Awesome List Updates on May 23, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- easyWSL (⭐547) - Use any Docker image as a WSL distro.
2. Webcomponents the Right Way
3. Public Apis
Machine Learning
API: OpenVisionAPI
Description: Open source computer vision API based on open source models
Auth: No
4. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Chat
- grex (⭐7.3k) - Generate regular expressions from user-provided test cases.
Development / Devops
- PingMe (⭐770) - Send messages/alerts to multiple messaging platforms & email.
Development / Release
- semantic-release (⭐21k) - Fully automated version management and package publishing.
Utilities / Markdown
- DocToc (⭐4.3k) - Generates table of contents for markdown files.
- grip (⭐6.5k) - Preview markdown files as GitHub would render them.
- mdv (⭐1.8k) - Styled terminal markdown viewer.
Data Manipulation / Text
- stegcloak (⭐3.3k) - Hide secrets with invisible characters in plain text securely.
Files and Directories / File Managers
- Vifm - VI influenced file manager.
Files and Directories / Deleting, Copying, and Renaming
- rename-cli (⭐165) - Rename files quickly.
- diskonaut (⭐2.5k) - Disk space navigator.
Files and Directories / Files
- unix-permissions (⭐136) - Swiss Army knife for Unix permissions.
- entr (⭐4.6k) - Run an arbitrary command when files change.
- organize-cli (⭐337) - Organize your files automatically.
Files and Directories / File Sync/Sharing
- rclone (⭐47k) - Sync files with various cloud providers.
- ffsend (⭐7k) - Quick file share.
5. Awesome Osint
Forums and Discussion Boards Search / Steam
6. Awesome Privacy
Shared Expenses
- IHateMoney - Manage your shared expenses, easily. Lacks unequal splitting.
- MoneyBuster - Android client for Nextcloud Cospend and IHateMoney servers.
- CrowdSec (⭐9.8k) - An open-source, modernized and collaborative fail2ban.
7. Awesome Cakephp
- OPCache Preloader (⭐11) - An OPCache Preloader for CakePHP applications.
8. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🌍 Tailwind Cheat Sheet - Tailwind CSS class names in a searchable page.
9. Awesome Eosio
Courses, workshops, webinars, videos and others
- EOSIO Webinars - Official EOSIO Webinars.
- Building DApps on EOS: A Hands-On Workshop - Workshop.
Wallets and Toolkits / Desktop
Account services / Mobile
Block Producers / Mobile
- GLASS - EOSIO Block Producer Map.
- cypherglassdotcom/glass (⭐5) - Official GitHub.
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- EOSRPC API Wrapper for Elixir (⭐20) - Elixir library.
Libraries and Frameworks / Testing
- tokenika/eosfactory (⭐243) - Python-based EOSIO smart-contract development & unit testing framework.
Developer Tools / Services
- Octopus (⭐483) - Security Analysis tool for WebAssembly and Blockchain Smart Contracts (BTC/ETH/NEO/EOS).
Code examples / Services
- Eosfinex Custody Smart Contract (⭐18) - Eosfinex exchange smart contract.
- Bitfinex blog post about eosfinex - Article.
- eosnewyork/erp (⭐45) - EOS Resource Planner.
Block Producer tools / Services
- pete001/eos-bp-failover (⭐36) - EOSIO Block Producer Failover Scripts.
Blogs / Services
- Daniel Larimer - Blog of Daniel Larimer, founder of EOSIO.
Forums / Services
Games / Services
- MonsterEOS
- MonsterEOS/monstereos (⭐185) - Official GitHub.
- Prev: May 24, 2021
- Next: May 22, 2021