Libraries / New Libraries

40. Awesome Tmux


41. Awesome Fastapi

Utils / Other Tools

Tutorials / Other Tools

42. Awesome Blazor


43. Awesome Gpt3

Products / Other

44. Awesome Android Ui

Label / Form



45. Css Protips

Translations / Demo

46. Awesome Vue

Resources / Books

Components & Libraries / UI Components

47. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Admin Themes

Third-Party Packages / Full-stack frameworks

Projects / Open Source Projects

48. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust

GTFS Validators / Rust

GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust

49. Awesome Healthcare

Contents / Imaging

Contents / Libraries

Contents / Asset Management

Contents / Logistics

50. Awesome Sitecore


SXA (Sitecore Experience Accelerator)

51. Vertx Awesome

Web Frameworks

52. Awesome Ros2

Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)

53. Awesome Seml


54. Awesome Devsecops


55. Awesome Nextjs


56. Awesome Playcanvas

Automotive / YouTube Playables

Product Configurators / YouTube Playables