Awesome List Updates on Apr 09, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-k8s (⭐135) - Simple Kubernetes Provider, works with any manifest.
Tools / Community providers
- Infracost (⭐11k) - Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in your CLI and pull requests.
- terraform-graph-beautifier (⭐373) - Command line tool allowing to convert the barely usable output of the terraform graph command to something more meaningful and explanatory.
2. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Blogs
3. Awesome Sre
4. Awesome Keycloak
Video Playlists
5. Awesome Sitecore
- Sitecore Containers Prerequisites (⭐0) - Checks the machine for Sitecore Container compatibility, enable Hyper-V, downloads and installs software including Sitecore 10.1
6. Awesome Css Learning
Animation / Grid
- All you need to know about CSS Transitions - Also addressing advanced topics from chaining and events to hardware acceleration and animation functions.
7. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Uncategorized
- Help me help you: creating reproducible examples - Making a great reprex is both an art and a science and this webinar will cover both aspects. A reprex makes a conversation about code more efficient and pleasant for all. This comes up whenever you ask someone for help, report a bug in software, or propose a new feature. The reprex package ( makes it especially easy to prepare R code as a reprex, in order to share on sites such as,, or Author: Jenny Bryan.
8. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Network programming
- message-io
- lemunozm/message-io (⭐1.1k) - Event-driven message library to build network applications easy and fast. Supports TCP, UDP and WebSockets.
- lemunozm/message-io (⭐1.1k) - Event-driven message library to build network applications easy and fast. Supports TCP, UDP and WebSockets.
9. Awesome Quantum Computing
- QWorld's Bronze-Qiskit - Very accessible computation/programming oriented tutorials. It begins from basics of matrices up to grover's algorithm. There are also accompanying videos which explain the tutorials.
10. Awesome Yew
Crates / Component Libraries
- yew-components (⭐61) - Material Design Components for the Yew framework.
11. Awesome Math
- Prev: Apr 10, 2021
- Next: Apr 08, 2021