Awesome List Updates on May 21, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jax
- Coax - Turn RL papers into code, the easy way.
2. Awesome Godot
Templates / Godot 3.2+
- Crystal Bit Godot Game Template (⭐609) - Opinionated game template. It includes continuous integration, scene loading with graphic transitions and game pause handling.
3. Awesome Plotters
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Ephemera
- Hewlett-Packard Journal Volume 29 Number 1 - Multiple articles about the development of the HP Model 9872A and 7221A pen plotters.
- Hewlett-Packard Journal Volume 32 Number 11 - Multiple articles about the development of the HP Model 7580A plotter.
- Roland Users Group Volume 2 Number 4 (1984) - Computers and Plotters Take the Place of Drafting Tables and Pencils article on page 36 (PDF page 40).
Community / Patents
- DrawingBots Discord Forum - Discord forum with an active community.
4. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- ojroques/nvim-lspfuzzy (⭐316) - A small plugin to make the LSP client use FZF.
- ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim (⭐2k) - LSP signature hint when you type.
- jubnzv/virtual-types.nvim (⭐358) - Show type annotations as virtual text.
- tamago324/nlsp-settings.nvim (⭐316) - Setup LSP with JSON or YAML files.
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- davidgranstrom/nvim-markdown-preview (⭐104) - Markdown preview in the browser using pandoc and live-server through Neovim's job-control API.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- tomasiser/vim-code-dark (⭐941) - A dark color scheme heavily inspired by the look of the Dark+ scheme of Visual Studio Code.
- sainnhe/sonokai (⭐1.6k) - High Contrast & Vivid Color Scheme based on Monokai Pro.
- kyazdani42/blue-moon (⭐202) - A dark color scheme derived from palenight and carbonight.
- sainnhe/edge (⭐859) - Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material.
- yonlu/omni.vim (⭐86) - Omni color scheme for Vim.
Debugging / Diagnostics
- mfussenegger/nvim-dap (⭐5.3k) - Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation.
- sakhnik/nvim-gdb (⭐702) - Thin wrapper for GDB, LLDB, PDB/PDB++ and BashDB.
Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics
- nanotee/nvim-lua-guide (⭐5.8k) - A guide to using Lua in Neovim.
Fennel / Diagnostics
- Olical/aniseed (⭐601) - Configure and extend Neovim with Fennel (Lisp to Lua).
Git / Diagnostics
- f-person/git-blame.nvim (⭐863) - Show git blame info.
- lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim (⭐4.8k) - Git integration: signs, hunk actions, blame, etc.
- ruifm/gitlinker.nvim (⭐516) - Generate shareable file permalinks for several git hosts. Inspired by tpope/vim-fugitive's :GBrowse.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- windwp/nvim-ts-autotag (⭐1.6k) - Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename xml,html,jsx tag.
Command Line / Diagnostics
- notomo/cmdbuf.nvim (⭐110) - Alternative command-line-window plugin.
Session / Diagnostics
- rmagatti/auto-session (⭐1.2k) - A small automated session manager.
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- NTBBloodbath/doom-nvim (⭐1k) - Port of the doom-emacs framework, its goal is to add useful functions to Neovim to start working in a stable and efficient development environment without spending a lot of time configuring everything.
- crivotz/nv-ide (⭐569) - Neovim custom configuration, oriented for full stack developers (rails, ruby, php, html, css, SCSS, JavaScript).
Version Manager / Diagnostics
- shohi/neva (⭐9) - A Neovim version manager written in Lua.
5. Awesome Privacy
- Stegcloak - Hide secrets with invisible characters in plain text securely using passwords.
- Veracrypt - VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- - A Free, Fast, Secure and Serverless File Encryption.
Cloud Storage
- Seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing. It includes a Wiki, WYSIWYG editing and other knowledge management features.
- Syncthing - Continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes.
- Rclone - Rclone is a command line program to manage files on cloud storage. It is a feature rich alternative to cloud vendors' web storage interfaces and like the tools listed above enables encryption for encrypting files in the cloud.
File Management and Sharing
- Blaze - A fast, p2p and radically different way to transfer files.
- Croc (⭐27k) - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another.
- Dat-cp (⭐315) - Copy files between hosts on a network using the peer-to-peer Dat network.
- Lufi - Let's Upload that FIle — File sharing software.
- QRcp (⭐9.9k) - Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
- Send - Simple, private file sharing. (Mozilla Send Fork)
- Matrix (Protocol) - An open network for secure, decentralized communication.
- Jabber / XMPP (Protocol) - The universal and open messaging standard. Tried and tested. Independent. Privacy-focused. E2E encrypted.
- Conversations - Jabber/XMPP client for Android 4.0+ smartphones that has been optimized to provide a unique mobile experience.
- AstraChat - Another XMPP client.
- DeltaChat - Chat over encrypted e-mail.
- Status - Status is a secure messaging app, crypto wallet, and Web3 browser built with state of the art technology.
- Threema - The messenger that puts security and privacy first. Pay once, chat forever. No collection of user data. Open Source client.
- Tox - Tox is easy-to-use software that connects you with friends and family without anyone else listening in.
- Briar - Peer-to-peer encrypted messaging and forums.
- Tinfoil Chat (⭐1.2k) - Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system.
Mail Services
- Gmail
- Outlook
- Yandex Mail
- Yahoo! Mail
Video and Audio
- Jellyfin - Jellyfin is the volunteer-built media solution that puts you in control of your media. Stream to any device from your own server, with no strings attached.
- Subsonic - Your complete, personal music streamer.
- Ampache - A web based audio/video streaming application and file manager.
- Koel - a personal music streaming server that works.
- Nuclear - Modern music player focused on streaming from free sources.
- Navidrome - Lightweight, fast and self-contained personal music streamer.
- GrapheneOS - GrapheneOS is an open source privacy and security focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
- CalyxOS - CalyxOS lets you have your cake and eat it too, with "Privacy by Design".
- LineageOS - A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform.
- Replicant - A free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on freedom and privacy/security.
Based on Linux
- UBPorts - Ubuntu Touch is the touch-friendly mobile version of Ubuntu.
- postmarketOS - Touch optimised and pre-configured version of Alpine Linux.
- PureOS - Operating system developed by purism for the Librem 5.
- Plasma Mobile - Plasma, in your pocket. Privacy-respecting, open source and secure phone ecosystem.
- mobian - Debian for mobile.
Smart TV
- Kodi - It is an entertainment hub that brings all your digital media together into a beautiful and user friendly package. It is 100% free and open source, very customisable and runs on a wide variety of devices.
- OSMC - OSMC is a free and open source media center built for the people, by the people.
- Visa / Mastercard
- _insertBigTechHere_Pay
- Monero - Monero is cash for a connected world. It's fast, private, untraceable and secure.
- Cash - Use person-to-person payments using physical notes and coins.
- Nextcloud Cospend - A group/shared budget manager inspired by the great IHateMoney.
- MoneyBuster - Android client for Nextcloud Cospend and IHateMoney servers.
- ProExpense (⭐88) - A simple free finance note to safely record daily expenses.
- Rotki (⭐2.8k) - An awesome portfolio tracking, analytics, accounting and tax reporting application that protects your privacy.
- Skymap - Open online planetarium program.
- Hetty (⭐6k) - Hetty is an HTTP toolkit for security research. It aims to be an open-source alternative to Burp Suite Pro.
6. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Text processing
- fancy-regex/fancy-regex (⭐414) [fancy-regex] - Regular expressions implementation designed to support a relatively rich set of features such as look-around and backtracking.
7. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- shrtcode API - Free URL Shortening API without authorization and no request limits.
8. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / OpenStreetMap
- Geofabrik - OpenStreetMap extracts prepared in either PBF or shapefile format for download daily.
Public Data Resources / Transportation
- National Transit Database - Repository of operations, financial, and asset data that US transit agencies are required to report to the Federal Transit Administration.
Vendor Data Resources / Travel Behavior
- Replica - Replica is a data platform providing rich origin-destination, spend, and scenario impact analysis based on an activity based modeling process.
- SafeGraph - Points of interest (POI) provider providing information on destination locations and their characteristics such as spending rates in the United States.
- StreetLight Data - Provides data using smartphones as sensors to measure vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians across North America. Carry out your mission on time and under budget, with 24/7 access to counts, O-D, and other metrics you need.
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- OSMnx (⭐4.7k) - Python for street networks. Retrieve, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap.
9. Public Apis
API: Blockchain
Description: Bitcoin Payment, Wallet & Transaction Data
CORS: Unknown
Currency Exchange
API: apilayer
Description: Exchange rates and currency conversion
CORS: Unknown
Description: Chinese character definitions and pronunciations
Auth: No
API: Chinese Text Project
Description: Online open-access digital library for pre-modern Chinese texts
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
- Prev: May 22, 2021
- Next: May 20, 2021