Awesome List Updates on Mar 16, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨🧬 Theme Variants (⭐195) - Adds theme variants based on media queries and/or CSS selectors.
2. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- IIS2MDC - I2C - ST's High accuracy, ultra-low-power, 3-axis digital output magnetometer -
- ISM330DHCX - I2C - ST's IMU with 3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, ML core and more -
3. Awesome Transit
GTFS Analysis Tools / Rust
- ESRI ArcGIS Public Transit Tools (GTFS) (⭐175) - Tools for working with public transit data in ArcGIS
4. Awesome Jmeter
Getting Started
5. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Building a VueJS chat app with realtime storage of messages in Airtable by Srushtika Neelakantam (December 2020)
6. Awesome Elixir
Date and Time
- calendarific (⭐4) - Calendarific is a wrapper for the holiday API Calendarific.
Text and Numbers
- minigen (⭐18) - Random data generators for the Erlang ecosystem.
7. Free for Dev
CI and CD
- LayerCI — CI for full stack projects. One full stack preview environment with 5GB memory & 3 CPUs.
- - Form to Email service, free plan allows unlimited forms, 250 submissions per month, support by Customer assistance team.
- - Form backend platform for designers and developers, 1 form, 50 submissions, Single file upload, 100MB file storage.
- Pageclip - The free plan allows one site, one form, and 1,000 monthly submissions.
- - Powerful and easy form backend for your website, forever free plan allows 50 submissions per month, 250MB file storage, Zapier integration, CSV/JSON export, custom redirect, custom response page, Telegram & Slack bot, single email notifications.
8. Awesome Blazor
- eShopOnBlazor (⭐516) -
Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor.
- BlazorCRUD (⭐396) -
Sample line of business application that illustrates key features of Blazor. Demo.
9. Awesome Cpp
- json-struct (⭐432) - High performance, single header JSON parser parsing to and from C++ structs. [MIT]
10. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Sandboxes
- Dangerzone - Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF.
11. Awesome Gbdev
Retrieving images / Syntax highlighting packages
- Arduino Gameboy Printer Emulator (⭐321) - Emulate a gameboy printer via the gameboy link cable.
- ESP8266 Game Boy Printer (⭐48) - A device that emulates the Gameboy Printer and lets you retrieve images using WiFi powered by an ESP8266.
- WiFi GBP Emulator (⭐67) - A GameBoy printer emulator which provides the received data over a WiFi connection.
- Game Boy WiFi Printer - D1 Mini Shield (⭐22) - Game Boy Printer interface shield for D1 mini/mini Pro ESP8266 boards.
- Game Boy Printer Sniffer (⭐9) - Sniff packet communications between a Game Boy and the Printer.
Changing the camera's behavior / Syntax highlighting packages
- Game Boy Camera to Canon Lens mount - based on the above.
- game-boy-camera-frame-replacer (⭐37) - Manipulate the ROM of a camera to include custom frames
Post processing / Syntax highlighting packages
- Game Boy Printer Paper Simulation (⭐75) - Generate as-if-printed images of digital printed images.
- Game Boy Printer Web (⭐57) - Gallery app for to the Game Boy camera: import pictures from exports or cartridge dumps and choose color palettes.
- Prev: Mar 17, 2021
- Next: Mar 15, 2021