Awesome List Updates on Apr 19, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cassandra
Using Cassandra / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- How to install Cassandra 2 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 - Guide on how to install Cassandra on the popular linux distributions RedHat and CentOS.
Cassandra Architecture / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Common Problems with Cassandra Tombstones - Large number of tombstones causes Latency and heap pressure.
Cassandra Performance Tuning / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Gatling DSE Plugin for Gatling Load injector (⭐8) - Plugin for the Gatling load injector. It adds CQL support in Gatling for Datastax Enterprise. It allows for benchmarking Datastax Enterprise features, including DSE Graph Fluent API.
Integrating with Cassandra / Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra
- Docker container for Kafka - Spark streaming - Cassandra (⭐93) - Dockerfile that sets up a complete streaming environment for experimenting with Kafka, Spark streaming (PySpark), and Cassandra.
Timeseries Databases / Monitoring / Metrics
- cortexproject/cortex (⭐4.9k) - Horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term Prometheus storage.
Tools / Custom Time Series
- CassandraCAS (⭐2) - Compare-and-swap tool for Cassandra created by Datomic.
- Peloton (⭐581) - Unified resource scheduler created by Uber. This tool can handle many nodes and clusters through resource management and scalability.
- Ansible-dse (⭐15) - Set of Ansible playbooks that will build a Datastax Enterprise cluster.
- DBeaver - Free Universal Database Tool - Third party tool for dealing with all sorts of databases including Cassandra.
- Web: Cassandra Calculator - Simple calculator to see how size / replication factor affect the system's consistency.
- Netflix: Staash (⭐203) - Language-agnostic as well as storage-agnostic web interface for storing data into persistent storage systems, the metadata layer abstracts a lot of storage details and the pattern automation APIs take care of automating common data access patterns.
- SSTable Tools (⭐155) - Toolkit for parsing, creating and doing other fun stuff with Cassandra 3.x SSTables.
- CQL Data Modeler - Very useful tool to test out a CQL schema and visualize what the partition would like in relationship to the columns and rows.
- Cassandra Snapshot Backup (⭐6) - Quick and easy way to snapshot files in a Cassandra database and back them up using Ansible.
- Slothsandra (⭐0) - Integration for Cassandra with the Slack app, which stores old messages that Slack no longer does itself.
- sandraREST (⭐23) - Cassandra manager with a web UI for RESTful APIs.
- Cassandra Leadership (⭐7) - Library to help elect leaders using cassandra. Uses paxos to build a leadership election module.
- Terraform Cassandra (⭐6) - Terraform module that creates a Cassandra cluster.
- Datadog - Third party tool that allows monitoring and metrics for Cassandra nodes and clusters.
Open Source Applications / Custom Time Series
- ChronoServer (⭐2) - Test server for sampling how long it takes mobile & web clients to make various types of requests to a server doing common request patterns.
- CMB (⭐280) - Highly available, horizontally scalable queuing and notification service compatible with AWS SQS and SNS.
- CassieQ (⭐50) - Distributed queue built off of Cassandra.
- Scheduler (⭐211) - Scala library for scheduling arbitrary code to run at an arbitrary time.
Videos / Custom Time Series
- Best Practices for Running Cassandra on AWS - Joint webinar between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Stackdriver, an AWS Technology partner, to learn best practices that apply to storing, analyzing and managing queries that equate to over 1+ billion measurements a day.
Slides / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra DataTables Using Restful API - How to create a performant API using Python / Flash.
- GumGum: Multi-Region Cassandra in AWS - Presentation that details how Gumgum scaled out from one local Cassandra datacenter to a multi-datacenter Cassandra cluster and all the problems they encountered and choices they made while implementing it.
- Securing Cassandra - Ben Bromhead CTO of Instaclustr, will explore the various ways in which you can setup and secure Cassandra appropriately for your threat environment.
2. Awesome Scientific Computing
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- PyGMO - Massively parallel optimization. (Python/C++, MPL 2, GitHub (⭐453))
3. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- OPAL (Open Policy Administration Layer) (⭐15) - Real-time authorization updates on top of Open-Policy; built with FastAPI, Typer, and FastAPI WebSocket pub/sub.
4. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Algorithms - Open-source set of lectures notes on quantum algorithms, with a focus on machine learning and data analysis.
5. Awesome Connectivity Info
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- ITU Measuring Digital Development: ICT Price Trends - 2019 - analysis and comparison of price data for mobile-voice services, mobile data and fixed broadband. Replaces the 'Measuring the Information Society Report'.
Other sources
- Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) White Paper - Updated:February 28, 2020.
6. Public Apis
API: ScrapingAnt
Description: Headless Chrome scraping with a simple API
CORS: Unknown
API: WebScraping.AI
Description: Web Scraping API with built-in proxies and JS rendering
7. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Source Separation
- NUSSL 🐙 (⭐531) 📦 - Holistic source separation framework including DSP methods and deep learning methods.
8. Awesome Programming for Kids
Lower Elementary
- Python Turtle (⭐406) original (1986-2021) simple 'Python-Turtle' model.
9. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Java
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / NodeJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Ruby on Rails
Database technologies / SQLite
DevOps / Windows
10. Awesome Devsecops
- SafeStack - SafeStack - Security training for software development teams, designed to be accessible to individuals and small teams as well as larger organisations.
- WeHackPuple - WeHackPurple - Online courses that teach application security theory and hands-on technical lessons.
- Prev: Apr 20, 2021
- Next: Apr 18, 2021