Awesome List Updates on Jul 28, 2021
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- A nice app on Elm street - An introduction to Elm
2. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Analysis/Inspection
- BruteShark (⭐2.9k): Is an open-source, cross-platform network forensic analysis tool with many features. It includes: password extracting, displaying a visual network map, reconstruct TCP sessions, extract hashes of encrypted passwords and even convert them to a Hashcat format in order to perform an offline Brute Force attack.
3. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-fuzzback (⭐147) Search your scrollback buffer using fzf.
4. Awesome Stacks Chain
Apps / Stacking Apps
- PlanBetter pool - Stacking pool with Bitcoin rewards.
Clarity Resources / Developer Tools
- Clarinet (⭐290) - Clarity runtime packaged as a CLI, facilitates development and testing of Clarity smart contracts.
- Clarigen (⭐28) - A tool for writing TypeScript code that interacts with Clarity smart contracts.
Clarity Resources / Contracts
- Lightning Swaps (⭐0) - Fraud-proof swaps using Lightning Network.
Learning Resources / Videos
- Proof of Transfer Whitepaper Reading with Muneeb Ali - Overview of the Proof of Transfer (PoX) whitepaper from the author.
5. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- — Video hosting and marketing made simple. Upload videos with a single click. Record, manage, share & more. The free tier provides up to 10 videos, 1 GB of storage, and 10 GB of bandwidth/per month
6. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- BlazorMergely (⭐10) -
An implementation of Blazor diff and merge component based on Mergely with server side support.
7. Public Apis
Test Data
API: Mailsac
Description: Disposable Email
CORS: Unknown
8. Awesome Cpp
Online Compiler
- codechef - A simple online compiler CodeChef.
9. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Cryptography
- w3f/schnorrkel (⭐321) - Schnorr VRFs and signatures on the Ristretto group
10. Awesome Prisma
👾 Projects Using Prisma / Tutorials with NestJS
- tRPC Prisma Starter (⭐672) - Starter project with Prisma + Next.js + CI + testing + E2E type-safety using tRPC
11. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Maturity of gray matter structures and white matter connectomes, and their relationship with psychiatric symptoms in youth Alex Luna, Joel Bernanke, Kakyeong Kim, Natalie Aw, Jordan D. Dworkin, Jiook Cha, Jonathan Posner (2021).
12. Awesome List
- VLC (⭐184) - Cross-platform media player software and streaming server.
- Internships (⭐438) - CV writing guides and companies that hire interns.
- Prev: Jul 29, 2021
- Next: Jul 27, 2021