Awesome List Updates on Jun 16, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Code Quality
- CaptainHook (⭐1k) - An easy-to-use and flexible Git hook library.
2. Awesome Datascience
Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools
3. Awesome Kubernetes
Featured On
4. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / DSL
- jmeter-as-code (⭐35) - Simple wrapper for JMeter to write and execute JMeter tests with Java.
5. Awesome Fastapi
Databases / ORMs
- ormar - Ormar is an async ORM that uses Pydantic validation and can be used directly in FastAPI requests and responses so you are left with only one set of models to maintain. Alembic migrations included.
- FastAPI Example - Using FastAPI with ormar.
Boilerplate / Other Tools
- openapi-python-client (⭐1.4k) - Generate modern FastAPI Python clients (via FastAPI) from OpenAPI.
6. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin Themes
- django-semantic-admin (⭐158) - Django Semantic UI admin theme.
- django-baton (⭐929) - A cool, modern and responsive django admin application based on bootstrap 5.
7. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- jubnzv/mdeval.nvim (⭐202) - Evaluate code blocks inside markdown documents.
8. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: WinterCMS (⭐1.1k)
Description: CMS platform built on Laravel
9. Free for Dev
Artifact Repos
- Artifactory - An artifact repository that supports numerous package formats like Maven, Docker, Cargo, Helm, PyPI, CocoaPods, and GitLFS. Includes package scanning tool XRay and CI/CD tool Pipelines (formerly Shippable) with a free tier of 2,000 CI/CD minutes per month.
- — Easy to use repository hosting for Maven, RPM, DEB, PyPi, NPM, and RubyGem packages (has free tier).
- Prev: Jun 17, 2021
- Next: Jun 15, 2021