Awesome List Updates on May 27, 2021
21 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Python Typing
Articles / Third-party articles
- The state of type hints in Python - As of May 2018.
2. Awesome
Articles / Performance and Testing
- Static File Caching with Craft CMS 3, aka The Best Of Both Worlds by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
21 Nov 2018
Articles / Security
- Securing Front-End User Profile and Entry Forms in Craft by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
4 May 2021
- Securing Your Craft Site in 2021—Part 2 by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
26 Jan 2021
- Securing Your Craft Site in 2021—Part 1 by Ben Croker/PutYourLightsOn -
13 Jan 2021
3. Awesome Gdpr
- Awesome: Privacy (⭐12k) - List of free, open source and privacy respecting services and alternatives to privative services.
4. Awesome Irc
Miscellaneous / Platforms
- superseriousstats (⭐93) - Fast and efficient program to create statistics out of various types of chat logs.
5. Awesome Eosio
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- greymass/eosio (⭐44) - Strongly typed JavaScript library.
- greymass/swift-eosio (⭐16) - Swift SDK with ESR support.
Libraries and Frameworks / Authentication and Wallet Signing libraries
- greymass/ual-anchor (⭐23) - Authenticator meant to be used with Anchor and Universal Authenticator Library.
- greymass/anchor-link (⭐53) - Persistent, fast and secure signature provider for EOSIO chains built on top of EOSIO Signing Requests (EEP-7).
- greymass/eosio-signing-request (⭐33) - Library to assist in creating and digesting EOSIO Signing Requests (ESR).
- greymass/eosio-signing-request-java (⭐2) - Java wrapper for the EOSIO Signing Request protocol.
Developer Tools / Services
- greymass/eosio-resources (⭐9) - Tool to assist in network resource calculations.
- greymass/abi2core (⭐1) - Command line utility to convert ABI definitions to greymass/eosio type definitions.
Code examples / Services
- greymass/anchor-link-demo (⭐2) - Example VueJS application integrating greymass/anchor-link.
- greymass/anchor-link-demo-multipass (⭐10) - Example ReactJS application integrating greymass/anchor-link.
- greymass/ual-anchor-demo (⭐4) - Example ReactJS application integrating greymass/ual-anchor.
- greymass/eosio-signing-request-demo (⭐5) - Example generating transactions using greymass/eosio-signing-request.
6. Public Apis
API: Namedays Calendar
Description: Provides namedays for multiple countries
Auth: No
7. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Serialization
- qwertukg/xml-builder (⭐8) - Simplest XML builder for Kotlin
8. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- yor (⭐863) - Automatically tag and trace infrastructure as code frameworks (Terraform, Cloudformation, and Serverless).
9. Free for Dev
- — Advanced status page platform with monitoring. The free tier includes one public customizable status page with an SSL subdomain. Pro plan is offered to open-source projects and non-profits free of charge.
10. Awesome Privacy
- Thunderbird - A free customizable open source email client.
11. Awesome Quant
R / Trading
- blotter (⭐116) - Transaction infrastructure for defining instruments, transactions, portfolios and accounts for trading systems and simulation. Provides portfolio support for multi-asset class and multi-currency portfolios. Actively maintained and developed.
R / Factor Analysis
- FactorAnalytics (⭐68) - The FactorAnalytics package contains fitting and analysis methods for the three main types of factor models used in conjunction with portfolio construction, optimization and risk management, namely fundamental factor models, time series factor models and statistical factor models.
- Expected Returns (⭐41) - Solutions for enhancing portfolio diversification and replications of seminal papers with R, most of which are discussed in one of the best investment references of the recent decade, Expected Returns: An Investors Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards by Antti Ilmanen.
CSharp / Data Visualization
- TDAmeritrade.DotNetCore (⭐54) - Free, open-source .NET Client for the TD Ameritrade Trading Platform. Helps developers integrate TD Ameritrade API into custom trading solutions.
12. Awesome Golem
- Golem Provider dashboard backend / GolemBar (⭐2) - Flask backend that collects the data from the provider that's then used with the dashboard project above.
- Golem Provider Terraform (⭐2) - Terraform script to automatically deploy a Golem Provider on a cloud provider and setup monitoring using prometheus.
- Automatic Golem (⭐8) - Setup a Golem Provider with simple instructions and logs guiding you through the process.
- Golem Provider Node (⭐16) - Docker version of a node to help you get started running as a provider in a Docker container quick.
- Golem Provider node (⭐7) - Fork of Alxexandre-abrioux project above that allows to dynamically generate config files from ENV variables and specify how many replicas you'd like to spawn.
Presentations and Workshop Material
- Golem: Architecture, SDKs and tips with Jakub Mazurek at 0xHack - Live workshop diving into how any developer with Python or JS coding experience can start build applications running on Golem.
Unraveling Golem's The Next Milestone Blog Series
- Unraveling Golem's The Next Milestone - Introduction to the Yagna implementation of Golem.
- Chess On Golem - Hosted Chess app to play against the providers of the network utilizing the Stockfish open source Chess engine.
Apps / Docker
- Golem Requestor Node (⭐6) - Dockerized requestor environment. Pass in the py script, it sets up the daemon and runs it.
Apps / Testing
- Golem Test Harness (Goth) (⭐10) - Tool with the purpose of speeding up your development process and making it more enjoyable for application creators.
- Golem-afl (⭐2) - An experimental test-fuzzing framework. Assists in finding security holes.
- Golem Cargo Test (⭐1) - An adaptive distributed test executor for Rust projects.
- Golem SLATE (⭐6) - Open source repository for Golem SLATE described in the above Apps section.
Apps / Games
- HSOG-requester (⭐0) - Helps the HearthStone community in the design and building of decks by running a large number of simulated games.
- ChessOnGolem (⭐11) - Open source repository for Chess described in first Apps section. Includes React frontend for the 2 AI's playing against each other through the Golem backend.
Apps / Data Analysis
- Flan (⭐2) - Tool for entrepreneurs that provide customized analysis of millions of worldwide trade value records giving them a bold guideline about what sectors they would need to take more attention to.
- Golem Lorenz-attractor (⭐0) - A system of three coupled, first-order, nonlinear differential equations which describe the trajectory of a particle through time.
- Golem Geomandel (⭐0) - Python script for generating sequences of Mandelbrot images centered on a single point and with zoom increasing in each image.
- Golem COVID (⭐1) - Creates images of new deaths per million related to COVID. After all images generated, it will gather them and create a gif.
Apps / Data Simulation
- cadCAD Golem (⭐4) - Package wrapper for cadCAD to dispatch the simulation workload to multiple Golem nodes. Supports Jupyter Notebook.
- Limit visualization (⭐1) - Plots graphs with various limits. Supports discontinous graphs.
- GolemGraphWavePair (⭐1) - Generates graph frames, then combine them into an animation.
- Golemized strong-gravitational-lense (⭐1) - Simple distributed computing hack that simulates a physical phenomena called gravitional lensing.
Apps / Data Optimization
- No more COFUD (⭐0) - Calculates how to fit the most people into a space while keeping 2 meters distance between each other.
Apps / RNG
- Gandom (⭐0) - Extract random streams from providers. Supports two PRNGs, one based on Chaos machines and the other that makes use of Sodium.
Apps / DeFi
- Golem Staking Pool incentivize system for GLM holders (⭐6) - A smart contract in order to provide the opportunity of yield farming for GLM token holders.
- Magic-doll (⭐0) - Sumer is a DeFi application that people may delegate their Splinterland card to earn passive income. Its core is
, a Golem app that does all the computation to pick the best team to play for each match.
Apps / User Interfaces
- Golem UI (⭐0) - Electron user interface for Yagna.
Apps / Miscellaneous
- gvm-vim (⭐0) - Golemized docker image for compiling the VIM editor.
13. Awesome Scientific Computing
Finite Elements
- scikit-fem (⭐513) - Simple finite element assemblers. (Python, BSD/GPL, GitHub)
Visualization / Mesh tools
- TTK - Topological data analysis and visualization. (C++/Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐423))
14. Awesome Micropython
Display / LED Segment
- TM74HC595 (⭐6) - Driver for shift register-controlled 5 pin display modules.
- mcp4728 (⭐4) - Helper library for the Microchip MCP4728 I2C 12-bit Quad DAC.
15. Awesome Ada
Continuous Integration / Apache License
- ada-actions (⭐20) - Ada Toolchains for GitHub Actions.
16. Awesome Security
DevOps / Development
- Preflight (⭐149) - helps you verify scripts and executables to mitigate supply chain attacks in your CI and other systems.
- Teller (⭐2.5k) - a secrets management tool for devops and developers - manage secrets across multiple vaults and keystores from a single place.
17. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- ytmdl (⭐2.8k): A simple app to get songs from YouTube in mp3 format with artist name, album name etc from sources like iTunes, LastFM, Deezer, Gaana etc.
18. Awesome Devsecops
Dynamic Analysis
- Netz (⭐380) - Spectral - Discover internet-wide misconfigurations, using zgrab2 and others.
Secrets Scanning / Ansible
- SpectralOps - Spectral - Automated code security, secrets, tokens and sensitive data scanning.
19. Awesome Crystal
- Gzip - readers and writers of gzip format (Crystal stdlib)
- Zip - readers and writers of zip format (Crystal stdlib)
- Zlib - readers and writers of zlib format (Crystal stdlib)
20. Awesome Elixir
Third Party APIs
- tradehub (⭐4) - An Elixir client library for the Tradehub blockchain.
21. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- tanvirtin/monokai.nvim (⭐364) - Monokai theme written in Lua.
Git / Diagnostics
- tanvirtin/vgit.nvim (⭐724) - Visual Git Plugin to enhance your Git experience.
- Prev: May 28, 2021
- Next: May 26, 2021