Awesome List Updates on Sep 06, 2021
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jmeter
Getting Started
2. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- rafamadriz/neon (⭐190) - Customizable colorscheme with excellent italic and bold support, dark and light variants. Made to work and look good with Tree-sitter.
- bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors (⭐962) - A dark charcoal colorscheme with modern Neovim support including Tree-sitter.
- ChristianChiarulli/nvcode-color-schemes.vim (⭐304) - Nvcode, onedark, nord colorschemes with Tree-sitter support.
- folke/tokyonight.nvim (⭐6.8k) - A clean, dark and light Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for LSP, Tree-sitter and lots of plugins.
- rockerBOO/boo-colorscheme-nvim (⭐206) - A colorscheme with handcrafted support for LSP, Tree-sitter.
- ray-x/aurora (⭐347) - A 24-bit dark theme with Tree-sitter and LSP support.
- kdheepak/monochrome.nvim (⭐125) - A 16 bit monochrome colorscheme that uses hsluv for perceptually distinct gray colors, with support for Tree-sitter and other commonly used plugins.
3. Awesome Db Tools
- MissionKontrol - Modern drag & drop admin panel/client with full user permissions for non-technical users.
- sqlite-tui (⭐1.7k) - A TUI for viewing sqlite databases, written in Go.
Reporting / Zabbix
- Chartbrew - Create live dashboards, charts, and client reports from multiple databases and services.
4. Awesome Flutter
- Rounded Loading Button (⭐350) - Button with a loading indicator, complete with success and error animations by Chris Edgington
5. Awesome Falsehood
Video Games
- The Door Problem - All the things you have not considered implementing for your doors in games.
6. Awesome Cdk
High-Level Frameworks / Multi-accounts setup
- Datajob (⭐96) - Build and deploy a serverless data pipeline or machine learning pipeline on AWS with no effort.
Blog Posts & Talks / Multi-accounts setup
- Recommended AWS CDK project structure for Python applications - By Alex Pulver.
7. Awesome Earth
Home Improvements
- Barry - Få et smart strømforbrug. Udskift din gamle el-leverandør med en app til din strøm.
- NY State Home Energy Assessment tool - Get a home energy audit and receive tools, resources, and aid to upgrade your home to be more energy efficient.
- The Cheeky Panda - 100% bamboo tissues shipped with zero plastic, wipes in recyclable plastic, and carbon balanced through the World Land Trust.
- Reconsidered Jobs - Aggregate jobs in social impact, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Land Management
- Droneseed - They plant native trees & vegetation using drone swarms and spray to protect them. Provide valuable insights to customers by collecting data in the field. Work with governments, nonprofits, and private land owners as a service provider.
- Permaculture Earthworks Handbook - A detailed guide to the proper design and construction of water harvesting earthworks. It covers the function, design, and construction methods for nine main types of water harvesting earthworks across a full range of climates. Free alternatives are an online course by Permaculture Women, and a four-part documentary by Geoff Lawton.
- Bunq Greencard - Dutch online-only bank with a credit card which plants trees for the money you spend.
8. Awesome Clojure
- hato (⭐354) : An HTTP client for Clojure, wrapping JDK 11's HttpClient
9. Awesome Swift
Localization / Barcode
- Locheck (⭐100) - Validate .strings and .stringsdict files for errors
10. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
11. Free for Dev
Storage and Media Processing
- — Uploadcare provides the media pipeline with the ultimate toolkit based on cutting-edge algorithms. All features are available for developers absolutely for free: File Uploading API and UI, Image CDN and Origin Services, Adaptive Delivery, and Smart Compression. The free tier has 3000 uploads, 3 GB traffic, and 3 GB storage.
- – AI based cloud storage with free up to 20 GB, three devices, 5 GB referral bonus (90 days account inactivity).
12. Awesome Clean Tech
More Resources / Social Impact
- Norrsken Foundation - Swedish foundation which supports and invests in organizations that have a positive impact on society.
- Prev: Sep 07, 2021
- Next: Sep 05, 2021