Awesome List Updates on Aug 07, 2021
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Product Management
Articles / Obsidian
Books / Obsidian
- The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn - By Richard W. Hamming.
2. Awesome Ios
Deployment / Distribution
- Codemagic - Build, test and deliver iOS apps 20% faster with Codemagic CI/CD.
3. Awesome AutoHotkey
Typing / Web
- DateHotkey (⭐15) - Hotkey to easily receive current, past or upcomming date strings. Forum thread: link
4. Free for Dev
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Chpokify — Teams-based Planning Poker that saves time on sprint estimation. Free up to 5 users, free Jira integrations, unlimited video calls, unlimited teams, unlimited sessions.
5. Awesome Rust
Applications / Observability
- avito-tech/bioyino (⭐233) - A high-performance scalable StatsD compatible server.
6. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms
- CityEngine - CityEngine is advanced 3D modeling software for creating huge, interactive and immersive urban environments in less time than traditional modeling techniques. The cities you create using CityEngine can be based on real-world GIS data and the procedural rules that can help quickly create streets (⭐189) & buildings.
7. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-word-highlighter (⭐314) - The word highlighter library for Vue 2 and Vue 3.
- Prev: Aug 08, 2021
- Next: Aug 06, 2021