Awesome List Updates on Jul 27, 2021
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Rust
Applications / Text processing
- sstadick/hck (⭐710) - A faster and more featureful drop in replacement for
Libraries / GUI
- tauri-apps/tauri (⭐90k) - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend, powered by WRY (⭐4k).
2. Awesome Vite
Django / Community
- django-vite (⭐648) - Integration for Django applications.
Ruby on Rails / Community
- vite-plugin-ruby (⭐1.4k) - Configuration for Ruby backends.
- Vite Ruby (⭐1.4k) - Integration for Rails, Hanami, Padrino, and Rack apps.
3. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Simon Wardley's SlideShares - A collection of useful presentation slide decks on a range of topics.
4. Awesome Iam
Competitive Analysis / GDPR
- DigitalOcean Accounts changelog - All the latest accounts updates on DO.
5. Awesome Billing
- Open guide to AWS (⭐36k) - Links to the Billing and Cost Management section which details the broad characteristics of billing for a cloud provider.
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- Use-cases for cloud services - The reason usage-based pricing makes even more sense for cloud services: to optimize ROI, keep all regular workload in traditional architecture and reserve cloud computing for elastic and experimental projects.
Product Catalog / Market Research
- GCP Product Catalog - All GCP SKUs available as an API.
- Pimcore (⭐3.5k) - An open-source UI and database to manage product metadata, written in PHP Symfony.
- OpenPIM - A streamlined open-source project, focusing on PIM-only features.
- Comparing 3 open source PIM solutions - Comparative study of the 3 projects above.
Calculator / Market Research
- Cloudorado - A comparison matrix which use ECU (Amazon's vCPU) as a CPU power measure unit.
Cost Forecast / Market Research
- GCP Cost Forecast - An example of consumption trend line for resource consumption.
- AWS Forecast - A full-featured hosted product to perform forecasting on any time-series.
Coupons and Vouchers / Currencies
- The coupon code is a slap in the face - Point the negative consequences of users encountering a blank coupon field without having a coupon. See the update at the end of the article with research backing up this anecdote.
Payments / Receipt
- The long, long history of long, long CVS receipts - “CVS is a drugstore much like other drugstores, with one important difference: The receipts are very long.”
Competitive Analysis / Cloud providers
- DigitalOcean Billing changelog - All the latest billing updates on DO.
6. Awesome Game Remakes
- BetterSpades (⭐243) - Ace Of Spades open source implementation that runs on older machines.
- FreeCS - Free-software re-implementation of Counter-Strike 1.5 running on the FTEQW engine. 🎴
- FTEQW - FPS Engine for Quake 1, QuakeWorld, Quake 2, Hexen II & Quake III Arena.
- Zandronum - Multiplayer oriented port, based off Skulltag, for Doom and Doom II. Also runs Heretic, Hexen and Strife. 🎴
7. Awesome List
- Billing (⭐1k) - Payments, invoicing, pricing, accounting, marketplace, fraud, and business intelligence.
8. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Databases
- redis-pro (⭐658) - Small, easy to use Redis management, written with SwiftUI, support Dark mode.
9. Awesome Osint
Threat Intelligence / Steam
- GitGuardian - Public GitHub Monitoring - Monitor public GitHub repositories in real time. Detect secrets and sensitive information to prevent hackers from using GitHub as a backdoor to your business.
10. Awesome Lowcode
- AppSumo - Discover, buy, & sell the products you need to grow your business.
- Bannerbear - Auto-generate social media visuals, ecommerce banners, dynamic email images and more with our API and integrations.
11. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- OSnap (⭐157) - The speedy and easy to use Snapshot Testing tool for your project (1200 snapshots will run in under 3 minutes).
12. Awesome Vue
Resources / Examples
- vuemoji-picker (⭐71) - Vue 2 and 3 lightweight emoji picker.
13. Awesome Golem
Apps / CLI Tools
- Golocity (⭐7) - Build and deploy your dockerized applications on the Golem Network in just two commands.
14. Awesome Integration
Projects / ESB
- Apache ServiceMix - Versatile open-source integration container combining messaging, routing, and service mediation for flexible enterprise connectivity.
- UltraESB - High-performance ESB engineered for extreme throughput with zero-copy proxying and non-blocking IO techniques.
Projects / ETL
- Microsoft SSIS - Proven data integration solution for building scalable ETL processes within enterprise environments using SQL Server.
Projects / iPaaS
- Anypoint Platform - Combines API management and integration into one platform, enabling seamless connectivity across diverse applications.
Projects / Messaging
- KubeMQ - Kubernetes-native message broker and queue system designed for scalability, high availability, and seamless cloud integration.
- Oracle AQ - Integrated messaging solution within Oracle databases, offering reliable and efficient message delivery.
Integration Patterns / Enterprise Integration Patterns
- Durable Subscriber - How can a subscriber avoid missing messages while it is not listening for them?
- Format Indicator - How can a message`s data format be designed to allow for possible future changes?
- Message Expiration - How can a sender indicate when a message should be considered stale and thus shouldn`t be processed?
Resources / API Specification
- WSDL - A powerful XML-based interface description language for SOAP-based services that enables software engineers to describe the functionality of a web service and automate the creation of client code.
Resources / Connectors
- JCA - Defines a standard architecture for Jakarta EE application components to connect to Enterprise Information Systems. Formerly Java EE Connector Architecture and J2EE Connector Architecture.
- Kafka Connect - A tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems.
Resources / Data Formats
- BSON - Binary-encoded serialization format for JSON-like documents that is designed to be lightweight and efficient. It supports rich data types and is widely used in NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB.
- CSV - A simple and widely used data format that stores tabular data in plain text. It is easy to read and write, and can be processed by most programming languages.
- JSON - A lightweight and easy-to-read data format that is widely used for data exchange. It supports a wide range of data types and is compatible with many programming languages.
Resources / Standard APIs
- ODBC - A widely accepted API that provides a standardized way to access data from various database management systems. ODBC offers a consistent interface to access data, making it easy to develop database applications.
15. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Education
- National Center for Educational Statistics - The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. Their data lab provides access to other 30+ education datasets and provides quick reporting and charting functionality for users.
- Prev: Jul 28, 2021
- Next: Jul 26, 2021