Awesome List Updates on Aug 09, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- Ghunt (⭐16k) - Investigate Google emails and documents.
2. Awesome Swift
App Routing
- SwiftCurrent (⭐306) - Manage complex workflows wherever Swift can be built. It comes with built-in support for UIKit, Storyboards, and SwiftUI.
3. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- fluent-vue (⭐258) - Internationalization plugin for Vue.js (2 and 3). Vue.js integration for Fluent.js - JavaScript implementation of Project Fluent
4. Awesome Cl
- quick-patch (⭐20) - easily override quicklisp projects without using git submodules. MPL-2.0.
Web development utilities / Web project skeletons and generators
- cl-cookieweb (⭐38) - a Cookiecutter template to start a web project. BSD_3Clause. Not in Quicklisp.
- Provides a working toy web app with the Hunchentoot web server, easy-routes, Djula templates, styled with Bulma, based on SQLite, with migrations, an example table definition and a test suite using FiveAM.
- make-like (⭐12) - an application template builder for LIKE (Lisp In Kubernetes + Emacs) applications. Apache2.0.
- Makefile, podman support, GitHub Actions, Prometheus metrics support, TOML-style config.ini, easy-route preconfigured with health-check and more.
- cl-webapp-seed (⭐6) - a simple web application boilerplate. Uses Hunchentoot, cl-who, deploys easily to Heroku. MIT.
Others / Web project skeletons and generators
- trivial-download (⭐38) - Download files. MIT.
Running scripts / Third-party APIs
- ScriptL (⭐74) - Shell scripting made Lisp-like! Or, live-coding remote function calls for the shell. Write a command in the REPL, and run it instantly in the shell. LLGPL.
- similar and maybe simpler: lserver
Command-line options parsers / Third-party APIs
- Adopt (⭐31) - A Damn OPTion parsing library. MIT.
5. Awesome Typescript
Types / Playground
- @tool-belt/type-predicates (⭐54) - Type Predicates, Assertion Functions and Utilities.
6. Awesome Decentralized
- Vdo.Ninja (⭐3k): 100% free; no downloads; no personal data collection; no sign-in, cutting edge Peer-to-Peer forwarding technology that offers privacy and ultra-low latency
7. Awesome Integration
Resources / Protocols
- JSON-RPC - A simple and lightweight remote procedure call protocol that enables communication between systems using JSON data. JSON-RPC offers stateless communication and is suitable for resource-constrained devices.
8. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Server-side
Resources / Examples
- Ping CRM / Clojure (⭐112) - Demonstration application made with Clojure and Reagent.
9. Awesome Acg
Image Processing
- Waifu2x-Extension-GUI (⭐13k) - Video, Image and GIF upscale/enlarge(Super-Resolution) and Video frame interpolation. Achieved with Waifu2x, SRMD, RealSR, Anime4K, RIFE, CAIN, DAIN and ACNet. [English/中文]
- Prev: Aug 10, 2021
- Next: Aug 08, 2021