Awesome List Updates on Mar 22, 2021
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Nix
Development / Discovery
- nix-direnv (⭐2.1k) - A fast loader and flake-compliant configuration for the direnv environment auto-loader.
Programming Languages / Haskell
- cabal2nix (⭐366) - Converts a Cabal file into a Nix build expression.
- haskell.nix (⭐574) - Alternative Haskell Infrastructure for Nixpkgs.
Overlays / Webinterface
- awesome-nix-hpc (⭐80) - High Performance Computing package sets.
2. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Arcade
- Air Hockey Classic - Android, iOS - Play the classic 'Air Hockey' arcade game now on your mobile device! By Ignace Maes
App Releases / Sports
- Pool Ball Classic - Android, iOS - Play 8 Ball Pool like you know and love on your mobile device featuring 3D graphics, realistic physics, and a challenging AI mode. By Ignace Maes
3. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Citizen Science Data Show Temperature-Driven Declines in Riverine Sentinel Invertebrates Timothy J. Maguire, Scott O. C. Mundle. (2020)
4. Awesome Digitalocean
Community OSS projects
- ghost-digitalocean (⭐21) - A DigitalOcean Storage adapter for Ghost.
5. Awesome Transit
GTFS Libraries / PostgreSQL
- gtfs-via-postgres (⭐95) – Yet another tool to process GTFS using PostgreSQL.
6. Awesome Ios Books
Machine Learning
7. Free for Dev
- Vaadin — Build scalable UIs in Java or TypeScript, and use the integrated tooling, components, and design system to iterate faster, design better, and simplify the development process. Unlimited Projects with five years of free maintenance.
Storage and Media Processing
- Pinata IPFS — Pinata is the simplest way to upload and manage files on IPFS. Our friendly user interface and IPFS API make Pinata the easiest IPFS pinning service for platforms, creators, and collectors. 1 GB storage free, along with access to API.
8. Awesome Sitecore
- SendMail for Experience Forms (⭐0) - Brings a new Send E-mail Action for Sitecore 9 Forms, enabling the submission of e-mails using MainUtil.SendMail method, which will use an SMTP server to submit e-mails in HTML or Plain Text.
9. Awesome Cl
- doplus (⭐8) – another extensible iteration library, similar to :for.
10. Awesome Newsletters
General Section / Svelte
- Docto Tech Life. A weekly newsletter featuring the latest Rails + Javascript + software engineering content.
11. Awesome Elixir
Framework Components
- phoenix_linguist (⭐18) - A project that integrates Phoenix with Linguist, providing a plug and view helpers. It looks abandoned: its last commit was on 2015 and its CI runs Elixir 1.0.3.
Translations and Internationalizations
- linguist (⭐179) - Elixir Internationalization library.
12. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- HStreamDB (⭐721) [Haskell] - The streaming database built for IoT data storage and real-time processing.
- Kuiper (⭐1.5k) [Golang] - An edge lightweight IoT data analytics/streaming software implemented by Golang, and it can be run at all kinds of resource-constrained edge devices.
13. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- NanoMQ (⭐1.2k) - A lightweight and Blazing-fast MQTT Broker for IoT Edge platform.
14. Public Apis
Description: Public API for javascript, css and font libraries on PageCDN
- Prev: Mar 23, 2021
- Next: Mar 21, 2021