Awesome List Updates on Feb 10, 2021
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Public Apis
API: Crossref Metadata Search (⭐742)
Description: Books & Articles Metadata
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
2. Awesome Scala Native
Tutorials and Examples
3. Awesome Jamstack
API / Forms
- Static Forms - Integrate HTML forms easily without any server side code. After user submits the form we'll send you content of the form to your registered email.
4. Awesome Cpp
- C++ Workflow (⭐14k) ⚡ - C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Engine. [Apache2]
5. Discount for Student Dev
Web Hosting
- Digital Ocean [CREDIT] - Digital Ocean provides $200 in hosting credit for every student that signs up for the Github Student Developer Pack.
6. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- SwiftPlantUML (⭐597) - A command-line tool and Swift Package to generate UML class from your Swift source code. Also available as Xcode Source Editor Extension.
7. Awesome Ruby
- Ruby-GNOME (⭐390) - Ruby language bindings for the GNOME development environment.
8. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Hub (⭐8.4k) - Fastest unstructured dataset management for TensorFlow/PyTorch. Stream & version-control data. Store even petabyte-scale data in a single numpy-like array on the cloud accessible on any machine. Visit for more info.
9. Free for Dev
- Bump - Free 10 Bump email addresses, one custom domain
- — Free disposable temporary email service with multiple emails at once and forwarding
10. Awesome Saltstack
Official resources
- Salt Project site - Salt Project (Salt Open Source) website.
- vRealize Automation SaltStack Config - vRealize Automation SaltStack Config website at VMware (new name for commercial SaltStack product).
- GitLab repo - Salt Project's eventual new home.
- SaltStack Documentation - Official documentation.
- Salt in 10 minutes - Official walkthrough.
- SaltStack Get Started - These tutorials walk you through the basics of getting SaltStack up and running.
- About SaltStack - Extensive blogpost with lots of in-depth information.
- O'Reilly - Network Automation at Scale - By Mircea Ulinic and Seth House (an ebook sponsored by Cloudflare).
- SaltConf19 - YouTube - Video recordings of SaltConf19 presentations.
- SaltConf20 - YouTube - Video recordings of SaltConf20 presentations.
Blogposts and opinions
- Using Salt with reclass - Use class inheritance to define nodes roles and avoid duplication.
- SaltStack Community Slack - Official SaltStack Slack Community (Signup Link).
- #saltstack on Network to Code Slack - #saltstack channel on Network To Code Slack (Signup Link).
- #saltstack on VMware {code} Community Slack - #saltstack channel on VMware {code} Community Slack (Signup Link).
- Twitter feed - Official Salt Project Twitter account.
- Salt Formulas In-depth blogpost about Salt Formulas.
11. Awesome Elm
Inspired by Elm / Games
- MAUI - .NET Multi-platform App UI
- Prev: Feb 11, 2021
- Next: Feb 09, 2021