Awesome List Updates on Apr 04, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- NewPipe (⭐25k): A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android
2. Awesome Cl
- cl-json (⭐13) - A highly customizable JSON encoder and decoder. MIT.
- "cl-json and yason are still the work horses if you need fine control, but speed is not their forte." @sabracrolleton
3. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Entertainment
- Flutter Ebook App (⭐3.1k) — A simple Flutter app to read and download e-books by Festus Olusegun
Contents / Finance
- Natrium (⭐887) — A fast, robust & secure NANO Wallet by Appditto
Contents / Health and Fitness
- Feeel — A home workout app that respects your privacy by Enjoying FOSS.
- Watermaniac (⭐177) — an app that will help you track the amount of water you drink by Artur Rymarz
- wger (⭐609) - Flutter fitness/workout app for wger by the wger project.
Contents / Productivity
- Time Cop (⭐847) - A time tracking app that respects your privacy by Kenton Hamaluik.
Contents / Tools
- You (⭐257) — An app that checks what internet knows about you by Md Sadab Wasim
4. Awesome Sitecore
Content Search
- Sitecore Solr Schema (⭐0) - Sitecore configsets (schema) for Solr 8.1.1 and 8.4.0.
5. Public Apis
API: weather-api (⭐398)
Description: A RESTful free API to check the weather
Auth: No
6. Awesome Tensorflow Js
Learn / Books
- Practical TensorFlow.js - Deep Learning in Web App Development by Juan De Dios Santos Rivera.
- Practical Machine Learning in JavaScript - TensorFlow.js for Web Developers by Charlie Gerard.
7. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- DeepAR — Augmented reality face filters for any platform with one SDK. The free plan provides up to 10 monthly active users (MAU) and tracks up to 4 faces
8. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Network perimeter defenses / Firewall appliances or distributions
- IPFire - Hardened GNU/Linux based router and firewall distribution forked from IPCop.
- OPNsense - Hardened FreeBSD based firewall and routing platform forked from pfSense.
- pfSense - FreeBSD firewall and router distribution forked from m0n0wall.
9. Awesome Cakephp
Development Environment
- CakePHP Docker (⭐29) - A cakephp/app template for docker.
10. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Editors
- HyperLap2D (⭐379) - Visual editor for complex 2D worlds and scenes with a runtime for libGDX.
- Spine - Skeleton-based animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games.
- Prev: Apr 05, 2021
- Next: Apr 03, 2021