Awesome List Updates on Dec 14 - Dec 20, 2020
63 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Firebase
- 🔌 Firestore Lite (⭐206) - Lightweight Cloud Firestore library for the browser.
2. Terminals Are Sexy
Terminal Emulation Applications
- Terminator (⭐1.4k) - Multiple GNOME terminals in one window.
3. Awesome Postgres
Resources / Tutorials
- PostgreSQL Primer for Busy People - A collection of the most common commands used in PostgreSQL
4. Awesome Flask
APIs / RESTful API Support
- Eve - RESTful API framework designed for human beings.
- Flask-MongoRest (⭐521) - RESTful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine.
- Flask-RESTful - Quickly build RESTful APIs.
APIs / RESTful API + Swagger/OpenAPI Documentation Support
- Connexion - Open source, OpenAPI-based, REST framework built on top of Flask.
- Flask-Rebar (⭐235) - Combines Flask, marshmallow, and OpenAPI for robust REST services.
- Flask-RESTX - Community-driven fork of Flask-RESTPlus that makes it easy to build and document RESTful APIs with Flask.
APIs / Swagger/OpenAPI Documentation Support
- SAFRS: Python OpenAPI & JSON:API Framework (⭐405) - SAFRS, which is an acronym for SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger, is meant to help developers create self-documenting JSON APIs for SQLAlchemy database objects and relationships.
Auth / Basic Auth and Session-based (for HTML Endpoints)
- Flask-HTTPAuth - Authentication.
- Flask-Login - Account management and authentication.
- Flask Principal - Authorization.
- Flask-Security-Too - Account management, authentication, authorization.
- Flask-User - Account management, authentication, authorization.
Auth / JWT-based (for JSON Endpoints)
- Flask-JWT - Basic support for working with JWTs.
- Flask-JWT-Extended - Advanced support for working with JWTs.
- Flask-JWT-Router (⭐54) - Adds authorized routes to a Flask app.
- Flask-Praetorian - Authentication and authorization for Flask APIs.
Auth / OAuth
- Authlib - Library for building OAuth and OpenID clients and servers.
- Authomatic (⭐1k) - Framework agnostic library for Python web applications that simplifies authentication and authorization of users via OAuth and OpenID.
- Flask-Dance (⭐1k) - OAuth support via OAuthLib.
Cache / OAuth
- Flask-Caching - Caching support.
Data Validation and Serialization / OAuth
- Flask-Marshmallow - Thin integration layer for Flask and marshmallow (an object serialization /deserialization library) that adds additional features to marshmallow.
Databases / ORMs
- Flask-Peewee - Support for Peewee, an ORM and database migration tool.
- Flask-Pony - Support for Pony ORM.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - Support for SQLAlchemy, a SQL toolkit and ORM.
Databases / ODMs
- Flask-PyMongo - Bridges Flask and PyMongo for working with MongoDB.
Databases / Migrations
- Flask-Alembic - Configurable Alembic migration environment around a Flask-SQLAlchemy database for handling database migrations.
- Flask-DB (⭐76) - Flask CLI extension that helps you migrate, drop, create and seed your SQL database.
- Flask-Migrate - Handles SQLAlchemy database migrations via Alembic.
Databases / Other Tools
- Flask-Excel (⭐259) - Uses pyexcel (⭐1.2k) to read, manipulate, and write data in different Excel formats: csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm.
Developer Tools / Debugging
- Flask-DebugToolbar - Port of Django's debug toolbar for Flask.
- Flask-Profiler (⭐751) - Endpoint analyzer/profiler.
Developer Tools / Fixtures
- Flask-Fixtures (⭐64) - Create database fixtures from JSON or YAML.
- Mixer - Object generation tool.
Developer Tools / Monitoring
- Elastic APM Agent - Elastic APM Flask integration.
- Flask Monitoring Dashboard - Dashboard for automatic monitoring of Flask web-services.
- Sentry Python SDK - Sentry SDK Flask integration.
Developer Tools / Testing
- Flask-Testing - Unittest extensions.
- Pytest-Flask (⭐489) - Pytest support for testing Flask applications.
Forms / Testing
- Flask-WTF - Integrates Flask with WTForms (provides CSRF protection as well).
Full-text Search / Testing
- flask-msearch (⭐218) - Full-text search.
- Flask-WhooshAlchemy3 (⭐28) - Full-text search + Whoosh indexing capabilities for Flask-SQLAlchemy.
- SQLAlchemy-Searchable - Provides full-text search capabilities for SQLAlchemy models.
Security / Testing
- Flask-Bcrypt - Provides bcrypt hashing utilities.
- Flask-CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) handling.
- Flask-SeaSurf (⭐190) - Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention.
Task Queues / Testing
- Celery - The most commonly used Python library for handling asynchronous tasks and scheduling.
- Dramatiq - Fast and reliable alternative to Celery.
- Huey - Redis-based task queue that aims to provide a simple, yet flexible framework for executing tasks.
Utils / Testing
- Flask-Babel (⭐444) - Support for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n).
- Flask-File-Upload (⭐154) - Easy file uploads.
- Flask-FlatPages - Provides flat static pages based on text files.
- Frozen-Flask (⭐795) - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files.
- Flask-GraphQL (⭐1.3k) - GraphQL support.
- Flask-Limiter - Rate limiting features to Flask routes.
- Flask-Moment (⭐373) - Moment.js date and time formatting helpers for Jinja2 templates.
- Flask-Paginate - Pagination support.
- Flask-Sitemap - Sitemap generation.
- Flask-SocketIO - Socket.IO integration.
Official Resources / Testing
- Project Website - Official Flask website.
- Documentation - Comprehensive documentation for all Flask versions.
- Flaskr Tutorial - Build a basic blog application called Flaskr.
- Source Code (⭐69k) - Hosted on GitHub.
External Resources / Testing
- Full Stack Python's Flask Page - Explanation of Flask philosophy and links to other resources and tutorials.
- Miguel Grinberg's Blog - Multiple Flask-specific tutorials.
- Nick Janetakis's Blog - Flask Tips, Tricks and Tutorials.
- RealPython - Many high-quality tutorials on Flask.
- - Up-to-date tutorials on Flask.
Community / Testing
- Discord - Pallets Projects community on Discord (use the
channel for Flask support).
- IRC Channel - Chat with other Flask users on IRC channel
on FreeNode.
- Mailing List - General discussion of Flask and the Pallets projects (
[email protected]
- Reddit - Flask subreddit.
- Stack Overflow - Questions tagged
- Twitter - For official announcements on updates, security fixes, etc.
Conferences / Testing
- Flask Conf Brazil - Conference for the developers and users of Flask.
- PyCon US - The largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language.
- PyCon Australia - National conference organized for the Python Programming Community.
- Euro Python - The largest Python conference in Europe.
- PyCon - Complete listing of all PyCons globally.
Meetups / Testing
- Flask - 40+ groups in 20 countries.
- Python Web Development - 600+ groups in 81 countries.
- Python - 2,400+ groups in 100 countries.
Podcasts / Testing
- TalkPython - The leading Python podcast with several episodes on Flask.
- Podcast Init - A popular Python podcast that features Flask guests on occasion.
- Python Bytes - Another Python podcast that discusses Flask from time to time.
- Full Stack Python's Best Python Podcasts Page - A list of active Python-specific podcasts.
Tutorials / Testing
- Flask Mega-Tutorial - Overarching tutorial for Python beginner and intermediate developers that teaches web development with the Flask framework.
- Flaskr TDD (⭐2.3k) - Intro to Flask, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and JavaScript.
- Make a Web App Using Python & Flask! - Creating a Python Website from the Bottom Up.
Courses / Testing
- Developing Web Applications with Python and Flask - This course focuses on teaching the fundamentals of Flask by building and testing a web application using Test-Driven Development (TDD).
- Test-Driven Development with Python, Flask, and Docker - Learn how to build, test, and deploy a production-grade microservice powered by Python, Flask, and Docker.
- Authentication with Flask, React, and Docker - Learn how to add authentication to a Flask and React microservice!.
- Deploying a Flask and React Microservice to AWS ECS - Learn how to deploy microservices to Amazon ECS powered by Flask, React, and Docker.
- Build a SAAS App with Flask - Learn to build web applications with Flask and Docker.
- Full Stack Foundations - Build a data-driven web app with Python.
- Designing RESTful APIs - Build and Secure a backend API server.
Books / Testing
- Flask Web Development - Learn the framework from the ground up by developing, step-by-step, a real-world project.
- Real Python - Learn Python programming, by example.
Boilerplates / Testing
- cookiecutter-flask (⭐4.6k) - With Bootstrap 4, asset bundling annd minification with webpack, starter templates, and registration/authentication.
- Cookiecutter Flask Skeleton (⭐66) - Flask starter project for Cookiecutter (⭐23k).
- Flask-AppBuilder (⭐4.7k) - Simple and rapid application development framework that includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, Google charts, and much more.
- flask-base - Includes SQLAlchemy, Redis, User Authentication, and more.
- Flask-Bootstrap (⭐210) - Integrated SQLAlchemy, authentication, and Bootstrap frontend.
- uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker (⭐3k) - Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
- React-Redux-Flask (⭐1.5k) - Boilerplate application for a Flask JWT Backend and a React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.
Open Source Projects / Testing
- ActorCloud (⭐191) - Open-source IoT Platform.
- Busy Beaver (⭐70) - Chicago Python's Community Engagement Slack bot.
- FlaskBB (⭐2.6k) - Classic forum software.
- Indico (⭐1.8k) - Feature-rich event management system, made at CERN.
- Quokka CMS - The happiest CMS in the world.
- PythonBuddy (⭐280) - Online Python Editor with live syntax checking and execution.
- Redash (⭐27k) - Designed to enable anyone, regardless of the level of technical sophistication, to harness the power of data big and small.
- SkyLines (⭐393) - Live tracking, flight database, and competition framework.
- Security Monkey (⭐4.4k) - Monitors AWS, GCP, OpenStack, and GitHub orgs for assets and their changes over time.
- SecureDrop (⭐3.6k) - Open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from, and communicate with anonymous sources.
- SimpleLogin (⭐5.3k) - Protect your online identity with email alias.
- - Git hosting service (check out Why I chose Flask to build's mini-services as well).
- Timesketch (⭐2.7k) - Collaborative forensic timeline analysis.
5. Awesome Developer First
- Heap - Product analytics API for web and mobile, captures all events.
- Mixpanel - Product analytics and dashboards.
Authentication & Identity
- Auth0 - Authentication & authorization as a service.
- LoginRadius - Managed user authentication service with SSO.
- Okta - Embeddable authentication with SSO.
Code Quality
- Codacy - Automatic code quality checks.
Deployment Hosting
- Heroku - Deploy via CLI to scalable servers.
- Netlify - Deploy JAMStack (mainly Gatsby) via CLI.
- imgix - Transforms, optimizes, and cache images.
- Algolia - Search as a service and full suite of search APIs.
- Swiftype - Search as a service (crawlers and React ready).
- Websolr - Open-source and hosted search with Solr.
- Percy - Continuous visual testing.
6. Awesome Computer Vision
Computer Vision
- Image Processing and Analysis - Stan Birchfield 2018
7. Awesome Cl
VSCode / Third-party APIs
- commonlisp-vscode - an extension to support syntax highlight, auto completion, documentation on hover, go to definition, compile & load file, REPL. It is On GitHub (⭐37).
- strict-paredit-vscode - structural editing and navigation like Emacs.
8. Awesome Haskell
Tutorials / Video Tutorials
- Awesome Haskell Videos (⭐33) - Curated list of Haskell talks and tutorials
9. Awesome Translations
Other / Machine translation
- Pontoon - Various Mozilla localization projects.
10. Awesome React Native
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- React Native Elements Playground 🚀 - Tinker with
components in the web.
11. Awesome Yew
- rust-async-wasm-demo (⭐49) - Toy project to learn Rust and async that can be deployed to the web.
Crates / Component Libraries
- muicss-yew (⭐36) - MUI-CSS Components for Yew framework.
- yew-bulma (⭐20) - A Rust library providing components based on the bulma css library for projects using Yew.
- ybc (⭐257) - A Yew component library based on the Bulma CSS framework.
- patternfly-yew (⭐161) - Patternfly components for Yew.
Crates / Components
- Yew Form (⭐96) - Components to simplify handling forms with Yew.
Crates / Utils
- reacty_yew (⭐54) - Generate Yew components from React components via Typescript type definitions.
- styled-yew (⭐35) - CSS in Rust, similar to styled-components, but for Yew.
12. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / I/O
- Dynamium/EVCalc - EVCalc is a calculation engine for mobile electric venicles (Electric scooters, electric unicycles, and so on) written in Kotlin.
13. FOSS for Dev
- Log4brains (⭐1k) - Docs-as-code knowledge base to manage Architecture Decision Records (ADR) for your project and publish them automatically as a static website
14. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Community
15. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- Teddit
- Alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy.
Related awesomeness / Wear our badge
- JustPrivacy - An in-depth list of alternatives to Google and its products.
16. Awesome Cdk
Construct Libraries / Security
- k9-cdk (⭐6) - Construct to generate secure S3 bucket policies easily.
Community Resources
- The Fish Cookbook (⭐2k) - From Shell to Plate: Savor the Zest of Fish 🦞
- Tide (⭐2.6k) - A modern prompt manager for Fish
- fzf (⭐1.8k) - Ef-🐟-ient key bindings for
. (Alternative (⭐858))
- nvm (⭐2k) - Node.js version manager lovingly made for Fish
- Done (⭐745) - Automatically receive notifications after a long process finishes
- Replay (⭐383) - Run Bash commands replaying changes in Fish. (Alternative (⭐2.1k))
- GitNow (⭐359) - A collection of utility functions to speed up your git workflow
- Getopts (⭐216) - CLI options parser (alternative to the
- Fishtape (⭐343) - TAP-based test runner for Fish
18. Awesome Transit
Blog posts / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- "How to use GTFS data to track transit vehicles in realtime" by Tom Camp - Using GTFS and GTFS Realtime to provide continuous realtime updates.
19. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / HTTP
- smoke (⭐192) - File-based HTTP mock server with recording abilities.
Packages / Web frameworks
- Marble.js (⭐2.1k) - Functional reactive framework for building server-side apps, based on TypeScript and RxJS.
Packages / Testing
- testcontainers-node (⭐2k) - Provides lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
Packages / Automation
- nut.js (⭐2.4k) - Cross-platform native GUI automation / testing framework with image matching capabilities which integrates with Jest.
20. Awesome Icons
- IconPark (⭐8.3k) - IconPark gives access to more than 1,400 high-quality icons, and introduces an interface for customizing your icons. (Website)
- Remix Icon (⭐6.9k) - Remix Icon is a set of open-source neutral-style system symbols for designers and developers. (Website)
21. Awesome Quant
Python / Visualization
- mplfinance (⭐3.8k) - matplotlib utilities for the visualization, and visual analysis, of financial data.
22. Free for Dev
Other Free Resources
- Web.Dev — This is a free tool that allows you to see the performance of your website and improve the SEO to get a higher rank list in search engines.
23. Awesome Testing
QA and Testing Road Map / Useful References
- How to start QA and Testing career (⭐1.9k) - A wide and rich list of strategies, topics, and skills that you need to start a career in software testing and automation.
24. Awesome Machine Learning
General-Purpose Machine Learning / Data Analysis / Data Visualization
- PHP-ML - Machine Learning library for PHP. Algorithms, Cross Validation, Neural Network, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and much more in one library.
25. Awesome Newsletters
CSS / Svelte
- Tailwind Weekly. Weekly newsletter about all things TailwindCSS.
26. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Shopify Theme Lab (⭐763) - Shopify theme development starter using Vue and Tailwind CSS.
27. Awesome Dos
Development tools
- Turbo C 2.01 - C IDE and compiler from Borland first released in 1987.
- Turbo C++ 1.01 - C++ IDE and compiler from Borland released in 1991.
- Ralph Brown's Interrupt List - HTML version - List of every documented and undocumented interrupt call known, accessible through search, categories and interrupt numbers.
- Original in downloadable .zip files from Ralph Brown's website
Open source DOS games / Commercial games with published source code
- Hexen: Beyond Heretic (⭐35) - Indirect sequel to Heretic.
- Original SourceForge link for Heretic/Hexen.
28. Awesome Sre
Capacity Planning
29. Awesome Cassandra
Tools / Custom Time Series
- Instaclustr Minotaur (⭐5) - Command line tool for consistent rebuilding of a Cassandra cluster.
30. Awesome Jmeter
Best Practices
31. Awesome Ocaml
- New Implementations
- Irmin (⭐1.9k) — A distributed database that follows the same design principles as Git.
- Obigstore — A database with BigTable-like data model atop LevelDB.
- RunOrg (⭐12) - It is a WIP database server written in OCaml.
- dokeysto (⭐10) - dumb OCaml key-value store, string keys and string values. Optional on-the-fly LZ4 compression of values or tokyocabinet backend.
32. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / SEO and SMO
- Wagtail Yoast (⭐35) - A tool to improve readability of your texts with SEO recommendations.
Apps / Media
- Wagtail SVG (⭐35) - A Wagtail module for managing SVG files within the admin.
33. Awesome Javascript
Misc / Other
- javascript-algorithms (⭐190k) - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
34. Awesome Kubernetes
Featured On
35. Awesome Arch
Arch-based projects / Not Linux
- PacBSD - A lightweight and flexible BSD distribution that provides a base system for use of
package manager.
Arch-based distros / Desktop
- MagpieOS - Get a fresh experience of Arch.
36. Awesome Pentest
Open Sources Intelligence (OSINT) / Penetration Testing Report Templates
- Depix (⭐26k) - Tool for recovering passwords from pixelized screenshots (by de-pixelating text).
37. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Fuzzing
- Atheris - Coverage-guided Python fuzzing engine based off of libFuzzer that supports fuzzing of Python code but also native extensions written for CPython.
Threat intelligence / Threat signature packages and collections
- FireEye's Red Team Tool Countermeasures (⭐2.6k) - Collection of Snort and YARA rules to detect attacks carried out with FireEye's own Red Team tools, first released after FireEye disclosed a breach in December 2020.
- YARA Rules (⭐4k) - Project covering the need for IT security researchers to have a single repository where different Yara signatures are compiled, classified and kept as up to date as possible.
38. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Syntax highlighting packages
- sublime-rgbds - A Sublime Text 3 package for RGBDS, including syntax highlighting and some completion snippets.
39. Awesome Java
Computer Vision / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ImageJ - Medical image processing application with an API.
- JavaCV (⭐7.7k) - Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and much more.
40. Awesome Pixel Art
Tools / Editors
- Wobblepaint - Pico8 editor that give life to pixel art with a little wobble.
41. Awesome Pascal
Control packs
- DelphiUCL (⭐98).
UWP controls for Delphi VCL.
Machine Learning
- Keras4Delphi (⭐39).
High-level neural networks API, written in Pascal with Python Binding
Other non-visual
- TZDB (⭐75).
IANA Time Zone Database for Delphi/FreePascal
42. Awesome Datascience
43. Guides
Other / CLI
44. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Hawkpass (⭐61) - Password generator.
45. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- Deadlines - An offline, simple deadline tracker made with Vue.js and localForage.
- Scraperbox - Undetectable web scraping API. Built with Laravel and Vue.
46. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Timelane - Visually profile your asynchronous code.
47. Awesome Perl
- Params::ValidationCompiler - Validate method/function parameters.
Class Builder / DSP
- Object::Pad -
class Example { has $x; method reader { return $x } }
, experimental proving-ground for Cor
- Object::Tiny - A class builder that is terse, fast, and tiny.
Data Format / DSP
- CBOR::Free - Support for CBOR, IETF’s “binary JSON”
Event Loops / NoSQL Databases
- Promise::XS - Promises in Perl
Protocol / NoSQL Databases
- Net::Curl - (libcurl)[] integration
- Protocol::DBus - D-Bus in (pure) Perl
Queueing / NoSQL Databases
- Minion - Pure-Perl job queue
Stream Manipulation / NoSQL Databases
- RxPerl - Perl implementation of Reactive Extensions / rxjs
48. Public Apis
API: Kitsu
Description: Anime discovery platform
Description: Get information about place such as country, city, state, etc
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
49. Awesome Terraform
- Not compatible with terraform >= 0.12 👻
- Abandoned 💀
- Monetized 💲
Testing / Community providers
- clarity (⭐141) - A declarative test framework for Terraform for unit testing. 💀
Tools / Community providers
- astro (⭐435) - Astro is a tool for managing multiple Terraform executions as a single command. 👻
- blast radius (⭐2.1k) - Interactive visualizations of Terraform dependency graphs. 💀
- json2hcl (⭐512) - Convert JSON to HCL and vice versa. 👻
- para (⭐57) - The missing 3rd-party plugin manager and a "Swiss army knife" for Terraform/Terragrunt - just 1 tool to facilitate all workflows. 💀
- scenery (⭐366) - Another Terraform plan output prettifier. 👻 💀
- terraform-plan-parser (⭐151) - Command line utility and JavaScript API for parsing stdout from
terraform plan
and converting it to JSON. 👻
- tfjson (⭐180) - Utility to read in a Terraform plan file and dump it out in JSON. 💀
50. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Bash / Non-X86
- Introduction to Bash Scripting (⭐4.6k) - Bobby Iliev (Markdown, PDF)
C++ / Non-X86
- Hands-On System Programming with C++ - Rian Quinn (Packt account required)
- How to make an Operating System - Samy Pesse
Haskell / Spock Framework
- Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell - Simon Marlow
PHP / CodeIgniter
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Hadoop with Python - Zachary Radtka, Donald Miner
Python / Flask
- Flask Documentation - Pallets
Raku / Tornado
- Metagenomics - Ken Youens-Clark
Smalltalk / Play Scala
- Dynamic Web Development with Seaside - S. Ducasse, L. Renggli, C. D. Shaffer, R. Zaccone
51. Awesome Falsehood
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe - A brief list of common falsehoods. A great overview and quick introduction into the world of falsehoods.
- A PHP 5.4+ tax management library.
Dates and Time
- Your Calendrical Fallacy Is Thinking… - List covering intercalation and cultural influence, made by a community of iOS and macOS developers.
- Time Zone Database - Code and data that represent the history of local time for many representative locations around the globe.
- You Advocate a Calendar Reform - Your idea will not work. This article tells you why.
- So You Want to Abolish Time Zones - Abolishing timezones may sound like a good idea, but there are quite a few complications that make it not quite so.
- The Problem with Time & Timezones - A video about why you should never, ever deal with timezones if you can help it.
- ISO-8601,
, and why your year may be wrong - String formatting of date is hard.
- UTC is Enough for everyone, right? - There are edge cases about dates and time (specifically UTC) that you probably haven't thought of.
- Storing UTC is not a silver bullet - “Just store dates in UTC” is not always the right approach.
- Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? - Infamous Stack Overflow answer about both complicated historical timezones, and how historical dates can be re-interpreted by newer versions of software.
- Falsehoods CS Students (Still) Believe Upon Graduating - A list of things (not only) computer science students tend to erroneously and at times surprisingly believe even though they (probably) should know better.
- I Knew How to Validate an Email Address Until I Read the RFC - Provides intricate examples that are unsuspected valid email addresses according the RFC-822.
- So you think you can validate email addresses (FOSDEM 2018) - Presentation of edge-case email addresses and why you should not use regex to parse them.
Human Identity
- Gay Marriage: The Database Engineering Perspective - How to store a marriage in a database while addressing most of the falsehoods about gender, naming and relationships.
- Personal Names Around the World - How do people's names differ around the world, and what are the implications for the Web?
- Hello, I'm Mr. Null. My Name Makes Me Invisible to Computers - Real-life example on how implemented falsehood has negative impact on someone's life.
- HL7 v3 RIM - A flexible data model for representing human names.
- Apple iOS
- Localized representations of the components of a person's name.
- Internationalis(z)ing Code - A video about things you need to keep in mind when internationalizing your code.
- Minimum to Know About Unicode and Character Sets - A good introduction to unicode, its historical context and origins, followed by an overview of its inner working.
- Awesome Unicode (⭐924) - A curated list of delightful Unicode tidbits, packages and resources.
- Dark corners of Unicode - Unicode is extensive, here be dragons.
- Let's Stop Ascribing Meaning to Code Points - Dives deeper in Unicode and dispels myths about code points.
- Breaking Our
Assumptions - Most programmers spend so much time withLatin-1
they forgets about other's scripts quirks.
- Ode to a shipping label - Character encoding is hard, more so when each broken layer of data input adds its own spice.
- i18n Testing Data (⭐64) - Compilation of real-word international and diverse name data for unit testing and QA.
- Big List of Naughty Strings (⭐47k) - A huge corpus of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. A must have set of practical edge-cases to test your software against.
- Fallacies of Distributed Computing - Assumptions that programmers new to distributed applications invariably make.
- There's more than one way to write an IP address - Some parts of the address are optional, mind the decimal and octal notations, and don't forget IPv6 either.
- An attempt to validate hostnames in Python.
Postal Addresses
- Letter Delivered Despite No Name, No Address - Ultimate falsehood about postal addresses: you do not need one.
- The Bear with Its Own ZIP Code - Smokey Bear has his own ZIP Code (
) because he gets so much mail.
- Regex and Postal Addresses - Why regular expressions and street addresses do not mix.
- Google's common C++ and Java library for parsing, formatting, and validating international postal addresses.
- A PHP 5.4+ addressing library, powered by Google's dataset.
- Python module to parse, normalize and render postal addresses.
- Go library to validate and format addresses using Google's dataset.
Software Engineering
- Popular misconceptions about
- Part of a post on why file'smtime
comparison could be considered harmful.
- Floating Point Math - “Your language isn't broken, it's doing floating point math. (…) This is why, more often than not,
0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3
- Truths programmers should know about case - A complete reverse of the falsehoods format, on the topic of case (as in uppercase and lowercase text).
52. Awesome Ipfs
- ipfs-pinner (⭐57) - A toolkit help upload files to IPFS pinning services.
- wbipfs (⭐2) - A command-line tool and Go package interface for wayback webpage to IPFS.
53. Awesome Iam
- The EnterpriseReady SaaS Feature Guides - The majority of the features making B2B users happy will be implemented by the IAM perimeter.
- IAM Is The Real Cloud Lock-In - A little click-baity, but author admit that “It depends on how much you trust them to 1. Stay in business; 2. Not jack up your prices; 3. Not deprecate services out from under you; 4. Provide more value to you in business acceleration than they take away in flexibility.”
- Enterprise Information Security - Mozilla's security and access guidelines.
- Mitigating Cloud Vulnerabilities - “This document divides cloud vulnerabilities into four classes (misconfiguration, poor access control, shared tenancy vulnerabilities, and supply chain vulnerabilities)”.
- Cartography (⭐3.2k) - A Neo4J-based tool to map out dependencies and relationships between services and resources. Supports AWS, GCP, GSuite, Okta and GitHub.
Account Management
- As a user, I want… - A meta-critic of account management, in which features expected by the business clash with real user needs, in the form of user stories written by a fictional project manager.
- Things end users care about but programmers don't - In the same spirit as above, but broader: all the little things we overlook as developers but users really care about. In the top of that list lies account-centric features, diverse integration and import/export tools. I.e. all the enterprise customers needs to cover.
- Separate the account, user and login/auth details - Sound advice to lay down the foundation of a future-proof IAM API.
- Identity Beyond Usernames - On the concept of usernames as identifiers, and the complexities introduced when unicode characters meets uniqueness requirements.
- Cryptographic Right Answers - An up to date set of recommendations for developers who are not cryptography engineers. There's even a shorter summary available.
- Real World Crypto Symposium - Aims to bring together cryptography researchers with developers, focusing on uses in real-world environments such as the Internet, the cloud, and embedded devices.
- An Overview of Cryptography - “This paper has two major purposes. The first is to define some of the terms and concepts behind basic cryptographic methods, and to offer a way to compare the myriad cryptographic schemes in use today. The second is to provide some real examples of cryptography in use today.”
- Papers we love: Cryptography (⭐91k) - Foundational papers of cryptography.
- Lifetimes of cryptographic hash functions - “If you are using compare-by-hash to generate addresses for data that can be supplied by malicious users, you should have a plan to migrate to a new hash every few years”.
Cryptography / Identifiers
- Security Recommendations for Any Device that Depends on Randomly-Generated Numbers - “The phrase ‘random number generator’ should be parsed as follows: It is a random generator of numbers. It is not a generator of random numbers.”
Zero-trust Network / Identifiers
- BeyondCorp: A New Approach to Enterprise Security - Quick overview of Google's Zero-trust Network initiative.
- What is BeyondCorp? What is Identity-Aware Proxy? - More companies add extra layers of VPNs, firewalls, restrictions and constraints, resulting in a terrible experience and a slight security gain. There's a better way.
- oathkeeper (⭐3.3k) - Identity & Access Proxy and Access Control Decision API that authenticates, authorizes, and mutates incoming HTTP requests. Inspired by the BeyondCorp / Zero Trust white paper.
- transcend (⭐251) - BeyondCorp-inspired Access Proxy server.
- Pomerium (⭐4.2k) - An identity-aware proxy that enables secure access to internal applications.
Authentication / Identifiers
- Scaling backend authentication at Facebook - How-to in a nutshell: 1. Small root of trust; 2. TLS isn't enough; 3. Certificate-based tokens; 4. Crypto Auth Tokens (CATs). See the slides for more details.
Password-based auth / Identifiers
- The new NIST password guidance - A summary of NIST Special Publication 800-63B covering new password complexity guidelines.
- Password expiration is dead - Recent scientific research calls into question the value of many long-standing password-security practices such as password expiration policies, and points instead to better alternatives such as enforcing banned-password lists and MFA.
- Banks, Arbitrary Password Restrictions and Why They Don't Matter - “Arbitrary low limits on length and character composition are bad. They look bad, they lead to negative speculation about security posture and they break tools like password managers.”
- Dumb Password Rules (⭐3k) - Shaming sites with dumb password rules.
- Plain Text Offenders - Public shaming of websites storing passwords in plain text.
- Password Manager Resources (⭐4.3k) - A collection of password rules, change URLs and quirks by sites.
- A Well-Known URL for Changing Passwords (⭐902) - Specification defining site resource for password updates.
- How to change the hashing scheme of already hashed user's passwords - Good news: you're not stuck with a legacy password saving scheme. Here is a trick to transparently upgrade to stronger hashing algorithm.
Multi-factor auth / Identifiers
- Breaking Password Dependencies: Challenges in the Final Mile at Microsoft - The primary source of account hacks is password spraying (on legacy auth like SMTP, IMAP, POP, etc.), second is replay attack. Takeaway: password are insecure, use and enforce MFA.
- Beyond Passwords: 2FA, U2F and Google Advanced Protection - An excellent walk-trough over all these technologies.
- Secrets, Lies, and Account Recovery: Lessons from the Use of Personal Knowledge Questions at Google - “Our analysis confirms that secret questions generally offer a security level that is far lower than user-chosen passwords. (…) Surprisingly, we found that a significant cause of this insecurity is that users often don't answer truthfully. (…) On the usability side, we show that secret answers have surprisingly poor memorability”.
- How effective is basic account hygiene at preventing hijacking - Google security team's data shows 2FA blocks 100% of automated bot hacks.
- Attacking Google Authenticator - Probably on the verge of paranoia, but might be a reason to rate limit 2FA validation attempts.
- Compromising online accounts by cracking voicemail systems - Or why you should not rely on automated phone calls as a method to reach the user and reset passwords, 2FA or for any kind of verification. Not unlike SMS-based 2FA, it is currently insecure and can be compromised by the way of its weakest link: voicemail systems.
- Getting 2FA Right in 2019 - On the UX aspects of 2FA.
Multi-factor auth / SMS-based
- SMS 2FA auth is deprecated by NIST - NIST has said that 2FA via SMS is bad and awful since 2016.
- Is SMS 2FA Secure? No. - Definitive research project demonstrating successful attempts at SIM swapping.
- AWS is on its way to deprecate SMS-based 2FA - “We encourage you to use MFA through a U2F security key, hardware device, or virtual (software-based) MFA device. You can continue using this feature until January 31, 2019.”
Password-less auth / WebAuthn
- WebAuthn guide - Introduce WebAuthn as a standard supported by all major browsers, and allowing “servers to register and authenticate users using public key cryptography instead of a password”.
Password-less auth / Security key
- Webauthn and security keys - Describe how authentication works with security keys, details the protocols, and how they articulates with WebAuthn. Key takeaway: “There is no way to create a U2F key with webauthn however. (…) So complete the transition to webauthn of your login process first, then transition registration.”
- Getting started with security keys - A practical guide to stay safe online and prevent phishing with FIDO2, WebAuthn and security keys.
- Solo (⭐2.3k) - Open security key supporting FIDO2 & U2F over USB + NFC.
- OpenSK (⭐3.1k) - Open-source implementation for security keys written in Rust that supports both FIDO U2F and FIDO2 standards.
- YubiKey Guide (⭐12k) - Guide to using YubiKey as a SmartCard for storing GPG encryption, signing and authentication keys, which can also be used for SSH. Many of the principles in this document are applicable to other smart card devices.
- YubiKey at Datadog (⭐495) - Guide to setup Yubikey, U2F, GPG, git, SSH, Keybase, VMware Fusion and Docker Content Trust.
Password-less auth / Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Everything you should know about certificates and PKI but are too afraid to ask - PKI lets you define a system cryptographically. It's universal and vendor neutral.
- Acts as a broker between CAs and environments, providing a central portal for developers to issue TLS certificates with 'sane' defaults.
- CFSSL (⭐8.9k) - A swiss army knife for PKI/TLS by CloudFlare. Command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates.
- JA3 (⭐2.9k) - Method for creating SSL/TLS client fingerprints that should be easy to produce on any platform and can be easily shared for threat intelligence.
Password-less auth / JWT
- Introduction to JSON Web Tokens - Get up to speed on JWT with this article.
- Learn how to use JWT for Authentication (⭐4.2k) - Learn how to use JWT to secure your web app.
- Using JSON Web Tokens as API Keys - Compared to API keys, JWTs offers granular security, homogeneous auth architecture, decentralized issuance, OAuth2 compliance, debuggability, expiration control, device management.
- Managing a Secure JSON Web Token Implementation - JWT has all sorts of flexibility that make it hard to use well.
- Hardcoded secrets, unverified tokens, and other common JWT mistakes - A good recap of all JWT pitfalls.
- Adding JSON Web Token API Keys to a DenyList - On token invalidation.
- Stop using JWT for sessions - And why your "solution" doesn't work, because stateless JWT tokens cannot be invalidated or updated. They will introduce either size issues or security issues depending on where you store them. Stateful JWT tokens are functionally the same as session cookies, but without the battle-tested and well-reviewed implementations or client support.
- JOSE is a Bad Standard That Everyone Should Avoid - The standards are either completely broken or complex minefields hard to navigate.
- - Allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT.
- Standalone minimalistic login server providing a JWT login for multiple login backends (htpasswd, OSIAM, user/password, HTTP basic authentication, OAuth2: GitHub, Google, Bitbucket, Facebook, GitLab).
Authorization / Policy models
- Semantic-based Automated Reasoning for AWS Access Policies using SMT - Zelkova is how AWS does it. This system perform symbolic analysis of IAM policies, and solve the reachability of resources according user's rights and access constraints. Also see the higher-level introduction given at re:inforce 2019.
Authorization / RBAC frameworks
- Athenz (⭐921) - Set of services and libraries supporting service authentication and role-based authorization for provisioning and configuration.
Authorization / ABAC frameworks
- Keto (⭐4.9k) - Policy decision point. It uses a set of access control policies, similar to AWS policies, in order to determine whether a subject is authorized to perform a certain action on a resource.
- Ladon (⭐2.4k) - Access control library, inspired by AWS.
Authorization / AWS policy tools
- Become an AWS IAM Policy Ninja - “In my nearly 5 years at Amazon, I carve out a little time each day, each week to look through the forums, customer tickets to try to find out where people are having trouble.”
- Policy Sentry (⭐2.1k) - Writing security-conscious IAM Policies by hand can be very tedious and inefficient. Policy Sentry helps users to create least-privilege policies in a matter of seconds.
- IAM Floyd (⭐554) - AWS IAM policy statement generator with fluent interface. Helps with creating type safe IAM policies and writing more restrictive/secure statements by offering conditions and ARN generation via IntelliSense. Available for Node.js, Python, .Net and Java.
Authorization / Macaroons
- Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the Cloud - Google's original paper.
- Google paper's author compares Macaroons and JWTs - As a consumer/verifier of macaroons, they allow you (through third-party caveats) to defer some authorization decisions to someone else. JWTs don't.
OAuth2 & OpenID / Other tools
- An Illustrated Guide to OAuth and OpenID Connect - Explain how these standards work using simplified illustrations.
- OAuth 2 Simplified - A reference article describing the protocol in simplified format to help developers and service providers implement it.
- OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English) - Starts with an historical context on how these standards came to be, clears up the innacuracies in the vocabulary, then details the protocols and its pitfalls to make it less intimidating.
- Everything You Need to Know About OAuth (2.0) - A good overview with a practical case study on how Teleport, an open-source remote access tool, allows users to log in through GitHub SSO.
- OAuth in one picture - A nice summary card.
- Open-Sourcing BuzzFeed's SSO Experience - OAuth2-friendly adaptation of the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol. You'll find there good OAuth user flow diagrams.
- Keycloak - Open-source Identity and Access Management. Supports OIDC, OAuth 2 and SAML 2, LDAP and AD directories, password policies.
- The Decline of OpenID - OpenID is being replaced in the public web to a mix of OAuth 1, OAuth 2 or other proprietary SSO protocols.
- Why Mastercard Doesn't Use OAuth 2.0 - “They did this to provide message-level integrity. OAuth 2 switched to transport-level confidentiality/integrity.” (which TLS provides) (source).
SAML / Other tools
- How SAML 2.0 Authentication Works - Overview of the how and why of SSO and SAML.
- Web Single Sign-On, the SAML 2.0 perspective - Another naive explanation of SAML workflow in the context of corporate SSO implementation.
- The Beer Drinker's Guide to SAML - SAML is arcane at times. A another analogy might helps get more sense out of it.
Secret Management / Other tools
- Secret at Scale at Netflix - Solution based on blind signatures. See the slides.
- High Availability in Google's Internal KMS - Not GCP's KMS, but the one at the core of their infrastructure. See the slides.
- Encrypts the values of YAML and JSON files, not the keys.
- Audit git repos for secrets.
- Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings and secrets, digging deep into commit history.
- Keywhiz - A system for managing and distributing secrets, which can fit well with a service oriented architecture (SOA).
- Python module to check for weak RSA moduli in various key formats.
Secret Management / Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- HSM: What they are and why it's likely that you've (indirectly) used one today - Really basic overview of HSM usages.
- Tidbits on AWS Cloud HSM hardware - AWS CloudHSM Classic is backed by SafeNet's Luna HSM, current CloudHSM rely on Cavium's Nitrox, which allows for partitionable "virtual HSMs".
- Keystone - Open-source project for building trusted execution environments (TEE) with secure hardware enclaves, based on the RISC-V architecture.
- Project Oak (⭐1.3k) - A specification and a reference implementation for the secure transfer, storage and processing of data.
Trust & Safety / Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- Trust and safety 101 - A great introduction on the domain and its responsibilities.
- What the Heck is Trust and Safety? - A couple of real use-case to demonstrate the role of a TnS team.
- Awesome List of Billing and Payments: Fraud links (⭐1k) - Section dedicated to fraud management for billing and payment, from our sister repository.
Trust & Safety / User Identity
- The Laws of Identity - Is this paper aims at identity metasystem, its laws still provides great insights at smaller scale, especially the first law: to always allow user control and ask for consent to earn trust.
- How Uber Got Lost - “To limit "friction" Uber allowed riders to sign up without requiring them to provide identity beyond an email — easily faked — or a phone number. (…) Vehicles were stolen and burned; drivers were assaulted, robbed and occasionally murdered. The company stuck with the low-friction sign-up system, even as violence increased.”
- A Comparison of Personal Name Matching: Techniques and Practical Issues - Customer name matching has lots of application, from account deduplication to fraud monitoring.
- Statistically Likely Usernames (⭐1k) - Wordlists for creating statistically likely usernames for use in username-enumeration, simulated password-attacks and other security testing tasks.
- Sherlock (⭐63k) - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks.
Trust & Safety / Fraud
- Investigation into the Unusual Signups - A really detailed analysis of suspicious contributor signups on OpenStreetMap. This beautiful and high-level report demonstrating an orchestrated and directed campaign might serve as a template for fraud reports.
- MIDAS: Detecting Microcluster Anomalies in Edge Streams (⭐769) - A proposed method to “detects microcluster anomalies, or suddenly arriving groups of suspiciously similar edges, in edge streams, using constant time and memory.”
- Gephi (⭐6k) - Open-source platform for visualizing and manipulating large graphs.
Trust & Safety / Moderation
- Still Logged In: What AR and VR Can Learn from MMOs - “If you host an online community, where people can harm another person: you are on the hook. And if you can't afford to be on the hook, don't host an online community”.
Trust & Safety / Threat Intelligence
- Awesome Threat Intelligence (⭐8.5k) - “A concise definition of Threat Intelligence: evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject's response to that menace or hazard.”
- SpiderFoot (⭐14k) - An open source intelligence (OSINT) automation tool. It integrates with just about every data source available and uses a range of methods for data analysis, making that data easy to navigate.
- Standards related to Threat Intelligence - Open standards, tools and methodologies to support threat intelligence analysis.
- MISP taxonomies and classification - Tags to organize information on “threat intelligence including cyber security indicators, financial fraud or counter-terrorism information.”
- Browser Fingerprinting: A survey - Fingerprints can be used as a source of signals to identify bots and fraudsters.
- The challenges of file formats - At one point you will let users upload files in your system. Here is a corpus of suspicious media files (⭐1.5k) that can be leveraged by scammers =to bypass security or fool users.
- SecLists (⭐61k) - Collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more.
- PhishingKitTracker (⭐100) - CSV database of email addresses used by threat actor in phishing kits.
- PhoneInfoga (⭐14k) - Tools to scan phone numbers using only free resources. The goal is to first gather standard information such as country, area, carrier and line type on any international phone numbers with a very good accuracy. Then search for footprints on search engines to try to find the VoIP provider or identify the owner.
- Confusable Homoglyphs (⭐160) - Homoglyphs is a common phishing trick.
Trust & Safety / Captcha
- Awesome Captcha (⭐1.3k) - Reference all open-source captcha libraries, integration, alternatives and cracking tools.
- reCaptcha - reCaptcha is still an effective, economical and quick solution when your company can't afford to have a dedicated team to fight bots and spammers at internet scale.
Blocklists / Captcha
- Bloom Filter - Perfect for this use-case, as bloom filters are designed to quickly check if an element is not in a (large) set. Variations of bloom filters exist for specific data types.
- How Radix trees made blocking IPs 5000 times faster - Radix trees might come handy to speed-up IP blocklists.
Blocklists / Hostnames and Subdomains
- Consolidates reputable hosts files, and merges them into a unified hosts file with duplicates removed.
- Extensive collection of list for security, privacy and parental control.
- The Public Suffix List - Mozilla's registry of public suffixes, under which Internet users can (or historically could) directly register names.
- Country IP Blocks (⭐811) - CIDR country-level IP data, straight from the Regional Internet Registries, updated hourly.
- Certificate Transparency Subdomains (⭐343) - An hourly updated list of subdomains gathered from certificate transparency logs.
- Top-5000 most common domain prefix/suffix list.
- No more ads, tracking and other virtual garbage.
- NSA's XKeyscore matching rules for TOR and other anonymity preserving tools.
- IP to ISP lookup library (includes ASN).
- AMF site blocklist - Official French denylist of money-related fraud sites.
Blocklists / Emails
- Burner email providers (⭐1.1k) - A list of temporary email providers. And its derivative Python module (⭐3.5k).
- MailChecker (⭐1.7k) - Cross-language temporary (disposable/throwaway) email detection library.
- Temporary Email Address Domains - A list of domains for disposable and temporary email addresses. Useful for filtering your email list to increase open rates (sending email to these domains likely will not be opened).
- “A ruby gem to check if the owner of a given email address or website is working for THE MAN (a.k.a verifies government domains).” Good resource to hunt for potential government customers in your user base.
- In the same spirit as above, but this time to flag academic users.
Blocklists / Reserved IDs
- General List of Reserved Words - This is a general list of words you may want to consider reserving, in a system where users can pick any name.
- Hostnames and usernames to reserve - List of all the names that should be restricted from registration in automated systems.
Blocklists / Profanity
- List of Dirty, Naughty, Obscene, and Otherwise Bad Words (⭐3k) - Profanity blocklist from Shutterstock.
- Uses a linear SVM model trained on 200k human-labeled samples of clean and profane text strings.
Privacy / Profanity
- Paper we love: Privacy (⭐91k) - A collection of scientific studies of schemes providing privacy by design.
- IRMA Authentication - Open-source app and protocol that offers privacy-friendly attribute based authentication and signing using Camenisch and Lysyanskaya's Idemix.
- Have I been Pwned? - Data breach index.
- Automated security testing for Software Developers - Most privacy breaches were allowed by known vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies. Here is how to detect them by the way of CI/CD.
- Email marketing regulations around the world (⭐450) - As the world becomes increasingly connected, the email marketing regulation landscape becomes more and more complex.
Privacy / Anonymization
- The False Allure of Hashing for Anonymization - Hashing is not sufficient for anonymization no. But still it is good enough for pseudonymization (which is allowed by the GDPR).
- Four cents to deanonymize: Companies reverse hashed email addresses - “Hashed email addresses can be easily reversed and linked to an individual”.
- Why differential privacy is awesome - Explain the intuition behind differential privacy, a theoretical framework which allow sharing of aggregated data without compromising confidentiality. See follow-up articles with more details and practical aspects.
- k-anonymity: an introduction - An alternative anonymity privacy model.
- Presidio (⭐4.2k) - Context aware, pluggable and customizable data protection and PII data anonymization service for text and images.
Privacy / GDPR
- GDPR Developer Guide (⭐331) - Best practices for developers.
- GDPR – A Practical guide for Developers - A one-page summary of the above.
- GDPR documents (⭐264) - Templates for personal use to have companies comply with "Data Access" requests.
- Dark Patterns after the GDPR - This paper demonstrates that, because of the lack of GDPR law enforcements, dark patterns and implied consent are ubiquitous.
- GDPR Enforcement Tracker - List of GDPR fines and penalties.
- The 2020 State of SaaS Product Onboarding - Covers all the important facets of user onboarding.
- User Onboarding Teardowns - A huge list of deconstructed first-time user signups.
- Discover UI Design Decisions Of Leading Companies - From Leaked Screenshots & A/B Tests.
- Conversion Optimization - A collection of tactics to increase the chance of users finishing the account creation funnel.
- Trello User Onboarding - A detailed case study, nicely presented, on how to improve user onboarding.
- Don't get clever with login forms - Create login forms that are simple, linkable, predictable, and play nicely with password managers.
- Why are the username and password on two different pages? - To support both SSO and password-based login. Now if breaking the login funnel in 2 steps is too infuriating to users, solve this as Dropbox does: an AJAX request when you enter your username.
- HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience - “In this post we will look at the humble
element and the HTML attributes that will help speed up our users' two factor authentication experience”.
- Remove password masking - Summarizes the results from an academic study investigating the impact removing password masking has on consumer trust.
- For anybody who thinks "I could build that in a weekend," this is how Slack decides to send a notification - Notifications are hard. Really hard.
Competitive Analysis / GDPR
- AWS Security, Identity & Compliance announcements - The source of all new features added to the IAM perimeter.
- GCP IAM release notes - Also of note: Identity, Identity Platform, Resource Manager, Key Management Service/HSM, Access Context Manager, Identity-Aware Proxy, Data Loss Prevention and Security Scanner.
- Unofficial Weekly Google Cloud Platform newsletter - Relevant keywords:
- 163 AWS services explained in one line each - Help makes sense of their huge service catalog. In the same spirit: AWS in simple terms & AWS In Plain English.
History / GDPR
- - Cypherpunks overlaps with security. This wiki compiles information about the movement, its history and the people/events of note.
54. Awesome Circuitpython
- Ten Games for the Circuit Playground Express by Rick Leander - Ten classic games adapted for Circuit Python.
- Using Microsoft VSCode for CircuitPython - Blog post discussing the process.
- PyDev of the Week: Scott Shawcroft - July 1, 2019.
- PyCon2019 Keynote - Light Up Your Life - With Python and LEDs - By Nina Zakharenko. Python opens a whole new world of working with wearable electronics. The slides are also available.
- Python on Hardware Means Choices for Makers - By Liz Clark - Apress. CircuitPython (a fork of MicroPython that is designed from the ground up to be beginner friendly.) This allows end users to use Python for their electronics hardware projects similar to how they may have used C/C++ with the Arduino IDE.
- CircuitPython on - Posts on related to CircuitPython.
- CircuitPython on - Curated list of projects on
- The Best Python Podcasts - The Best Python Podcasts.
- ASK AN ENGINEER, Wednesday 8pm ET on YouTube LIVE - The longest running YouTube live show about electronics, information on CircuitPython each week during "Python on hardware segment".
- EuroPython 2019 talk video: Nicholas Tollervey – Tools of the Trade: The Making of a Code Editor - Nicholas Tollervey.
- EuroPython 2019 talk video: Radomir Dopieralski – Game Development with CircuitPython - Radomir Dopieralski.
- Lighting Macro Photographs with CircuitPython - Lighting Macro Photographs with CircuitPython by Stacy Morse at PyCon Australia.
- Writing fast and efficient MicroPython - Writing fast and efficient MicroPython by Damien George at PyCon Australia.
Contributing / Contribution Workflow Overview
- Fetch the remote.
- Create a branch.
- Make a change.
- Commit and push to your repo.
55. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Mumble - Low-latency, high quality voice/text chat software. (Source Code (⭐6.7k), Clients)
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- DailyTxT (⭐253) - Encrypted diary Web application to save your personal memories of each day. Includes a search function and encrypted file upload.
56. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Motivation / Happiness
- 6 Signs You're a Micromanager (And What to Do Instead) - “You're more involved with your employees than ever, yet they seem disgruntled, unhappy, and less productive than usual. Your check-ins seem to go unappreciated. And no one seems receptive to all of your great feedback on their work. What's going on? Well, we hate to break it to you, but you might be a micromanager.”
Engineering / Technical Debt
- Technical debt as a lack of understanding - “The problem lies in "never reorganizing [the code] to reflect your understanding." (…) Organizationally, you pay in velocity and turnover; talented people are going to leave after a few rounds of bullshit.”
Politics / Equity
- Making Nice or Faking Nice? Exploring Supervisors' Two-Faced Response to their Past Abusive Behavior - “It behooves organizations that want to develop highly authentic supervisors or organizational climates to seek to hire supervisors that are lower (or at least not higher) on symbolized moral identity.”
Re-organizations / Acquisition
- How the Digg team was acquihired - Acqui-hire of a whole team can be seen as a type of reorg. In which managers will have to negotiate the new employment contracts in bulk in one or two days: “Because acquihires are “star” oriented, if you're a senior leaders who doesn't explicitly refuse to move forward, pressure will converge on you from all sides”.
57. Awesome Cyclejs
Libraries / Boilerplates
- snowpack-cycle (⭐2) - Snowpack app template to create Cycle.js projects with create-snowpack-app
58. Awesome Billing
Cost Forecast / Market Research
- How to save money on your AWS bill - “The biggest cost savings there are: 1. Turning things off that you're not using; 2. Then spot instances; 3. Then reserved instances.”
Marketplace / Market Research
- Vickrey auction - Hinted by an HN comment, in which yes, “‘Asking people what they'd pay for and how much rarely works.’ (…) [but] using a Vickrey auction, similar to Google's ad auction mechanism, can elicit a person's maximum willingness-to-pay.”
Marketplace / Cloud Resources
- GCP Preemptible VMs vs AWS Spot Instances - “Google's prices are fixed, whereas AWS uses a market model”.
- “Look at the 3-month spot price history to estimate cost and to discover combinations of availability zone and instance type with extra capacity.” (source) - Users are seeking more transparency on the spot market.
Taxes / Currencies
- Global VAT & GST on digital services - List of countries requiring application of taxes on foreign provided online services.
- “British supermarkets (…) charge you a fee for their backend card processing, but they subtract that fee from your checkout price.” (source) - Which allows them to claim the VAT on processing fees as input tax.
Taxes / European VAT
- How to correctly setup SaaS subscriptions to charge VAT in Europe - “If you think you can just setup a simple Stripe integration and move on, like us, you'd be sadly mistaken.”
Fraud / Cards
- How I Stopped a Credit Card Thief From Ripping Off 3,537 People – and Saved Our Nonprofit in the Process - Describe a fraud technique known as "card testing", in which massive batch of stolen cards are checked for their validity against your API.
- Training an ML model to score chargebacks - An example of a platform's network effect, which allows to predict the likelihood of winning a dispute.
- How credit card thieves use free-to-play apps to launder gains - To prevent abuses, service provider must strengthen both credit card verification and the account creation process.
Business Intelligence / Customer Lifetime Value
- You're all calculating churn rates wrong - “On the surface, churn rate may seem like a natural proxy for changes in customer lifetimes. Let's dig into why that is not true.” Churn rate is not a meaningful metric to compute CLV: during the customer lifetime, the churn probability is not constant. Most of the time because of your free trial and vouchers. This article illustrate the influence of the distribution used to model the probability of a customer quitting.
Competitive Analysis / Cloud providers
- AWS Cost Management announcements - The source of all new features added to the billing perimeter.
- GCP billing release notes - Latest changes of GCP billing features.
History / Cloud providers
- The vanished grandeur of accounting - Accounting paintings were a significant genre in Dutch art.
59. Awesome Keycloak
60. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Documentation and Presentation
- mkdocs (⭐16k) - A fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation.
Frameworks and Stacks
- COMPAS (⭐93) - Robotic fabrication package for the COMPAS Framework.
Simulation / Version Control
- BlueSky (⭐260) - The goal of BlueSky is to provide everybody who wants to visualize, analyze or simulate air traffic with a tool to do so without any restrictions, licenses or limitations.
Sensor Processing / Image Processing
- satpy (⭐915) - A python library for reading and manipulating meteorological remote sensing data and writing it to various image and data file formats.
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- CamVox (⭐462) - A low-cost SLAM system based on camera and Livox lidar.
61. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- qr-code (⭐18) - QR Code generator
Image processing
- celestine (⭐92) - Create SVG images using a DSL
62. Awesome Irc
Bots / Self-hosted
- IRC-BF -
- CloudBot (⭐72) - Simple, fast, expandable.
Frameworks / Bridges
- teleirc (⭐134) - Telegram ↔ IRC.
63. Awesome React Components
Custom Scrollbar
- rc-scrollbars (⭐142) - demo - Customizable scrollbars with flex options and 60FPS
Form Components / Autosize Input / Textarea
- react-autowidth-input (⭐11) - Highly configurable & extensible automatically sized input field built with hooks.
- Prev: Dec 21 - Dec 27, 2020
- Next: Dec 07 - Dec 13, 2020