Awesome List Updates on Mar 30, 2021
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Nlp with Ruby
Language Aware String Manipulation / Constituency Parsing
- iuliia (⭐8) — transliteration Cyrillic to Latin in many possible ways (defined by the reference implementation (⭐59)).
2. Awesome Deno
Modules / CLI utils
- charmd (⭐59) - A simple, extendable markdown renderer for your terminal.
Tools / XML
- kopo-cli (⭐18) - A Deno registry browser in the terminal.
3. Awesome Nix
Programming Languages / Arduino
- nixduino - Nix-based tool to help build Arduino sketches.
4. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
- ASP.NET Core 3.1 Succinctly - Simone Chiaretta, Ugo Lattanzi
ASP.NET Core / Blazor
- Blazor: A Beginner's Guide - Ed Charbeneau (PDF) (email address requested, not required)
- Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers - Daniel Roth, Jeff Fritz, Taylor Southwick (PDF)
.NET Core / PicoLisp
- Entity Framework Core Succinctly - Ricardo Peres
- Using .NET Core, Docker, and Kubernetes Succinctly - Michele Aponte
5. Awesome Transit
Web Apps (closed source) / Rust
- - A collaborative platform for mapping transit systems, with an emphasis on their historical evolution.
- TransitScreen - Custom realtime displays of all local transportation choices
- Bikeshare Map - Status of all worldwide bikeshare stations
- Bongo - Real-time Transit Tracking for Iowa City, Coralville and the University of Iowa. Combines three disparate transit systems into one UI.
- CityMapper Webapp - Really polished webapp with trip planner and route status for over 30 of cities.
- YourStop - Mobile friendly web app which consumes GTFS feeds and displays both live and scheduled trips for stops. Launched with MBTA, YRT/Viva and Maryland MTA.
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- MBTA tile-server (⭐8) - Scripts to create a Docker container that encapsulates all the elements necessary to develop map tiles for use on
6. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- Files (⭐33k) - A modern file explorer that supports WSL filesystem.
7. Awesome Arch
AUR Helpers / Other
- arch-audit - A utility like pkg-audit based on Arch Security Team data.
8. Awesome Ios
Machine Learning
- DL4S (⭐105) - Deep Learning for Swift: Accelerated tensor operations and dynamic neural networks based on reverse mode automatic differentiation for every device that can run Swift.
- SwiftCoreMLTools (⭐162) - A Swift library for creating and exporting CoreML Models in Swift.
9. Awesome Ocaml
Developer Tools
- OCaml: Learn & Code iOS app - Learn and execute OCaml code from your iPhone/iPad/Mac.
10. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- BudgetBudy (⭐33) - Budget Budy is the easiest and most user friendly expense manager app by Mufaddal Shakir
11. Public Apis
Text Analysis
API: Semantria
Description: Text Analytics with sentiment analysis, categorization & named entity extraction
CORS: Unknown
API: Tisane
Description: Text Analytics with focus on detection of abusive content and law enforcement applications
12. Awesome Bioinformatics
Sequence Alignment / Clustering
- MMseqs2 (⭐1.5k) - Ultra-fast, sensitive search and clustering suite for protein and nucleotide sequence sets. [ paper-2017 | paper-2018 ]
13. Free for Dev
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Codegiant — Project Management with Repository hosting & CI/CD. Free Plan Offers Unlimited Repositories, Projects & Documents with 5 Team Members. 500 CI/CD minutes per month. 30000 Serverless Code Run minutes per month 1GB repository storage.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- Microsoft PowerBI — Business Insights & Analytics by Microsoft. Free Plan offers limited use with 1 Million User licenses.
14. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / String
- pluralize (⭐1) - A very tiny library to pluralize words
15. Awesome Ipfs
Services & Platforms
- Fleek - Open Web development platform for building, hosting, and storing sites and apps on IPFS, Filecoin, and the Internet Computer.
16. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Xcodes (⭐7.3k) - Install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Xbar - Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot).
17. Awesome Osint
Social Media Tools / Reddit
- Universal Scammer List - This acts as the website-portion for the subreddit /r/universalscammerlist. That subreddit, in conjuction with this website and a reddit bot, manages a list of malicious reddit accounts and minimizes the damage they can deal. This list is referred to as the "USL" for short.
18. Awesome Nosql Guides
Overview of NoSQL
- Introduction To NoSQL - Martin Fowler (54:52) - Talk given at GOTO 2012 as a great introduction to NoSQL databases, the types of NoSQL databases, their history, pros and cons, and how and when to use them.
- Seven Databases in Song (1:43) - Fun song from 2012 about seven (six are NoSQL) databases with a very condensed overview of how they each work.
- What is NoSQL - Amazon AWS - Great high-level overview of NoSQL databases and how they compare to SQL database technologies and terminologies. Serves as landing page for Amazon's AWS services for NoSQL options of key-value (Amazon DynamoDB), document (Amazon DocumentDB), graph (Amazon Neptune), in-memory (Amazon ElastiCache), and search-engine (Amazon Elasticsearch) database.
- Prev: Mar 31, 2021
- Next: Mar 29, 2021