Awesome List Updates on Feb 10 - Feb 16, 2020
67 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Jmeter
CI / Tools & Plugins
- Jenkins Performance Plugin - Jenkins plugin to capture reports from JMeter and generate graphic charts with the trend report of performance and robustness.
Cloud Services / SaaS / Tutorials & Demo
- Loadium - AWS-based load testing service with JMeter and Selenium support.
Tools / Extending JMeter
2. Awesome Swift Playgrounds
- coreml-playground (⭐40) - Core ML examples for Swift Playgrounds. 🍁
- SF Symbols Viewer (⭐17) - An SF Symbols Viewer for Swift Playgrounds. 🍁
- jscore-playground (⭐18) - A JavaScript REPL using JavaScriptCore. 🍁
3. Awesome Yew
- Create Yew App (⭐164) - Set up a modern Yew web app by running one command,
npx create-yew-app my-app
Books / Frameworks
- The wasm-pack Guide - How to build and work with rust-generated WebAssembly.
4. Awesome Video
Video Editing & Processing Tools / Color Grading & Correction Tools
- bbc/qtff-parameter-editor (⭐141) - QuickTime file parameter editor for modifying transfer function, colour primary and matrix characteristics.
Video Editing & Processing Tools / Subtitle & Caption Tools
- glut23/webvtt-py (⭐204) - Read, write and segment WebVTT caption files in Python.
- opencoconut/webvtt-ruby (⭐71) - WebVTT Ruby parser and segmenter.
Video Encoding, Transcoding & Packaging Tools / FFmpeg-Based Tools
- Encode HDR with VP9 - Hands on tutorial of using ffmpeg to do hdr encoding
- Use of Look-Up Tables (LUTs) in FFmpeg - How to use luts with ffmpeg for converting between differnt hdr encodes
- id3as/ffmpeg-libvpx-HDR-static (⭐16) - A script to build a static binary of FFmpeg optimised for libvpx (HDR 10bit) encoding.
Adaptive Streaming & Manifest Tools / HLS Manifest Parsers & Generators
- osk/node-webvtt (⭐99) - Parse WebVTT files, segments and generates HLS playlists for them.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Best Practices & Guidelines
- Frequently Asked Questions on High Dynamic Range and Hybrid Log-Gamma - FAQ regarding HDR by BBC R&D
- HLG vs PQ Systems for HDR Television - Article explaining hlg vs pq in depth.
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Webinars & Conference Talks
- Vittorio Giovara - Color Me Intrigued: A Jaunt Through Color Technology in Video - This talk aims to shed light on colorspaces - what they are, how and why they work, why we should care about handling edge cases properly. Starting with hist...
Miscellaneous, Experimental & Niche Tools / Research Projects & Academic Resources
- High Dynamic Range Television and Hybrid Log-Gamma - BBC R&D - BBC R&D HDR project page.
5. Awesome Saltstack
- Getting Started with Saltstack and salt-workspace - Learning SaltStack by setting up a salt-workspace.
- Getting started with Salt Structure - Learn how to setup a structured SaltStack workspace.
Blogposts and opinions
- Writing a custom Salt Grain - Writing a custom Salt Grain, and why you might want to.
6. Awesome Billing
Fraud / Trust Score
- The Secret Trust Scores Companies Use to Judge Us All - Nearly everything we buy, how we buy, and where we're buying from is secretly fed into AI-powered verification services that help companies guard against credit-card and other forms of fraud.
Fraud / Statistics
- Benford's law - Digit distribution can be a signal of accounting fraud.
- Peak Detection in the Python World - Simple way to detect outliers.
Fraud / Billing
- More than 600 million users installed Android 'fleeceware' apps from the Play Store - A new kind of fraud, in which apps silently keep charging users after the end of the trial period.
7. Awesome Gif
- Gifcurry (⭐1.2k) - Open-source, Haskell-built editor for GIF makers.
Libraries / C++
- Gif-h (⭐430) - C++ one-header library for the creation of animated GIFs.
8. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
Posts and Articles
- Why do 87% of data science projects never make it into production? - Data is not to be overlooked, and communication between teams and data scientists is important to integrate solutions properly.
- The real reason most ML projects fail - Focus on clear business objectives, avoid pivots of algorithms unless you have really clean code, and be able to know when what you coded is "good enough".
9. Awesome Creative Coding
Online Books
- 3D Game Shaders For Beginners - Step-by-step guide to real-time shading techniques.
10. Awesome Elixir
- zachaeus (⭐19) - An easy to use licensing system, based on asymmetric cryptography.
- RIG (⭐594) - Create low-latency, interactive user experiences for stateless microservices.
- oban (⭐3.5k) - Robust asynchronous job processor powered by Elixir and modern PostgreSQL.
11. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- ALEA (⭐25) - Library for reasoning on randomized algorithms.
- Hahn (⭐30) - Library for reasoning on lists and binary relations.
Projects / Tools
- Cosette (⭐671) - Automated solver for reasoning about SQL query equivalences.
Resources / Community
Resources / Blogs
12. Awesome Gatling
Tools / Plugins
- gatling-maven-plugin (⭐36) - Gatling Maven Extensions.
13. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C# / Non-X86
- Xamarin.Forms for macOS Succinctly - Alessandro Del Sole
- Xamarin.Forms Succinctly - Alessandro Del Sole
HTML and CSS / Spock Framework
- W3.CSS Succinctly - Joseph D. Booth
HTML and CSS / Bootstrap
- Twitter Bootstrap 3 Succinctly - Peter Shaw
- Twitter Bootstrap 4 Succinctly - Peter Shaw
- Twitter Bootstrap Succinctly - Peter Shaw
.NET Framework / PicoLisp
- Akka.NET Succinctly - Zoran Maksimovic
- Rider Succinctly - Dmitri Nesteruk
14. Awesome Network Analysis
Journals / Topic-specific
- Journal of Social Structure (INSNA). Older archives.
Software / JavaScript
- NetworkCube (⭐93) - "Dynamic Network Visualizations [for] Domain Scientists." For demo examples, see The Vistorian.
15. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Blog posts
Table of Contents / Repos
- Parsing With Haskell Parser Combinators (⭐90) - A step-by-step guide to parsing using Haskell parser combinators.
16. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- /r/EntrepreneurRideAlong -
- Indie Hackers -
- SaaSHub -
- Saasified -
- Startup Tracker -
- Startups List -
17. Awesome Rtc
Developer Resources / Tutorials
- Official Website - Entry level WebRTC resources.
18. Awesome Mqtt
Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-unifi-protect-bridge (⭐18) - Adding motion-status from UniFi Protect Cameras to MQTT.
19. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Habits
- Productive - Habits and daily goals tracker with flexible scheduling, reminders and data export (iOS).
- Everyday - Simple and beautiful habit tracker for the Web, iOS and Android. Has a web extension to add it to your browser's new tab.
20. Awesome Python
Data Visualization
- diagrams (⭐35k) - Diagram as Code.
21. Awesome Crystal
HTML Builders
- Water (⭐28) - A library for writing HTML in plain Crystal
22. Awesome Ios
UI Testing
- AutoMate (⭐288) - XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests.
23. Awesome Ember
Packages / Gists Ember Data
24. Awesome Dart
Package Managers
- Cloudsmith - A fully managed package management SaaS, with support for Dart, Flutter, and much more. [Free for Public/OSS] [$]
25. Awesome React Native
- react-native-image-modal ★16 (⭐315) - simple full size modal image for iOS and Android. supports zoom-in/out, double-tap zoom-in/out, move and swipe-to-dismiss
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-responsive-fontsize ★83 (⭐534) - Provide responsive fontsize based on device height in React-Native
26. Awesome Opengl
- 3D Game Shaders For Beginners (⭐16k) by David Lettier
27. Awesome Nextjs
- The-Nextjs-starter (⭐22) - typescript + redux + styled-components + react-testing-library + eslint + fontawesome
28. Awesome Ponyfills
Node.js Features
29. Awesome Gdpr
Legal text
- GDPR-info - GDPR linked to relevant articles and section in the preamble (Non-official site).
- GDPR-expert - Compare the Regulation, Directive and National legislation. Linked to relevant section in preamble (Non-official site).
- Factsheets - Factsheets from EU Data Protection Supervisor.
30. Awesome Software Architecture
Frameworks / DevOps
- Adidas DevOps Maturity Framework (⭐538) - Based in the C.A.L.M.S. definition of DevOps, the framework defines a set of capabilities and guidelines that when adopted, increases efficiency, effectiveness and happiness of the team.
31. Awesome Flutter
Charts / Image Picker
- Echarts (⭐752) - Large collection of advanced reactives charts by LIN Chen
Clone / Preferences
- GitTouch (⭐1.6k) - Open source mobile client for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and Gitea by Rongjian Zhang
32. Awesome Javascript
Testing Frameworks / Assertion
- proxyquire (⭐2.7k) - Stub nodejs's require.
33. Awesome Cpp
- d-SEAMS (⭐35) - A molecular dynamics trajectory analysis engine in C++ and Lua with Nix. It is an acronym for Deferred Structural Elucidation Analysis for Molecular Simulations. [GPL] website
- LAMMPS (⭐2.3k) - A classical molecular dynamics code with a focus on materials modeling. It's an acronym for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. [GPL] website
Game Engine
- Grit (⭐116) - Community project to build a free game engine for implementing open world 3D games. [MIT]
34. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- neko-box (⭐30) - Update a pinned gist to contain the latest activity from AniList.
35. Awesome Ant Design
- vscode-antd-rush (⭐125) - Rush to Ant Design in VS Code
36. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- AdGuard Home (⭐27k) - DNS relay station with ad/tracker/other blocking, IP address redirections, and DNS-over-HTTPS.
37. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Light Bootstrap Dashboard (⭐774) - Creative Tim Light Bootstrap Dashboard made for Vue
- Vue Pivottable (⭐143) - Vue port of the jQuery-based PivotTable.js
- Vue Datamaps (⭐18) - Vue port of the javascript-based DataMaps
38. Awesome Firebase
Server-side (Cloud Functions, BigQuery etc) / iOS
- 🔌 Free Product Analytics with Firebase + BigQuery + Rakam - How to do behavioral & segmentation analysis on Firebase event data via BigQuery Export and Rakam.
39. Awesome Web Performance Budget
Bundle Analyzers
- Rollup Visualizer (⭐2k) - Visualize and analyze your Rollup bundle to see which modules are taking up space.
40. Awesome Dotnet
- CliFx (⭐1.5k) - Declarative framework for building command line interfaces.
- JustCli (⭐29) - That’s just a quick way to create your own command line tool.
Build Automation
- FlubuCore (⭐913) - A cross platform build and deployment automation system for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code.
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- IronScheme (⭐385) - R6RS Scheme compiler, runtime and many standard libraries
- VisualFSharp (⭐4k) - The Visual F# compiler and tools
- Event Store (⭐5.4k) - The open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in JavaScript
- StringDB (⭐71) - StringDB is a modular, key/value pair archival DB designed to consume tiny amounts of ram & produce tiny databases.
- Db4o-gpl (⭐30) - Object-oriented database, embedded and remote connections supported.
- SourceBrowser (⭐1.1k) - Source browser website generator that powers
Event aggregator and messenger
- FluentMediator (⭐194) - FluentMediator is an unobtrusive library that allows developers to build custom pipelines for Commands, Queries and Events
- ExtensionMethods.Net - Site with collection of extension methods
- Windows UI Library (⭐6.5k) - The Windows UI Library (WinUI) provides official native Microsoft UI controls and features for Windows UWP apps.
- MathNet - Math.NET is an open source initiative to build and maintain toolkits covering fundamental mathematics, targeting advanced but also every day needs of .NET developers
- GeometRi (⭐186) - Simple and lightweight computational geometry library for .Net
- (⭐3.3k) - Generate short unique ids from integers, as per
- NaturalSort.Extension (⭐180) - Extension method for StringComparer that adds support for natural sorting (e.g. "abc1", "abc2", "abc10" instead of "abc1", "abc10", "abc2").
- Smaragd (⭐36) - A platform-independent, lightweight library for developing .NET applications using the MVVM architecture.
- GemBox.Bundle - A package of .NET components that enable fast, simple and efficient processing of office files (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF and emails). [$]****[Free Lite versions]
- Outlook Redemption - Library to work with the Outlook Object Model and (Extended) MAPI. Supports Outlook 98 - 2019. Work with objects/mails/accounts/folders in Exchange and Outlook. [$]
- RepoDb (⭐1.8k) - A hybrid ORM library for .NET.
- Unchase.FluentPerformanceMeter (⭐42) - An open-source and cross-platform .Net Standard 2.0 library that is designed for the method’s performance measurement.
SDK and API Clients
- Dropbox.NET (⭐337) - Official .NET SDK for the Dropbox API
Style Guide
- C# Async Guidance (⭐8.2k) - list of problematic asynchronous patterns for .NET Core with an explanation of how to solve those issues
- Fuchu (⭐120) - A unit-testing library for F# with tests-as-values which makes DSLs extremely easy to create.
Source Generator
- NuGet Trends - Check out NuGet packages adoption and what's trending on NuGet.
41. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- scapy (⭐196) - Scapy: the python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
42. Discount for Student Dev
Learning Resources
- GO RAILS [FREE] - Tutorials for web developers learning Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Turbolinks, Stimulus.js, Vue.js, and more. Free access to all videos and lessons for 12 months.
43. Alternative Internet
- git-dit (⭐458) git-dit - the distributed issue tracker for git.
44. Awesome Iam
OAuth2 & OpenID / Other tools
- Hydra - Open-source OIDC & OAuth2 Server.
45. Awesome Swift
Styling / Barcode
- Themes (⭐243) - Theme management.
Video / Barcode
- Swifty360Player (⭐179) - iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer.
46. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- - Serves as a collaborative software development management system for free Software projects (for GNU Projects)
- - Serves as a collaborative software development management system for free Software projects (for non-GNU projects)
Security and PKI
- - SSL expiry management and cert purchase with an integrated CT database
- - Independent speed test and TLS handshake latency test against Digital Ocean
- SimpleLogin – Open source, self-hostable email alias/forwarding solution. Free 5 Aliases, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited reply/send. Free for educational staff (student, researcher, etc.).
47. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CLI
- dbcli/athenacli 🔥 (⭐197) - a CLI tool for AWS Athena service that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
48. Awesome Cli Apps
Productivity / Note Taking and Lists
- dnote (⭐2.8k) - A interactive, multi-device notebook.
Utilities / Theming and Customization
- JackPaper (⭐11) - Set images from Unsplash as wallpaper.
49. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 Dnote (⭐2.8k) - A command line notebook with a multi-device sync and a web interface.
Offline / Other (Plugins || Cross-platform || OSS || Free)
- Typescript tooling for Neovim (⭐614) is a language service plugin for typescript for Neovim.
50. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - IRC
- Kiwi IRC - Responsive web IRC client with theming support. (Demo, Source Code (⭐895))
Software / Conference Management
- indico - A feature-rich event management system, made @ CERN, the place where the Web was born. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.8k))
Software / Document Management - E-books
- Calibre - E-book library manager that can view, convert, and catalog e-books in most of the major e-book formats and provides a built-in Web server for remote clients. (Demo, Source Code (⭐21k))
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- Snapcast (⭐6.5k) - Synchronous multiroom audio server.
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- Dnote - A simple command line notebook with multi-device sync and web interface. (Source Code (⭐2.8k))
Software / Polls and Events
- LimeSurvey - Feature-rich Open Source web based polling software. Supports extensive survey logic. (Demo, Source Code (⭐3k))
Software / Software Development - IDE & Tools
- Atheos - Web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements, continued from Codiad. (Source Code (⭐521))
Software / Ticketing
- MantisBT - Self hosted bug tracker, fits best for software development. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.7k))
Software / URL Shorteners
- Shlink - URL shortener with REST API and command line interface. Includes official progressive web application and docker images. (Source Code (⭐3.7k), Clients)
Software / Wikis
- Mediawiki - MediaWiki is a free and open-source wiki software package written in PHP. It serves as the platform for Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, used by hundreds of millions of people each month. (Demo, Source Code)
51. Awesome Php
Configuration / Third Party APIs
- Square (⭐114) - The official Square PHP SDK for payments and other Square APIs.
52. Awesome Godot
GDScript/C# editor support / Godot version unknown
- IntelliJ IDEA (⭐149) - Syntax highlighting and autocompletion.
53. Awesome Seml
Data Management
Deployment and Operation
Social Aspects
54. Awesome Cl
- cl-competitive (⭐183) - Common Lisp algorithms collection for competitive programming. Public domain, CCO or MIT.
- gmap (⭐18) - A concise and extensible iteration facility that has the advantage of integrating well with FSet (see the Data Structures section), as it was written by the same author. In Quicklisp as part of
. Public domain.
- defstar - a collection of macros for easy inclusion of type declarations for arguments in lambda lists. GNU GPL3
Others / Third-party APIs
- array-operations (⭐45) - a collection of functions and macros for manipulating Common Lisp arrays and performing numerical calculations with them. MIT.
- cl-geometry (⭐50) - a system for two dimensional computational geometry for Common Lisp. MIT.
Readline, ncurses and other graphical helpers / Third-party APIs
Developer utilities / Third-party APIs
- tracer (⭐55) - tracing profiler for Common Lisp, with output suitable for display in Chrome’s/Chromium’s Tracing Viewer. MIT.
55. Awesome Userscripts
How to use
- Greasemonkey - Firefox
- Supports GM 4 userscripts.
- Greasemonkey for Pale Moon (⭐91) - Pale Moon
- Supports GM 3 userscripts.
- Firemonkey - Firefox
- Supports GM 4 userscripts and some GM 3 userscripts.
- Tampermonkey - Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, Firefox (also with support for mobile Dolphin Browser and UC Browser)
- Supports both GM 3 and GM 4 userscripts.
- USI - Firefox
- Supports some GM 3 userscripts.
- Violentmonkey - Chrome, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera
- Supports both GM 3 and GM 4 userscripts.
Scripts / General
- Linkify Plus Plus - Turn plain text URLs into links.
- Select text inside a link like Opera - Disable link dragging and select text.
- Show and reload broken images - Show and reload broken images, even when it contains "alt" tag.
- Show Password onMouseOver - Show password when mouseover on password field.
- URL Shortener Unshortener - Adds small button next to shortened URLs that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
Scripts / Ads
- AdsBypasser - Bypass Ads, Popups and count-down ads.
Scripts / GitHub
- GitHub Diff File Toggle - Add a toggle to each diff file (shift-click toggles all files).
- GitHub Make Tooltips - Convert all titles into GitHub tooltips.
- GitHub Toggle Code Wrap - Toggle code wrapping in files.
- GitHub monospace font toggle - Add a monospace font toggle to comments.
Scripts / Google
- Endless Google - Load more results automatically and endlessly.
- Google Images direct link - Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search.
- Google Translate Keyboard Shortcut (⭐8) - Adds keyboard shortcut for quick swapping between active languages.
- Reddit Search On Google (⭐94) - Adds a button to your Google searches to show only Reddit posts.
Scripts / Media
- Handy Image - Displays the full size image for many image hosting websites, skipping popups and other annoying stuff.
- Mouseover Popup Image Viewer (updated fork) - An updated fork of MPIV, maintained by one of Violentmonkey's developers.
- Picviewer CE+ - Powerful picture viewing tool which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically.
Scripts / Privacy
- Remove Google Click Tracking - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links.
- Remove Yandex Redirect - Removes Yandex's click-tracking from result links.
Scripts / YouTube
- Iridium - Adds a lot of extra functionality to YouTube, including pop-out videos, extra control over video/comment feeds, and much more.
56. Awesome Gbdev
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- MetroBoy (⭐1.1k) - A playable, circuit-level simulation of an entire Game Boy.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
57. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Dnote - A simple command line notebook with multi-device sync and a web interface.
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Krisp - An AI-powered noise cancelling app that mutes background noise during calls.
58. Awesome Cryptography
Books / Hash functions
- The Code Book - This book is a digest of the history of cryptography, covering both ancient times, and newer cryptography methods. There are exercises at the end and the solution of those was rewarded with $10.000.
59. Awesome Ruby
- Documentation (⭐214) - A Rails engine to provide the ability to add documentation to a Rails application.
60. Awesome Katas
61. Awesome Ios Books
Data Structures and Algorithms
62. Awesome Cakephp
Authentication and Authorization
- TwoFactorAuth plugin (⭐37) - Allows two factor authentication using Google Authenticator or similar app to generate one-time codes. Based on RobThree/TwoFactorAuth (⭐1.1k) library.
63. Awesome Lowcode
- Phantombuster - Code free automations and data extraction.
- Uipath - We make robots so people don’t have to be robots.
Flow-based programming
- Funnel - All your marketing and advertising data where you want it.
- Ifttt - Helps your apps and devices work together in new ways.
- Node-RED - A programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways.
- Parabola - Hand off your routine data tasks by describing them in Parabola. Build once, reuse infinitely.
- Zapier - Connect your apps and automate workflows.
Online database creator apps
- Airtable - Part spreadsheet, part database, and entirely flexible, teams use Airtable to organize their work, their way.
- Retool - Retool cuts the time it takes to build internal tools in half so you can focus on your customers.
Visual programming
- Adalo - Turn Your Amazing App Concept Into Reality Without Coding!
- Boundlesslabs - Boundless lets you build the web site of your dreams. No code required.
- Glide - Create an app from a Google Sheet in five minutes, for free.
- Power Apps - Create the high productivity apps you need for your business with an advanced set of tools.
- Fibery - Build your own workspace.
- Makerpad - Build tools & automate at work without code.
- Shopify - Build your business.
- Stripe - The new standard in online payments.
- Voiceflow - Design, prototype and build voice apps.
- Zendesk - Build the best customer experiences.
64. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- wdio-visual-regression (⭐3) - Visual regression tool for
Blog posts (a-z↓)
65. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- An illustration from Gerstner's book - Part 2 - Mapping "Who Says Elephants Can't Dance" by Louis Gerstner. Jun 18, 2019.
- Mapping Crypto: Common Pitfalls - Mapping the challenges of launching novel payment solutions. Jun 14, 2019.
- Mapping Crypto: A Primer - Understanding the crypto ecosystem through Wardley maps. Jun 2, 2019.
- Research heresies - Three ways to think about user needs and user research and how Wardley maps can help us think about where to do user research. Nov 2, 2018.
- A Platform Design Example Explained - Exploring and designing a platform in the renewable energy context. Oct 28, 2019.
- Understanding Platforms through Value Chain Maps - Why is a Platforms' Wardley (Value Chain) Map Z-Shaped? Oct 11, 2018.
66. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Apply templates with Jinja2 (⭐43) - Use the Jinja2 template engine to generate files from templates.
Utility / Environments
Static Analysis / Linting
Pull Requests / Code Coverage
Tutorials / Terraform
67. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Ambiq Micro
Peripheral access API for Ambiq Apollo 1 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust)
Peripheral access API for Ambiq Apollo 2 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust)
Peripheral access API for Ambiq Apollo 3 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust)
Peripheral access API for Ambiq Apollo 3 Plus microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust)
Component abstraction crates / Other
: Abstraction layer between USB peripheral crates & USB class crates -
Driver crates / Other
- usbd-serial - USB CDC-ACM class (serial) implementation - github (⭐121) -
- usbd-hid - USB HID class implementation - github (⭐93) -
- usbd-hid-device - USB HID class implementation without
- github (⭐12) -
- usbd-midi - USB MIDI class implementation - github (⭐50) -
- usbd-webusb - USB webUSB class implementation - github (⭐22) -
Driver crates / WIP
- embedded-morse - Output morse messages -
- Prev: Feb 17 - Feb 23, 2020
- Next: Feb 03 - Feb 09, 2020