Awesome List Updates on Jul 21, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Eslint
Installation and Setup / Testing Tools
- Lintier (⭐23) - CLI to quickly scaffold an ESLint & Prettier setup in a TypeScript project.
2. Awesome Decentralized
- Noms ☠️ (⭐7.4k): Versioned, forkable, syncable decentralized database, philosophically descendant from the Git version control system. Nobody is working on this right now.
3. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-nova (⭐189) Fully customizable tmux theme
4. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- Using RxJava 2 Tutorial - Lars Vogel, Simon Scholz (HTML)
5. Awesome Neovim
Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics
- MunifTanjim/nui.nvim (⭐1.8k) - UI Component Library.
6. Public Apis
Authentication & Authorization
API: Auth0
Description: Easy to implement, adaptable authentication and authorization platform
API: Micro User Service
Description: User management and authentication
API: Stytch
Description: User infrastructure for modern applications
API: Tyk
Description: Api and service management platform
API: KSoft.Si Lyrics
Description: API to get lyrics for songs
CORS: Unknown
Open Data
Description: Large datasets repository of African open data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
7. Awesome Python Typing
Stub packages
- sqlalchemy2-stubs - Official stubs and mypy plugin for SQLAlchemy.
Integrations / Mypy plugins
- nbQA (⭐1.1k) - Run type checkers (e.g. Mypy) on Jupyter Notebooks.
8. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements
- Lunar - Help you adujst brightness, contrast and volumn of your external display.
9. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Other Resources / Other Technology Resource Aggregators
- Harvard Dataverse - Harvard Dataverse is a repository for research data. It contains a wide variety of datasets spanning the sciences, many with public domain dedications.
10. Awesome Elm
Code generators / Individual Podcast episodes
- Elm TS Interop (⭐42) - Build up Encoders/Decoders between Elm and TypeScript.
- Elm TypeScript Interop (⭐165) - Generate TypeScript definitions from Elm (
Elm TS Interop
is an improved version of this).
- haskell-to-elm (⭐61) - Generate Elm types, encoders, and decoders from Haskell types
- PostCSS Elm Tailwind (⭐98) - Put some Tailwind in your Elm
Other tools / Unmaintained
- Elm Catalog - A catalog of Elm tools.
- Dependabot - Automatic update PRs for your elm.json.
- Elm Doc Preview (⭐128) - Elm offline documentation previewer.
- Elm Format (⭐1.3k) - Automatic Elm code formatter adhering to Elm Style Guide.
- Elm JSON (⭐182) - Install, upgrade and uninstall Elm dependencies
- Elm Oracle (⭐151) - Query for information about values in elm source files. Used by most editor plugins.
- type-o-rama (⭐244) - JS type systems interportability.
- Html to Elm - Convert HTML to Elm.
- Litvis (⭐383) - Literate Visualization with Elm
Static analysis / Outdated Boilerplates
- Elm Analyse (⭐415) - Linter for the Elm programming language.
- Elm Review (⭐263) - Code reviewer for the Elm programming language.
Static site generators / Outdated Boilerplates
- Elm Pages - Static site generator that prerenders HTML and hydrates into an Elm client-side app (here is a brief comparison with elmstatic).
- Elmstatic - Elm-based static site generator.
Showcase generators / Outdated Boilerplates
- Elm Book - Rich documentation builder based on Storybook and HexDocs.
- Elm UI Explorer (⭐216) - Showcase your views and states.
Run Elm / Outdated Boilerplates
- Ellie - The Elm Live Editor
- Elm Editor - Advanced Elm Live Editor
- run-elm (⭐52) — Run Elm code from the command line
- elm-instant - atom package to try your elm code from the editor. Provides a visual REPL and a preview pane.
- Glitch - Build fast, full-stack web apps in your browser.
- Elm Live - A flexible dev server for Elm. Live reload included!
Compile and bundle / Unmaintained
- grunt-elm (⭐19) - Grunt plugin that compiles Elm files to JavaScript.
Editor plugins / Atom
- atom-linter-elm-make - Elm code linter for the Atom editor.
- atom-elm-snippets (⭐6) - Elm snippets for Atom.
- atom-language-elm - Syntax highlighting and autocompletion for the Atom editor.
- elmjutsu - Autocompletion, go to definition, find usages, rename symbol, etc. for the Atom editor.
- atom-elm-navigator - A side panel that helps to navigate to any function, type definition or port in your project.
Editor plugins / Emacs
- emacs-elm-mode (⭐375) - Syntax highlighting, Elm REPL, Elm make and Elm format integration for the Emacs editor.
Editor plugins / IntelliJ
- elm-plugin (⭐398) - Elm plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
Editor plugins / Sublime Text
- LSP-elm (⭐7) - Elm Language Server for Sublime (Recommended).
- Elm Language Server (⭐420) - Language server implementation for Elm
- Elm Syntax Highlighting - Syntax Highlighting for Elm in Sublime Text.
- Elm Format on Save (⭐23) - Sublime Text plugin to run elm-format on save.
Editor plugins / Vim/Neovim
- theJian/elm.vim (⭐0) - Elm syntax highlighting. Use with ale or Neoformat for Neovim (⭐1.3k) since ElmCast/elm-vim does not support Elm 0.19.
- ElmCast/elm-vim (⭐574) - Elm 0.18 mode for Vim/Neovim.
- vim-elm-help (⭐7) - Offline Elm documentation access in your editor.
- emmet-vim (⭐6.4k) - Markup expansion with elm support.
Editor plugins / Visual Studio Code
- ElmLS - Elm Language Server integration
- Elmmet: Emmet for Elm (Visual Studio Code) - Emmetio abbreviation expander into composition of Elm function with elm-format'er inside.
- HTML to Elm for Visual Studio Code - VSCode plugin to convert HTML to Elm
Editor plugins / Other editors
- elm-light-table (⭐133) - Syntax highlighting, REPL, autocompletion, package management and much more for Light Table.
- Prev: Jul 22, 2021
- Next: Jul 20, 2021