Awesome List Updates on Dec 28 - Jan 03, 2020
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Leading and Managing
Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents
2. Guitarspecs
Hardware Parts Checklist / Pickup Routing
- String retainers. see article about design and construction
3. Public Apis
API: Carbon Interface
Description: API to calculate carbon (C02) emissions estimates for common C02 emitting activities
Description: Directions, POIs, isochrones, geocoding (+reverse), elevation, and more
CORS: Unknown
4. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Format Checking
- ChEMBL_Structure_Pipeline (formerly standardiser) (⭐173) - Tool designed to provide a simple way of standardising molecules as a prelude to e.g. molecular modelling exercises.
Libraries / Machine Learning
- ChemML (⭐148) - ChemML is a machine learning and informatics program suite for the analysis, mining, and modeling of chemical and materials data. (based on Tensorflow)
- chemmodlab (⭐12) - A Cheminformatics Modeling Laboratory for Fitting and Assessing Machine Learning Models in R.
Libraries / Others
- OPSIN (⭐126) - Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC nomenclature
Resources / Courses
- Cheminformatics OLCC - Cheminformatics course of the Collaborative Intercollegiate Online Chemistry Course (OLCC) course of University of Arkansas at Little Rock by Robert Belford
5. Awesome Machine Learning
Go / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- go-featureprocessing (⭐120) - Fast and convenient feature processing for low latency machine learning in Go.
6. Awesome R
Data Formats
- vroom (⭐621) - Fast reading of delimited files.
- arrow
- An interface to the Arrow C++ library.
- feather
(⭐2.7k) - Fast, interoperable binary data frame storage for Python, R, and more powered by Apache Arrow.
- fst
- Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames for R.
- haven (⭐424) - Improved methods to import SPSS, Stata and SAS files in R.
- jsonlite (⭐380) - A robust and quick way to parse JSON files in R.
- qs (⭐406) - Quick serialization of R objects.
- readxl
- Read excel files (.xls and .xlsx) into R.
- readr
(⭐1k) - A fast and friendly way to read tabular data into R.
- rio (⭐604) - A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O.
- readODS (⭐0) - Read OpenDocument Spreadsheets into R as data.frames.
- RcppTOML (⭐36) - Rcpp Bindings to C++ parser for TOML files.
- writexl - Portable, light-weight data frame to xlsx exporter for R.
- yaml (⭐166) - R package for converting objects to and from YAML.
7. Awesome Canvas
Canvas / Examples
- PixelCraft (⭐1.2k) • A pixel-art editor made using canvas
8. Awesome Diversity
- Brown Girl, Tech World - Digital safe space and non profit organization for brown women & girls navigating the tech industry.
9. Awesome Json
Online tools
- JSONPerf - A Visual, Unbiased and Up-to-Date JSON Performance Benchmark.
10. Awesome React Components
- react-hot-toast (⭐9.3k) - demo - Smoking hot Notifications for React. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default.
11. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- eo-learn (⭐993) - A collection of open source Python packages that have been developed to seamlessly access and process spatio-temporal image sequences acquired by any satellite fleet in a timely and automatic manner.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Lidar
- LIO_SAM (⭐2.4k) - Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping.
Data Visualization and Mission Control / Command Line Interface
- K3D-tools - Jupyter notebook extension for 3D visualization.
12. Awesome Elixir
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Tongue (⭐19) - Elixir port of Nakatani Shuyo's natural language detector.
13. Awesome Pixel Art
Tools / Editors
- PixelCraft - Open source and free, works in the browser. Easy to try out in the browser and as a PWA offline.
14. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Taskord
Description: Get things done socially with community of makers.
15. Mind Expanding Books
Name: Educated: A Memoir
Author: Tara Westover
Goodreads Rating: 4.47
Year Published: 2018
16. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Hue in the Menu - Philips Hue light management in the menu bar with multi-room support.
17. Awesome Parasite
- Shaw et al. 2020 - A human-curated database of 12,212 host-pathogen associations: 2,595 bacterial and viral pathogens infecting 2,656 vertebrate host species across 90 host orders. It also contains a mitochondrial genome phylogeny for the host species. Analysis published in Molecular Ecology.
18. Awesome Datascience
Books / Visualization Tools
- Machine Learning Bookcamp - Early access
Slack Communities / Book Deals (Affiliated)
Datasets / Book Deals (Affiliated)
Other Awesome Lists / Book Deals (Affiliated)
19. Awesome Cpp
- cpp-terminal (⭐553) - Small header only C++ library for writing multiplatform terminal applications. [MIT]
- FTXUI (⭐7.8k) - C++ Functional Terminal User Interface. [MIT]
- imtui (⭐3.2k) - Immediate Mode Text-based User Interface. [MIT]
- C-Turtle (⭐65) - A C++11 header-only turtle graphics library acting as a CImg wrapper. [MIT]
- libass (⭐976) - Portable subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format. [ISC]
- CppServer (⭐1.5k) - Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C++ library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution. [MIT]
- PhysX (⭐2.4k) - An open-source realtime physics engine middleware SDK developed by Nvidia as a part of Nvidia GameWorks software suite. [BSD-3-Clause]
- Bitsery (⭐1.1k) - Header only C++ binary serialization library. [MIT]
- FastBinaryEncoding (⭐899) - Fast Binary Encoding is ultra fast and universal serialization solution for C++, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Swift. [MIT]
Web Application Framework
- oat++ (⭐8.1k) - Light, zero-dependency framework to create high-performance web-services. [Apache-2.0] website
Online Compiler
- - An online C/C++ compiler with multiple files supporting feature, GitHub(gist) integration and collaborative editing.
20. Awesome Cytodata
Publications / Reviews
- Image-based profiling for drug discovery: due for a machine-learning upgrade? - 2020 review of applications in image-based profiling from a Carpenter lab/pharma perspective.
Publications / Applications
- Expanding the antibacterial selectivity of polyether ionophore antibiotics through diversity-focused semisynthesis - Poulsen lab paper from 2020 where antibiotics are tested for their ability to leave mammalian cells as intact as possible, per the Cell Painting assay.
21. Vertx Awesome
- Messaging
- AMQP 1.0 (⭐8)
- Interact with AMQP 1.0 servers using the Vert.x Producer and Consumer APIs.
- MQTT (⭐189)
- Provides two different components: an MQTT server for handling all the MQTT communication and messages exchanges with clients and an MQTT client for sending and receiving messages against an MQTT broker.
- RabbitMQ (⭐73)
- A RabbitMQ client (AMQP 0.9.1).
- Kafka Client (⭐84)
- A Kafka client.
- kafka (⭐30) - Kafka client for consuming and producing messages.
- SaltStack (⭐2) - A bi-directional bridge between the SaltStack event system and the Vert.x event bus.
- STOMP (⭐31)
- A Kafka client and server.
- ZeroMQ (⭐12) - ZeroMQ Event Bus bridge.
- Azure ServiceBus (⭐0) - Azure ServiceBus producer and consumer (fully async, doesn't use Microsoft Azure SDK).
- AMQP 1.0 - Kafka bridge (⭐291) - Bridge for sending/receiving messages to/from Apache Kafka using the AMQP 1.0 protocol.
- Vert.x Kafka Client (⭐84)
- Apache Kafka client for reading and sending messages from/to an Apache Kafka cluster.
- The White Rabbit (⭐116) - An asynchronous RabbitMQ (AMQP) client based on Kotlin coroutines.
- WAMP Broker (⭐2) - A WAMP broker you can embed into your Vert.x application.
- AMQP 1.0 (⭐8)
22. Awesome Charting
Commercial Libraries
- Kendo UI - Premium charting library with native UI components available for Angular, React, and Vue.
Free and Open Source Libraries
- Charts.css - CSS data visualization framework.
- QuickChart (⭐1.3k) - Web API that renders static chart images.
- μPlot (⭐7.4k) - A small (< 25 KB min), fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars.
- reaviz - Modular chart component library for React.
- reaflow - Modular diagram engine for build static or interactive editors.
Framework-Specific Libraries / Lit-html
- lit-line (⭐13) - {fast, small, interactive, fully responsive} Line Chart web component build on top of lit-html.
Framework-Specific Libraries / React
- react-vis (⭐8.4k) - a composable visualization system by Uber
- vx collection of reusable low-level visualization components, on top of d3
- react-muze (⭐15) - React wrapper for muze (free data visualization library for creating exploratory data visualizations in browser, using WebAssembly)
23. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- cwRuntime.
Compiler agnostic and cross platform collection of utility libraries for Delphi and FreePascal. It is heavily interface based, offering ARC based memory management features and flexible implementation abstraction, with the goal of forming a source bridge for developers familiar with the two supported compilers. Unit testing, collections/containers, multiplatform interface for loading dynamic libraries, Unicode utils, interfaces for working with streams and buffers, logging, threading, high-precision timers, sockets.
- Mundus (⭐25).
Software renderer written in Delphi. Currently supports only Win32 as it makes use of some inline assembler.
Control packs
- Kastri (⭐364).
Cross-platform library which builds upon the existing RTL and FMX libraries in Delphi. Supports a number of newer APIs that you won't find in FMX/RTL, and "backfills" for missing APIs
- JPPack (⭐112).
Collection of VCL components for Delphi and LCL components for Lazarus and CodeTyphon - buttons, panels, LinkLabel, ProgressBar, ColorComboBox, ColorListBox, Timer and other
- ATSynEdit (⭐131).
Multi-line editor control for Lazarus including syntax highlighting.
Memory managers
- FastMM5 (⭐222).
Fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well across multiple threads and CPU cores, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files. Version 5 is a complete rewrite of FastMM.
Other non-visual
- PascalUtils (⭐24).
Delphi and object pascal library of utils data structures
- libPasC-Algorithms (⭐21).
Delphi and object pascal library of common data structures and algorithms. Library rewritten from c-algorithms repository and other sources.
- Better Translation Manager.
Translation Manager
- dzBdsLauncher.
Launcher for the Delphi IDE that decides which of multiple IDEs to launch based on the suffix of the dproj file passed to it.
24. Awesome Gbdev
Emulators / Experimental/Proof of Concepts
- Emulicious - Provides accurate emulation and includes powerful tools such as a profiler and source-level debugging for ASM and C via a VS Code debug adapter.
Tools / Engines
- Retr0 GB - An engine for creating games (expands GBDK).
Tools / Development tools
- gbdk-lib-extension (⭐12) - A small set of sources and tools for the Game Boy Development Kit by Michael Hope.
- mgbdis (⭐258) - Game Boy ROM disassembler with RGBDS compatible output.
- ROM Header Utility - An online tool to inspect and modify a ROM's header data, including the logo.
- romusage (⭐47) - Command line tool for estimating usage (free space) of Game Boy ROMs from a .map, .noi or ihx file. Works with GBDK-2020 and RGBDS.
- awake (⭐68) - Game Boy decompiler.
- Game Boy Text Tools (⭐10) - Set of tools for text manipulation and translation of Game Boy ROMs written in Node.js.
Tools / Graphics utilities
- Harry Mulder's GB Development - Some sources and home of Game Boy Tile Designer (GBTD) and Game Boy Map Builder (GBMB) tools.
- Tilemap Studio (⭐399) - A tilemap editor for Game Boy, Color, Advance, and SNES projects. Written in C++ with FLTK.
Tools / Hardware and ROM utilities
- cart-dumper (⭐41) - Game Boy Cartridge Dumper ROM.
- gbcamextract (⭐47) - Extracts photos from Game Boy Camera saves.
- Game Boy LCD sniffing (⭐170) - Sniff your Game Boy's LCD using a logic analyzer.
- swapdump (⭐2) - Diagnostic utility for Game Boy flashcarts.
- Gameboy-LinkUp (⭐0) - Game Boy LinkUp serial cable networking project.
ASM / Boilerplates and libraries
- gb-boilerplate (⭐72) - A template for starting Game Boy projects, providing a Makefile for infrastructure.
- gb-starter-kit (⭐57) - An expansion on the above, including base library code as well to get started faster.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
- Petris (⭐33) - A puzzle game of shapely pets for the Game Boy Color (
25. Awesome Msr
- astminer (⭐232) - Library and tool for mining of path-based representations of code and other data derived from ASTs.
- buckwheat (⭐23) - Multi-language tokenizer for extracting identifiers from source code.
- RefactoringMiner (⭐259) - Library/API for detection of refactorings in changes of Java code.
26. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Games
- Sudoku (⭐94) - Sudoku Game built by VarunS2002.
- Truth or Dare (⭐49) - a Truth or Dare party game build with Codemagic and Fastlane by ITCraftship.
27. Awesome Quantum Computing
- The Quantum Quest - Introductory web class on quantum computing principles designed for high school students.
28. Awesome Svelte
- SvelteScaling - Does Svelte Scale? (pre-v5)
- Will it Scale? (⭐174) - Finding Svelte's inflection point. (pre-v5)
UI Libraries
- attractions (⭐1k) - A pretty cool and modern UI kit. (pre-v5)
- svelte-pwa-template (⭐222) - A starter template for PWAs based in the official Template. (pre-v5)
29. Awesome Sre
- FireHydrant Blog - Posts about complex systems, incident response, and SRE best practices.
30. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Commercial Products
- Coloban - All-in-one project management tool with chats, Kanban, Gantt, calls, screenshare and many more.
Resources / Community
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- vue-notion (⭐907) - An unofficial Notion renderer – Use Notion as a CMS for Vue (e.g. Nuxt)
31. Awesome Wardley Maps
Workshops / ChatGPT
- Workshop Building Block - New Year's Eve Party (⭐15) - Help workshop participants gain confidence in mapping in a business-neutral environment.
32. Awesome Typescript
Back-end API / Playground
- 🐙 Booster Framework (⭐427) - Event-driven cloud native GraphQL open-source framework, part of the Booster Cloud ecosystem. It makes use of high-level abstractions and conventions. (see also:
33. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing - A book that gets you up to speed with the relevant ML concepts and then dives into transfer learning for NLP.
34. Awesome Yew
- wasm-2048 (⭐152) - 2048 game implemented with Rust and Yew and compiled to Wasm.
Crates / Components
- yew-component-size (⭐4) - A Yew component that emits events when the parent component changes width/height.
- yew-virtual-scroller (⭐4) - A Yew component for virtual scrolling / scroll windowing.
35. Awesome List
- LIDAR (⭐1k) - Sensor for measuring distances by illuminating the target with laser light.
36. Awesome Material Ui
- React molecule-components (⭐88) - React molecule-components based on Material-UI.
- Material-UI NestedMenuItem (⭐73) - Drop-in replacement for MUI's MenuItem with infinitely nested menus, and open on hover.
37. Awesome Vulkan
- LunarG
- Vulkan SDK
- Vulkan SDK Version Compatibility
- Introducing the New Vulkan Configurator
- Unified Validation Layer for Vulkan
- Vulkan Synchronization Validation Quick Start Guide
- Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation
- Vulkan GPU-Assisted Validation
- Automatic RelaxedPrecision Decoration and Conversion in Spirv-Opt
- SPIR-V Legalization and Size Reduction with spirv-opt
- All White Papers
38. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- smug (⭐728) A session manager for tmux written in Go
39. Awesome Fastapi
Utils / Other Tools
- Prometheus FastAPI Instrumentator (⭐1k) - A configurable and modular Prometheus Instrumentator for your FastAPI application.
40. Awesome Cdk
Construct Libraries / Monitoring
- aws-cdk-billing-alarm (⭐19) - Construct that sets up email alerts for exceeding an amount on your AWS bill.
41. Awesome Playcanvas
Automotive / YouTube Playables
- Kia Virtual Experience - Explore Kia's latest line of cars.
42. Awesome Flutter
Image / Image Picker
- WeChat Assets Picker (⭐1.6k) - Assets picker in WeChat style, support multi assets by Alex Li.
Desktop / Game Engine resources
- Raspberry Pi Embedder (⭐1.7k) - Light-weight Embedder for Raspberry Pi by Hannes Winkler
43. Awesome Jax
Videos / NumPyro
- JAX: Accelerated machine-learning research via composable function transformations in Python | NeurIPS 2019 | Skye Wanderman-Milne - JAX intro presentation in Program Transformations for Machine Learning workshop.
44. Awesome Nextjs
- Next.js Conf 2020 - All the videos from the 2020 Next.js conference
45. Awesome Lidar
- Ford Dataset - The dataset is time-stamped and contains raw data from all the sensors, calibration values, pose trajectory, ground truth pose, and 3D maps. The data is Robot Operating System (ROS) compatible.
- Oxford RobotCar - The Oxford RobotCar Dataset contains over 100 repetitions of a consistent route through Oxford, UK, captured over a period of over a year.
- Semantic KITTI - Dataset for semantic and panoptic scene segmentation.
- Point Cloud Library (PCL) - Popular highly parallel programming library, with numerous industrial and research use-cases.
- PyTorch3d - PyTorch3d is a library for deep learning with 3D data written and maintained by the Facebook AI Research Computer Vision Team.
- pyntcloud - Pyntcloud is a Python 3 library for working with 3D point clouds leveraging the power of the Python scientific stack.
- Baidu Apollo - Apollo is a popular framework which accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles.
Algorithms / Semantic segmentation
- Study of LIDAR Semantic Segmentation - Scan-based Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds: An Experimental Study IV 2020.
Simulators / Object detection and object tracking
- CoppeliaSim - Cross-platform general-purpose robotic simulator (formerly known as V-REP).
- CARLA - Unreal Engine based simulator for automotive applications. Compatible with Autoware, Baidu Apollo and ROS/ROS 2.
46. Free for Dev
Data Visualization on Maps
- IP Geolocation — Free DEVELOPER plan available with 30K requests/month.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Slab — A modern knowledge management service for teams. Free for up to 10 users.
Payment and Billing Integration
- CurrencyFreaks — Provides current and historical currency exchange rates. Free DEVELOPER plan available with 1000 requests/month.
- Hydro (⭐589) - Lag-free prompt with async Git status (ooh la la)
- Fisher (⭐7.4k) - Manage functions, completions, bindings, and snippets from the CLI
- Fundle (⭐373) -
-based plugin manager
- Autopair (⭐345) - Auto-complete matching pairs in the Fish command-line. (Alternative (⭐275))
- Async Prompt (⭐377) - Make your prompt asynchronous
- Abbreviation Tips (⭐277) - Remembering abbreviations by displaying tips when you can use them
48. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- Libreddit
- Private Reddit front-end written in Rust.
49. Awesome Ios
Dependency Injection
- Typhoon (⭐2.7k) - Powerful dependency injection for Objective-C.
- Pilgrim (⭐64) - Powerful dependency injection Swift (successor to Typhoon).
- Prev: Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2021
- Next: Dec 21 - Dec 27, 2020