Awesome List Updates on Nov 23 - Nov 29, 2020

56 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Discord Communities

Other Sciences

Server Icon

Biological Sciences Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #biology, #questions, #resources, #molecular-biology, #microbiology, #anatomy-and-physiology, #bioengineering, #bioinformatics, #ecology, #medical-sciences
Language: English

Server Icon

Chemistry Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #highschool-chemistry, #general-chemistry, #introductory-organic, #tech, #laboratory, #physical-chemistry, #inorganic-chemistry, #organic-chemistry, #biochemistry
Language: English

Server Icon

Climate Science Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #climate-change-general, #resources, #questions-and-debates, #politics-activism-policy, #ecology-biology-sustainibility
Language: English

Server Icon

Homework Help Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #challenges, #math, #post-calculus #biology, #chemistry, #physics, #english, #social-science, #history, #computer-science, #studio-art, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

Science and Technology Git Repository
Notable Channels: #astronomy, #biology, #chemistry #engineering, #environment, #mathematics, #geometry, #calculus, #physics, #psychology, #technology, so much more
Language: English

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Discussions on bare-bones circuit boards, microprocessors, and bleeding edge hardware.

2. Awesome Crypto Papers

Online crypto challenges / Post-quantum cryptography

3. Awesome Selenium

Tools / Javascript

Web Scraping / Mining / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)

Specifications / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)

4. Awesome Java

Data Structures / Text-Based User Interfaces

Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces

Document Processing / Text-Based User Interfaces

HTTP Clients / Text-Based User Interfaces

5. Awesome Rust

Applications / Blockchain

6. Awesome R Learning Resources

Topic Areas / Uncategorized

YouTube / Uncategorized

7. Awesome Raspberry Pi


8. Terminals Are Sexy

Tools and Plugins

9. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / API Clients

10. Awesome Video

Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Books & Courses

11. Awesome Electron

Open Source / Other

12. Awesome Credit Modeling


13. Awesome Vehicle Security


14. Awesome R

High Performance

15. Awesome List

Decentralized Systems

16. Awesome React Native

Frameworks / Navigation Demos

17. Awesome Roslyn

Source Generators

18. Awesome Security

EBooks / Online resources

19. Awesome Jupyter

Domain-Specific Projects

20. Magictools

Books / Voxel Editors

21. Awesome Wagtail

Apps / Misc

22. Awesome Iot

Articles / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]

23. Awesome Bioinformatics


24. Awesome Kubernetes

Featured On

25. PlacesToPostYourStartup


26. Awesome Jamstack

API / E-commerce

27. Awesome Seml

Deployment and Operation


28. Awesome Angular

Free / Google Developer Experts

29. Awesome Vulkan


30. Public Apis







31. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Java / Bootstrap

PHP / Laravel

PowerShell / Zend

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

Python / Django

32. Awesome Composer


Plugins / IRC

33. Awesome Humane Tech

Social networks / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Health / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

34. Awesome Flutter

UI / Effect

Charts / Image Picker

35. Webcomponents the Right Way


36. Awesome Bigdata

Machine Learning

37. Awesome Ddd

Sample Projects / JVM languages

38. Awesome Ros2

Packages / Driver layer

Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)

39. Awesome Talks

Software Development

Web Development

Test-Driven Development

40. Awesome Osint

Phone Number Research / Steam

41. Vertx Awesome

Build tools


Dependency Injection

42. Awesome Cpp


43. Awesome Cakephp


Development Environment

44. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Lambda

45. Awesome Analytics


46. Free for Dev

Major Cloud Providers

APIs, Data, and ML

Crash and Exception Handling


Managed Data Services

47. Awesome Tmux


48. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Development Environment / Code and Run

Sensor Processing / Machine Learning

Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing

Planning and Control / Vector Map

Network and Middleware / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

49. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Testing

50. Awesome Fonts

JavaScript libs / Programming fonts with ligatures

51. Awesome Blazor



Tools & Utilities / Others

52. Awesome Elixir

Domain-specific language

53. Machine Learning with Ruby

✨ Tutorials

54. Awesome Lidar


55. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / Europe

Archives and primary sources / Germany

Archives and primary sources / Global

Archives and primary sources / Great Britain

Archives and primary sources / Netherlands

Archives and primary sources / North America

Archives and primary sources / Switzerland

Learning / Switzerland

More Awesome / Switzerland

56. Awesome Static Website Services

Forms / Normal Forms