Awesome List Updates on Feb 24 - Mar 01, 2020
60 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Nextjs
- Next PurgeCSS (⭐135) - Easily integrate Purgecss, which helps you remove unused CSS from your bundle.
- The Next.js Handbook - Build a frontend React application that transparently handles server-side rendering for you.
2. Awesome Javascript
Node-Powered CMS Frameworks / Runner
- Factor (⭐1.4k) - The Javascript CMS
3. Awesome Cakephp
- PlumSearch plugin (⭐19) - Implements custom, flexible and extendable search strategies. Implements PRG pattern.
4. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- iHosts - The only
editor on Mac App Store.
Developer Tools / Databases
- Apache Directory Studio - LDAP browser and Active Directory client.
5. Awesome Jupyter
JupyterLab Extensions
- shortcutui (⭐54) - An extension for managing keyboard shortcuts.
- treon (⭐300) - Easy-to-use test framework for Jupyter Notebooks.
6. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Debugging / Profiling
- NiM (⭐195) - Manages DevTools debugging workflow.
Packages / Testing
- Playwright (⭐70k) - Headless Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox with a single API.
Packages / Miscellaneous
- basic-ftp (⭐684) - FTP/FTPS client.
- cashify (⭐405) - Currency conversion.
- genepi (⭐81) - Automatically generate a native Node.js addon from C++ code.
7. Awesome Machine Learning
Tools / Misc
- m2cgen (⭐2.8k) - A tool that allows the conversion of ML models into native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart) with zero dependencies.
8. Awesome Software Architecture
Frameworks / DevOps
- The Phoenix Project, by Gene Kim et al - IT, Devops and helping your Business win 📙.
9. Awesome Vue
Resources / Conferences
10. Awesome Django
Resources / Community
- Community Page - Featuring feeds of Community Blog Posts, Jobs, and more.
Resources / Newsletters
- Django News - Weekly newsletter on announcements, articles, projects, and talks.
Resources / Podcasts
- Django Riffs - A new podcast from Matt Layman.
11. Awesome Ros2
Courses / Build system (ROS2)
12. Awesome Pascal
Single controls
- SMDBGrid component.
The successor of TDBGrid with the extended features. Is able to display multiline wordwrap column titles, checkboxs for boolean fields, a convenient select of records from the keyboard and mouse via checkboxs, extanded Indicator column, fixing of columns, an opportunity to exclude insert and delete of records in the DBGrid, own standard PopupMenu, save/restore of a column states, processing of additional events etc. Multilanguage resources.
- CEF4Delphi (⭐1.1k).
Project to embed Chromium-based browsers in applications made with Delphi or Lazarus/FPC
- d-ORModel (⭐13).
ORM for Delphi, based on models and object fields. LINQ support, fully typed and compile time checks.
Other non-visual
- DelphiPatterns (⭐126).
Complete set of design patterns implemented in Delphi language
- Markdown Processor for Pascal (⭐166).
This is a Pascal (Delphi) library that processes to markdown to HTML
- Coroutine-based multithreading library (⭐99).
AIO implement procedural oriented programming (POP) style in Delphi. It means developer can combine advantages of OOP and POP, splitting logic to multiple state machines, schedule them to threads, connect them by communication channels like in GoLang
- C-To-Delphi (⭐258).
This tool will convert most of your standard C code.
13. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Typemill - Author-friendly flat-file-cms with a visual markdown editor based on vue.js. (Source Code (⭐486))
Software / Games
- Mindustry - Factorio-like tower defense game. Build production chains to gather more resources, and build complex facilities. (Source Code (⭐23k))
14. Awesome Typescript
Typescript Project Starters
- jsynowiec/node-typescript-boilerplate (⭐2.8k) Up-to-date, developer ready and comprehensive, yet minimalistic template. Works out of the box for most Node.js projects. All basic tools included and configured. Targets latest Node.js LTS and TypeScript releases.
Cloud Data Warehousing / Playground
- ✨ Crisp BigQuery (⭐46) Starter project that delivers Google BigQuery data to end user browsers with cost control. Allows to implement rich data presentation options.
CMS / Playground
- Factor - The Javascript CMS (TypeScript supported natively)
15. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- EventStormingWorkshop - Designing Cloud Native Microservices On AWS (⭐311) - A concrete sample to go through EventStorming workshop and implement DDD tactical design pattern in Java, apply AWS cloud native services to build up business Event based Coffeeshop scenario.
User Groups / Ruby
16. Awesome
- WACUP - An extension/improvement to Winamp, providing bugfixes and more features such as a better MOD player and YouTube support.
Chat Clients
- Franz - A messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram and many many more.
- BlueMail - beautifully designed, powerful and easy to use email app if you're looking for cross-platform functionality.
- Snipping Tool / Snip & Sketch - Windows 10 utility to easily capture and edit selected area in screen.
- ueli - A powerful keystroke launcher for Windows.
Proxy and VPN Tools
- Algo (⭐26k) - Personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud.
17. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Papers
18. Awesome Decentralized
- Cabal (⭐858): P2P community offline-first chat platform.
Related Lists
19. Awesome Coq
Projects / Package and Build Management
- Nix - Package manager for Linux and other Unix systems, supporting atomic upgrades and rollbacks.
Projects / Tools
- CFML - Tool for proving properties of OCaml programs in separation logic.
20. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Scraping
- DiDOM (⭐2.2k) - A super-fast HTML scrapper and parser.
21. Awesome Nlg
- compare-mt (⭐446) - A tool for holistic analysis of language generations systems.
22. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-jump (⭐395) Vimium/Easymotion like navigation for tmux.
23. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- PrivacyFlash Pro (⭐154) - Generate a privacy policy for your Swift iOS app from its code.
24. Awesome Pentest
Side-channel Tools / Reverse Engineering Tools
- SGX-Step (⭐443) - Open-source framework to facilitate side-channel attack research on Intel x86 processors in general and Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) platforms in particular.
25. Awesome Seml
Data Management
Model Training
26. Awesome Free Software
Software / Audio
- Nuclear Music Player - Streaming music player that finds music from free sources automatically. (GNU AGPLv3 (⭐10k))
Software / Graphics
- ExifCleaner - GUI app to remove exif metadata from images and videos with simple drag and drop. (MIT (⭐1.3k))
27. Awesome Ipfs
Services & Platforms
- Fission - Fission builds open source protocols and managed solutions that empower developers to construct scalable and secure software applications.
28. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: ExifCleaner
Description: Cross platform desktop app to remove exif metadata from images
29. Awesome Xamarin
- Fluent Validation ★3,570 (⭐8.3k) - Fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules.
Game Engine
- CocosCreator ★2 (⭐12) - Xamarin binding for CocosCreator Engine.
- Lottie ★643 (⭐1.2k) - Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS for Xamarin.
- MediaManager ★269 (⭐758) - Cross platform Xamarin plugin to play Media from PCL.
- RestSharp ★6,994 (⭐9.2k) - Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET.
- SimpleBottomDrawer (⭐112) - Just a nice and simple BottomDrawer for your Xamarin Forms project
- SimpleColorPicker (⭐10) - Just a nice and simple ColorPicker for your Xamarin Forms project
- SimpleAppIntro (⭐142) - Just a nice and simple AppIntro for your Xamarin Forms project
30. Awesome Vscode
- Clangd - Provides C/C++ language IDE features for VS Code using clangd: code completion, compile errors and warnings, go-to-definition and cross references, include management, code formatting, simple refactorings.
CSS Peek / More
- stylelint - Lint CSS/SCSS.
31. Awesome Cl
Monitoring / Isomorphic web frameworks
- cl-sentry-client (⭐24) - a Sentry client for Common Lisp, the cloud-based error monitoring system. MIT.
- based on dexador for HTTP communication and swank for stack traces. It also features an async HTTP client via the simple-tasks library.
32. Awesome Katas
33. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- A mechanism for building a roadmap - Using a Wardley map to build a roadmap. Jan 9, 2018.
34. Engineering Blogs
Companies / C companies
- CSC - IT Center For Science - Cloud Team
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Schakko
- Stanko Tadić
35. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- — Create fake REST API for developers with the possibility to generate code and app in a docker container.
- Postbacks - Request HTTP callbacks for a later time. Eight thousand free requests on signup.
- Verifalia — Real-time email verification API with mailbox confirmation and disposable email address detector; 25 free email verifications/day.
- — Open source, cross-platform, mobile app development toolchain for Java/Kotlin developers. Free for commercial use with an unlimited number of projects
- – Free DNS hosting by Huawei
36. Awesome Vulkan
- PasVulkan (⭐184) - Vulkan bindings plus high-level wrapper library for Object Pascal [Zlib]
37. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Application or Binary Hardening
- Egalito - Binary recompiler and instrumentation framework that can fully disassemble, transform, and regenerate ordinary Linux binaries designed for binary hardening and security research.
38. Awesome Open Company
Resources / Books
- James M. Whitehurst: The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance
39. Awesome Ada
UML / Apache License
- ada-ml (⭐10) - Ada-tailored UML Modeling Language.
40. Awesome Draft Js
Usage in Production
41. Awesome Swift Playgrounds
WWDC Students Submissions
42. Awesome Deno
Tools / XML
- (⭐15) - Cross-platform Makefile for installing and running Deno.
43. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / Packages
- loadtest (⭐92) - An R package for load testing using JMeter.
44. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Engineering / Technical Debt
- Tech Due Diligence Calculator - A list of questions by topic to help understand how you are building your tech and engineering team, trying to highlight red flags.
Product Management / Standups
- Open Product Management (⭐3.9k) - Resources, interviews, case studies, sample products & projects, communities, open source tools, free & paid services on product management, for technical people to learn the field.
- Things Many People Find Too Obvious To Have Told You Already - A set of heuristics on tech companies and the ecosystem they live in.
- How to exit vim, the Product Manager way (⭐7k) - A satire with a grain of truth, especially the comparison between the basic vs experienced level.
Product Management / Product-Market Fit
- Fundamentals of Product-Market Fit - A complete overview of the concept: what is product-market fit and to measuring it.
Product Management / Product Strategy
- Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement - A step further from the previous advice, in which is detailed an aggressive strategy to consolidate monopolies.
Communication / Style
- LanguageTool - Proofreading for grammar, style and spell checking.
- English Lint (⭐32) - A Rust CLI to detect weasel words, passive voice and lexical illusions.
- The Punctuation Guide - Simple reference on how (and why) to use these special characters.
- Improve Your Writing With The GNU Style Checkers - How to use
, two venerable GNU utilities.
Compensation / Equity
- Equity Compensation - Stock options, RSUs, job offers, and taxes—a detailed reference, including hundreds of resources, explained from the ground up and made to be improved over time.
45. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
46. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Machine Learning in Python: Main developments and technology trends in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence Sebastian Raschka, Joshua Patterson, Corey Nolet. (2019)
47. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- DeHashed - DeHashed helps prevent ATO with our extensive data set & breach notification solution. Match employee and consumer logins against the world’s largest repository of aggregated publicly available assets leaked from third-party breaches. Secure passwords before criminals can abuse stolen information, and protect your enterprise.
48. Awesome Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- Visual Studio
- dgriffen/rls-vs2017 (⭐109) - Rust support for Visual Studio 2017 Preview
- PistonDevelopers/VisualRust (⭐702) - A Visual Studio extension for Rust
- dgriffen/rls-vs2017 (⭐109) - Rust support for Visual Studio 2017 Preview
49. Awesome Nix
Virtualisation / Discovery
- nixos-shell (⭐715) - Simple headless VM configuration using Nix (similar to Vagrant).
50. Awesome Ruby
Data Processing and ETL
- CSV Reader (⭐177) - A modern tabular data (line-by-line records) reader supports "classic" CSV but also CSV Numerics,
, tab, space or fixed width fields (FWF) and many more flavors and dialects.
E-Commerce and Payments
- Workarea (⭐326) - An extensible, high-performance eCommerce platform depended on by some of the world's top retailers.
Game Development and Graphics
- Ruby 2D (⭐660) - Create cross-platform 2D applications, games, and visualizations with ease.
51. Awesome Billing
- Don't just roll the dice – Software pricing guide - Huge and complete collection of pricing scheme, with their psychological effect and impact on revenue model.
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- Riemann sum - The starting point about quantization of usage.
- Allen's interval algebra - Implementing usage-based pricing is tricky, and this algebra will help you organize temporal reasoning. Also see this Stack Overflow question with clean schema.
Pricing / Hybrid
- The Three Part Tariff - Beyond linear pricing, there is a place for additional platform fees and free-tiers in the pricing structure.
Pricing / Strategy
- Pricing Psychology - Which numbers should you use? How high should it be? Should it be rounded? This guide has 42 tricks to help you choose the best price.
- The 7 factors to consider when pricing your startup product - Pricing is an offensive tool to reinforce your product value and underscore the company core marketing message.
Cost Forecast / Market Research
- Time Series Prediction - A short introduction for pragmatists - Great introduction on how time series can be used to evaluate business problems.
- Komiser (⭐4k) - Open-source tool to stay under budget by uncovering hidden costs, monitoring increases in spend, and making impactful changes based on custom recommendations.
Marketplace / Market Research
- Customized Regression Model for Airbnb Dynamic Pricing - This paper describes the pricing strategy model deployed at Airbnb.
- How to Kickstart and Scale a Marketplace Business: Constrain the marketplace; Decide which side of the marketplace to concentrate on; Drive initial supply; Drive initial demand. A 4-parts series with dozen of interviews of people with direct experience building and scaling marketplaces.
Accounting / Double-Entry Model
- Accounting Memento For Entrepreneurs (US GAAP) - An interactive form to play with accounting concepts.
Coupons and Vouchers / Currencies
- Council Directive 2016/1065 as regards the treatment of vouchers - European directive on the application of VAT when vouchers are involved.
Payments / Electronic invoices
- Avoiding Double Payments in a Distributed Payments System - RDBMS were build for banks around transactions to solve that specific issue. Then NoSQL came forcing us to carefully implement systems to avoid double spending.
- Monzo's bank transfers post-mortem - Or why you should be prepared for and work around gateway provider's outages.
- Handling system failures during payment communication - Dropbox's experience trying to account for an unreliable payment provider.
- Why was I charged? - Under a constant stream of user complaints about payments, WordPress created a dedicated subdomains to help customers understand unexpected transactions. The trick is to add the URL of that kind of site directly in the bank statement.
Payments / Bank Accounts
- Swift Codes Repository (⭐189) - A repository that seems to scrape the website above.
Fraud / Billing
- The Challenges of Operating a Computing Cloud and Charging for its Use - Skip the first 90% of this presentation by an AWS VP (which is about general system reliability). The last four slides are a good summary of what billing cloud services entails, especially the use of soft quotas to limit fraud.
Business Intelligence / Metrics
- A Quantitative Approach to Product Market Fit - Metrics produced above have a greater reach, as they're used as important signals to validate product-market fit.
Business Intelligence / Tools
- Practical Business Python - A blog collecting and spreading ideas on how to use Python more effectively in the business setting.
- Connect and query your data sources, build dashboards to visualize data and share them with your company.
- Apache Superset (⭐65k) - Enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.
- Meltano - Open source convention-over-configuration product for the whole data lifecycle, all the way from loading data to analyzing it.
- Insights is a tool to visually explore a PostgreSQL database, with an emphasis on generating graphs that show business performance over time.
52. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Development Environment / Debugging and Tracing
- Roslaunch Nodes in Valgrind or GDB - When debugging roscpp nodes that you are launching with roslaunch, you may wish to launch the node in a debugging program like gdb or valgrind instead.
53. Awesome Creative Tech Events
Netherlands / Eindhoven
- STRP - STRP Festival is one of the largest art & technology (e-culture) festivals in Europe where music, art and technology meet. (April)
54. Awesome Gatling
Getting Started
Tools / Frameworks
- Taurus - Gatling Executor in Taurus framework.
55. Awesome Embedded Rust
Community / Community Chat Rooms
- You can usually find community members (including embedded WG members) in the official
Matrix room.
- - Telegram chat about Rust for microcontrollers in the Russian language.
- - For discussion of using Embedded Rust on Nordic Semiconductor devices
- - For discussion of the Probe-rs debugging toolkit
- - For discussion of the
crate and ecosystem
Peripheral Access Crates / NXP
Register access layer for i.MX RT series. -
HAL implementation crates / NXP
- HAL for i.MX RT series. -
Component abstraction crates / Other
: 2D drawing library for any size display -
Driver crates / WIP
- midi-port - UART - MIDI input -
- ST7920 - SPI - LCD displays using the ST7920 controller
56. Awesome Bash
Books and Resources
- Defensive BASH Programming - Methods to defend your programs from breaking as well as keeping the code tidy and clean.
For Developers
- mkdkr (⭐365) - Make + Docker + Shell = CI Pipeline.
Shell Script Development
- ansi (⭐619) - ANSI escape codes in pure bash - change text color, position the cursor, much more.
- argbash (⭐1.4k) - Bash argument parsing code generator.
- (⭐488) - Bash unit testing framework.
- async-bash (⭐137) - Implementation of async functions in bash.
- bash3boilerplate (⭐2.1k) - Templates to write better Bash scripts.
- bashful (⭐602) - A collection of libraries to simplify writing Bash scripts.
- bashify (⭐99) - Few helper functions in bash (especially string manipulation functions).
- bashing (⭐78) - Smashing Bash into Pieces - Bash framework for creating command line tools.
- bashmanager (⭐95) - Mini bash framework for creating command line tools.
- Bash Infinity (⭐5.6k) - A modern boilerplate / framework / standard library for bash.
- bash_unit (⭐595) - Bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals.
- mo (⭐561) - Mustache templates in pure bash.
- semver_bash (⭐246) - Semantic Versioning in Bash.
- shfmt (⭐7.1k) - Format bash programs.
- shunit2 (⭐1.6k) - A unit test framework for Bash scripts with a flavour of JUnit/PyUnit.
57. Awesome Eosio
Libraries and Frameworks / Testing
- EOSLIME (⭐36) - Truffle like framework for development, deployment and testing on EOS blockchains.
58. Awesome React Components
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- data-driven-forms (⭐291) - A declarative way for building forms with all the functionality.
Boilerplate / Mouse Events
- phoenix (⭐160) - A simple boilerplate that helps you make your react application with Server Side Rendering & Localization support.
59. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / JavaScript
- Oligrapher (⭐102) - Library initially developed to visualise "networks of influence" among U.S. elites.
Software / R
- neo4r (⭐106) - Neo4J driver for R.
- relevent - Tools to fit relational event models (REM).
- informR - Tools to create sequence statistics from event lists to be used in
- informR - Tools to create sequence statistics from event lists to be used in
60. Awesome Flutter
🇵🇭 Philippines / Misc
- Prev: Mar 02 - Mar 08, 2020
- Next: Feb 17 - Feb 23, 2020