Awesome List Updates on Feb 28, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Economics
Discussions / Useful Materials
- Discord - A popular chat platform
- Academic Economics - A community with rooms to discuss economics and help members with exercises
2. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- ByteHub (⭐60) - An easy-to-use, Python-based feature store. Optimized for time-series data.
3. Awesome Flask
Utils / Testing
- Flask-Shell2HTTP (⭐178) - RESTful/HTTP wrapper for Python's subprocess API, so you can convert any command-line tool into a RESTful API service.
4. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-ts-nameof (⭐22) - Ability to resolve nameof (⭐494) in TypeScript.
5. Awesome Ci
Description: Self-Hosted, powerful and user-friendly CI/CD server
Features: All Languages, Docker & K8s, High Availability, Parallel Build, Statistic
Supported repositories: GitHub, GitLab, Gitee, Gogs
Documentation: Documentation (⭐727)
Price: Open Source (⭐410)
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- (⭐23k) - Self-hosted tool for staying up-to-date with web-site content changes.
7. Free for Dev
- - Unlimited chat messages, p2p voice & video calls, files attachments and push notifications. Free for apps up to 1000 users.
8. Awesome Cpp
- mini-yaml (⭐229) - Single header YAML 1.0 C++11 serializer/deserializer. [MIT]
- yaml-cpp (⭐5.3k) - A YAML parser and emitter in C++. [MIT]
9. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Productivity
- Journapi (⭐8) - Bullet journal application made with Flutter and GetX. by ChangJoo Park
10. Awesome Computer Vision
Pre-trained Computer Vision Models
- List of Computer Vision models (⭐28) These models are trained on custom objects
11. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Misc
- Diff (⭐178) - Run ESLint on your changed lines only. Also supports CI!
- Prev: Mar 01, 2021
- Next: Feb 27, 2021