Awesome List Updates on Mar 15, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Typescript
Types / Playground
- type-o-rama (⭐244) - JS type systems interoperability
Runtime / Playground
- Agent Framework (⭐120) Create interceptor for your class and method using decorators
Web/ReactJS / Playground
- 🐙 facebook/create-react-app Create React apps using typescript with no build configuration
- 🐙 Microsoft/TypeScript-React-Starter (⭐11k) A starter template for TypeScript and React with a detailed README describing how to use the two together; based on
- 📜 typescript-cheatsheets/react-typescript-cheatsheet (⭐46k) Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
- 🐙 jsxtyper (⭐38) Generates TypeScript interfaces from .jsx files
- 🐙 React Server Example TSX (⭐278) Boilerplate for isomorphic web app with React server-side rendering in TypeScript
- 🐙 React & Redux in TypeScript - Static Typing Guide (⭐13k) The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" using TypeScript
- 🐙 Typescript Monorepo CRA Example (⭐27) - A minimalistic CRA + typescript monorepo.
- 🐙 Typescript Monorepo Next Example (⭐43) - A minimalistic next.js + typescript monorepo.
- 🌠 Crisp React (⭐187) Boilerplate with React client and Express backend. Offers performance and extended functionality. Helps to avoid frequent React-Express pitfalls.
- 📖 React by Example Code-oriented React tutorial for programmers
Back-end API / Playground
- 🐙 design-first - A REST Api templating engine for Typescript
Standalone apps / Chrome Extensions
🆓 Free Courses / Chrome Extensions
- Evolving JavaScript with TypeScript a detailed introduction to TypeScript
2. Awesome Ios Books
Machine Learning
3. Awesome Gbdev
Assemblers / Misc
- RGBDS (⭐1.4k) - Assembler and linker package. Documentation.
Tools / Graphics utilities
- Superfamiconv (⭐157) - Flexible and composable tile graphics converter supporting Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Mega Drive and PC Engine formats.
4. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- APKLeaks (⭐5.1k) - Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
5. Awesome D
Official Website
- - Official website for D.
- - Official Wiki for D.
- - Offical Library/Module Registry for D.
- - Official forum. Many interesting discussions occurring on a daily basis.
- Language Specification - D programming language specification.
- Walter Bright - Father of D. Walter Bright is the creator and first implementer of the D programming language and has implemented compilers for several other languages.
- DConf - the premier event where D luminaries exchange knowledge, insight, and inspiration on everything related to the D language and its ecosystem.
- Symmetry Investments - Symmetry Investments LP is an investment management company with approximately US$4.7 billion in assets under management as of 31 December 2018. Main sponsor of the Symmetry Autumn of Code. Have sponsored the development of excel-d, dpp (⭐230), autowrap (⭐80), mir-algorithm (⭐173), and various other projects.
- TDPL - The D Programming Language by Andrei Alexandrescu.
- Programming in D - A very detailed book about programming in D by Ali Çehreli covering many areas of the language. Has a free online version and is suitable for beginners.
- D Cookbook - A recipe-packed reference guide filled with practical tasks that are concisely explained to develop and broaden the user's abilities with the D programming language. by Adam D. Ruppe. Here is an interesting review of the book.
- Learning D - This book is intended for those with some background in a C-family language who want to learn how to apply their knowledge and experience to D. (...) This book will help you get up to speed with the language and avoid common pitfalls that arise when translating C-family experience to D.
- D Web Development - Whether you are new to the world of D, or already have developed applications in D, or if you want to leverage the power of D for web development, then this book is ideal for you.
- Pragmatic D tutorial - This is a pragmatic introduction to the D Programming Language. by Andreas Zwinkau.
- Component programming in D - An article written by Walter Bright that details how D's functional support leads to a flexible and beautiful component programming style.
- Component programming with ranges - A detailed blog post about how to do component programming in a idiomatic D way with ranges, with a full working example.
- Creating a simple JSON serialiser in D - D metaprogramming tutorial series
Tutorials / Bare metal / kernel development
- D Bare bones - kernel hello world in D (using GDC compiler)
- D barebone with ldc2 - another kernel hello world in D (using LDC compiler)
- XOmB bare bones - an exokernel operating system written in D. Main page, github (⭐340).
- Bare Metal ARM Cortex-M GDC Cross Compiler - building a bare metal ARM Cortex-M (arm-none-eabi) GDC cross compiler for a Linux host.
Blogs / Bare metal / kernel development
- This week in D - A weekly overview of activity in the D community and brief advice columns to help you get the most out of the D Programming Language.
- D Idioms - A great blog for many useful idioms with D programming.
- GTK-D coding - Simple examples of how to use GtkD to build GUI applications.
- Tasty D - A blog about learning the D programming language and various D language trivia.
Articles / Bare metal / kernel development
- Purity in D - An article that explains the design principles behind D's purity feature.
- D is for Data Science - A great post about how D is suitable for data science, particularly, replacing the role of python scripts for fast prototyping.
Package Management / Bare metal / kernel development
- - Official D library repository. Backed by dub.
Build Tools / Bare metal / kernel development
- scons-d - Scons has built-in support for building D projects, thanks to Russel Winder.
- button - A universal build system to build your software at the push of a button.
- wild (⭐6) - Wild build system, used to build the PowerNex (⭐491) kernel
IDEs & Editors / Bare metal / kernel development
- IntelliJ D Language - Support for the D programming language within IntelliJ IDEA.
- Dexed - IDE for the D programming language, its compilers, tools and libraries.
- ide-d - Atom extension for D using serve-d
- DCD (⭐349) - Independent auto-complete program for the D programming language. Could be used with editors like vim, emacs, sublime text, textadept, and zeus. See editors support (⭐349).
- serve-d (⭐200) - Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for D. Adds modern IDE features to any editor with LSP support (VSCode, Atom, Vim/Neovim and others)
Lexers, Parsers, Parser Generators / Bare metal / kernel development
- libdparse (⭐115) - A D language lexer and parser, (possibly) future standard D parser/lexer.
Containers / Bare metal / kernel development
- EMSI containers (⭐110) - Containers that do not use the GC
Web Frameworks / Bare metal / kernel development
- vibe.d - Asynchronous I/O Web Framework that doesn’t get in your way, written in D.
- Apache Thrift - A lightweight, language-independent, featureful RPC framework. Thrift provides clean abstractions for data transport, data serialization, code generation, and application level processing. Dub package
Data serialization / JSON
- - JSON functions in Vibe.d. Currently the best implementation I used.
- std.json - D's standard library JSON module. Needs refinement.
- (⭐25) - Phobos candidate for JSON serialization (based on Vibed)
- asdf (⭐20) - Cache oriented string based JSON representation for fast read & writes and serialisation.
Database clients / XML
- vibe.d (⭐1.1k) - Vibe.d has internal support for Redis and MongoDB, which are very stable. Soon, the database drivers will be separated into independent projects.
Command Line / XML
- d-colorize - A port of the ruby library colorize (⭐1.2k). It add some methods to set color, background color and text effect on console easier using ANSI escape sequences.
- commandr (⭐41) - A modern, powerful commmand line argument parser.
GUI Libs / XML
- Sciter-Dport (⭐33) - D bindings for the Sciter - crossplatform HTML/CSS/script desktop UI toolkit.
- PowerNex (⭐491) - A kernel written in D
- Trinix (⭐107) - Hybrid operating system for x64 PC written in D
Game Frameworks / XML
- Dash (⭐422) - A free and open 3D game engine written in D. see
Games / XML
- Backgammony (⭐41) - A Backgammon GUI for Linux built with Gtk.
Image Processing / XML
- opencvd (⭐23) - Unofficial OpenCV binding for D
Logging / Language Processing
- dlogg (⭐14) - Logging for concurrent applications and daemons with lazy and delayed logging, logrotate support.
Configuration / Language Processing
- D:YAML (⭐118) - YAML parser and emitter for the D programming language.
Blog Engine / Language Processing
- mood (⭐43) - simple vibe.d based blog engine
6. Awesome Sitecore
Extending Content Editor
- Sitecore-TinyMCERTE (⭐2) - A Sitecore Control that uses the Tiny MCE Editor in place of the default one.
7. Awesome Analytics
Privacy focused analytics
- Piwik PRO - A privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics with built-in consent management. Hosted in EU, in your private cloud or on-premises.
8. Awesome Cl
Developer utilities / Third-party APIs
- printv (⭐68) - A batteries-included tracing and debug-logging macro. Apache2.
9. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tools
- Depict - Converts image into a dithered image using PICO-8 colors and reduces it to a maximum size of 128 x 128.
- picoCAD - A PICO-8 program to build and texture lowpoly 3D models.
10. Awesome Gdpr
11. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- - Auto-generate images and PDF documents with a simple API or automation tools like Zapier & Airtable. No CSS/HTML is required. The free plan comes with 50 images/month and three templates.
Crash and Exception Handling
- - JavaScript error tracking with screenshots and click trails. Free for open-source projects.
Screenshot APIs
- — Web Shrinker provides website screenshots and domain intelligence API services. Free 100 requests/month.
- Prev: Mar 16, 2021
- Next: Mar 14, 2021