Awesome List Updates on Mar 06, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Sitecore
Data Exchange Framework
- Data Exchange Framework Docs (⭐1) - Sitecore Data Exchange Framework Documentation generated using Sphinx.
2. Awesome Lockpicking
3. Public Apis
API: Discord
Description: Make bots for Discord, integrate Discord onto an external platform
CORS: Unknown
4. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Sandboxes
- Bubblewrap (⭐3.8k) - Sandboxing tool for use by unprivileged Linux users capable of restricting access to parts of the operating system or user data.
5. Awesome Mqtt
- MQTT TUI (⭐93) - Simple lightweight terminal based MQTT monitor and publisher.
- VSMQTT - Simple MQTT client integrated in Visual Studio Code.
- MQTT-Tiles (⭐62) - MQTT-based IoT dashboard visualization tool. Allows easy dashboards sharing. Works with any MQTT broker supporting the WSS protocol.
Telephony, PBX / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- sms2mqtt (⭐17) - Docker Gateway to send/receive SMS through MQTT using an USB GSM dongle (gammu).
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- chrome2mqtt (⭐18) - Python program to enable MQTT control endpoints for chromecasts (both audio and video).
6. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- Uber, the not so disrupting disruptor? - By Simon Wardley. Sep 11, 2017.
- Blue pill or red pill? - Doctrine and doctrine phases by Simon Wardley. May 25, 2017.
- Is my diagram a map? - By Simon Wardley. May 12, 2017.
- Gameplay for Data Flow - By James Urquhart. Mar 24, 2017.
- Applying doctrine to data flow - By James Urquhart. Feb 4, 2017.
- Adding Context To The Wardley Map of Data Flow - How do you extract value from the jumble of components and value relationships by James Urquhart. Jan 12, 2017.
- A Simple Wardley Map of Data Flow - Building a Wardley Map from a value chain for "real time business automation" by James Urquhart. Dec 30, 2016.
- The data flow value chain - Exploring a value chain using a basic architecture of data flow by James Urquhart. Dec 22, 2016.
7. Awesome Microservices
Storage / Scala
- Pilosa (⭐2.5k) - Open source, distributed bitmap index that dramatically accelerates queries across multiple, massive data sets.
- TiKV - Distributed transactional key-value database.
8. Awesome Blazor
- TypinExamples (⭐247) -
A sample project that demonstrates the usage of Typin (⭐247) framework with a Blazor SPA application (Xterm.js and custom web workers implementation in C# to emulate terminal experience in browser). Live demo.
9. Free for Dev
- Appetize — Test your Android & iOS apps on this Cloud Based Android Phone / Tablets emulator and iPhone/iPad simulators directly in your browser. The free tier includes two concurrent session with 30 minutes of usage per month. No limit on app size.
10. Awesome Nodejs
Resources / Videos
- Make a vanilla Node.js REST API - Building a REST API without using a framework like Express.
11. Awesome R Learning Resources
Books / Uncategorized
- Data Science in a Box - The core content of the course focuses on data acquisition and wrangling, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, inference, modelling, and effective communication of results.
- Prev: Mar 07, 2021
- Next: Mar 05, 2021