Awesome List Updates on May 18, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- extract-gtfs-pathways (⭐4) – Command-line tool to extract pathways as GeoJSON from a GTFS dataset.
- extract-gtfs-shapes (⭐5) – Command-line tool to extract shapes as GeoJSON from a GTFS dataset.
- gtfs-service-area (⭐4) - Compute a transit service area from static GTFS. Results are output as single-layer .geojson files. Dockerized version of gtfs-to-geojson (⭐127).
- gtfs-to-geojson (⭐127) - Javascript tool that converts transit data in GTFS shapes and stops into geoJSON. This is useful for creating maps of transit routes.
- Hafas2GTFS (⭐12) - Hafas2GTFS converter written in Python, optimized for SBB HAFAS feeds.
- kml-to-gtfs-shapes (⭐8) - Javascript tool to convert polylines from a KML file into a GTFS shapes.txt file. Hosted on GitHub here.
- o2g (⭐11) - A simple tool to extract GTFS feed from OpenStreetMap.
- Open-Transport SYNTHESE Convertors (⭐25) - Converts French-Transmodel, SIRI, NETeX, HAFAS, HASTUS, VDV452, and more.
- onebusaway-gtfs-to-barefoot (⭐1) - A Java tool to create a Barefoot (⭐676) mapfile from a GTFS file.
- osm2gtfs (⭐99) - Turn OpenStreetMap data and schedule information into GTFS.
- transloc-gtfs-rectifier (⭐2) - Python application that attempts to assign GTFS stop_ids to TransLoc IDs using TransLoc's API (TransLoc doesn't provide GTFS
in their API).
- Transmodel and IFF to GTFS (⭐5) - Imports and syncs (Transmodel) BISON Koppelvlak1, IFF (a format written by HP/EDS, somewhat similiar to ATCO CIF) to import timetables of the railway networks. The internal pseudo-NETeX datastructure allows to export to GTFS and there are proof-of-concepts to export to other formats such as NETeX, GTFS and IFF.
2. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- ChiefOnboarding - Employee onboarding platform that allows you to provision user accounts and create sequences with todo items, resources, text/email/Slack messages, and more! Available as a web portal and Slack bot. (Source Code (⭐737))
3. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Morphological traits of reef corals predict extinction risk but not conservation status Nussaïbah B. Raja, Andreas Lauchstedt, John M. Pandolfi, Sun W. Kim, Ann F. Budd, Wolfgang Kiessling. (2021)
4. Awesome Mac
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Plug - Discover and listen to music from Hype Machine.
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- UTC Time - Show the time in UTC in the menu bar or a widget.
5. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Videos
- Google I/O 2009 - V8: High Performance JavaScript Engine - The basics of V8 architecture and how it optimizes JavaScript execution.
- Google I/O 2012 - Breaking the JavaScript Speed Limit with V8 - How V8 optimizes JavaScript execution.
- Google I/O 2013 - Accelerating Oz with V8: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to JavaScript Performance - How to detect app bottlenecks and optimize performance with V8 knowledge.
- Node.js Internal Architecture | Ignition, Turbofan, Libuv - How Node.js works internally, with a focus on V8 and libuv.
- Introduction to libuv: What's a Unicorn Velociraptor? -
architecture, thread pool, and event loop, with its source code.
- libuv Cross platform asynchronous i/o -
architecture in detail, such as where it's actually using threads.
- You Don't Know Node - ForwardJS San Francisco - Explaining Node.js internals with quizzes about V8, libuv, event loop, module, stream, and cluster.
6. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Android
7. Awesome Keycloak
Example Projects
8. Awesome Readme
- READMINE (⭐63) - A thorough, clear and self-describing README file template for software projects; copy it and edit it as needed.
9. Awesome Angular
Guides / Google Developer Experts
- Testing Angular – A Guide to Robust Angular Applications - A Guide to Robust Angular Applications. A free online book and e-book.
10. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Supply chain security
- Grafeas - Open artifact metadata API to audit and govern your software supply chain.
- Helm GPG (GnuPG) Plugin (⭐25) - Chart signing and verification with GnuPG for Helm.
- Notary (⭐3.2k) - Aims to make the internet more secure by making it easy for people to publish and verify content.
- Prev: May 19, 2021
- Next: May 17, 2021