Awesome List Updates on Jul 16, 2021
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- AgonesSDK (⭐64) - Plugin to add Agones (⭐6.2k) SDK functionality to Godot.
2. Awesome Python Typing
Static type checkers
- mypy (⭐19k) - Optional static typing (PEP 484).
- pyanalyze (⭐356) - Extensible static analyzer and type checker.
- pyre - Performant type-checker.
- pytype (⭐4.8k) - Tool to check and infer types - without requiring type annotations.
Dynamic type checkers
- strongtyping (⭐111) - Decorator which checks whether the function is called with the correct type of parameters.
Stub packages
- asgiref (⭐1.5k) - ASGI specification, provides asgiref.typing (⭐1.5k) module with type annotations for ASGI servers.
- typeshed (⭐4.5k) - Collection of library stubs, with static types.
Additional types
- meiga (⭐78) - Simple, typed and monad-based Result type.
- option (⭐86) - Rust like Option and Result types.
- phantom-types (⭐207) - Phantom types.
- returns (⭐3.8k) - Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe.
- safetywrap (⭐45) - Fully typesafe, Rust-like Result and Option types.
- typet (⭐22) - Length-bounded types, dynamic object validation.
Tools / Linters
- wemake-python-styleguide (⭐2.6k) - The strictest and most opinionated Python linter ever.
Tools / Working with types
- com2ann (⭐143) - Tool for translation of type comments to type annotations.
- typing-inspect (⭐353) - The typing_inspect module defines experimental API for runtime inspection of types defined in the
Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code
- monkeytype (⭐4.8k) - Collects runtime types of function arguments and return values, and can automatically generate stub files or even add draft type annotations directly to your code based on the types collected at runtime.
- type4py (⭐63) - Deep Similarity Learning-Based Type Inference.
Integrations / Mypy plugins
- mypy-playground (⭐72) - Online playground for mypy.
- mypy-pycharm-plugin (⭐315) - Mypy integration for PyCharm.
- pylance (⭐1.7k) - PyRight integration for VSCode.
3. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-restart (⭐181) - Restart the Vite server on file changes.
- vite-plugin-full-reload (⭐160) - Reload the browser on file changes.
4. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- OpenInWSL (⭐100) - Easily Make WSL Linux Apps Windows File Handlers.
5. Colorful
Tools / Web App
- Hexcolorpedia - Hex color information, Color conversion, Shades, tints, tones, Pantone match, color blending and huge Color palettes collection.
6. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- SerpApi - Real-time search engine scraping API. Returns structured JSON results for Google, YouTube, Bing, Baidu, Walmart, and many other machines. The free plan includes 100 successful API calls per month.
7. Public Apis
API: Brazil
Description: Community driven API for Brazil Public Data
Auth: No
API: Transport for Norway
Description: Transport APIs and dataset for Norway
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
8. ALL About RSS
RSS Extensions / Outline Processor Markup Language
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
- Ego Reader 651, 852, 856
, 1058
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSS2KINDLE / Docsify
- WhereMyLife 26, 88, 284, 1056
Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
😎 Services that support RSS / Outline Processor Markup Language
universally from / webpage/html
universally from / search results
- Google News 623, 695, 774, 1028
specifically from (a certain platform) / Annotation / Bookmarking
specifically from (a certain platform) / Google Sheet
RSS2NOTION / Docsify
Feed item filtering / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Obtain translated RSS feed / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
- RSSBud (⭐1.4k) 816, 910, 1064, 1356 : iOS-version RSSHub Radar
⛓ OPML management / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Entertainment / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
⏬ Utilize RSS to automate downloading / Broadcatching / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- waifu!d for aria2 (⭐53) 276 : a downloader bot
- RSS & you-get 494 : 自动下载B站收藏视频至VPS
Aggregators of Podcasts / Podcast Navigation / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
9. Awesome Json
- jshn - JSON parsing and generation library in for shell scripts (Ash/Bash)
10. Awesome Irc
11. Asdf Plugins
Creating a new Plugin
- Consider using our Template (⭐114) which has the core functionality to tools published to GitHub releases and CI for GitHub/GitLab/CircleCI out of the box.
Contributing a new Plugin / asdf-community
- Create a PR following the instructions in the PR template.
12. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Frameworks
- Custom Elements (⭐58) - Rules by GitHub for Custom Elements.
- Prev: Jul 17, 2021
- Next: Jul 15, 2021