Awesome List Updates on Apr 01, 2021
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Nix
Development / Discovery
- pre-commit-hooks.nix (⭐598) - Run linters/formatters at commit time and on your CI.
2. Public Apis
API: jsDelivr (⭐206)
Description: Package info and download stats on jsDelivr CDN
Auth: No
API: Open Government, UK
Description: UK Government Open Data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
3. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- CodyFire (⭐256) - Powerful Codable API requests builder and manager for iOS. Based on Alamofire.
Button / Barcode
- IGStoryButtonKit (⭐36) - Easy-to-use button with rich animation inspired by instagram stories.
Transition / Barcode
- SPLarkController (⭐984) - Custom transition between two controller. Translate to top.
- SPStorkController (⭐2.7k) - Now playing controller from Apple Music. Customisable height.
4. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Web Scraping
- Web Scraping Reference: Cheat Sheet for Web Scraping using R (⭐390) - Guide, reference and cheatsheet on web scraping using rvest, httr and Rselenium. Author: yifyan et al.
Topic Areas / Uncategorized
- From base R to stringr - This vignette compares stringr functions to their base R equivalents to help users transitioning from using base R to stringr. Author: Sara Stoudt.
5. Awesome Cl
Statistics / Third-party APIs
- 👍 lisp-stat - an environment for statistical computing, conceptually similar to R, that is also suitable for front-line production deployments. "It grew out of a desire to have an environment for rapidly prototyping analytical and A.I. solutions, and move directly to production environments with minimal friction."
- inspired by Luke Tierney's XLisp-Stat (a predecessor of R), ships a compatibility library for it, otherwise builds on other and newer libraries.
6. Awesome Sitecore
- Cache Tuner (⭐0) - The module is an implementation of the rules given in the Sitecore Caching guide.
- Caching Manager (⭐2) - A console for easy Sitecore 10 cache management.
- Cache Processing Instance (⭐2) - A proof-of-concept for a dedicated HTML cache processing instance.
7. Awesome Flask
Conferences / Testing
- PyConWeb - Covers Django, Tornado, Flask, API frameworks. AsyncIO, networking, Frontend, JavaScript, and web security.
8. Awesome Biological Visualizations
- Gosling - A grammar-based toolkit for scalable and interactive genomics data visualization.
9. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- RocketGit — Repository Hosting based on Git. Unlimited Public and private repositories.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Similar Web — Analytics for Web & Mobile Apps. Free Plan offers five results per metric, one month of mobile app data & 3 months of website data.
10. Awesome Swift Playgrounds
WWDC Students Submissions
11. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Tools
- hub (⭐5k) - Fastest unstructured dataset management for TensorFlow/PyTorch by Stream & version-control data. Converts large data into single numpy-like array on the cloud, accessible on any machine.
12. Awesome Humane Tech
Related awesomeness / Wear our badge
- Open Sustainable Technology (⭐1.2k) - Projects preserving stable climate, energy supply and natural resources.
13. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming SQL
- ksqlDB (⭐170) [Java] - A cloud-native, source-available database purpose-built for stream processing applications
- Materialize [Rust] - A source-available streaming SQL engine for maintaining materialized views on data from message brokers and databases.
- Prev: Apr 02, 2021
- Next: Mar 31, 2021