Awesome List Updates on Dec 21 - Dec 27, 2020
66 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Keycloak
2. Awesome Jax
Community / NumPyro
3. Awesome Gbdev
Testing / Misc
- dmg-acid2 (⭐184) and cgb-acid2 (⭐78) - Basic PPU rendering tests.
4. Awesome Fp Js
Functional Languages that Compile to JavaScript / Lenses
- ReScript – (previously known as Bucklescript) ReScript is a type-safe language that compiles to the highest quality of clean, readable and performant JavaScript code.
5. Awesome Broadcasting
- Owncast (⭐9.7k) - Selfhosted video streaming plattform (
6. Awesome Games of Coding
Language Independent
- CodeCombat - Choose your hero and code your way through the ogre patrols, lava pits, and laser beams of Kithgard Dungeon. Level up, earn gems, and loot magic items to unlock new programming powers. Join millions of players and go from a total beginner to writing advanced multiplayer AI in Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, or Lua in this open-source programming game.
- JavaScript Fight Club - The Red King and the Blue King are at war! Your JavaScript skills are needed to determine the victor: Can you code an effective AI for honor and glory?
- Elevator Saga - Write JavaScript directly in the browser to program an elevator, such that it reaches its efficiency goals. Start with simple "getting started" scripts, and ramp up to much more complex situations with many floors and multiple elevators.
- Untrusted - The game presents you with a roguelike-like playing environment and a console window with the JavaScript code generating each level. As loaded, each level is unbeatable, and most of the JavaScript is blocked from editing. The challenge is to open a path to the next level using only the limited tools left open to you.
7. Awesome Scriptable
scriptable-news-Widget.js (⭐122) - The latest posts from a feed or a WordPress blog.
sonntagsfrage (⭐30) - The latest German political poll results.
8. Awesome R Learning Resources
Blogs / Uncategorized
- Musings on R - A blog on all things R and Data Science by Martin Chan. Topics covered include comparing dplyr and data.table, Shiny apps, ggplot, data cleaning, using RStudio, interviews with other R users/data scientists, and web scraping.
9. Awesome Css Frameworks
Stalled Development
- modern-css-reset - Tiny little reset that you can use as the basis of your CSS projects.
Repo (⭐3k) | #CSS
10. Awesome Developer First
- Segment - Collect user data and send it to your other tools.
Authentication & Identity
- AWS cognito - AWS's authentication as a service.
- - Passwordless (email-based) log-in as a service.
CMS (headless)
- Contentful - CMS as an API.
Computer Vision
- CloudSight - Digital media brand recognition.
- Google Vision AI - Google's AI vision APIs.
Databases & Spreadsheets
- Airtable - Database and spreadsheet hybrid with an API.
Deployment Hosting
- Digital Ocean App Platform - Deploy and don't care about infrastructure, works with all major frameworks.
- - Continuously deploy full-stack apps.
- Render - Deploy from git to a CDN with SSL.
- Vercel - Cloud platform for building and deploying serverless web applications, static websites, and Jamstack (mainly Next.js) projects.
- Commento - Privacy-centric embeddable comment system.
- MuutIo - Tools to create a community-driven app.
- Kite - AI assistant in your IDE (Python or JS).
- FormSpree - Receive form submissions by email.
- Mailgun - Send, track, and receive emails.
- Cloudinary - Optimize, create, manage, and deliver images and videos.
- Mux - APIs to upload, manage, and stream video.
- Applozic - Chat SDKs, real-time messaging.
- Twilio - SMS, push notifications, and VoIP APIs.
- Vonage - Video, SMS, chat, and voice APIs.
- Actyx - Developer-first factory building.
- KeenIO - Event streaming platform.
- LogRocket - Replay bugs users had.
- Sentry - Application monitoring for bugs and performance.
Natural Language Processing
- DialogFlow - Voice/text chatbot framework by Google.
Payments & Pricing
- Braintree - Paypal's take on API-first payments.
- Plaid - Accept, send ACH (bank transfers), and get bank information.
- Apify - Turn websites to an API.
- ScrapingANT - Scrape with headless chrome.
- ScrapingBee - Using headless browsers and proxies to scrape without being blocked.
- Beeceptor - REST API mocking.
11. Awesome Nextjs
- Next-Pkg (⭐67) - Extended Next.js server with pkg (⭐24k) support.
12. Awesome Talks
- It Is Not About Software Anymore by Mary Poppendieck (Agile India 2020) [01:06:38]
13. Awesome Rust
Applications / Utilities
- vamolessa/verco (⭐227) [verco] - A simple Git/Hg tui client focused on keyboard shortcuts
14. Awesome Java
Computer Vision / Text-Based User Interfaces
- BoofCV - Library for image processing, camera calibration, tracking, SFM, MVS, 3D vision, QR Code and much more.
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- jsweet (⭐1.5k) - Source transpiler to TypeScript/JavaScript.
15. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- LeakCheck - Data Breach Search Engine with 7.5B+ entries collected from more than 3000 databases. Search by e-mail, username, keyword, password or corporate domain name.
16. Awesome Css
Frameworks 🎨 / Editor's Draft ✒️
- Charts.css - CSS data visualization framework.
17. Awesome Deno
Articles / XML
18. Awesome Crystal
LSP Language Server Protocol Implementations
- scry (⭐332) - Code analysis server for Crystal implementing the Language Server Protocol
19. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Puzzle Games
- Tile Paths - Android - Drag the tiles and find the best path to make your character collect all items while avoiding the enemy. With 10 different stages you can challenge your friends to see who gets the best highscore in every one of them. By Naslausky
20. Awesome Diversity
- Disability Visibility Project - An online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture.
21. Awesome Billing
Accounting / Online Ads
- “The Accounting department is usually backwards facing. The Finance department is usually forwards facing.” (source)
Accounting / Currencies
- Tutorial on multiple currency accounting - An excellent resource for implementing multi-currency accounting systems.
Finance / Currencies
- The Games People Play With Cash Flow - “Malone created a new accounting metric, something he called ‘earnings before interest, depreciation, and taxes’, or EBITDA.” This is how a cable company CEO made sense of cash flow, like real-estate business did. The article starts with this example and describes other cash flow games for SaaS models.
22. Awesome R
Machine Learning
- lightgbm
- Light Gradient Boosting Machine.
- torch - Tensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' Acceleration.
- nlme
- Mixed-effects models, handling user-specified matrix of residual covariance, relevant for the analysis of repeated observations in longitudinal trials
- tidymodels - A collection of packages for modeling and statistical analysis that share the underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures of the tidyverse.
Language API
- reticulate
- Interface to 'Python'.
23. Awesome Svelte
- MDSveX (⭐2.6k) - Preprocessor for MDX markdown.
- svelte-preprocess-less (⭐13) - Preprocessor for less.
- modular-css (⭐293) - Preprocessor support for modular-css.
- svelte-preprocess-sass (⭐90) - Preprocessor for sass.
UI Libraries
- Svelte Material UI (⭐3.4k) - Material UI Components.
- Smelte (⭐1.5k) - UI framework with material components built with Tailwind CSS. (pre-v5)
- svelte-table (⭐541) - A table implementation that allows sorting and filtering.
- svelte-notifications (⭐315) - Toast notifications component that can be used in any JS application.
- svelte-fa (⭐402) - Tiny FontAwesome 5 and 6 component.
- svelte-awesome (⭐496) - Awesome SVG icon component, built with Font Awesome icons.
- svelte-icons (⭐295) - Icon components.
- svelte-fullcalendar (⭐198) - A component wrapper around FullCalendar.
- svelte-googlemaps (⭐79) - Google Maps component.
- svelte-mapbox (⭐354) - MapBox map and autocomplete components.
- leaflet-svelte (⭐51) - Svelte wrapper for Leaflet.
Forms / Form Components
- svelte-checkbox (⭐78) - A checkbox component (cool animation, customizable). (pre-v5)
- svelte-toggle (⭐22) - Basic toggle component with styling. (pre-v5)
Lint / Form Components
- prettier-plugin-svelte (⭐761) - Format your components using prettier.
- svelte-check - Check your code.
Test / Form Components
- svelte-jester (⭐128) - A Jest transformer to compile your components before importing them into tests.
Editors / Visual Studio Code
- Svelte for VS Code - Provides syntax highlighting and rich intellisense for your components.
Editors / Sublime Text
- Svelte - Syntax highlighting and support for Sublime Text.
Editors / Vim
- vim-svelte-plugin (⭐145) - Syntax highlighting and support for Vim.
- coc-svelte (⭐181) - Syntax highlighting and support for (Neo)Vim.
Editors / JetBrains
- Svelte - Syntax highlighting and support for JetBrains.
24. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- Svelte (⭐1.6k) - App framework.
Back-End Development
- Flask (⭐1.6k) - Python framework.
- Creative Technology (⭐493) - Businesses & groups that specialize in combining computing, design, art, and user experience.
25. Awesome Web Performance Budget
- Performance budgets 101 - How to start a journey by setting up the performance budget.
- Impact of Page Weight on Load Time - Impact of Page Weight on Load Time.
- Web Performance Calender - Speed geek's favorite time of the year.
26. Awesome Biological Visualizations
(Non-spatial) Transcriptomics / Gene expression matrices
- EBI Single Cell Expression Atlas - Single cell gene expression across species.
- MORPHEUS - Versatile matrix visualization and analysis software.
- Clustergrammer - Visualize high-dimensional data as interactive hierarchically clustered heatmaps.
27. Awesome Bigdata
- HASH - open source simulation and visualization platform.
28. Awesome Ios
- attranslate (⭐341) - Semi-automatically translate or synchronize .strings files or crossplatform-files from different languages.
29. Awesome Elixir
- extrace (⭐59) - Elixir wrapper for Recon Trace.
30. Awesome Cryptography
Rust / Git
- mundane (⭐1.1k) - is a Rust cryptography library backed by BoringSSL that is difficult to misuse, ergonomic, and performant.
31. Quick Look Plugins
Preview archives
Note: The BetterZipQL plugin was integrated with the BetterZip app.
Run brew install betterzip
to install the BetterZip app and its Quick Look plugin or download manually
The legacy BetterZipQL plugin can be downloaded here.
Suspicious Package
Preview the contents of a standard Apple installer package
Run brew install suspicious-package
or download manually
Preview the contents of a macOS app
Run brew install apparency
or download manually
SourceCodeSyntaxHighlight (⭐1.6k)
Preview many different source code files
Run brew install --cask --no-quarantine syntax-highlight
or download manually (⭐1.6k)
Note: This might overwrite some other Quick Look plugins.
To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
32. Awesome Typescript
Back-end API / Playground
- 🐙 ZenTS (⭐34) - A modern Node.js and TypeScript first framework for building rich web applications
33. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- Receipt Manager (⭐205) - Receipt parser, manager and tracker by Monolidth
34. Awesome Fastapi
Articles / Other Tools
Tutorials / Other Tools
- Developing and Testing an Asynchronous API with FastAPI and Pytest - Develop and test an asynchronous API with FastAPI, Postgres, Pytest, and Docker using Test-Driven Development.
35. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Containerization
- ros-tooling/cross_compile (⭐172) - Cross compile ROS and ROS 2 workspaces to non-native architectures and generate corresponding Docker images.
36. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for computation / Blockchain projects for AI algorithms
- DeepBrain Chain - A decentralized AI computing platform that supplies processing power to companies looking to develop A.I. technologies.
37. Awesome Codepoints
Standalone Code Points
"Japanese Hashtag"
. Sites like Twitter accept it as equivalent to the regular#
Code Points that Affect Others
The Regional Indicator Symbols U+1F1E6 to U+1F1FF resemble the 26 latin characters. They are used to create flag emoji. Since the Unicode consortium didn’t feel like getting on board with international politics, the solution to flags is to combine these 26 characters to the respective ISO code for a country. Examples:
Country ISO Code Code Points Emoji (if supported) USA US U+1F1FA + U+1F1F8 Germany DE U+1F1E9 + U+1F1EA China CN U+1F1E8 + U+1F1F3
Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- A close second place in this regard goes to the CJK unified ideographs 妛, 挧, 暃, 椦, 槞, 蟐, 袮, 閠, 駲, 墸, 壥, and 彁. These so-called “ghost characters” came to Unicode via the Japanese JIS standard, where they were added, because they were mis-read or misinterpreted from other signs, when JIS was compiled from original printed text sources.
38. Awesome Cdk
Construct Libraries / Static Websites
- ness (⭐631) - CDK powered CLI tool for deploying static sites to your AWS account.
Construct Libraries / Workflows
- aws-pdf-textract-pipeline (⭐126) - ETL pipeline for crawling PDFs from the Web using Puppeteer and transforming their contents into structured data using AWS Textract and storing the results in DynamoDB.
39. Awesome Pentest
Conferences and Events / South America
- Hackers to Hackers Conference (H2HC) - Oldest security research (hacking) conference in Latin America and one of the oldest ones still active in the world.
40. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- Quark-Engine (⭐1.4k) - An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System
- One Step Decompiler (⭐258) - Android APK Decompilation for the Lazy
Tools / Misc Tools
- Android Mobile Device Hardening (⭐202) - AMDH scans and hardens the device's settings and lists harmful installed Apps based on permissions.
- APK-Downloader - seems dead now
41. Public Apis
API: CoinStats
Description: Crypto Tracker
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Games & Comics
API: AmiiboAPI
Description: Nintendo Amiibo Information
Auth: No
API: Boston MBTA Transit
Description: Stations and predicted arrivals for MBTA
CORS: Unknown
42. Awesome React Components
Infinite Scroll
- @egjs/react-infinitegrid (⭐1.9k) - npm - demo - A module used to arrange card elements including content infinitely according to various layout types.
- react-toast (⭐72) - demo - docs (⭐72) - Minimal toast notifications.
- fastcomments-react (⭐7) - demo - FastComments component for embedding a live comment thread on a page or SPA.
- react-pulse-text (⭐17) - demo/docs - Allows you to animate the text of any property of another component.
- @restpace/schema-form (⭐45) - Demo - Easily build complex forms automatically from a JSON Schema.
Device Input / Keyboard Events
- useKeyCapture (⭐24) - A custom hook to ease the key-press listeners of a target/global.
Data Store / Mouse Events
- effector-react (⭐4.5k) - React bindings for effector, an effective multi-store state manager.
Boilerplate / Mouse Events
- react-enterprise-starter-kit (⭐88) - Highly Scalable and Performant Awesome React Starter Kit for an enterprise application with a very easy maintainable codebase.
43. Awesome Fonts
Emojis / Fonts
- Crypto Puzzles (⭐34) - Includes e moji font: ᵺ ༐ 💰 ༐ ⑀ 🅰️ И € ❎ ㏂ 𝔭 ᇉ 𝔬 🎏 ᵺ € モ Ⓜ️ 🍩 🃛 ï ℉ 𝔬 ♑ 𝔱 (Online demo:
Iconic fonts / Fonts
- Crypto animal font (⭐3) - This font translates alphabet characters into symbols. The english ordered version uses animals matching the first letter of their name.
44. Awesome Translations
Apps / Translation software
- OmegaT - Free translation memory / CAT software that works on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Tools / Libraries and tools for developers
- Ruby I18n - Rails internationalization (i18n) API.
- Quasar I18n - App internationalization (i18n) in Quasar framework.
- Python-i18n - Python internationalization (i18n) package.
- Jsproxy for Crowdin - Add-on to Crowdin.
Tools / Machine translation for developers
- SwiftGoogleTranslate (⭐100) - A framework to use cloud translation API by Google in Swift.
Articles / Introductions to internationalization
- Stack Overflow Q&A-2 - What is the actual differences between i18n/l10n/g11n and specifically what does each mean for development?
- W3C - Localization vs. internationalization.
Articles / For developers
- Debian manuals - Chapter 8: i18n and l10n.
- Developer Chrome i18n - Internationalizing your app.
- Software Globalization, - slides - "Software globalization and adding languages on computers and mobile devices" by Craig Cummings (slides).
Articles / Understanding computer-assisted translation
- Computer-assisted translation - CAT (computer-aided translation) tools are typically understood to mean programs that specifically facilitate the actual translation process. This article describe: translation memory software, language search-engine software, terminology management software, alignment software, interactive machine translation, augmented translation.
Articles / Machine translation
- Approaches to Machine Translation - A paper-review on different techniques for machine translation.
- Neural Machine Translation - A paper-review that trace back the origins of modern NMT architectures to word and sentence embeddings and earlier examples of the encoder-decoder network family. It will conclude with a short survey of more recent trends in the field.
Blogs / Machine translation
- Speakt - Well-rounded resource, offering in-depth information from the best professionals in the industry on everything related to translation.
- Lexico - Provides a collection of dictionaries of English and Spanish, and curiosities about many words and languages (in the "Explore" section). It is produced by Oxford University Press.
- The Translator's Teacup - Contains good tips for beginner translators.
Online Courses / Machine translation
- UWashingtonX's I18n and l10n - A collection of 3 courses of internationalization and internationalization for digital products provided by the University of Washington.
- Basic English Grammar and punctuation - English grammar course for beginners provided by the University of California.
- Intermediate English Grammar and punctuation - English grammar course for people with experience provided by the University of California.
- Advanced English Grammar and punctuation - English grammar course for experts provided by the University of California.
- Natural Language Processing - Teaches how to use machine learning to understand and manipulate human language. It requires a working knowledge of machine learning, intermediate Python experience including DL frameworks & proficiency in calculus, linear algebra, & statistics.
- Machine Translation - Explains the basic principles of translation algoritms. It is provided by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany).
Books / Machine translation
- Statistical Machine Translation - Establishes background in NLP and statistics, then develops the basics through to current research. By the end readers can build their own translation systems. The author is Philipp Koehn.
- Neural Machine Translation - This introduction to machine translation starts from the basics of neural network methods and reaches the state of the art, while giving historical, linguistic, and applied context. Code examples in Python give a hands-on blueprint for implementation. The author is still Philipp Koehn.
- Translation: An advanced resource book for students - Introduces the theory and practice of translation from a variety of linguistic and cultural angles. The authors are Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday.
Other / Machine translation
- Google Crowdsource - Crowdsourcing platform developed by Google intended to improve a host of Google services through the user-facing training of different algorithms (with translation and translation validation section).
45. Tools
46. Awesome Dart
Crash monitoring
- Sentry (⭐672) - Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.
47. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨🌍🔧 Gradient Designer - Generate gradients for Tailwind 2.0+.
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Starter Dashboard Layout (⭐214) - Dashboard layout using Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS.
48. FOSS for Dev
- Atom (⭐60k) - Opensource,fully-featured,hackable text editor for coding.
- Brackets (⭐33k) - A modern and open-source code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
49. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- — A free API providing accurate data for building the Covid-19 related useful Apps.
- OpenAPI3 Designer — Visually create Open API 3 definitions for free.
Code Search and Browsing
- Namae - Search various websites like GitHub, Gitlab, Heroku, Netlify, and many more for the availability of your project name.
Design and UI
- BoxySVG — A free installable Web app for drawing SVGs and exporting in SVG, PNG, jpeg, and other formats.
50. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Bookmarks and Link Sharing
- Firefox Account Server - This allows you to host your own Firefox accounts server. (Source Code (⭐624))
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Conduit - A simple, fast, and reliable chat server powered by Matrix. (Source Code)
51. Awesome Pixel Art
Inspiration / Games
- Hyper Light Drifter - Top-down action in a sci-fi world that radiates light and warmth. Using a colorful palette and kaleidoscopic neon yet setting a grim ambiance.
52. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Computer Vision
- Learnergy (⭐64) - Energy-based machine learning models built upon PyTorch.
Python / Natural Language Processing
- NALP (⭐23) - A Natural Adversarial Language Processing framework built over Tensorflow.
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- OPFython (⭐35) - A Python-inspired implementation of the Optimum-Path Forest classifier.
53. Awesome Markdown
Libraries / PHP
- commonmark (⭐2.5k) - Highly-extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark and GFM specs.
Tools / Miscellaneous
- termd (⭐59) - Markdown renderer for the terminal with syntax highlighting.
54. Awesome Humane Tech
Related awesomeness / Wear our badge
- Tromjaro Apps - A curated collection of trade-free applications.
55. Awesome Ddd
- Implementing DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing - Learn how to implement DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing. Understand the theory and put it into practice with JavaScript and Node.js.
Sample Projects / JavaScript / TypeScript
- Booster framework examples (⭐397) Example applications built with Booster Framework.
Libraries and Frameworks / JavaScript / TypeScript
- Booster - A CQRS, DDD and event-sourcing open-source framework that leverages all the infrastructure and uses high-level abstractions and conventions. It help users build advanved even-driven applications letting them focus on business logic exclusively.
56. Awesome Perl
- Audio::SndFile - Perl library for reading and writing sound files
- Audio::Ao - A Perl wrapper for the Ao audio library
- MIDI::ALSA - the perl ALSA library, plus some interface functions
Audio / DSP
- Audio::Analyzer - Demodulate Audio through FFT and perl!
- Audio::Analyzer::ToneDetect - Detect freq of tones in an audio file or stream
Devices / NoSQL Databases
- Device::SerialPort - Generic Serial Port library for serial line communication
- Chipcard::PCSC::Card - Control Smart card using perl and PCSC
- Device::XBee::API - Control XBee Device using pure perl code
- Device::Firmata - module for controlling Firmata devices like Arduino
Email / NoSQL Databases
DOM Manipulation / NoSQL Databases
- HTML5::DOM - Super fast html5 DOM library with css selectors (based on Modest/MyHTML).
Images / NoSQL Databases
- GD - Interface to Gd Graphics Library
- Image::Info - Get image informations
- Image::PNG::Libpng - Perl interface for libpng
- Graphics::TIFF - Perl wrapper for libtiff
- Image::BMP - Perl bitmap image parser and viewer
Video / Coverage
- Vlc::Engine - use Vlc media player with Perl
- VideoLAN::LibVLC - Perl bindings for
- Video::Generator - Perl class for video generation
Web Scraping / Middlewares
- WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS - automate the PhantomJS browser
- WWW::Scripter - For scripting web sites that have scripts
Network Security / Middlewares
- Net::Pcap - Interface to the pcap LBL packet capture library
- Net::Ncap - Perl binding to the ncap network data capture library
- Net::Frame - Perl framework for frame crafting
- NetPacket - assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level
- Net::Write - portable interface to open and send raw data to network
- Net::Analysis - Perl library for analysing network traffic
- Net::Silk - Perl's Interface to the SiLK network flow library
- Net::Inspect - Perl library for inspection of data on various network layers
- Net::Tshark - Perl interface for Tshark network capture utility
- Net::Sharktools - Wireshark's packet inspection capabilities in Perl
- File::PCAP - Read, Write and manipulate PCAP file format through Perl
- Net::P0f - Perl interface to p0f utility, usefull for finger-printing os
- Net::Pcap::Reassemble - Perl IP fragment reassembly for Net::Pcap
- Nagios::NRPE - Pure perl Nagios NRPE implementation
- Monitoring::Plugin - A family of perl modules to streamline writing Naemon, Nagios, Icinga or Shinken (and compatible) plugins
- Net::Connection::Sniffer - practical Perl library for MiTM connections
- Net::ARP - Library for crafting ARP packets
- SNMPMonitor - Perl extension for writing SNMP Monitors
- Net::LibNIDS - Perl interface for the Network Intrusion Detection System library
- Parse::Snort - Perl Snort rules parser
- Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI - Perl WPA_CLI interface
- IO::Socket::SSL::Intercept - library for intercepting SSL connections through Perl
Metadata Forensics / Middlewares
- Image::ExifTool - General metadata parser and viewer framework
Reverse Engineering / Middlewares
- Disassembly - Decompiles binary bytecode to readable and recompilable bytecode assembler
- Python::Bytecode - Parse Python bytecode
- B::Bytecode - Compiles a Perl script into a bytecode format that could be loaded later
- Perf::ARM - Use ARM instructions in Perl
- Asm::Z80::Table - assemble / disassemble all Z80 CPU assembly instructions with Perl
- X86::Disasm - Disassemble Intel x86 instructions with Perl
- Disassemble::X86 - Another library for disassembe X86 instructions
- X86::Udis86 - Interface for the C Udis disassembler
- Asm::X86 - List of instructions and registers of x86-compatible processors, validating and converting instructions and memory references
- ELF::Writer - write and read executable ELF files
57. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Languages and Environments
- YAML (⭐121) - ESLint plugin for YAML.
Plugins / Style
- padding (⭐4) - Allows/disallows padding between statements.
58. Awesome Cl
Interfaces to other package managers
- flatpack-common-lisp - A BuildStream project for building Flatpak based runtime environments for Common Lisp applications.
Utils / Third-party APIs
- calispel (⭐32) - CSP-like channels for common lisp. With blocking, optionally buffered channels and a "CSP select" statement. ISC-style.
- "It is complete, flexible and easy to use. I would recommend Calispel over Lparallel and ChanL." @Ambrevar. discussion (⭐2.7k)
Apps / Third-party APIs
- cl-phonetic (⭐25) - Phonetic pattern matching library for Common Lisp (intended to replace the Sylvia library for Python). MIT.
- cl-string-generator (⭐23) - Generate string from regular expression. MIT.
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- ADW-Charting - A simple chart drawing library written completely in Common Lisp. Also includes a backend to Google's chart service. BSD-like.
59. Awesome Jamstack
Books / Automation
- The Jamstack Book - by Raymond Camden and Brian Rinaldi
60. Awesome Playcanvas
- Rescue the Lunar Lander - Tutorial to make a simple physics based game.
Interactive Experiences
- Cyber City - Promotional site for Visionaries777.
61. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Architecture and Design
- Architecture_Decision_Record (⭐9.1k) - A document that captures an important architectural decision made along with its context and consequences.
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- SA-SSD (⭐466) - Structure Aware Single-stage 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud.
62. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Threat intelligence / Threat signature packages and collections
- FireEye's Sunburst Countermeasures (⭐560) - Collection of IoC in various languages for detecting backdoored SolarWinds Orion NMS activities and related vulnerabilities.
63. Awesome Software Architecture
Documentation / Scalability and Resilience
- arc42 - Template for documentation and communication of software and system architectures.
64. Awesome Job Boards
Remote / TypeScript
65. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
BETA / Non-X86
- MIA 90-02: BETA Compiler - Reference Manual - Mjølner Informatics
- MIA 94-26: BETA Language Introduction - Tutorial - Mjølner Informatics
- MIA 99-41: BETA Language Modifications - Reference Manual - Mjølner Informatics
OCaml / PicoLisp
- OCaml Scientific Computing - Liang Wang, Jianxin Zhao (HTML) (🚧 in process)
66. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Building a realtime quiz with VueJS using a starter kit (⭐77) by Srushtika Neelakantam (October 2020)
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Gamebrary - Open source tool to organize video game collections.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- element3 (⭐3.3k) - A Vue.js 3.0 UI Toolkit for Web is based on element-ui
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- @vueform/multiselect (⭐811) - Vue 3 multiselect component with single select, multiselect and tagging options.
- Prev: Dec 28 - Jan 03, 2020
- Next: Dec 14 - Dec 20, 2020