Awesome List Updates on Aug 16, 2021
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome List
- Godot (⭐7.5k) - Game engine.
2. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Nim / PicoLisp
- Computer Programming with the Nim Programming Language - Stefan Salewski
3. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- terraformize (⭐154) - Apply\Destroy Terraform modules via a simple REST API endpoint. 💀
4. Awesome Cryptography
Java / Git
- Password4j (⭐353) - A Java user-friendly cryptographic library for hashing and checking passwords with different Key derivation functions (KDFs) and Cryptographic hash functions (CHFs).
5. Awesome Games of Coding
- Guido van Robot - Programming language and free software application designed to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of programming. GvR runs on Windows, Macintosh, and GNU/Linux, in a variety of languages! It's great in both the classroom and the home as a way of introducing people to the basic concepts of programming.
6. Awesome Pascal
- DVD Chief Template Engine (⭐6).
Fork of abandoned implementation of PHP Smarty template engine for Delphi by DVD Chief.
- liquid-delphi (⭐9).
Delphi port of the popular Ruby Liquid templating language and dotLiquid implementation. It is a separate project that aims to retain the same template syntax as the original, while using delphi coding conventions where possible.
Code check/review, debug
- Delphi Code Coverage (⭐54).
Simple Code Coverage tool for Delphi that creates code coverage reports based on detailed MAP files.
7. Free for Dev
Translation Management
- Texterify - Free for a single user
8. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Dependency Management
- Phive - A PHAR manager.
9. Awesome R Learning Resources
Books / Uncategorized
- Modern Statistics with R - From wrangling and exploring data to inference and predictive modelling. The book includes plenty of examples and more than 200 exercises with worked solutions. Author: Måns Thulin.
10. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- interBTC (⭐249) - Trustless and fully decentralized Bitcoin bridge to Polkadot and Kusama.
Libraries / Game development
- Awesome Quads (⭐205) - A curated list of links to miniquad/macroquad-related code & resources
11. Awesome Flutter
- Flutter and Dart development - Articles and tutorials by Suragch
- Rendering Pipeline and Let's build a render tree - Engine architecture by Adam Barth
Media / Audio
- Audio Service - System background audio support by Ryan Heise. Tutorial by Suragch.
12. Awesome Appimage
AppImage consumption tools / Package managers
- RookiePM (⭐2) - Package manager for AppImages and Shell Scripts.
AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Windows applications
- ferion11/Wine_Appimage (⭐44) - AppImage for WINE 32bits from PlayOnLinux, an run on no-multilib systems.
13. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- DungeonSworn - A dungeon delving adventure supplement
- Investigation Hack by rsek - An investigation hack for Ironsworn
- Ironsworn Winterhall - Put down roots in the Ironlands
- Kybersworn - A Star Wars-themed supplement for Ironsworn
- Modern Domains for Ironsworn by Stephanie M - Modern domain oracles
- Noironsworn - An investigation supplement
- On Hollow Roads - An Ironsworn supplement set in a haunted, surrealist American landscape
- The Outer Edge - A spacefaring supplement for Ironsworn
- Solar Crown Online - Undertake perilous quests in the world of Solar Crown Online, a wildly-popular MMORPG
- Winsome - Stripped-down, setting-less hack of Ironsworn
14. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Historic Preservation
- National Register of Historic Places - The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation.
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites - A World Heritage Site is a site on a list of properties maintained by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO and called the World Heritage List "which it considers as having outstanding universal value".
15. Awesome Qubes OS
Qubes OS Websites
- Qubes OS - Qubes OS is an operating system built out of securely-isolated compartments called Qubes.
- Qubes OS News - Latest Qubes OS News.
Optics and Extra Info / Extra Info
- 3mdeb - We’re hands-on firmware experts with years of experience writing elegant, scalable and custom code for clients.
Social media / Extra Info
- Discord - Qubes OS discord invite link
- Facebook - Qubes OS facebook page
- LinkedIn - Qubes OS linkedin account
- Matrix:Qubes OS - General Qubes OS matrix room
- Twitter - Qubes OS Twitter account
- Prev: Aug 17, 2021
- Next: Aug 15, 2021