Awesome List Updates on Aug 02, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Developer First
- SerpApi - Real-time search engine scraping API.
2. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Preparedness training and wargaming / Firewall appliances or distributions
- Drool - Replay DNS traffic from packet capture files and send it to a specified server, such as for simulating DDoS attacks on the DNS and measuring normal DNS querying.
3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Practice Python Projects - Sundeep Agarwal
- The Big Book of Small Python Projects - Al Sweigart
4. Awesome Typescript
- @captain-yossarian's blog - fully dedicated to static typings in TypeScript
5. Awesome Microservices
Security / Scala
- GNAP - Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol defines a mechanism for delegating authorization to a piece of software, and conveying that delegation to the software. This delegation can include access to a set of APIs as well as information passed directly to the software.DRAFT
6. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Tools
- upf-bpf (⭐199) - An in-kernel solution based on XDP for 5G UPF.
7. Public Apis
API: Aletheia
Description: Insider trading data, earnings call analysis, financial statements, and more
Open Data
API: Socrata
Description: Access to Open Data from Governments, Non-profits and NGOs around the world
API: FingerprintJS Pro
Description: Fraud detection API offering highly accurate browser fingerprinting
8. Awesome Pascal
- Delphi-BASS (⭐28).
Delphi's FMX and VCL header/wrapper units for BASS audio library plus add-ons.
- Image32.
(Website) 2D graphics library written in Delphi Pascal. It provides an extensive range of image manipulation functions and includes a line and polygon renderer supporting a wide range of brush filling options.
Game dev
- Delphi3D Engine (⭐52).
A 3D-graphic and game engine for Delphi and Windows
Event bus
- VSoft.Messaging (⭐39).
Libary that provides an internal synchronous/asynchronous publish/subscribe messaging system for Delphi applications.
Other GUI
- BitMapEditor - Delphi (⭐4).
Single-form, simple bitmap editor for Delphi.
- BearLibTerminal (⭐90).
Provides a pseudoterminal window with a grid of character cells and a simple yet powerful API for flexible textual output and uncomplicated input processing. // Multiplatform dynamic library that has Delphi bindings
- Dam (⭐92).
Delphi and Lazarus Message Dialogs with Formatted Text.
- Sempare Template Engine (⭐77).
The template engine allows for flexible text manipulation. It can be used for generating email, html, source code, xml, configuration, etc. It is very easy to use, flexible and extensible, where templates are readable and maintainable. It supports: conditions, looping, custom functions and referencing data via RTTI. XE4, XE8+
- Nullpobug.ArgumentParser (⭐40).
Command-line parser for Delphi and Free Pascal
Other non-visual
- Delphi-Hunspell (⭐14).
Simple Hunspell spell checking engine wrapper for Delphi.
- ActiveDirectory4Delphi (⭐53).
Delphi basic library for validation and authentication of LDAP users in Active Directory.
Code check/review, debug
- madExcept.
madExcept was built to help you locate bugs in your software. Whenever there's a crash/exception in your program, madExcept will automatically catch it, analyze it, collect lots of useful information, and give the end user the possibility to send you a full bug report. madExcept is also able to find memory leaks, resource leaks and buffer overruns for you. // Free without source for non-commercial usage (only) with some conditions. Available to download as part ofmadCollection
installer (you'll need to installmadExcept
item). Pretty well documented.
- map2pdb.
Tool used to convert the MAP files produced by the Delphi and C++ Builder compilers to Microsoft PDB files for use in tools that support that format.
- Grijjy Deployment Manager (⭐35). Tool to simplify the deployment of files and folders for iOS and Android apps written in Delphi. It is especially useful if you need to deploy a lot of files, such as 3rd party SDKs.
- DFMJSON (⭐29).
Library to convert between Delphi's .DFM (or .FMX) format and JSON. It can be used to parse a DFM file into an Abstract Syntax Tree in JSON, which can then be edited and the results turned back to DFM format.
9. Awesome Cpp
Machine Learning
- m2cgen (⭐2.8k) - A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native C code with zero dependencies. [MIT]
- popl (⭐174) - A single-header templated command line arguments and ini file parser for C++ 11 and beyond. [MIT]
Data visualization
- matplotplusplus (⭐4.4k) - C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization. [MIT] website
- Kratos (⭐1.1k) - framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. [BSD] website
- Prev: Aug 03, 2021
- Next: Aug 01, 2021