Awesome List Updates on Sep 15, 2021
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Rust
Applications / Games
- thetawavegame/thetawave-legacy (⭐194) - A space shooter game that strives to be an entry point for new game developers to make their first contributions.
Applications / Observability
- vectordotdev/vector (⭐19k) - A High-Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router.
2. Awesome Godot
Projects / Godot 4
- Lorien (⭐5.8k) - Infinite-canvas drawing/whiteboarding app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Supports drawing tablets and pressure sensitivity.
3. Awesome Ci
Name: Thundra Foresight
Description: A visibility tool into CI pipelines by spotting test failures in no time.
Features: Languages: Java
Supported repositories: GitHub, TeamCity, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Jenkins, CircleCI, TravisCI
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free
4. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Adversary Emulation
- Atomic Red Team (ART) (⭐8.9k) - Small and highly portable detection tests mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework.
IR Tools Collection / Books
- Introduction to DFIR - By Scott J. Roberts.
IR Tools Collection / Communities
- Digital Forensics Discord Server - Community of 8,000+ working professionals from Law Enforcement, Private Sector, and Forensic Vendors. Additionally, plenty of students and hobbyists! Guide here.
IR Tools Collection / Linux Distributions
- PALADIN - Modified Linux distribution to perform various forensics task in a forensically sound manner. It comes with many open source forensics tools included.
IR Tools Collection / Linux Evidence Collection
- FastIR Collector Linux (⭐165) - FastIR for Linux collects different artifacts on live Linux and records the results in CSV files.
IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools
- Log Parser Lizard - Execute SQL queries against structured log data: server logs, Windows Events, file system, Active Directory, log4net logs, comma/tab separated text, XML or JSON files. Also provides a GUI to Microsoft LogParser 2.2 with powerful UI elements: syntax editor, data grid, chart, pivot table, dashboard, query manager and more.
IR Tools Collection / Memory Imaging Tools
- OSForensics - Tool to acquire live memory on 32-bit and 64-bit systems. A dump of an individual process’s memory space or physical memory dump can be done.
IR Tools Collection / Other Tools
- Kansa (⭐1.5k) - Modular incident response framework in PowerShell.
- Munin (⭐793) - Online hash checker for VirusTotal and other services.
- PyaraScanner (⭐25) - Very simple multi-threaded many-rules to many-files YARA scanning Python script for malware zoos and IR.
IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools
- Metadefender Cloud - Free threat intelligence platform providing multiscanning, data sanitization and vulnerability assessment of files.
IR Tools Collection / Windows Evidence Collection
- LOKI (⭐3.2k) - Free IR scanner for scanning endpoint with yara rules and other indicators(IOCs).
- DFIR ORC - DFIR ORC is a collection of specialized tools dedicated to reliably parse and collect critical artifacts such as the MFT, registry hives or event logs. DFIR ORC collects data, but does not analyze it: it is not meant to triage machines. It provides a forensically relevant snapshot of machines running Microsoft Windows. The code can be found on GitHub (⭐355).
- FastIR Collector (⭐500) - Tool that collects different artifacts on live Windows systems and records the results in csv files. With the analyses of these artifacts, an early compromise can be detected.
- KAPE - Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) by Eric Zimmerman. A triage tool that finds the most prevalent digital artifacts and then parses them quickly. Great and thorough when time is of the essence.
- MEERKAT (⭐417) - PowerShell-based triage and threat hunting for Windows.
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Other References / superconsole - Windows-only
- The ZSH Reference Card and zsh-lovers site are indispensable.
6. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- kvrohit/substrata.nvim (⭐136) - A cold, dark color scheme written in Lua ported from arzg/vim-substrata (⭐201) theme.
7. Awesome Selenium
Cloud Services / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- Thundra Foresight - A visibility tool into your test suites by spotting test failures in no time.
8. Awesome Flutter
Backend / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Dynamic Widget (⭐1.6k) - Build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code by Denny Deng.
Desktop / Game Engine resources
- Native Shell (⭐644) - Experimental embedder for Flutter by Matej Knopp
- Fluent UI (⭐3.1k) - Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Flutter by Bruno D'Luka
- MacOS UI (⭐2k) - Widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language by Groovin Chip
- Ubuntu Yaru (⭐275) - Distinct look and feel of the Ubuntu Desktop by Ubuntu
9. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Books
- Functional Programming in C#, Second Edition - Real world examples and practical techniques for functional programming in C#.
10. Awesome Micropython
- micropython-jq6500 (⭐20) - Driver for JQ6500 UART MP3 modules.
- micropython-i2s-examples (⭐252) - Examples for I2S support on microcontrollers that run MicroPython.
- micropython-osc (⭐66) - A minimal OSC client and server library for MicroPython.
Communications / APIs
- micropython-utelegram (⭐88) - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython.
- uEagle (⭐5) - MicroPython Rainforest EAGLE client.
- micropython-youtube-api (⭐13) - YouTube API in MicroPython.
- micropython_esp8266_tweetbot (⭐10) - Tweet bot for MicroPython v1.8.4 (ESP8266).
- telegram-upy (⭐45) - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython.
- micropython-thingspeak (⭐13) - Library for sending data to from IoT devices running MicroPython (such as ESP8266).
Communications / Bluetooth
- MicroPythonBLEHID (⭐266) - Human Interface Device (HID) over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT library for MicroPython.
- upyble (⭐20) - Command line tool for Bluetooth Low Energy MicroPython devices.
Communications / CAN
- Robomaster-Micropython (⭐28) - Robomaster S1 - MicroPython CAN BUS controller.
- micropython-mcp2515 (⭐28) - MicroPython MCP2515 driver, porting from Arduino MCP2515 CAN interface library.
Communications / Cryptography
- ucrypto (⭐36) - MicroPython package for doing fast RSA and elliptic curve cryptography, specifically digital signatures. ECDSA API design inspired from fastecdsa and implementation based on tomsfastmath.
- embit (⭐92) - A minimal Bitcoin library for MicroPython and Python 3 with a focus on embedded systems.
- microotp (⭐27) - An ESP8266 MicroPython OTP Generator.
- micropython-rsa-signing (⭐18) - RSA signing on MicroPython.
Communications / DNS
- tinydns (⭐32) - Very simple DNS async server for MicroPython.
- micropython-captiveportal (⭐24) - Minimal async captive portal for MicroPython (compatible with uasyncio v3/MicroPython 1.13+ as well as earlier versions).
- Micropython-DNSServer-Captive-Portal (⭐16) - MicroPython WiFi AP Captive Portal with DNS and Web Server.
Communications / GSM
- micropython-sim800 (⭐17) - MicroPython driver for SIM800.
- sim800 (⭐26) - Library for interfacing with SIM800 module in MicroPython.
Communications / IoT
- iot-core-micropython (⭐52) - Use MicroPython to connect to Google Cloud IoT Core.
- SmartUPy (⭐14) - Controlling "Tuya-type" smart power outlets using MicroPython.
- aws-iot-GET-POST-loop (⭐17) - MicroPython code which uses the AWS IoT REST API to GET/POST device state info.
- sensor-mqtt-homeassistant (⭐15) - An ESP8266/ESP32 MicroPython-based sensor platform for GPIO, DHT, analog, LED and more. Includes remote updates for .py code from web server and MQTT/Home Assistant integration.
Communications / IR
- micropython_espX_IR_Transceiver (⭐8) - MicroPython ESP32 IR Transceiver.
Communications / LoRaWAN
- SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266 (⭐148) - SX127x (LoRa transceiver) driver for (Micro)Python on ESP8266/ESP32/Raspberry Pi.
- LightLora_MicroPython (⭐21) - Lightweight Interrupt-driven Semtech SX127x Library for MicroPython.
- sx127x_esp (⭐13) - Connect Ra-01 module base on LoRaTM sx127x chip to ESP8266/ESP32 under MicroPython.
- nanoserver (⭐6) - MicroPython embedded LoRaWAN server.
- micropySX126X (⭐113) - Semtech SX126X LoRa driver for MicroPython and CircuitPython.
Communications / Modbus
- micropython-modbus - MicroPython port of modbus-tk.
- micropython-modbus (⭐75) - Modbus Master library for MicroPython ESP32 devices. Based on pycom-modbus from Pycom.
- mp_modbus (⭐12) - Modbus library for MicroPython.
Communications / MQTT
- micropython-mqtt (⭐37) - Async MQTT library with auto reconnect for MicroPython devices such as the ESP32 or Pycom devices.
- micropython-adafruit-mqtt-esp8266 (⭐54) - Using MQTT to Publish/Subscribe to Adafruit IO. MicroPython/CircuitPython implementation on ESP8266/ESP32.
- mqtt_upython (⭐0) - MQTT Client using MicroPython on ESP8266.
Communications / NFC
- micropython-nfc (⭐12) - Using NFC with MicroPython.
- NFC_PN532_SPI (⭐42) - Partial port of Adafruit CircuitPython to MicroPython of PN532 NFC/RFID control library (SPI).
Communications / OneWire
- Onewire_DS18X20 (⭐14) - Classes for driving the DS18x20 sensor with the OneWire protocol for Pycom MicroPython.
Communications / Onkyo EISCP
- eiscp-micropython (⭐3) - MicroPython port for the Onkyo-EISCP protocol used, among others, by Pioneer.
Communications / OTA
- micropython-ota-updater (⭐372) - OTA Updater for MicroPython.
- Micropython-ESP32-OTA (⭐15) - MicroPython updater based on rdehuyss/micropython-ota-updater.
- senko (⭐97) - Simplest OTA update solution for your MicroPython projects.
Communications / Radio
- FM_Talkie (⭐8) - FM Walkie Talkie using RDA5820N.
- micropython-TEA5767 (⭐44) - MicroPython ESP8266/ESP32 driver for TEA5767 FM radio module.
- micropython-ppm-decoder (⭐11) - Utility for decoding an R/C receiver PPM frame signal.
Communications / REPL
- FBConsole (⭐58) - Framebuffer console class for MicroPython.
Communications / RFID
- urdm6300 (⭐2) - A MicroPython driver for the popular RDM6300 RFID card reader.
Communications / RTC
- micropython-ds1302-rtc (⭐47) - DS1302 RTC Clock driver for MicroPython.
- DS3231micro (⭐16) - MicroPython library for DS3231.
Communications / Serialization
- micropython-msgpack (⭐33) - MessagePack serialisation library optimised for MicroPython.
- micropython-uprotobuf (⭐21) - A lightweight implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers (protobuf) for MicroPython.
- minipb (⭐55) - Mini Protobuf {de}serializer in pure Python.
Communications / TCP
- us2n (⭐21) - MicroPython bridge between UART and TCP for the ESP32.
Communications / VoIP
- uPyVoip (⭐24) - VoIP for MicroPython ESP32 with Interactive Voice Response.
Communications / Web
- micropython-nanoweb (⭐111) - Full async MicroPython web server with small memory footprint.
- MicroWebCli (⭐56) - A micro HTTP web client for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- micropython-configserver (⭐15) - Captive portal for MicroPython including a dumb DNS server and a web server to configure WiFi networks.
- micropython-aioweb (⭐33) - A minimalist asyncio web framework for MicroPython.
Display / E-Paper
- micropython-inkplate6 (⭐19) - MicroPython driver for the Inkplate 6.
- eink (⭐17) - An eInk, ePaper display driver for MicroPython and ESP32.
- micropython_DEPG0213BN (⭐14) - Pure MicroPython driver for the DEPG0213BN eInk display found on the TTGO T5 V2.3 ESP32 boards.
Display / Fonts
- micropython-font-to-py (⭐410) - A Python 3 utility to convert fonts to Python source capable of being frozen as bytecode.
- ssd1306big (⭐25) - A font for MicroPython on 128x64 pixel SSD1306 OLED display.
Display / Graphics
- micropython-stage (⭐39) - A MicroPython port of the Stage game library.
- micropython-png (⭐14) - Derivative of PyPNG for use with MicroPython.
- mpy-img-decoder (⭐34) - PNG and JPEG decoder / parser / renderer in pure MicroPython.
- micropython-oled-progressbars (⭐14) - A collection of progress bars for use with ESP8266 and ESP32 on OLED displays.
- microplot (⭐20) - Simple MicroPython plotting package.
Display / LCD Graphic
- micropython-SHARP_Memory_Display (⭐11) - MicroPython driver for SHARP memory display.
Display / LCD TFT
- st7789_mpy (⭐598) - Fast MicroPython driver for ST7789 display module written in C.
- st7789py_mpy (⭐178) - Driver for 320x240, 240x240 and 135x240 ST7789 displays written in MicroPython.
- ili9342c_mpy (⭐55) - ILI9342C Fast 'C' Driver for MicroPython (M5Stack Core).
- gc9a01py (⭐45) - GC9A01 Display driver in MicroPython.
- gc9a01_mpy (⭐164) - Fast MicroPython driver for GC9A01 display modules written in C.
- st7735-esp8266-micropython (⭐33) - An ESP8266 MicroPython library for ST7735 160x80, 128x128, 128x160 TFT LCD displays.
- TTGO-ST7789-MicroPython (⭐18) - MicroPython ST7789 display driver for TTGO T-Display ESP32 CP2104 WiFi Bluetooth Module 1.14 Inch LCD.
Display / LEDs
- micropython-rgbled (⭐15) - This wrapper module aims to reduce the work needed to work with NeoPixel (WS2812) and DotStar (APA102) RGB LED strips and matrices.
- micropython_fastled (⭐23) - Port of FastLED to MicroPython.
Display / OLED
- micropython-ssd1309 (⭐36) - MicroPython SSD1309 Monochrome OLED Display Driver.
Display / Printer
- micropython-thermal-printer (⭐24) - The MicroPython port of Python Thermal Printer by Adafruit.
IO / Keyboard
- micropython-keyboard (⭐31) - 47 key keyboard running on a MicroPython Pyboard.
IO / Potentiometers
- micropython-ad840x (⭐1) - MicroPython SPI-based manipulation of the AD series digital potentiometers AD8400, AD8402 and AD8403.
IO / Power Management
- AXP202_PythonLibrary (⭐12) - MicroPython AXP202 Library.
- micropython_hourly_sleeper_library (⭐13) - A MicroPython library that enables an ESP8266 to sleep for hourly increments for a setup amount of hours.
IO / Rotary Encoder
- encoderLib (⭐8) - MicroPython library to handle a rotary encoder.
- rotary-encoder (⭐31) - MicroPython code to drive a KY-040 rotary encoder.
- micropython-encoder-knob (⭐2) - A very simple lightweight encoder knob library with button support.
IO / Waveform Generator
- Clock_Generators (⭐7) - Clock generators (Si5351 for now) toolbox.
- Signal_Generators (⭐21) - Signal generators (AD9833, AD9834, AD9850, ADF4351) toolbox.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- MicroPython_Statistics (⭐15) - Statistics module for MicroPython.
Motion / Stepper
- micropython-multiaxis - Multiaxis with MicroPython ESP32 and DRV8825.
- AccelStepper-MicroPython (⭐42) - AccelStepper Library for MicroPython - ESP32.
- pystepper (⭐3) - MicroPython Stepper Motor Sequence Control.
- uPySteppers (⭐14) - DIY rotating platform using an ESP32 connected to WiFi.
- microPython_AMIS-30543 (⭐0) - MicroPython library for Stepper Driver control using AMIS-30543 driver.
Sensors / Accelerometer Digital
- ADXL345_spi_micropython (⭐18) - Library for interacting through the SPI protocol with an 'Analog Devices ADXL345' accelerometer from an MCU flashed with MicroPython.
Sensors / Barometer - Air and Water Pressure
- MPL3115A2_MicroPython (⭐4) - MicroPython library for the MPL3115A2 altimeter.
- micropython_bme280_i2c (⭐10) - A MicroPython module for communicating with the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor.
- MicroPython-BME280 (⭐7) - Driver to digital sensor of Temperature, Pressure and Humidity.
Sensors / Battery
- Micropython-LC709203F (⭐2) - A simple MicroPython library for LC709293F Fuel Gauge.
Sensors / Biometric
- micropython-fingerprint (⭐16) - MicroPython library for reading Grow and ZhianTec fingerprint sensors.
- MAX30102-MicroPython-driver (⭐63) - A MAX30102 driver ported to MicroPython. It should also work for MAX30105.
Sensors / Camera
- esp32-cam-micropython (⭐93) - MicroPython ESP32-CAM.
- uPyCam (⭐157) - Take a photo with an ESP32-CAM running MicroPython.
- OV2640_uPy (⭐10) - OV2640 camera library for MicroPython.
- MQTT-Cam (⭐10) - ESP32-CAM MicroPython MQTT AWS S3 Uploader.
Sensors / Current
- INA219 (⭐14) - INA219 MicroPython driver.
- TI_INA226_micropython (⭐29) - MicroPython driver for Texas Instruments INA226 power measuring IC.
Sensors / Distance Laser
- VL53L0X (⭐42) - MicroPython Library for LiDAR Sensor VL53L0X.
- vl53l1x_pico (⭐22) - MicroPython driver for the VL53L1X ToF sensor.
- tf-luna-micropython (⭐11) - A simple MicroPython I2C library for TF-Luna LiDAR Module.
Sensors / Distance Ultrasonic
- micropython-us100 (⭐3) - MicroPython driver for the US-100 sonar distance sensor.
Sensors / Dust
- pyGP2Y (⭐4) - MicroPython library for the Sharp GP2Y1014AU0F Dust Sensor.
Sensors / Energy
- micropython-p1meter (⭐26) - A ESP32 sensor to read a p1 electricity meter and publish this to MQTT and Home Assistant, written in MicroPython.
- esp32-solar2 (⭐0) - Simple solar regulator - MicroPython project.
Sensors / Light
- micropython-max44009 (⭐1) - MicroPython driver for the MAX44009 ambient light sensor.
- veml7700 (⭐14) - Library for MicroPython for VEML7700 light sensor.
- MicroPython_MAX44009_driver (⭐2) - MicroPython driver for MAX44009 light sensor.
Sensors / Motion Inertial
- micropython-fusion (⭐333) - Sensor fusion calculates heading, pitch and roll from the outputs of motion tracking devices.
- micropython-mpu6050-mqtt-streamer (⭐10) - Stream data from MPU6050 to MQTT server using MicroPython on ESP8266.
- upy-motion (⭐19) - A simple MPU6050 driver written in MicroPython.
- micropython-bno08x-rvc (⭐5) - MicroPython library for BNO08x.
Sensors / Radiation
- ESPGeiger (⭐22) - MicroPython library for the ESP8266 Geiger counter.
Sensors / Spectral
- AS726X_LoPy (⭐9) - MicroPython driver for the AS726X spectral sensor.
Sensors / Temperature Digital
- BME680-Micropython (⭐37) - MicroPython driver for the BME680 sensor.
- htu21d-esp8266 (⭐5) - This is a MicroPython module / class to measure data from the HTU21D.
- esp-sht3x-micropython (⭐7) - A SHT3x (SHT30/31/35) library for ESP8266/ESP32 with MicroPython.
Sensors / Touch Capacitive
- micropython-TTP229-BSF (⭐17) - MicroPython ESP8266/ESP32 driver for TTP229-BSF 16-key capacitive keypad in serial interface mode.
Scheduling / Touch Resistive
- micropython-scron (⭐10) - SimpleCRON is a time-based task scheduling program inspired by the well-known cron program for Unix systems.
Storage / Databases
- MicroPyDatabase (⭐21) - A low-memory JSON-based database for MicroPython.
- micropython-firebase-realtime-database (⭐24) - Firebase implementation for MicroPython optimized for ESP32.
Threading / SRAM
- MicroWorkers (⭐45) - A micro workers class that easily manages a pool of threads to optimise simultaneous jobs and jobs endings, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
User Interface / SRAM
- upymenu (⭐27) - MicroPython Menu for LCD Displays.
Resources / SRAM
- awesome-micropythons (⭐46) - The many forks & ports of MicroPython.
Code Generation / SRAM
- micropython-extmod-generator (⭐23) - Generator for MicroPython external modules written in C.
Debugging / SRAM
- micropython-usyslog (⭐16) - Simple remote syslog client for MicroPython.
Shells / On Host
- ampy (⭐738) - Utility to interact with a MicroPython board over a serial connection.
11. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Data Structure
- quetie (⭐111) - Just the cutest and tiniest queue/deque implementation!
12. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-federation (⭐2.6k) - Support Module Federation, Inspired by Webpack Module Federation feature.
13. Public Apis
Art & Design
API: Dribbble
Description: Discover the world’s top designers & creatives
CORS: Unknown
Cloud Storage & File Sharing
API: Pastebin
Description: Plain Text Storage
CORS: Unknown
API: Rejax
Description: Reverse AJAX service to notify clients
API: Wordnik
Description: Dictionary Data
CORS: Unknown
Games & Comics
API: Fun Facts
Description: Random Fun Facts
Auth: No
API: Inshorts News (⭐226)
Description: Provides news from inshorts
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Sports & Fitness
API: City Bikes
Description: City Bikes around the world
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
- Prev: Sep 16, 2021
- Next: Sep 14, 2021