Awesome List Updates on May 30, 2021
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- delta PV (⭐60) - A photovoltaic simulator with automatic differentation.
2. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / PHP
- Symfony 5 DDD ES CQRS backend (⭐1k) - DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing app using Symfony and PHP 8.
3. Awesome Xamarin
- EBind (⭐148) - Concise, fast and feature-rich .NET data binding with some Xamarin goodies.
- Portable.BouncyCastle ★136 (⭐168) - Portable version of Bouncy Castle with support for .NET 4, .NET Standard 2.0, MonoAndroid, Xamarin.iOS, .NET Core.
- Xamarin.Forms.StateButton (⭐12) - With this control you are able to create any style of button. This is possible as it acts as a wrapper to your XAML and provides you the events/ commands and properties to bind too.
- Weekly Xamarin - Hand-picked round up of the best Xamarin development links every week. Curated by Geoffrey Huntley and published every Friday. Free.
4. Awesome Eosio
Libraries and Frameworks / Core
- EOSIO/eos (⭐11k) - Official EOSIO GitHub repository.
- EOSIO/eos-vm (⭐197) - A Low-Latency, High Performance and Extensible WebAssembly Backend Library.
Code examples / Services
- EOSIO/eosio.contracts (⭐324) - Smart contracts that provide some of the basic functions of the EOSIO blockchain.
5. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- v-viewer (⭐2.5k) - Image viewer component for vue2 and vue3, supports rotation, scale, zoom and so on, based on viewer.js (⭐8k)
6. Awesome Quant
Python / Indicators
- Tulipy (⭐93) - Financial Technical Analysis Indicator Library (Python bindings for tulipindicators (⭐878))
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- qtpylib (⭐2.2k) - QTPyLib, Pythonic Algorithmic Trading
- Qlib (⭐16k) - An AI-oriented Quantitative Investment Platform by Microsoft. Full ML pipeline of data processing, model training, back-testing; and covers the entire chain of quantitative investment: alpha seeking, risk modeling, portfolio optimization, and order execution.
Python / Time Series
- tsmoothie (⭐746) - A python library for time-series smoothing and outlier detection in a vectorized way.
Python / Data Sources
- FinanceDataReader (⭐1.2k) - Open Source Financial data reader for U.S, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese Stocks
R / Financial Instruments and Pricing
- Rmetrics - The premier open source software solution for teaching and training quantitative finance.
- fAsianOptions - EBM and Asian Option Valuation.
- fAssets - Analysing and Modelling Financial Assets.
- fBasics - Markets and Basic Statistics.
- fBonds - Bonds and Interest Rate Models.
- fExoticOptions - Exotic Option Valuation.
- fOptions - Pricing and Evaluating Basic Options.
- fPortfolio - Portfolio Selection and Optimization.
Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization
- MEDIUM_NoteBook (⭐2.1k) - Repository containing notebooks of cerlymarco's posts on Medium.
- Prev: May 31, 2021
- Next: May 29, 2021