Awesome List Updates on Jan 20, 2021
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Clojure
Text Processing
2. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Natural Language Processing
- Rasa (⭐19k) - A "machine learning framework to automate text-and voice-based conversations."
3. Awesome Godot
2D / Godot 3
- spindle of serendipity - Word guessing game with customizable entries.
Modules / Godot 4
- Entity Spell System (⭐161) - An entity and spell system for complex (optionally multiplayer) RPGs. (Godot 3 and 4)
Modules / Godot 3
- FMOD Integration (⭐178) - Module to integrate the FMOD audio engine in Godot.
- Gdnet for Godot 3 (⭐126) - An ENet wrapper for Godot 3.
- godot-apple-id (⭐34) - Module for sign in with Apple in Godot.
- godotcord (⭐55) - A wrapper for the Discord Game SDK.
- godot-python (⭐2k) - Python support for Godot 3.
- Godot-Slicer (⭐118) - A port of Ezy-Slicer (⭐2k) for Godot.
- Goost (⭐490) - A general-purpose, extensible and customizable extension.
- PortAudio (⭐18) - Wrapper methods and Godot-friendly types to use PortAudio.
Modules / Godot version unknown
- godot-anl (⭐110) - A wrapper for Accidental Noise Library (⭐80) with a visual noise editing support.
- godot-enet-better (⭐94) - A better ENet module for high-performance multiplayer games with Godot.
- NativeDialogs (⭐22) - Using native dialogs in Godot.
- RawPacker (⭐23) - Simple binary packing/unpacking for RawArray.
- spine (⭐134) - Spine animation support module.
Bash scripts / Godot version unknown
- (⭐27) - Script that automatically downloads and launches latest version of Godot, or compiles and launches the Git
- godot-wrapper (⭐15) - Script that helps Debian and Ubuntu users install and use Godot.
- (⭐27) - Script to update copies of a file with one master file.
Other / Godot version unknown
- (⭐96) - Python script that converts GDScript code to C# (WIP).
4. Awesome Meteor
Forms and Templates
- ostrio:templatehelpers (⭐34) - Utility helpers for your Blaze templates.
5. Awesome Devsecops
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Containers
- Hadolint (⭐10k) - Hadolint - Checks a Dockerfile against known rules and validates inline bash code in RUN statements.
Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Terraform
- Regula (⭐942) - Fugue - Evaluate Terraform infrastructure-as-code for potential security misconfigurations and compliance violations prior to deployment.
6. Awesome Elixir
- Ockam (⭐4.5k) - A suite of tools, programming libraries and infrastructure that make it easy to build devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices. Docs .
7. Awesome List
- Web Monetization (⭐309) - A free open web standard service that allows you to send money directly in your browser.
8. Awesome Tmux
- tmux yank to system clipboard A way to get the System Clipboard to work with tmux yank on a Mac via
and linux viaxclip
Tools and session management
- libtmux (⭐1.1k) Python API for tmux
- teamocil (⭐2.4k) A simple tool used to automatically create windows and panes in tmux with YAML files
- tmuxp (⭐4.2k) 💻 tmux session manager and python library
Books / Development and testing
9. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- Java: jvppeteer (⭐748) - Headless Chrome For Java
- Go: Rod (⭐5.6k)
10. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- embassy (⭐5): A set of embedded async tools to make async/await a first-class option for embedded development
11. Free for Dev
Translation Management
- - Free for 1000 source language strings, unlimited languages, unlimited contributors, startup and open source deals
- Web3Forms - Contact forms for Static & JAMStack Websites without writing backend code. The free plan allows Unlimited Forms, Unlimited Domains & 250 Submissions per month.
12. Awesome Sitecore
- Sitecore Docker Tools (⭐27) - Set of utilities to improve developer experience when running Sitecore in a Docker environment. This an image with development scripts and entrypoints that can be used during Sitecore container builds and a PowerShell module with functions used on the Sitecore container host to initialize the Sitecore Docker environment.
13. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / Unity SDK
Open Source Repos / Security
- jordanpotti/AWSBucketDump 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐1.2k) - Security Tool to Look For Interesting Files in S3 Buckets.
- Prev: Jan 21, 2021
- Next: Jan 19, 2021