Awesome List Updates on Sep 20, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Developer First
Environment & Secret Management
- Ubiq - Encryption APIs with secret management.
2. Awesome Lit
General resources
Starter Templates
- LitElement JavaScript starter (⭐187) - Sample component using LitElement with JavaScript.
- LitElement TypeScript starter (⭐498) - Sample component using LitElement with TypeScript.
- hello-web-components (⭐25) - Simple starter web component written in TypeScript using Lit.
- Open Web Components Generator - Starter app based on Open Web Components Recommendations.
- pwa-starter (⭐1.1k) - LitElement edition of the PWABuilder pwa-starter.
- pwa-lit-template (⭐178) - Build Progressive Web Applications following the modern web standards.
Component Libraries
- Wired Elements (⭐10k) - Collection of elements that appear hand drawn.
CDN / Other Tools
Archive / Other Tools
Similar libraries / Other Tools
- haunted - React's Hooks API but for standard web components and hyperHTML or lit-html.
3. Awesome Newsletters
Mobile / Svelte
- Flutter Croissants. Receive every Monday all the news about Flutter and the world of mobility.
4. Awesome Educational Games
- SQL Murder Mystery - Solve a crime while practicing database skills.
5. Awesome Scala
Commercial courses / Devops
- Foundations of Functional Programming in Scala - a professional video course with exercises covering covers functional principles, custom IO (effects) and functional design.
6. Awesome Ansible
Playbooks, Roles and Collections / French
- ansible-ssm (⭐6) - An ansible role to provision physical and virtual hosts with the AWS SSM agent.
7. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- BetterTouchTool - Great, feature-packed app that allows you to configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse, Macbook Trackpad, Magic Trackpad and also Mouse Gestures for normal mice.
8. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - IRC
- UnrealIRCd - Modular, advanced and highly configurable IRC server written in C for Linux, BSD, Windows, and macOS. (Source Code (⭐446))
List of Licenses / Wikis
- BSD 4-clause "Original"
9. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- MarkUp — MarkUp lets you collect feedback directly on top of your websites, PDFs and images.
Other Free Resources
- Themeselection — Selected high quality, modern design, professional and easy-to-use Free Admin Dashboard Template, HTML Themes and UI Kits to create your applications faster!
- Prev: Sep 21, 2021
- Next: Sep 19, 2021