Awesome List Updates on Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2020

55 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Ddd


2. Awesome Circuitpython


3. Awesome Git Hooks

Written Guides / update

4. Awesome Ada

Unit Test, Testing / Apache License

5. Awesome Jamstack

API / Forms

6. Awesome Mqtt

Community Resources


Makers / ESP

Makers / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Smart Home Integration Software / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

7. Awesome Sre

Conferences & Meetups

8. Awesome Micropython


9. Awesome WSL

Using WSL / Programming on WSL

10. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

macOS-based defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

11. Awesome Tailwindcss


12. Awesome Swift

Pagination / Barcode

13. Awesome Wpo

Metrics Monitor / Meetups

14. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Communication and Coordination

Documentation and Presentation

Requirements and Safety

Architecture and Design

Frameworks and Stacks

Development Environment / Code and Run

Development Environment / Template

Development Environment / Build and Deploy

Development Environment / Unit and Integration Test

Development Environment / Lint and Format

Development Environment / Debugging and Tracing

Development Environment / Version Control

Simulation / Version Control

Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control

Sensor Processing / Calibration and Transformation

Sensor Processing / Perception Pipeline

Sensor Processing / Machine Learning

Sensor Processing / Parallel Processing

Sensor Processing / Image Processing

Sensor Processing / Radar Processing

Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing

Localization and State Estimation / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Lidar

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Visual

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Vector Map

Prediction / Vector Map

Behavior and Decision / Vector Map

Planning and Control / Vector Map

User Interaction / Graphical User Interface

User Interaction / Acoustic User Interface

User Interaction / Command Line Interface

Data Visualization and Mission Control / Command Line Interface

Data Visualization and Mission Control / Annotation

Data Visualization and Mission Control / Point Cloud

Data Visualization and Mission Control / RViz

Operation System / Monitoring

Operation System / Database and Record

Operation System / Network Distributed File System

Operation System / Server Infrastructure and High Performance Computing

Operation System / Embedded Operation System

Operation System / Real-Time Kernel

Network and Middleware / Real-Time Kernel

Network and Middleware / Ethernet and Wireless Networking

Network and Middleware / Controller Area Network

Network and Middleware / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

Security / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

15. Awesome Nlg

Papers and Articles

16. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

17. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking

Developer Tools / IDEs

18. Awesome Arch

AUR Helpers / Graphical

19. Awesome Ocaml

Large Source Code Examples



20. Awesome Selenium

Tools / Python

21. Public Apis


22. Alternative Internet

Social Networks

23. Awesome R Learning Resources

YouTube / Uncategorized

24. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Miscellaneous

25. Awesome Xamarin


26. Awesome Raspberry Pi

OS Images

27. Awesome Emails

Services / Misc

28. Awesome Billing

Fraud / Trust Score

Business Intelligence / Metrics

Business Intelligence / Customer Lifetime Value

29. Awesome Iam

Password-based auth / Identifiers

Authorization / AWS policy tools

Privacy / Profanity

30. Awesome Falsehood

Postal Addresses

31. Awesome Rtc

Related Lists / Dart Libraries

32. Awesome Svelte


Test / Checkbox

33. Awesome Tensorflow Lite

MOOCs / Other

34. Awesome Cl



Other books

35. Awesome Ios


Tools / Collection View Layout

36. Awesome Javascript


37. Awesome Quantum Computing


38. Awesome Kde

Documentation and Resources / Display Manager

39. Webcomponents the Right Way

Best Practices

Starter Kits


40. Awesome Wagtail

Resources / Recipes

41. Awesome Regression Testing

Tools and frameworks

42. Awesome Playcanvas

Browser Games


43. Awesome Influxdb


44. Awesome Scriptable




Related / Download helper

45. Awesome Product Management

Additional resources / Obsidian

46. Awesome Flutter

Data / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection

🇩🇪 Germany / Misc

🇮🇱 Israel / Misc

47. PlacesToPostYourStartup


48. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Forms

49. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Roles / Engineers

Recruitment / Hiring Process

Exits / Burnout

50. Awesome Elixir

Algorithms and Data structures

Third Party APIs

51. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Misc

52. Awesome Wardley Maps


Templates / ChatGPT

Mapping / ChatGPT

Doctrine Assessement / ChatGPT

Events / ChatGPT

53. Awesome Blazor

2D/3D Rendering engines / CSS

Others / Others

54. Awesome Firebase

Server-side (Cloud Functions, BigQuery etc) / iOS

55. Awesome Fastapi

Tutorials / Other Tools