Awesome List Updates on Nov 23 - Nov 29, 2020
56 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Discord Communities
Other Sciences

Biological Sciences
Notable Channels: #biology
, #questions
, #resources
, #molecular-biology
, #microbiology
, #anatomy-and-physiology
, #bioengineering
, #bioinformatics
, #ecology
, #medical-sciences
Language: English

Notable Channels: #highschool-chemistry
, #general-chemistry
, #introductory-organic
, #tech
, #laboratory
, #physical-chemistry
, #inorganic-chemistry
, #organic-chemistry
, #biochemistry
Language: English

Climate Science
Notable Channels: #climate-change-general
, #resources
, #questions-and-debates
, #politics-activism-policy
, #ecology-biology-sustainibility
Language: English

Homework Help
Notable Channels: #challenges
, #math
, #post-calculus
, #chemistry
, #physics
, #english
, #social-science
, #history
, #computer-science
, #studio-art
, so much more
Language: English

Science and Technology
Notable Channels: #astronomy
, #biology
, #chemistry
, #environment
, #mathematics
, #geometry
, #calculus
, #physics
, #psychology
, #technology
, so much more
Language: English
Discussions on bare-bones circuit boards, microprocessors, and bleeding edge hardware.
2. Awesome Crypto Papers
Online crypto challenges / Post-quantum cryptography
3. Awesome Selenium
Tools / Javascript
- CodeceptJS - Modern Era Acceptance Testing Framework for NodeJS.
Web Scraping / Mining / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- Scrapy - Python, mainly a scraper/miner - fast, well documented and, can be linked with Django Dynamic Scraper for nice mining deployments, or Scrapy Cloud for PaaS (server-less) deployment, works in terminal or an server stand-alone process, can be used with Celery, built on top of Twisted.
Specifications / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)
- WebDriver - This specification defines the WebDriver API, a platform and language-neutral interface and associated wire protocol that allows programs or scripts to introspect into, and control the behavior of, a web browser.
4. Awesome Java
Data Structures / Text-Based User Interfaces
- RoaringBitmap (⭐3.6k) - Fast and efficient compressed bitmap.
Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Getdown (⭐515) - System for deploying Java applications to end-user computers and keeping them up to date. Developed as an alternative to Java Web Start.
- JavaPackager (⭐1.1k) - Maven and Gradle plugin which provides an easy way to package Java applications in native Windows, macOS or GNU/Linux executables, and generate installers for them.
Document Processing / Text-Based User Interfaces
- fastexcel (⭐759) - High performance library to read and write large Excel (XLSX) worksheets.
HTTP Clients / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Google HTTP Client (⭐1.4k) - Pluggable HTTP transport abstraction with support for, Apache HTTP Client, Android, Google App Engine, XML, Gson, Jackson and Protobuf.
5. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- Phala-Network/phala-blockchain (⭐348) - Confidential smart contract blockchain based on Intel SGX and Substrate
6. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Uncategorized
- R - discoRd server - Dedicated discoRd server with the following topic-based channels:
for more general discussions,R-Share
for showing off your data visuals,General R Help
for asking questions and sharing learning resources, andTopical Help/Discussion
for issues dealing with statistics, dbi, tidymodels, shiny, natural-science, social-science, bayesians, gis, and finance.
- The ultimate R data.table cheat sheet - Find code for dozens of data tasks in this searchable cheat sheet of R data.table and Tidyverse code. Author: Sharon Machlis.
YouTube / Uncategorized
- IDG TECHtalk - Do More with R playlist includes tutorials on shiny, data.table, getting API data, using Git and Github with R, writing your own packages, run Python in R code, RStudio addins and keyboard shortcuts, dashboards and flexdashboards.
- Shiny Developer Series - The goals of the Shiny Developer Series are to showcase the innovative applications and packages in the ever-growing Shiny ecosystem, as well as the brilliant developers behind them!
7. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Lomorage (⭐228) - Private photo cloud host on Raspberry Pi, with Android/iOS/Web client.
8. Terminals Are Sexy
Tools and Plugins
- zoxide (⭐8k) - cd anywhere without typing in long paths.
9. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / API Clients
- JetBrains/space-kotlin-sdk (⭐46) - Kotlin client for JetBrains Space HTTP API
10. Awesome Video
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Books & Courses
- Communicating Pictures - 2014-06-20 (1st Edition). Bull, David.
- Video Compression Handbook - 2018-07-03 (2nd Edition). Beach, Andy; Owen, Aaron.
11. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Graviton Editor (⭐1.2k) - Cross-platform code editor.
12. Awesome Credit Modeling
- Fintech and big tech credit: a new database - This Working Paper by the Bank of International Settlements, while not as focused on credit risk, maps the conditions for and niches occupied by alternative credit, be it provided by fintechs or big tech companies.
13. Awesome Vehicle Security
- TR19: Automotive Penetration Testing with Scapy - Overview on how Scapy can be used for automotive penetration testing at Troopers Conference 2019.
14. Awesome R
High Performance
- cpp11 (⭐205) - cpp11 is a header-only R package that helps R package developers handle R objects with C++ code. It's similar to Rcpp but with different design trade-offs and features.
15. Awesome List
Decentralized Systems
- Substrate (⭐766) - Framework for writing scalable, upgradeable blockchains in Rust.
16. Awesome React Native
Frameworks / Navigation Demos
- OsmiCSX ★48 (⭐208) - An utility React Native style framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
17. Awesome Roslyn
Source Generators
- Generator.Equals (⭐58) - Automatically implements equality and hashing for classes and records. Supports different comparison strategies. Offers similar functionality like IL weaving-based Equals.Fody (⭐107).
18. Awesome Security
EBooks / Online resources
- The Art of Network Penetration Testing - Book that is a hands-on guide to running your own penetration test on an enterprise network. (early access, published continuously, final release December 2020)
19. Awesome Jupyter
Domain-Specific Projects
- Jupylet (⭐224) - Create 2D and 3D games, graphics, live music and sound interactively in a Jupyter notebook.
20. Magictools
Books / Voxel Editors
21. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Misc
- Wagtail Trash (⭐38) - Will place pages in a trash can from where they can be restored instead of being permanently deleted.
22. Awesome Iot
Articles / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]
- How to begin with the Amazon Timestream - A step-by-step guide to AWS Timestream - a time series database to collect IoT data over-time.
23. Awesome Bioinformatics
- Bactopia (⭐423) - A flexible pipeline, built with Nextflow, for the complete analysis of bacterial genomes. [ web ]
24. Awesome Kubernetes
Featured On
25. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- -
- eBool -
- Project Hatch -
26. Awesome Jamstack
API / E-commerce
- CartQL - GraphQL Shopping Cart and Checkout API built for the Jamstack and to work with any framework and inventory.
27. Awesome Seml
Deployment and Operation
28. Awesome Angular
Free / Google Developer Experts
- Threejs (⭐231) - New Three.js starter app.
29. Awesome Vulkan
- Qualcomm Adreno GPU Tools - samples, Adreno recommendation layer, best practice docs for Adreno GPU.
- Qualcomm Snapdragon Profiler - includes Vulkan traces and frame captures for Adreno GPU.
30. Public Apis
API: Open Library
Description: Books, book covers and related data
Auth: No
Description: Lookup for a name and returns nameday date
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: IBM Text to Speech
Description: Convert text to speech
API: (⭐123)
Description: Create maps and markers for anything
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Covid-19 (⭐399)
Description: Covid 19 cases, deaths and recovery per country
Auth: No
API: Covid-19 Government Response
Description: Government measures tracker to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic
Auth: No
API: Spaceflight News
Description: Spaceflight related news 🚀
Auth: No
31. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- Java Programming - Wikibooks
PHP / Laravel
- 100 (and counting) Laravel Quick Tips - Povilas Korop / LaravelDaily Team (PDF)
PowerShell / Zend
- PowerShell 101: The No-Nonsense Beginner’s Guide to PowerShell - Mike F. Robbins (Leanpub account or valid email requested)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Hands-On Natural Language Processing with Python - Rajesh Arumugam, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani (Packt account required)
Python / Django
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (3.1)
32. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Symlinker (⭐18) - Enables you to load packages from different directories (instead of loading them from /vendor).
- Composer-Compile-Plugin (⭐12) - Allow PHP libraries to define simple, freeform compilation tasks. Support post-install hooks in any package.
33. Awesome Humane Tech
Social networks / Wear our badge
- Barinsta
- A libre, alternative, and lightweight Instagram client for Android.
- OpenTracks
- A sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
- gammastep - Linux tool to adjust the color temperature of your screen to your surroundings.
34. Awesome Flutter
UI / Effect
- Clay Containers (⭐447) - Neumorphic widget primitives to serve as the foundation of your own designs by Michael Charles.
Charts / Image Picker
- Graphic (⭐1.7k) - Data visualization library based on the Grammar of Graphics by LIN Chen
35. Webcomponents the Right Way
36. Awesome Bigdata
Machine Learning
- PyTorch Geometric Temporal (⭐2.7k) - a temporal extension library for PyTorch Geometric .
37. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- DDDSample (⭐4.8k) - Sample DDD project using Spring Boot (originally hosted in
38. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Driver layer
- Blickfeld Cube 1 & Cube Range - ROS2 drivers for Blickfeld Cube 1 & Cube Range.
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- FARobot - Swarm Robot System, a ROS 2/DDS based Fleet Management System.
39. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- Feature Branching Considered Evil by Thierry de Pauw (DevTernity 2019) [49:38]
Web Development
- Introduction to Node.js by Ryan Dahl (BayJax/Yahoo 2011) [58:19]
Test-Driven Development
- Does TDD Really Lead to Good Design? by Sandro Mancuso (DevTernity 2018) [57:59]
40. Awesome Osint
Phone Number Research / Steam
- PhoneInfoga (⭐14k) - Advanced information gathering & OSINT framework for phone numbers.
41. Vertx Awesome
Build tools
- Vert.x Codegen Gradle plugin (⭐9) - A Gradle plugin to facilitate the codegen usage for Vert.x Java projects.
- API Framework (⭐9) - Vert.x and Glue based microservice framework removing distinction between standalone and serveless application. All services can run in standalone server, but, if required, same codebase can be used to run any service as serverless application.
Dependency Injection
- Glue (⭐1) - Proven and opinionated programming, and configuration model for Java and Vert.x based applications. Inspired from ATG Nucleus, provides powerful layer base configuration management using simple properties file.
42. Awesome Cpp
- CppCon 2020 Presentation Materials (⭐1.6k) - CppCon 2020 Presentation Materials.
43. Awesome Cakephp
- Upgrade app (extended) (⭐24) - An extended upgrade app for 3.x=>4.x and some 5.x snippets.
Development Environment
- NetBeans (⭐46) - This package provides support for CakePHP in NetBeans 8.1+.
44. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- apex/apex (⭐27) - Minimal AWS Lambda function manager with Go support.
45. Awesome Analytics
- RudderStack - The warehouse-first customer data platform (CDP) that builds your CDP on your data warehouse for you. RudderStack makes it easy to collect, unify, transform, and store your customer data as well as route it securely to a wide range of common, popular marketing, sales, and product tools (open-source alternative to Segment et al.). (Source Code (⭐3.3k))
46. Free for Dev
Major Cloud Providers
- Amazon Web Services
- CloudFront - 1TB egress per month and 2M Function invocations per month
- CloudWatch - 10 custom metrics and ten alarms
- CodeBuild - 100min of build time per month
- CodeCommit - 5 active users,50GB storage, and 10000 requests per month
- CodePipeline - 1 active pipeline per month
- DynamoDB - 25GB NoSQL DB
- EC2 - 750 hours per month of t2.micro or t3.micro(12mo). 100GB egress per month
- EBS - 30GB per month of General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic(12mo)
- Elastic Load Balancing - 750 hours per month(12mo)
- RDS - 750 hours per month of db.t2.micro, db.t3.micro, or db.t4g.micro, 20GB of General Purpose (SSD) storage, 20GB of storage backups(12 mo)
- S3 - 5GB Standard object storage, 20K Get requests and 2K Put requests(12 mo)
- Glacier - 10GB long-term object storage
- Lambda - 1 million requests per month
- SNS - 1 million publishes per month
- SES - 3.000 messages per month (12mo)
- SQS - 1 million messaging queue requests
- Full, detailed list -
APIs, Data, and ML
- Collect2 — Create an API endpoint to test, automate, and connect webhooks. The free plan allows for two datasets, 2000 records, one forwarder, and one alert.
Crash and Exception Handling
- exceptionless — Real-time error, feature, log reporting, and more. Free for 3k events per month/1 user. Open source and easy to self-host for unlimited use.
- - Free API for temporary email testing, free public email hosting, outbound capture, email-to-slack/websocket/webhook (1,500 monthly API limit)
Managed Data Services
- FaunaDB — Serverless cloud database with native GraphQL, multi-model access, and daily free tiers up to 100 MB
47. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-bitwarden (⭐42) Access your Bitwarden login items in a tmux pane.
48. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Development Environment / Code and Run
- Gitpod (⭐11k) - An open source developer platform that automates the provisioning of ready-to-code development environments.
Sensor Processing / Machine Learning
- nnstreamer-ros (⭐13) - A set of Gstreamer plugins and ROS examples that allow Gstreamer developers to adopt neural network models easily and efficiently and neural network developers to manage neural network pipelines and their filters easily and efficiently.
Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing
- kaolin (⭐3.7k) - A PyTorch Library for Accelerating 3D Deep Learning Research.
Planning and Control / Vector Map
- se2_navigation (⭐289) - Pure pursuit controller and Reeds-Shepp sampling based planner for navigation in SE(2) space.
Network and Middleware / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces
- blickfeld-scanner-lib (⭐17) - Cross-platform library to communicate with LiDAR devices of the Blickfeld GmbH.
49. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Testing
- Faker (⭐3.7k) - A fake data generator library.
50. Awesome Fonts
JavaScript libs / Programming fonts with ligatures
- Beatrix (⭐46) - A tool to chop off useless fonts glyphs and convert TTF/OTF into WOFF & WOFF2
51. Awesome Blazor
- JHipster.NET (⭐319)
JHipster is a well-known platform for generating modern application in java world. JHipster provides a blueprints system that allows to override the default behavior of the generator. JHipster.NET is a blueprint that overrides the back-end part, originally generated in spring boot, by back-end in core. For the front-end all the common language can be used (angular, react), including Blazor.
- RapidCMS (⭐346) -
A code-first, extensible Blazor app that generates a CMS for your own database.
- AsteroidsWasm (⭐155) -
Collection of .NET 8 C# applications consuming a single .NET Standard project running in: Blazor Client (WebAssembly), Blazor Server, Electron (via Blazor Server), WPF, WinForms, MAUI, WinUI 3. Demo.
Tools & Utilities / Others
- BlazorGoogleMaps (⭐349) -
Blazor interop for GoogleMap library.
- BlazorRouter (⭐67) -
BlazorRouter is an awesome router inspired by react-router, providing declarative routing for Blazor.
- DataJuggler.Blazor.FileUpload (⭐33) -
Wrapper for Steve Sanderson's BlazorFileInput component.
52. Awesome Elixir
Domain-specific language
- absinthe_gen (⭐28) - Scaffold generator for Absithne.
53. Machine Learning with Ruby
✨ Tutorials
54. Awesome Lidar
- SICK - Sensor and automation manufacturer, the headquarter is located in Waldkirch, Germany.
- Pioneer - LIDAR manufacturer, specializing in MEMS mirror-based raster scanning LiDARs (3D-LiDAR). Pioneer is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
- Quanenergy - Quanenergy Systems / solid-state and mechanical LIDAR sensors / offers End-to-End solutions in Mapping, Industrial Automation, Transportation and Security. The headquarter is located in Sunnyvale, California, USA.
- Blickfeld - Blickfeld is a solid-state LIDAR manufacturer for autonomous mobility and IoT, based in München, Germany.
- Neuvition - Neuvition is a solid-state LIDAR manufacturer based in Wujiang, China.
55. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Europe
- Project Gutenberg - A library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
Archives and primary sources / Germany
- Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv - An interactive portal on the history of women's movements in Germany.
- Docupedia - Terms, methods, and debates in contemporary history research.
Archives and primary sources / Global
- Internet Archive - Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
- Marxist Internet Archive - Everything you ever wanted to know about Marx (and other important socialists).
- WayBackMachine - Explore more than 486 billion web pages saved over time.
Archives and primary sources / Great Britain
- NLS - Data collections from the National Library of Scotland.
- The Proceedings of the Old Bailey - London's Central Criminal Court, 1674 to 1913.
Archives and primary sources / Netherlands
- Delpher - Dutch newspapers, books and magazines.
Archives and primary sources / North America
- Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection - Online collection of scanned maps.
- Women Working 1800-1930 - An exploration of women's impact on the economic life of the United States between 1800 and the Great Depression.
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- Archives Online - Archival search engine for Switzerland.
- - Swiss newspapers.
- E-Periodica - Swiss journals.
- e-rara - The platform for digitised rare books from Swiss libraries.
- Historical Encyclopedia of Switzerland - Encyclopedia on Swiss history.
- impresso - Historical newspaper collections of the Swiss National Library, the National Library of Luxembourg, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Temps, the Valais State Archives and the Swiss Economic Archives.
- Edition projects - A database containing current historical edition projects in Switzerland.
- Le Temps - Archive of Gazette de Lausanne et du Journal de Genève.
- - Journey through time via maps of Switzerland.
- MEMOBASE - Provides access to audiovisual documents from Swiss memory institutions.
Learning / Switzerland
- Local Linkages - Professional development curriculum to introduce to historical research methods and digital history skills.
- The Programming Historian - Novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching.
- We think History - News about and innovations from digital history.
More Awesome / Switzerland
- Computer History (⭐2.8k) - An Awesome List of computer history videos, documentaries and related folklore.
- Data Visualization (⭐3.9k) - A curated list of awesome open-source data visualizations frameworks, libraries and software.
- Research Tools (⭐2.3k) - A list of tools for research.
- Scientific Writing (⭐788) - Scientific writing can extend beyond LaTeX, made possible by formats, such as Markdown (and its many flavours), reStructuredText and Jupyter notebooks.
56. Awesome Static Website Services
Forms / Normal Forms
- Formcarry - Hassle-free HTML form endpoints for your form, powerful dashboard, reliable spam blocking, attachment uploads and Zapier integrations.
- FormSite - Form builder with payments and form management.
- Prev: Nov 30 - Dec 06, 2020
- Next: Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2020