Awesome List Updates on Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2020

76 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Automation and Convention

2. Awesome Mqtt



Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

3. Public Apis

Currency Exchange






4. Awesome Humane Tech

Tracking / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

5. Awesome Devtools

Tools / Deobfuscation & Transformation

6. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In Portuguese

7. Awesome Deep Learning

Researchers / Frameworks

8. Awesome Datascience


Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools

Books / Visualization Tools

Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)

Data Science Competitions / Book Deals (Affiliated)

Datasets / Book Deals (Affiliated)

Other Awesome Lists / Book Deals (Affiliated)

9. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors

Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors

10. Awesome Ocaml

Large Source Code Examples

Project Starter Templates

11. Awesome Pokemon

Development Projects / APIs

12. Awesome Wardley Maps

Maps in the Wild

13. Awesome Piracy

DDL Tools / Free Indexers

14. Awesome Clojure

Editor Plugins

15. Awesome R Learning Resources

Books / Uncategorized

16. Awesome Angular

Developer tools / Google Developer Experts

17. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Content Management Systems

18. Awesome Bitcoin

Additional Resources

19. Web Development Resources

UI Inspiration:

Chrome Extensions:

20. Awesome Opengl


21. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Build Tools

Table of Contents / NoSQL

Configuration / Web Applications

22. Awesome Dev Fun

Esoteric languages

23. Awesome Playwright

Language Support

24. Awesome Meteor


25. Awesome Yew

Tooling / Frameworks

26. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Computer Vision

Tools / Misc

27. Awesome Hacking

Disassemblers and debuggers

28. Awesome Ada

Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License

29. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Engineering to Management Transition

Roles / Executives

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Roles / Engineers

Recruitment / Interview

Motivation / Happiness

Motivation / Procrastination

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Cognitive Tools / Explaining

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Engineering / Technology

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Product Management / Product Strategy

Project Management / Product Marketing

Project Management / Tickets

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Delivery

Communication / Writing

Communication / Style

Communication / Presentations

Career / Promotion

Compensation / Equity

Health / Holidays

Health / Stress

Health / Burnout

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

Exits / Burnout

30. Awesome Keycloak


Commercial Offerings

31. Awesome Canvas

Libraries / To draw using canvas

32. Awesome Rest

Mocking / Symfony2

33. Machine Learning with Ruby

Related Resources / Vector search

34. Awesome Typescript

Libraries / Chrome Extensions

35. Awesome Cl


HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks

Utils / Third-party APIs

REPLs / Third-party APIs

Apps / Third-party APIs

Compression / decompression / Third-party APIs

Developer utilities / Third-party APIs

36. Awesome React Native

Integrations / Navigation Demos

Extension / Navigation Demos

Libraries / Navigation Demos

37. Awesome Calculators

Calculator apps: / Web

Resources / Videos

38. Awesome Home Assistant

Dashboards / Custom Cards

39. Awesome Scala

Books / Devops

Exercises / Devops

Tutorials and courses / Devops

Community Members' Blogs / Devops

Podcasts / Devops

Misc. / Devops

40. Awesome Inertiajs

Resources / Examples

41. Awesome Tensorflow Js

Learn / Videos

42. Awesome Fastapi

Email / Other Tools

43. Awesome Competitive Programming

Books / Open Courses for Algorithms and Data Structures

44. Awesome D3

Charts / Third Party

45. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control

Sensor Processing / Machine Learning

46. Awesome Osint

Main National Search Engines

Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools

Username Check / Steam

Browsers / Steam

DNS / Steam

47. Awesome Wpo

Case studies

Events / Conferences

48. Awesome Seml

Broad Overviews

Data Management

49. Awesome Ios


50. Awesome Roslyn

Open Source Analyzers, Code Fixes, and Refactorings

Source Generators

51. Awesome Remote Job

Articles & Posts


Job boards





Companies with "remote DNA"




Tools / Communication

Others / Others

52. Awesome Flutter


53. Awesome Veganism



54. Awesome Raspberry Pi


55. Awesome Gbdev


ASM / Music drivers and trackers

56. Awesome Swift

UI / Barcode

57. Awesome Haskell


58. Awesome Pascal


59. Awesome Coq

Projects / Frameworks

Projects / Tools

Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics

Resources / Blogs

60. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Note-taking & Editors

61. Awesome Dotnet




Distributed Computing




62. Awesome Electron

Closed Source / Other

63. Mind Expanding Books

Startups and Business

Philosophy And Psychology

Autobiographies and Biographies


Science and Medicine

Logic and Problem Solving







Fiction / Classics

Fiction / Fantasy

Fiction / Historical Fiction

Fiction / Mystery

Fiction / Science Fiction

Health / Miscellaneous

Nature / Miscellaneous

64. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Basic / Non-X86

C / Non-X86

C++ / Non-X86

Java / Bootstrap

JavaScript / Wicket

Mathematica / PicoLisp

Maven / PicoLisp

MySQL / PicoLisp

PHP / PicoLisp

PowerShell / Zend

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

Ruby / Tornado

65. Awesome Earth






Zero Waste

66. Awesome Tailwindcss

UI Libraries, Components & Templates

67. Awesome Wagtail

Apps / Widgets

Apps / Media

Apps / Content Management

68. Awesome Board Games


Forbidden Sky

Soar to dizzying heights in the electrifying cooperative adventure. Work as a team to explore a mysterious platform that floats at the center of a savage storm. Connect a circuit of cables to launch a secret rocket — all before you are struck by lightning or blown off to the depths below. It's a high-wire act that will test your team's capacity for courage and cooperation. One false step and you all could be grounded.This latest installment in the Forbidden that game series takes you to new heights with several novel challenges, including collectively planning a terrain using only limited information and constructing a real electrical circuit.

Forbidden Sky image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 5 10 60m


In Tokaido, each player is a traveler crossing the "East sea road", one of the most magnificent roads of Japan. While traveling, you will meet people, taste fine meals, collect beautiful items, discover great panoramas, and visit temples and wild places but at the end of the day, when everyone has arrived at the end of the road you'll have to be the most initiated traveler – which means that you'll have to be the one who discovered the most interesting and varied things. All of the actions in Tokaido are very simple, and combined with a unique graphic design, Tokaido offers players a peaceful zen mood in its play.

Tokaido Image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 5 8 45m


Santorini is an accessible strategy game, simple enough for an elementary school classroom while aiming to provide gameplay depth and content for hardcore gamers to explore, The rules are simple. Each turn consists of 2 steps. those are Move (move one of your builders into a neighboring space) and Build (construct a building level adjacent to the builder you move). If either of your builders reaches the third level, you win.

Santorini Image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 4 8 20m


The Mind

The Mind is more than just a game. It's an experiment, a journey, a team experience in which you can't exchange information, yet will become one to defeat all the levels of the game. In more detail, the deck contains cards numbered 1-100, and during the game you try to complete 12, 10, or 8 levels of play with 2, 3, or 4 players. In a level, each player receives a hand of cards equal to the number of the level: one card in level 1, two cards in level 2, etc. Collectively you must play these cards into the center of the table on a single discard pile in ascending order but you cannot communicate with one another in any way as to which cards you hold. You simply stare into one another's eyes, and when you feel the time is right, you play your lowest card. If no one holds a card lower than what you played, great, the game continues! If someone did, all players discard face up all cards lower than what you played, and you lose one life.

The Mind image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 4 8+ 15m

69. Awesome Free Software

Software / Web Applications

70. Awesome Steam

Node.js / Trading

Node.js / Misc

71. Awesome Corda


72. Awesome Elixir

Algorithms and Data structures

Artificial Intelligence


73. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

Tools for Teams and Collaboration


Code Quality

74. Awesome Ddd

Free eBooks


Libraries and Frameworks / JVM

75. Awesome H2o

Research Papers

76. Awesome Vue

Resources / External Resources

Components & Libraries / UI Components