Awesome List Updates on Nov 09 - Nov 15, 2020
70 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Qt
Software that Uses Qt / New Functionality
- Davinci Resolve - Non-linear video editing freeware with commercial plan used to create some Hollywood movies.
2. Awesome Jupyter
Version Control
- jupyter-nbrequirements (⭐18) - Dependency management and optimization in Jupyter Notebooks.
3. Awesome Irc
Protocol / Platforms
- DareNET Archives - IRC Archives for old hard to find IRC related software.
4. Awesome Flutter
Internationalization / Image Picker
- attranslate (⭐344) - Semi-automated translation of ARB or JSON files by fkirc
Websites / Blogs
- Awesome Flutter tips (⭐2.9k) - Tips to help developers increase productivity by erluxman.
State management / Standard
- Provider (⭐5.2k) - State-management library for Flutter by Remi Rousselet
5. Awesome Music
Audio Libraries
- Soundpipe - a lightweight DSP library written in C.
Audio Tools
- cyanrip - rips and encodes standard audio CDs with the least effort required from user. Cross platform.
Music Programming
- Sporth - a small stack based audio language.
6. Awesome Sass
- Cirrus (⭐1.1k) - A component and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping.
7. Awesome Microservices
Go / Erlang
- Fiber (⭐35k) - Express inspired web framework built on top of Fasthttp, the fastest HTTP engine for Go. Designed to ease things up for fast development with zero memory allocation and performance in mind.
- Gin (⭐80k) - Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance, up to 40 times faster.
- Go Chassis (⭐2.7k) - A framework for rapid development of microservices in Go that is easy to integrate with some cloud ecosystems.
Perl / Scala
- Mojolicious - Next generation web framework for Perl.
8. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors
Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors / Custodial
Processor: NOWPayments
Fees: ≤0.5%
Lightning: No
Directly to Your Wallet: No
Conversion to Fiat: No
Requirements: KYC/AML procedure applied to certain clients, wallet addresses and select assets.
9. Awesome Plotters
Plotter Art For Sale / Patents
10. Awesome Analytics
Privacy focused analytics
- piratepx - Just a little analytics insight for your personal or indie project. 100% free and open source. (Demo, Source (⭐57))
11. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Predicting Risk of Delays in Postal Deliveries with Neural Networks and Gradient Boosting Machines Matilda Söderholm. (2020)
12. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- Cairn (⭐46) - A npm package and CLI tool for saving webpages. (Stable)
- Obelisk (⭐274) - Go package and CLI tool for saving web page as single HTML file. (Stable)
Tools & Software / Search & Discovery
- Mink (⭐50) - A Google Chrome extension for querying Memento aggregators while browsing and integrating live-archived web navigation. (Stable)
Community Resources / Mailing Lists
Community Resources / Slack
- IIPC Slack - Ask @netpreserve for access.
13. Awesome Ios
Tutorials and Keynotes / Collection View Layout
- Learn Swift - Learn Swift - curated list of the top online Swift tutorials and courses.
14. Awesome Elixir
ORM and Datamapping
- mongodb_driver (⭐254) - Alternative driver for MongoDB with support for recent versions of MongoDB and comprehensive feature list.
15. Awesome Cl
Machine Learning
- clml (⭐261) - originally developed by Mathematicl Systems Inc., a Japanese company. With a tutorial. LLGPL.
16. Awesome Prometheus
Proxies / Miscellaneous
- Multi-prometheus proxy (⭐37) - Forwards incoming requests to one of a set of multiple Prometheus instances deployed as HA duplicates of each other using a selector strategy.
- Promxy (⭐1.1k) - Deduplicates data from Prometheus HA pairs.
- Trickster (⭐2k) - HTTP reverse proxy/cache for HTTP applications and a dashboard query accelerator for time series databases.
17. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- dialyzer — The DIALYZER, a DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs. Dialyzer is a static analysis tool that identifies software discrepancies, such as definite type errors, code that has become dead or unreachable because of programming error, and unnecessary tests, in single Erlang modules or entire (sets of) applications. Dialyzer starts its analysis from either debug-compiled BEAM bytecode or from Erlang source code. The file and line number of a discrepancy is reported along with an indication of what the discrepancy is about. Dialyzer bases its analysis on the concept of success typings, which allows for sound warnings (no false positives).
18. Awesome Bigdata
Books / Streaming
- Azure Data Engineering - A book about data engineering in general and the Azure platform specifically
19. Awesome Remote Job
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Feeld - Dating app for couples and singles.
20. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Tutorials
21. Awesome Static Website Services
Forms / Normal Forms
- 123 Contact Form - Connects to other online services such at MailChimp, Salesforce, and Google Drive. It also integrates with payment Processers and includes security and analytics.
22. Awesome Ruby
- Storytime (⭐751) - Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content.
ORM/ODM Extensions
- Bit array
- ActiveFlag (⭐243) - Store up to 64 multiple flags in a single integer column with ActiveRecord.
- Bitfields (⭐223) - Save migrations and columns by storing multiple booleans in a single integer.
Static Site Generation
- Bridgetown (⭐1.2k) - A Webpack-aware, Ruby-powered static site generator for the modern Jamstack era.
23. Awesome Homematic
Misc Software
- HMScriptEditor - A very simple macOS editor and runner for HomeMatic ("Rega") scripts.
24. Awesome Lidar
- Kaolin - Kaolin is a PyTorch Library for Accelerating 3D Deep Learning Research written by NVIDIA Technologies for game and application developers.
- PyVista - 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit.
25. Awesome Billing
- The Network Monetization Map: Aligning Incentives with Revenue - 6 models of monetization relying on network effect.
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- A Survey of Profit Optimization Techniques for Cloud Providers - “The strategy of improving user service quality is discussed first, followed by the pricing strategy for cloud resources to maximize revenue.”
Taxes / European VAT
- Council Directive 2006/112/EC - European Union reference on the common system of VAT.
- What does the "Reverse Charge" refer to? - Answer: a provision in which a business transfer the responsibility of VAT handling to the customer.
26. Awesome Iam
Account Management
- Kratos (⭐12k) - User login, user registration, 2FA and profile management.
- Conjur (⭐804) - Automatically secures secrets used by privileged users and machine identities.
Authorization / ABAC frameworks
- Casbin (⭐18k) - Open-source access control library for Golang projects.
27. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Components
- Symfony Components - The components that make Symfony.
28. Awesome Javascript
Reactive Programming / Runner
- concent (⭐1.4k) - Definitely the ❤️ simplest but ⚡️ strongest state management for react, it is predictable、progressive and efficient.
29. Awesome React Native
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-system-setting (⭐386)- Provides some system setting APIs iOS and Android.
30. Awesome Tensorflow Lite
Helpful links / Other
- TFProfiler (⭐26) - An Android-based app to profile TensorFlow Lite models and measure its performance on smartphone.
31. Awesome Ionic
Open Source Projects
32. Awesome Rust
Libraries / System
- Phate6660/nixinfo (⭐48) [nixinfo] - A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc.
33. Awesome Economics
Research / Data
- MEDevEcon - Data related to development economics.
34. Awesome Vscode
Niketa Theme by Dejan Toteff / Gradle Tasks
- @mattbierner - VS Code Dev
35. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-datagrid (⭐208) - Vue grid wrapper for powerful webcomponent revo-grid with excel like rich edit and behavior.
- vue3-qr-reader (⭐89) - A Vue 3 QR reader component. Refactor vue-qrcode-reader for vue 3 compatibility.
36. Awesome Java
Configuration / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Configurate (⭐404) - Configuration library with support for various configuration formats and transformations.
Podcasts and Screencasts / Mocking
- Inside Java (Official)
Websites / Socials
37. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📁 V-Dashboard (⭐925) - Dashboard starter template built with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS.
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 Vite + React + Tailwind Starter - Boilerplate using Vite, React and Tailwind CSS.
38. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- ADMINLTE (⭐280) -
ADMINLTE for Blazor is a collection of reusable components, with which you can easily develop digital services as a designer or developer. Think of buttons, form elements and page templates. This project adapts ADMINLTE 3 so the components can be used from dotnet core Blazor.
- Material.Blazor (⭐252) -
An alternative Material Theme Razor Component Library. Material.Blazor focuses sharply on giving you pure markup from Google's material-components-web (⭐17k) - we don't try to sit between you and your use of Google's CSS and SASS because they do it better than we ever could. We also have some cool "plus" components. See our demo and comprehensive documentation.
- MComponents (⭐68) -
Open Source MIT Blazor Components: Grid, Select, Wizard etc.
2D/3D Rendering engines / CSS
- BlazorSize (⭐343) -
BlazorSize is a JavaScript interop library for Blazor that is used to detect the Browser's current size, change in size, and test media queries.
39. Awesome WSL
Unofficial Distributions / AlmaLinux OS
- DevuanWSL (⭐19) - Devuan Linux as a WSL Distro. Devuan is a Debian variant without the complexities and dependencies of systemd.
Books / Miscellaneous Tools
40. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Miniflux / Outline Processor Markup Language
Telegram / Telegram RSS bots
universally from / search results
universally from / Kanban
RSS2WIDGET / For Android device
Turn YouTube into Podcast / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
41. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- alestic/lambdash 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐529) - Lambda shell - Run sh commands inside the Lambda environment.
42. Awesome Saltstack
Blogposts and opinions
- SaltStack Overview - An excellent overview and introduction of Salt.
43. Awesome Ipfs
- Multiverse (⭐85) - Multiverse is a decentralized version control system that enables peer-to-peer software development.
44. Awesome Quant
Python / Factor Analysis
- Spectre (⭐666) - GPU-accelerated Factors analysis library and Backtester
45. Awesome Wpo
Generators / Meetups
- AtBuild (⭐35) - JavaScript code generation tool that lets you write JavaScript that outputs JavaScript. Good for unrolling loops and writing libraries that compile away the runtime
Minifiers - HTML / Meetups
- HTMLCompressor - HtmlCompressor is a small, fast, and very easy to use Java library that minifies given HTML or XML source by removing extra whitespaces, comments, and other unneeded characters without breaking the content structure. As a result page become smaller in size and load faster. A command-line version of the compressor is also available.
46. Awesome Piracy
DDL Tools / Free Indexers
- IDM Downloader Unlimited downloading from with IDM.
Music / Third Party Hosts
- gonic (⭐1.1k) Music streaming server / subsonic server API implementation.
Music Automation / Third Party Hosts
- betanin (⭐230) based man-in-the-middle of your torrent client and music player.
47. Awesome Dev Fun
- HTPL Compiler (⭐9) - HTPL is a programming language based on HTML.
48. Awesome Python
Functional Programming
- returns (⭐3.4k) - A set of type-safe monads, transformers, and composition utilities.
49. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C++ / Non-X86
- C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3 - Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield (PDF)
JavaScript / Node.js
Nim / PicoLisp
- Nim Basics - narimiran
- Nim by Example - Flaviu Tamas
- Nim Days - Ahmed Thabet
Ruby / Ruby on Rails
- Ruby Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
50. Awesome Meteor
- Pro Meteor - Free
51. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Date / Time picker
- date-range-picker (⭐102) - demo - A calendar component that supports date, range & ranges picks.
Framework bindings / integrations / Mouse Events
- react-lottie-player (⭐481) - demo - Declarative lottie animation player.
52. Awesome Cloudflare
Workers / Recipes
- Google reCAPTCHA verification (⭐33) - Handle the server-side verification of your reCAPTCHA form.
53. Awesome Scriptable
skiable (⭐15) - Skiing information like snow height or the number of open lifts.
Scriptables-WindowWidget (⭐4) - Setting reminders for room ventilation.
woocommerce-sales - Sales statistics from WooCommerce shop.
54. Public Apis
Games & Comics
API: CheapShark
Description: Steam/PC Game Prices and Deals
Auth: No
API: Orion Health
Description: Medical platform which allows the development of applications for different healthcare scenarios
CORS: Unknown
Open Source Projects
Description: Search among openly licensed and public domain works
API: ObjectCut
Description: Image Background removal
55. Awesome Hacking
Docker Images for Penetration Testing & Security
docker pull metasploitframework/metasploit-framework
- Official Metasploit
docker pull noncetonic/archlinux-pentest-lxde
- Arch Linux Penetration Tester
56. Awesome Inertiajs
Resources / Presets
- Laravel front-end preset (⭐145) - Laravel front-end preset for Inertia.js.
57. Awesome Gatling
Tools / Plugins
- gatling-remote-sbt (⭐10) - Remote execution plugin for Gatling load tests.
- gatling-junitrunner (⭐2) - JUnit wrapper around Gatling simulations.
- gatling-mqtt (⭐43) - A Gatling plugin for stress testing MQTT.
- gatling-kafka (⭐68) - A Gatling plugin for stress testing Apache Kafka protocol.
- gatling-sql (⭐6) - Gatling extension for JDBC or Spark Thrift Server stress testing.
- gatling-tcp-extensions (⭐23) - TCP extensions for Gatling.
- gatling-thrift (⭐18) - Gatling third party plugin for Apache Thrift.
58. Awesome Cli Apps
Entertainment / Video
- editly (⭐4.8k) - Declarative video editing.
Data Manipulation / Processors
- jq (⭐31k) - JSON processor.
- yq (⭐2.6k) - YAML processor.
- dasel (⭐7.2k) - JSON/YAML/TOML/XML processor (like jq/yq).
- yaml-cli (⭐86) - Query/update YAML.
- ramda-cli (⭐573) - Process data with functional pipelines.
Data Manipulation / JSON
- jp (⭐51) - JSON parser.
- underscore-cli (⭐1.7k) - Utility-belt for hacking JSON and Javascript.
Data Manipulation / Columns
- parse-columns-cli (⭐66) - Parse text columns to JSON.
- q - Execution of SQL-like queries on CSV/TSV/tabular text file.
59. Mind Expanding Books
Science and Medicine
Name: Asimov's New Guide to Science
Author: Isaac Asimov
Goodreads Rating: 4.36
Year Published: 1985
Name: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Author: Hans Rosling
Goodreads Rating: 4.36
Year Published: 2018
Name: So You Want to Talk About Race
Author: Ijeoma Oluo
Goodreads Rating: 4.53
Year Published: 2018
Name: The Origin of Others
Author: Toni Morrison
Goodreads Rating: 4.22
Year Published: 2017
Fiction / Classics
Name: Slaughterhouse-Five
Author: Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Goodreads Rating: 4.08
Year Published: 1969
60. Awesome Spark
Packages / Storage
- Delta Lake (⭐7.5k)
- Storage layer with ACID transactions.
61. Awesome Dash
62. Search Engine Optimization
- Descriptive URLs: Use a descriptive page url, which should reflect your targeted keyword.
- File extension - Do not strip out the file extension on URLs.
- HTTPS - Security is a top priority for Google.
- Hyphens - Split words using hyphens.
- Localisation - Choose a country-specific domain, for better local search results.
- Subdomain or subfolder - Subdomains are seen as separate domains.
- URL builder - Use this tool to add custom campaign parameters to your URLs.
- 403: Provide a 403 - Access denied page.
- 404: Provide a 404 - Page not found page.
- Custom Search - With Google Sitelink search box, people can reach your content more quickly.
- File not found: Avoid
- Layout: Use
instead oftables
for layout. Usingtables
is not semantically correct.
- Moving a website: Redirect all your links to the new location via
- Pagination - Implement the
attributes to links.
- Performance - Performance and loading time is important.
- Redirects: Avoid redirects if possible. Use 301 redirect instead of 302.
- RichSnippets - Markup your code with rich snippets, they show up on the search results page.
- Robots - Block pages which should not be indexed via the
file or<meta name="robots" content="">
- Validation: Write valid code (HTML Validator CSS Validator).
- WAI-Aria - Use WAI-Aria tags to help machines understand your code.
Meta Information
- Description - Each page should have a unique description (max. 160 characters)
<meta name="description" content="">
- Title: Each page should have a unique speaking title (60 - 100 characters)
<title>Website Title</title>
- Content: Keyword should appear in ~3% of article length.
- Heading: Keyword should appear in headings.
- Meta Tag - You can ommit the
<meta name="keywords" content="">
, search engines do not use this meta tag.
- Research: Rank for keywords with high traffic and less competition.
- Single: Every page should have a single unique targeted keyword.
- Title: Keyword should appear in page title.
- URL - Keyword should appear in URL name.
- Content: Content matters the most in SEO.
- Flash: Avoid Flash content and Flash pages. They are not accessible on mobile phones and will be ranked lower.
- Freshness: New content is important. Updating pages or posting regularly is recommended.
- Headings: Clear structure
max. 70 characters long.
- Length: Article should be at least 300 words.
- Strong: Use
tag to highlight your targeted keyword.
- Uniqueness - Do not provide duplicated content, use unique content types.
- Alt tag - Add an alt-tag this a description of the image (60 - 70 characters).
- Dimensions: Add the
attributes to the image.
- File name - Use a short descriptive name.
- Optimization - Optimize images by removing some meta information.
- Responsive Images - Serve the most optimized image corresponding to the window size.
- Size: keep the filesize as low as possible.
- Controls: Add controls to playback and control your video.
- Embed: Allow others to embed your videos.
- Transcriptions: Use transcriptions for indexing, usability & content.
- Unplayable content - Avoid unplayable video content. Use HTML5
tag instead of Flash.
- Backlinks: Only add external links if you got a backlink to your site.
- Internal links: Add ~3 internal links to your content.
- Languages - The hreflang tag tells Google which language you are using on a specific page, so the search engine can serve that result to users searching in that language
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="fr-fr" />
- Naming: Use a descriptive link name: “Click here” or “Read more” are bad link text. Better “Read more about SEO and Web Accessibility”.
- nofollow - Add
attribute to external links only to prevent spam and bad links.
- Title: add the title attribute to links.
- AppLinks - Apps that link to your content can then use this metadata to deep-link into your app.
- mobile friendly - Mobile optimized sites are marked in search results. Test for mobile friendly site.
- Smart App Banner - Safari has a Smart App Banner feature that provides a standardized method of promoting apps on the App Store from a website.
- Tap targets - Clickable links should not be too small.
- HTML sitemap - A HTML sitemap allows site visitors to easily navigate a website.
- Image sitemap - Increase that your images can be found in Image Search results.
- Mobile sitemap - For feature phones, you can create a mobile sitemap.
- Video sitemap - Make sure, search engines know about all the video content on your site.
- XML sitemap - Help search engines to index your pages.
Social Media
- Authorship information.
- Facebook - Sharing Best Practices for Websites & Mobile Apps.
- OpenGraph - The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.
- Social Profiles - Add social profiles to your Google search results.
- Social Shares: Provide sharing options for your site.
- Twitter - With Twitter cards, you can attach photos, videos and media experience to you Tweets.
Tools & Services / Webmasters
- Bing Webmasters - Allows webmasters to add their websites to the Bing index crawler.
- Google Search Console (GWT) - Allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites.
- Google Tag Manager - Learn about Google Analytics Tag Manager and how it can help simplify your life and need for IT requests. Launch new tags with a few clicks.
Tools & Services / Analytics
- Ahrefs - Analyze websites, track social media, build backlinks - Ahrefs has you covered. Try our marketing and SEO tools Site Explorer and Content Explorer today!
- BuzzSumo - Find the most shared content for any topic or domain.
- Followerwonk - Tools for Twitter Analytics, Bio Search and More.
- Google Analytics - Generate detailed statistics about a website's traffic.
- Open Site Explorer - Use Open Site Explorer to identify link building opportunities. Research backlinks, identify top pages, view social activity, and analyze anchor text.
- Matomo - An open analytics platform.
- SEMrush - SEMrush is a powerful and versatile competitive intelligence suite for online marketing, from SEO and PPC to social media and video advertising research.
- Seomator - SEO Audit Tool and website crawler for SEO performance improving with How-to-Fix tips.
- SEOstats (⭐1.5k) - SEOstats is a powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics.
- SimilarWeb - Compare website traffic with's advanced traffic estimator tool. See any website's traffic sources & uncover their online marketing strategies.
- SpyFu - Unlimited searches of any competitor's keywords for SEO or Google Ads. Research keywords, and find any domain's strongest content and their most dominant ad copy.
- Twitter Analytics - Measure and boost your impact on Twitter.
- Plausible - Simple and privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics.
Tools & Services / Optimization
- - Get the web's modern capabilities on your own sites and apps with useful guidance and analysis from Whether you already have a website or you're just getting started, learn to build for the modern web at
- PageSpeed Insights - Page Speed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile devices and desktop devices.
- Varvy Seo tool - Displays: domain strength, links, image seo, social counts & mentions, page/technical seo, pagespeed and more.
- - Web Page Test gives you an overall performance waterfall as well as rendering timeline for sites. It also provides critical insight into time to first byte and what could be holding back web page performance.
- WooRank - WooRank will help you to address issues on your site & identify opportunities to push you ahead of the competition.
- - AwesomeTechStack provides insights into the security, modernity, and performance of any website's technology stack and guidance to improve web vitals and the technology stack.
Tools & Services / Keywords
- Google Trends - Explore Google trending search topics with Google Trends.
- Keyword Planner - Plan your Search Network campaigns and learn what your customers are looking for.
- Keyword Tool - Best FREE alternative to Google Keyword Tool for SEO & PPC keyword research! Get 750+ relevant long-tail keywords from Google Suggest in seconds!
- Moz Keyword Explorer - Paid Keyword Tool that provides precise search volume, keyword difficulty, SERP Features and organic click through rate data.
- Keyword Clarity - Free keyword analytics tool that allows you to visualize and group keyword metrics with tree diagrams. The tool works with data from the Google Search Console API and CSVs.
Tools & Services / Links
- OpenLinkProfiler - Get an in-depth analysis of the freshest live backlinks.
- Search Engine Spider Simulator - This tool simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page in exactly the way the search engine bot would see it when it crawls the page: See most prominent or inaccessible page elements.
- Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool & Crawler Software - The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a small desktop program (PC or Mac) which crawls websites links, images, CSS, script and apps from an SEO perspective.
- Linkbuilding Spider (⭐8) - A PHP project to check if websites are linking to your website.
Tools & Services / Structured Data
- Facebook Debugger - Enter the URL you want to scrape to see how the page's markup appears to Facebook.
- Pinterest - Validate your Rich Pins and apply to get them on Pinterest.
- Structured Data Testing Tool - Paste in your rich snippets or url to test it.
- Twitter card validator - Enter the URL of the page with the meta tags to validate.
Tools & Services / Bookmarklets
- OuiSEO (⭐51) - An open-source bookmarklet that shows you on-page SEO and social meta data information.
- SEO Bookmarklet - A One-Stop SEO Bookmarklet to Quickly Review On-Site SEO.
Tools & Services / Browser Extensions
- MozBar - The SEO Toolbar from Moz gives you quick access to many on-page SEO factors, Domain & Page Authority plus a quick nofollow toggle. Download the Free Toolbar today!
Tools & Services / Jekyll Plugins
- Jekyll SEO Tag (⭐1.7k) - A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site's content.
Tools & Services / TYPO3 Extensions
- Basic SEO Features - Adds a separate field for the title-tag per page, easy and SEO-friendly keywords and description editing in a new module as well as a flexible Google Sitemap.
- Google sitemap - High performance Google sitemap implementation that avoids typical errors by other similar extensions.
Tools & Services / WordPress Plugins
- All in One SEO Pack - The most downloaded plugin for WordPress (almost 30 million downloads). Use All in One SEO Pack to automatically optimize your site for Search Engines.
- Yoast SEO - Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using Yoast SEO plugin.
- Slim SEO - Automated SEO tasks for you with a lightweight WordPress SEO plugin.
Books / WordPress Plugins
- Search engine optimization 2016: Learn SEO with smart internet marketing strategies - Learn SEO strategies to rank at the top of Google with SEO 2016.
- Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies - Bruce Clay is one of the most respected figures in the SEO community, teaching classes and workshops at all the major conferences. Like the ‘Art of SEO,’ this book is actually pretty technical and probably not your best easy, first guide, despite being part of the ‘Dummies’ series.
- SEO 2016: Learn Search Engine Optimization - A Comprehensive Must-Have Guide to SEO in Today's Competitive Search Environment.
- SEO Fitness Workbook - Step-by-step book on SEO, starting with goals, going through on page SEO such as page tags, and ending up with off page SEO such as link-building and social mentions.
- SEO For Dummies, 6th Edition - Your fully updated guide to search engine optimization.
- SEO Step-by-Step - The Complete Beginner's Guide to Getting Traffic from Google - Also starts with keywords and covers ON PAGE and OFF PAGE SEO. Emphasizes the importance of speed, and has a nice appendix with SEO resources, glossary, and links.
- SEO Warrior - Essential Techniques for Increasing Web Visibility.
- SEO: Marketing Strategies to Dominate the First Page - Introduction to Google Analytics, Webmaster, Website traffic, Adwords, Pay per click, Website promotion and Search engine optimization.
- The Art of SEO, 3rd Edition - Mastering search engine optimization.
- The Beginner's Guide to SEO - New to SEO? Need to polish up your knowledge? The Beginner's Guide to SEO has been read over 3 million times and provides the information you need to get on the road to professional quality SEO.
- The SEO Battlefield - If you want to establish an ongoing SEO program with the goal of increased traffic and search prominence, this practical step-by-step guide will help you understand SEO methodology and then show you how to put those theories into practice.
Courses / WordPress Plugins
- Analyzing Your Website to Improve SEO - Walks step-by-step through the process of reviewing the content and markup of a web site to improve its ranking in search engine results. With Peter Kent by
- ClickMinded - ClickMinded is an SEO training course for startups that want to grow their organic traffic and sales as quickly as possible.
- Ecommerce SEO 101 Video Series - Ecommerce SEO 101 Video Series with Helen Overland by shopify.
- Improving SEO Using Accessibility Techniques - Make web sites more accessible and search engine friendly through proper markup and web standards compliance. With Morten Rand-Hendriksen by
- International SEO Fundamentals - Attract international visitors to your websites with these SEO tips. Learn how to determine target markets and optimize your website's technical aspects and content for countries and languages around the world. With David Booth by
- Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - A Video Introduction - Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - A Video Introduction with Matt Bailey by video2brain.
- Learning Web Analytics - Learning Web Analytics with Matt Bailey by video2brain.
- SEO for Beginners - SEO for Beginners: A Video Guide Introduction.
- SEO for Ecommerce - SEO for ecommerce is different. Get strategies tailored for optimizing an online store to improve page rankings and build traffic. With Steven Harris by
- SEO for Local Visibility - Achieve maximum visibility in search rankings with these local SEO strategies. With Brad Batesole by
- SEO for Web Designers - SEO for Web Designers with Craig Campbell by TutsPlus.
- SEO Fundamentals - SEO Fundamentals with David Booth by
- SEO Fundamentals - SEO Fundamentals with Paul Wilson by Pluralsight.
- SEO Tools Fundamentals - Learn about today's top SEO tools for technical optimization, content optimization, offsite optimization, and competitive research. With Brad Batesole by
- SEO Training Course by Moz - SEO Training Course with Moz by udemy.
- SEO: Keyword Strategy in Depth - Learn how to research keywords, apply them to your website, and create ad campaigns around keywords. Increase your site traffic and better understand your user's intent with keywords. With Matt Bailey by
- SEO: Link Building in Depth - Investigates the anatomy of a link, how links affect page ranking, and the properties that make an excellent inbound link. With Peter Kent by
- Spying with SEO Tools - Learn how to use SEO tools and techniques to research the competition online. Find out what keywords your competitors are optimizing for—and then outrank them on search engine results pages. With Anson Alexander by
- WordPress Plugins: SEO - Drive more visitors to your WordPress site by performing search engine optimization, or SEO, with the help of two powerful plugins. With Morten Rand-Hendriksen by
63. Awesome Tall Stack
The TALL Stack
- Tailwind CSS - (Awesome List (⭐9.7k)) - A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- Alpine.js (⭐22k) - (Awesome List (⭐741)) - A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
- Livewire - (Awesome List (⭐501)) - A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
- Laravel - (Awesome List (⭐11k)) - A PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
Community Websites
- talltips - Collection of tips and ideas across the TALL stack.
64. Awesome Home Assistant
Uncategorized / Twitter
- rhasspy (⭐1.2k) - Toolkit for developing custom voice assistants.
65. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi 400 (November, 2020)
66. Awesome Circuitpython
-, a browser-based IDE and REPL for CircuitPython - An in-browser editor designed especially for Chromebooks. Works on almost any computer that can run a Chromium-based browser.
67. Awesome Crystal
- Axentro (⭐193) - A custom blockchain platform
Data Formats
- Crystalizer (⭐41) - (De)serialize any Crystal object; supporting JSON, YAML, and Byte formats out of the box
- Athena Validator (⭐5) - Robust & flexible validation framework
Official Documentation Translations
- Invidious (⭐17k) - Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
68. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- sktime (⭐8.2k) - A unified framework for machine learning with time series
69. Awesome Silverstripe Cms
Module Listings
- Silverstripe Recipes on Packagist - Preconfigured sets of modules for different kind of projects.
- SSPak (⭐46) - Tool for managing bundles of db/assets from Silverstripe environments.
- SSPy (⭐1) - Python version of SSPak, that can handle assets more than 2GB.
IDE Plugins
- VSCode Silverstripe - Syntax highlighting for Silverstripe template files in VSCode.
- PHPStorm / Webstorm Live Templates (⭐4) - Shortcuts for adding various Silverstripe specific code snippets.
70. Awesome Veganism
- Etnies - Light and very comfortable shoes.
- Vegano Shoes - Boots, shoes and sneakers reference in Brazil.
- Prev: Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2020
- Next: Nov 02 - Nov 08, 2020