Awesome List Updates on Feb 08, 2021
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- machine-learning-for-trading (⭐14k) - Code and resources for Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading
2. Awesome Tailwindcss
3. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- libvips (⭐7.9k) - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- Papers With Code - Thousands of machine learning datasets provided by Papers With Code.
4. Awesome Earth
- Reforestum - Reforestum is an online marketplace to drive reforestation and forest conservation, incentivizing companies and individuals to easily offset their carbon footprint by acquiring and tracking forest shares and carbon credits. Reforestum offers transparency via remote sensing and AI, together with a comprehensible API for seamless integration.
5. Awesome Ddd
Libraries and Frameworks / Databases
- Message DB (⭐1.6k) - Microservice Native Event Store and Message Store for Postgres. A fully-featured event store and message store implemented in PostgreSQL for Pub/Sub, Event Sourcing, Messaging, and Evented Microservices applications.
Libraries and Frameworks / Ruby
- Eventide - Event Sourcing and Microservices Stack for Ruby. A set of libraries for writing event driven, autonomous services.
6. Awesome Falsehood
- Falsehoods about Programming - A humbling and fun list on programming and programmers themselves.
- Falsehoods about Music - False assumption that might be made in codifying music.
- Falsehoods about Art - Common misconceptions about art.
- Falsehoods about Prices - Covers currencies, amounts and localization.
- Falsehoods about IBANs (⭐474) - International Bank Account Numbers are not international.
- Falsehoods about Economics - Economics are not simple or rational.
- Falsehoods about Bitcoin (⭐67) - A list of mistaken perspectives on Bitcoin.
Dates and Time
- Falsehoods about Time - Seminal article on dates and time.
- More Falsehoods about Time - Part. 2 of the article above.
- Falsehoods about Time and Time Zones - Another takes on time-related falsehoods, with an emphasis on time zones.
- Critique of Falsehoods about Time - Takes on the first article above and provides an explanation of each falsehood, with more context and external resources.
- Falsehoods about Time Zones - Has some nice points regarding the edge-cases of DST transitions.
- Falsehoods about Maps - Covers coordinates, projection and GIS.
Human Identity
- Falsehoods about Names - The article that started it all.
- Falsehoods about Names – With Examples - A revisited version of the article above, this time with detailed explanations.
- Falsehoods about Biometrics - Fingerprints are not unique.
- Falsehoods about Families - You can't really define a family with strict rules.
- Falsehoods about Me - Issues at the intersection of names and gender and internationalization.
- Falsehoods about Language - Translating a software from English is not as straightforward as it seems to be.
- Falsehoods about Job Applicants - Assumptions about job applicants and their job histories aren't necessarily true.
- Falsehoods about Video - Cover it all: video decoding and playback, files, image scaling, color spaces and conversion, displays and subtitles.
- Falsehoods about Networks - Covers TCP, DHCP, DNS, VLANs and IPv4/v6.
Phone Numbers
- Falsehoods about Phone Numbers (⭐17k) - Covers phone numbers, their representation and meaning.
Postal Addresses
- Falsehoods about Addresses - Covers streets, postal codes, buildings, cities and countries.
- Falsehoods about Residence - It's not only about the address itself, but the relationship between a person and its residence.
- Falsehoods about Systems of Measurement - On working with systems of measurement and converting between them.
- Falsehoods about Political Appointments - Designing election systems has its own tricks.
- Falsehoods about Women In Tech - Myth about women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) industries.
Software Engineering
- Falsehoods about Versions (⭐68) - Attributing an identity to a software release might be harder than thought.
- Falsehoods about Build Systems - Building software is hard. Building software that builds software is harder.
- Falsehoods about CSVs - While RFC4180 to exists, it is far from definitive and goes largely ignored.
- Falsehoods about Testing - An attempt to establish a list of falsehoods about testing.
- Falsehoods about Search - Why search (including analysis, tokenization, highlighting) is deceptively complex.
- Falsehoods about Pagination - Why your pagination algorithm is giving someone (possibly you) a headache.
- Myths about File Paths - Diversity of file-systems and OSes makes file paths a little harder than we might think of.
- Myths about CPU Caches - Misconceptions about caches often lead to false assertions, especially when it comes to concurrency and race conditions.
- Myths about
- There are a few things about/dev/urandom
that are repeated again and again. Still they are false.
- Falsehoods about Cars (⭐6) - Even something as common as defining a car is full of pitfalls.
- Falsehoods about Fonts (⭐101) - Assumptions about typography on the web and in desktop applications.
7. Awesome Elm
Boilerplates / Individual Podcast episodes
- Elm Batteries (⭐117) - A project template and generator for Elm, Parcel, Cypress and Netlify
- IHP + Elm - The IHP Haskell Framework provides a built-in Elm boilerplate, useful when working with elm in the frontend and haskell in the backend
8. Awesome Jax
Tutorials and Blog Posts / NumPyro
- Exploring hyperparameter meta-loss landscapes with JAX by Luke Metz - Demonstrates how to use JAX to perform inner-loss optimization with SGD and Momentum, outer-loss optimization with gradients, and outer-loss optimization using evolutionary strategies.
- Prev: Feb 09, 2021
- Next: Feb 07, 2021