Awesome List Updates on Feb 25, 2021
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome React Components
- react-swipeable-list (⭐101) - demo - Configurable component to render list with swipeable items.
2. Mind Expanding Books
Startups and Business
Name: Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
Author: John Carreyrou
Goodreads Rating: 4.4
Year Published: 2018
Name: Never Split the Difference
Author: Chris Voss
Goodreads Rating: 4.39
Year Published: 2016
3. Awesome Playcanvas
Browser Games
- Nitro Knights - Futuristic jousting game.
4. Awesome Humane Tech
- arkenfox user.js (⭐6.4k) - A user.js template for configuring and hardening Firefox privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting.
5. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Open Source BIM Collective - Tools for building information modeling.
- PHPUnit - PHPUnit and related projects.
- Thirty Bees - Ecommerce software.
- Vim-Go - Go plugin for VIM.
Open Source Projects / Libraries
- Dear ImGui (⭐56k) - Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++.
- Hapi.js - Node.js framework.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Attogram Project - Shared Media Tagger, Open Translation Engine, and many more projects.
- Johann-S - Bootstrap JavaScript developer and various plugins and projects.
- Raph Levien - druid and other Rust projects.
- Scarlett Moore - KDE contributor.
- skypjack - C++ libraries such as uvw and EnTT.
6. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Yacht (⭐3.6k) - A Docker container management webui using Vuetify for a hassle free way of managing docker containers and projects.
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- swrv (⭐2.2k) - Stale-while-revalidate data fetching for Vue.
7. Public Apis
API: PlaceDog
Description: Placeholder Dog pictures
Auth: No
8. Awesome Unity
- 2D Rope System (Paid) - Scripts for creating any type of 2D ropes in the editor or during runtime.
- Ferr2D Terrain Tool (Paid) - Quickly create handcrafted 2D landscapes and levels.
- Unity Anima2D - Advanced skeletal animation editor with support for both per-object and skinned mesh animation with an integrated in-editor skinning tool.
Augmented & Virtual Reality
- SteamVR Unity Toolkit - Scripts and Great examples to abstract the use of VR controller actions in Unity.
- UFPS (Paid) - Provides camera, controllers, and other effects for use in FPS games.
- Unity Monetization - Unity Ads is a video ad network with quick and seamless integration using regular and opt-in ads.
- Nakama - Build social and realtime games with an open-source distributed server (⭐9.3k).
- Photon Bolt (Paid) - Build networked games without having to know the details of networking or write any complex networking code.
- Photon Unity Networking - Plug and play cloud networking that also works for local hosting. Free for up to 20 concurrent users.
- Easy Save 2 (Paid) - A fast and simple way to save and load data on all major platforms supported by Unity.
- UniStorm (Paid) - A customizable dynamic day and night weather system that creates realistic storms and weather.
- Unity Analytics - Provides a dashboard with metrics to help track active players, sessions, retention, and revenue.
- DOTween - Tween any numeric property or field (including Vectors, Rectangles, etc.), plus some non-numeric ones (like strings). This is the follow-up to HOTween.
- iTween - A simple, and easy to use animation system.
- LeanTween - FOSS, and also the most lightweight tweening library for Unity. Allows you to tween any value you have access to via the .value() method.
- NGUI (Paid) - A powerful UI system and event notification framework.
- TextMesh Pro - A alternative to render text in uGUI by using the distance field technique, which allows crisp fonts at any scale. This was recently purchased by Unity and will be integrated into the engine in the future.
- Grouping Tool - Easily group objects together
- SnazzyGrid (Paid) - Makes it easy to manage positions of assets in the scene with easy to use snapping tools and many more features to improve the scene creation workflow.
- UniMerge (Paid) - Editor extension for merging scenes and prefabs, also integrates with VCS.
Visual Scripting
- Playmaker (Paid) - Quickly make gameplay prototypes, A.I. behaviors, animation graphs, interactive objects, and more using finite state machines.
9. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- mqtt-sn: Implementation of the MQTT-SN protocol -
10. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- rails (⭐56k) - A full-stack web development framework 🔴
- ace-rails-ap (⭐134) - A gem to integrate cloud9 editor into Rails asset pipeline. 🔴
- action_policy (⭐1.4k) - A tool to handle authorization. 🔴
- active_decorator (⭐1.1k) - A gem to keep views & helpers object-oriented. 🔴
- active_enum (⭐125) - A gem to provide enum classes 🔴
- activeadmin (⭐9.5k) - A gem to provide admin panel. 🔴
- activerecord-analyze (⭐222) - A gem to add EXPLAIN ANALYZE to Rails Active Record query objects. 🔴
- activerecord-import (⭐4.1k) - A gem to handle bulk data insertion using ActiveRecord. 🔴
- activerecord-pg_enum (⭐168) - A gem to integrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature. 🔴
- activerecord-postgis-adapter (⭐896) - ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. 🔴
- activerecord-postgres_enum (⭐364) - A gem to adds migration and schema.rb support to PostgreSQL enum data types. 🔴
- activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (⭐974) - ActiveRecord connection adapter for the SQL Server. 🔴
- activerecord-typedstore (⭐451) - A gem to implement
with type definition. 🔴
- activity_notification (⭐506) - A gem to integrate user activity notification. 🔴
- aggregate_root (⭐1.4k) - A gem to handle event sourcing. 🔴
- ahoy_email (⭐1.1k) - A tool to provide mail analytics. 🔴
- algoliasearch-rails (⭐414) - A gem to integrate Algolia search. 🔴
- annotate (⭐4.4k) - A gem to annotate rails classes with schema & routes info. 🔴
- anycable-rails (⭐506) - A gem to handle websocket server. 🔴
- apipie-rails (⭐2.5k) - A REST API documentation tool. 🔴
- auther (⭐23) - A gem to provide simple, form-based authentication. 🔴
- autoprefixer-rails (⭐1.2k) - A gem to add vendor prefixes to stylesheets. 🔴
- better_errors (⭐6.9k) - A tool to provide better error page. 🔴
- brakeman (⭐7.1k) - A gem to scan code against security vulnerabilities. 🔴
- breadcrumbs_on_rails (⭐946) - A gem to create & manage breadcrumbs-style navigation. 🔴
- bulma-rails (⭐352) - A wrapper for Bulma, a CSS framework based on flexbox. 🔴
- cancancan (⭐5.6k) - A gem to handle authorization. 🔴
- carrierwave (⭐8.8k) - A gem to handle file uploads. 🔴
- caxlsx_rails (⭐743) - A gem to generate entity-relationship diagram. 🔴
- counter_culture (⭐2k) - A gem to provide counter caches. 🔴
- devise (⭐24k) - A gem to provide authentication. 🔴
- doorkeeper (⭐5.4k) - A gem to introduce OAuth2 provider functionality. 🔴
- draper (⭐5.2k) - A gem to add presentation logic. 🔴
- factory_bot_rails (⭐3.1k) - A fixture replacement for testing in Rails 🔴
- filestack-rails (⭐223) - A gem to integrate Filestack. 🔴
- formtastic (⭐5.2k) - A Rails form builder gem with semantically rich and accessible markup. 🔴
- friendly_id (⭐6.2k) - A gem to deal with slugs & permalinks. 🔴
- frozen_record (⭐407) - A gem to provide ActiveRecord-like interface to query static YAML files. 🔴
- geokit-rails (⭐1.6k) - A gem to integrate Geokit in Rails apps. 🔴
- good_job (⭐2.7k) - A gem to provide Postgres-based ActiveJob backend. 🔴
- gretel (⭐12) - A tool to generate breadcrumbs. 🔴
- groupdate (⭐3.8k) - A gem to manage temporal data. 🔴
- hotwire-rails (⭐970) - A gem to integrate Hotwire in Rails apps. 🔴
- image_optim_rails (⭐56) - A gem to handle image optimization. 🔴
- js-routes (⭐1.6k) - A tool to generate all Rails routes as JavaScript helpers. 🔴
- kaminari (⭐8.6k) - A gem to provide pagination. 🔴
- kt-paperclip (⭐280) - A gem to handle file uploads. 🔴
- lockbox (⭐1.5k) - A gem to deal with encryption. 🔴
- lograge (⭐3.5k) - A gem to customize logger in Rails apps. 🔴
- mailkick (⭐937) - A tool to handle mail unsubscriptions. 🔴
- marginalia (⭐1.8k) - A gem to attach comments to ActiveRecord's SQL queries. 🔴
- metka (⭐54) - A gem to manage tags using Postgresql array columns. 🔴
- money-rails (⭐1.8k) - A gem to integrate Money gem in Rails apps. 🔴
- paloma (⭐93) - A gem to manage page-specific JavaScript in Rails apps. 🔴
- pgcli-rails (⭐35) - A replacement of
command to manage Postgresql. 🔴
- premailer-rails (⭐1.7k) - A gem to handle email styling. 🔴
- prerender_rails (⭐358) - A gem to prerender JavaScript-rendered pages. 🔴
- rails-erd (⭐4k) - A gem to generate entity-relationship diagram. 🔴
- rails-settings-cached (⭐1.1k) - A gem to manage global settings as key-value pairs. 🔴
- rails_event_store (⭐1.4k) - A gem to implement event store in Rails 🔴
- ransack (⭐5.7k) - A gem to provide search functionality. 🔴
- react-rails (⭐6.8k) - A gem to integrate React.js with Rails app. 🔴
- redisWebManager (⭐171) - Web interface that allows you to manage easily your Redis instance. 🔴
- reform-rails (⭐100) - A gem to wrap Reform gem, a form validation tool, with Rails app. 🔴
- rgeo-activerecord (⭐90) - A gem to provide common tools used by RGeo-based spatial adapters. 🔴
- rodauth-rails (⭐632) - A gem to wrap Rodauth, an authentication handler, for Rails apps. 🔴
- rollup (⭐324) - A gem to handle time-series data in Rails 🔴
- route_translator (⭐887) - A tool to handle route translation. 🔴
- rspec-rails (⭐5.2k) - A testing framework. 🔴
- scenic (⭐3.5k) - A gem to manage database views. 🔴
- searchkick (⭐6.6k) - A gem to provide search functionality. 🔴
- select2-rails (⭐964) - A gem to integrate Select2 library in Rails apps. 🔴
- sequel-activerecord_connection (⭐138) - A gem to allow Sequel to reuse an ActiveRecord connection. 🔴
- simple_form (⭐8.2k) - A gem to handle forms. 🔴
- solidus (⭐5.1k) - A fork of Spree gem, an open source e-commerce platform. 🔴
- sorbet-rails (⭐636) - A gem to integrate Sorbet gem in Rails apps. 🔴
- spree (⭐14k) - An open source e-commerce platform. 🔴
- spring (⭐2.8k) - A gem to preload Rails app. 🔴
- sprockets (⭐957) - A gem to compile & serve web assets. 🔴
- stimulus-rails (⭐657) - A gem to integrate Stimulus.js in Rails apps. 🔴
- tinymce-rails (⭐816) - A gem to integrate Tinymce in Rails apps. 🔴
- transloadit-rails (⭐47) - A gem to integrate Transloadit's file uploading and encoding service. 🔴
- trove (⭐68) - A gem to handle machine learning models deployment. 🔴
- turbo-rails (⭐2.2k) - A gem to integrate Turbo.js in Rails apps. 🔴
- webpacker (⭐5.3k) - A gem to bundle web assets using Webpack. 🔴
- zeitwerk (⭐2k) - A gem to handle thread-safe code loading. 🔴
11. Awesome Cryptography
Web-sites / Git
- TikZ for Cryptographers - A collection of block diagrams of common cryptographic functions drawn in TikZ to be used in research papers and presentations written in LaTeX.
12. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- News API — Search news on the web with code, and get JSON results. Developers get 3,000 queries free each month.
- TinyMCE - rich text editing API. Core features are free for unlimited usage.
- — Smart visual validation for web, native mobile and desktop apps. Integrates with almost all automation solutions (like Selenium and Karma) and remote runners (Sauce Labs, Browser Stack). free for open source. A free tier for a single user with limited checkpoints per week.
- - Verify webhooks, outbound HTTP requests, or emails with a custom URL. A temporary URL and email address are always free.
Storage and Media Processing
- — Simple and secure offsite backup hosting for Borg Backup. 10 GB free backup space and two repositories.
- Prev: Feb 26, 2021
- Next: Feb 24, 2021