Awesome List Updates on May 09, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome WSL
Unofficial Distributions / AlmaLinux OS
- GentooWSL (⭐42) - Gentoo as a WSL distro.
2. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Communications security (COMSEC) / Service meshes
- Teleport - Allows engineers and security professionals to unify access for SSH servers, Kubernetes clusters, web applications, and databases across all environments.
3. Awesome Angular
Icons / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-icon-blur (⭐6) - An Angular component that can be used to create a frosted glass effect for icons.
4. Awesome Readme
- create-go-app/cli (⭐2.7k) - Clean project logo. Useful badges (version, code style, test cover, docs). Clear readme with quickstart, understandable installation and usage manual, video screencast, ToC with well-documented project features (with a demo recording of the work in the terminal), project philosophy notes ("the why another"), most frequently asked questions, and more.
- dowjones/react-dropdown-tree-select (⭐469) - Clear readme with GIF screenshot for quick demo. Multiple badges, concise ToC, online playground, storybook, detailed description and more.
- easybase/easybase-react (⭐74) - Project banner and logo. Badges. Expandable walkthrough sections. Concise description and purpose. TOC for easy navigation. GIFs for installation demo. Multiple informative visuals.
- gofiber/fiber (⭐35k) - Clean project logo. Useful badges and links (languages switcher, code style, test cover, docs, Discord channel). Clear description of what the project does with quickstart, benchmark charts, well-documented code examples (with the ability to hide long content), project philosophy notes ("the why of project"), tables with project addons, list of contributors, star growth statistics, and more.
- iterative/dvc (⭐14k) - ReStructuredText format example, PyPi compatible. Logo, custom website-like menu. Smooth how-it-works animation. Badges. Nice contribution section with the hall-of-fame.
- ma-shamshiri/Human-Activity-Recognition (⭐106) - Beautiful table of contents. Project logo. Animated project banner. Complete project folder structure. Clear description of what the project does. Nice contributors’ section. Easy navigation.
- ma-shamshiri/Pacman-Game (⭐88) - Beautiful table of contents. Project logo. Animated project banner. Suitable GIFs to display each part of the project. Complete list of project files in the repo along with their function. Complete execution instruction.
- ma-shamshiri/Spam-Detector (⭐36) - Complete project file description. Project logo. Animated project banner. Concise project description. Clear execution instruction.
- PostHog/posthog (⭐23k) - Custom-made section icons, demo GIF, deploy button, profile images for contributors, concise, clear structure, project logo.
- Rebilly/redoc (⭐24k) - Multiple badges, project logo, live demo link, GIF-animations of the key features, TL;DR usage.
- release-it/release-it (⭐8.2k) - Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. Expandable TOC. Usage description and examples. Contribution guidelines. Detailed releases.
- sidneycadot/oeis (⭐46) - Overview. List of required dependencies. Complete list of all files in the repo and what their function is. Visual graph of how it all ties together.
- "Readme Driven Development" - Tom Preston-Werner
- - A simple editor that allows you to quickly add and customize all the sections you need for your project's readme.
5. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Utilities
- @vuito/vue (⭐4) - Simple, lightweight, isomorphic, and template-based validation library.
6. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- Mobile Audit (⭐206) - Web application for performing Static Analysis and detecting malware in Android APKs.
7. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / Microchip
- HAL for SAM4E, SAM4N and SAM4S -
8. Awesome Cli Apps
Version Control / Search
- SnowFS - A fast, scalable version control system for binaries.
9. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Escoria (⭐799) - Point & click adventure game framework. (Godot 2 and 3)
Modules / Godot 4
- Texture Packer (⭐63) - Tools to layer, pack, and merge textures at runtime. (Godot 3 and 4)
- Voxelman (⭐100) - A voxel engine with more focus on editor integration, gameplay-related features, and extendability. (Godot 3 and 4)
Modules / Godot 3
- GodotSteam (⭐3k) - Steam API library binding for Godot. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
10. Public Apis
Games & Comics
API: Dota 2
Description: Provides information about Player stats , Match stats, Rankings for Dota 2
CORS: Unknown
API: GNews
Description: Search for news from various sources
- Prev: May 10, 2021
- Next: May 08, 2021