Awesome List Updates on Aug 13, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Product Management
Articles / Obsidian
2. Awesome Coq
Projects / Tools
- SerAPI (⭐128) - Tools and OCaml library for (de)serialization of Coq code to and from JSON and S-expressions.
3. Awesome Capacitorjs
4. Awesome Ironsworn
Official content
- Ironsworn - A tabletop RPG of perilous quests
- Discord - Official discord server for Ironsworn
- Reddit - Ironsworn subreddit
Translations / Ironsworn
- French by Thomas Pereira - Ironsworn rulebook and references in French
- Spanish by Samuel Rondón - Ironsworn play materials in Spanish
Tools / Ironsworn
- Asset Workbench - Tool for creating custom Ironsworn assets
- The Augur - A virtual tabletop for solo RPGs, based on Ironsworn
- Ironsworn Companion - Digital companion for the tabletop RPG Ironsworn
- Ironsworn Generators by rsek - Collection of random generators for Ironsworn
- Ironsworn for Tabletop Simulator - Ironsworn module for Tabletop Simulator
- TheOracle (⭐37) - Discord bot for Ironsworn, with a focus on play-by-post games
Resources / Ironsworn
- DataForged (⭐192) - Starforged rules data in JSON format
- DataSworn (⭐127) - Ironsworn rules data in JSON format
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- FurSworn - Anthropomorphic animal supplement
- Ironsworn: Badlands - Western setting supplement
- Silently Sworn - A cosmic horror supplement
Projects without URLs / Ironsworn
- From the Ironsworn Discord
- Eldersworn - A Cthulhu Mythos hack
- Witchstorm - Fantasy supplement that brings a framework for a more casual casting of magic
5. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- tmuxake (⭐11) A side-pane manager for tmux
6. Awesome Dotnet
Functional programming
- Curryfy (⭐69) - Provides strongly typed extensions methods for C# delegates to take advantages of functional programming techniques, like currying and partial application.
- MoreLinq (⭐3.7k) - Provides extra methods to LINQ to Objects.
Machine Learning and Data Science
- m2cgen (⭐2.8k) - A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native .NET (C#, F# or Visual Basic) code with zero dependencies.
- RecordParser (⭐297) - Library to help reading and writing CSV and Flat files with zero heap allocation.
7. Awesome Keycloak
8. Public Apis
API: RandomDuck
Description: Random pictures of ducks
Auth: No
Currency Exchange
API: Bank of Russia
Description: Exchange rates and currency conversion
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: ThronesApi
Description: Game Of Thrones Characters Data with imagery
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
9. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- kdheepak/panvimdoc (⭐269) - A pandoc to vimdoc GitHub action.
Syntax / Diagnostics
- RRethy/nvim-treesitter-textsubjects (⭐527) - Location and syntax aware text objects which do what you mean.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- Allendang/nvim-expand-expr (⭐35) - Expand and repeat expression to multiple lines.
- Prev: Aug 14, 2021
- Next: Aug 12, 2021